
What are the Common Side Effects of Peritoneal Dialysis?

If you were on hemodialysis before but now turn to use peritoneal dialysis, I believe you must find the later type of dialysis is easier for you to follow. However, you still need to pay attention to the following side effects:
● Infections such as abdominal cavity
● Abdomen pain due to dialyzer or dialysate
● Swelling or pulmonary edema
● Dialysis tubular blockage
● Peritonitis
● Loss of protein
● Low potassium
Hernia: In peritoneal dialysis, the insertion of the catheter weakens the muscles of the abdominal wall. Pressure produced by the dialysis solution pushing against the already weakened muscles can lead to a tear, and in this way result in a hernia.
Nutritional Deficiency: Some peritoneal dialysis patients find it difficult to eat, as the dialysis solution in their stomach area makes them feel full. Lesser food intake often translates into poor nutrition, which can be detrimental to a patient's health. On the other hand, some patients gain weight as the outcome of the treatment. This happens, when their bodies absorb the sugar in the dialysis solution.
Infection: A person undergoing dialysis is at risk of skin infection. Great care must be taken during the process of filling, dwelling, and draining dialysis solution to lower this risk. Also, where there is frequent handling of the catheter, risk of infection is higher. The most common type of infection is peritonitis, where the peritoneum (where the catheter is placed in the abdomen) gets infected. Another common problem is the development of skin infections around the catheter insertion site.

The possibility of the patient developing side effects often depends on how the kidney dialysis is performed. For example, if proper care and hygiene is not maintained, a patient can contract an infection. As a patient, if you face any of these or other side effects of kidney dialysis, it is imperative to inform your doctor about it. The good news is that there are solutions and preventive measures to tackle most of the side effects.


Etiology of Renal Insufficiency

Some patients suffering from renal insufficiency and renal insufficiency are not familiar with what causes the disease, renal insufficiency, how much physical side effects. In everyday life, we can pass on the knowledge to renal insufficiency renal insufficiency away from their peculiar injuries.
What is the cause of renal insufficiency , renal insufficiency Almighty divided into:
1 . Disease itself causes renal insufficiency
Disease patients with renal insufficiency caused boils down to can say, is because the development and post- cure various diseases caused by the loss of kidney function and kidney function all part of the loss. For example, primary glomerulonephritis can cause renal dysfunction, hypertension, kidney disease can also cause renal insufficiency, renal interstitial tubular nephropathy, poly cystic kidney disease and other illnesses plus, will lead to failure of kidney function.
2 medication causes renal dysfunction
Drug-induced renal dysfunction resulting mainly refers to the treatment of kidney disease drug misuse, prolonged use accumulated in the kidneys will be under some degree of damage. Damage to the kidneys after the drug reaches sure extent, it will demonstrate the performance of renal insufficiency. For instance, on painkillers, called non- existence of pain in this film Sittingbourne ingredients, if sustained will continue to take on the kidneys hurt; remove non This Sittingbourne. Gentamicin and other drugs also can cause if used improperly renal insufficiency.

Whatever caused renal dysfunction, does not forget to treat as early as possible. So as not to cause aggravation, otherwise it will lead to further complications. How to treat renal dysfunction, was the best thing. My website belongs to a healthy kidney hospital center for present purposes is the larger kidney hospital in the treatment of renal insufficiency. It has unique methods of treatment that you believe would be a great choice.


Iga Nephropathy Symptoms Early

Endoscopic occult blood and no performance proteinuria PRO: This mostly occurs in a child and adolescent population.
Inga nephropathy is quite common than glomerular disease. Clinical data show, inga nephropathy patients can account for more than one-third of patients with primary glomerulonephritis, which is displayed side-effects inga nephropathy is very large. Then there is my site belongs kidney kidney specialist hospital center to treat us to explain its early symptoms of it.
First, the naked eye occults blood: this situation is more prevalent in small children. After the naked eye is often occult blood infected the upper respiratory tract occurs. Naked occult blood in the last several days later will be converted to microscopic occult blood. There are a few patients occult blood will disappear, but will be recurrent.
Third, proteinuria PRO: Many patients showed mild proteinuria PRO, only a portion of the patient will exhibit proteinuria PRO, also some patients have kidney ensemble.
Fourth, other performance: Some patients will exhibit rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, renal insufficiency and uremia, some patients will show the performance of back pain.

These are the kind of kidney specialists explain in detail as we do, we hope to be able to have some degree of help. To remind everyone had kidney kidney hospital for treatment to a professional , my site belongs to heal kidney Kidney Center Hospital is a specialized hospital treat kidney disease , their doctor has decades of experience are professors kidney specialist equipment is also checked to heal world-class , where can relieve your worries , here is your best choice to restore health .

What Early Renal Insufficiency Performance

Early renal dysfunction was not obvious, many people do not steal it to heart, to delay the best time to heal, then what the early renal dysfunction What performance?
1 , weakness, loss of appetite , drowsiness , facial hair yellow , because many patients will show the underlying performance , but also the most neglected of all these , the initial presentation of renal insufficiency mild discomfort if there is more need to pay strict attention , showing severe vomiting , anemia and other symptoms , the best time to heal the patient has missed .
(2) high blood pressure, high blood pressure is also a manifestation of renal insufficiency, the ability to reduce glomerular filtration, the body of water and sodium retention in the kidney secretion stay there, resulting in elevated blood pressure performance. So many kidney will exhibit a sharp blood pressure performance.
3 . Changing urine, edema, renal dysfunction will initially exhibit local edema, after exhibiting generalized edema. Changes in urine are also a sign of renal dysfunction, the patient is under a large number of small bubble urine color becomes dark urine discomfort, pain associated with kidney area.

Performance of early renal dysfunction is much, in addition to suffering but also know how to diagnose renal dysfunction, so as to at the time of the onset of renal insufficiency showed earlier, as early treatment.


How to Prevent Renal Dysfunction

Today, patients with renal insufficiency more and more concerned for the patient with renal insufficiency have headaches enough, but in fact, the side effects of renal dysfunction is that it has perhaps the development of uremia high creatinine , creatinine uremia side effects is extremely high large, perhaps even a side effect of life , so do the prevention of renal dysfunction in everyone 's life is quite focused sectors . So how to prevent renal dysfunction it?
1, renal insufficiency should be done to prevent salt. No method of salty foods, salt causes the body to absorb too much sodium content, and sodium content excessive threat to the health of the kidneys, so the usual attention to low-salt diet, protect the kidneys.
2, should be done to prevent the disease cannot get too high protein food. High protein content remaining amount will be absorbed by the body into a garbage accumulation, will increase the workload of the kidneys. The kidneys weakened. However, can eat some amount of sweets, such as: fruit, sugar products, such as sugar content can supply energy for the body, so that people in the case of low-protein are also needed to ensure the body's energy.
3, life, observe their own health, in particular more attention to the changes in the urine, including: how much, color, etc. In addition, if there is any physical discomfort is important to make time for medical treatment.
Any disease has probably related with the usual habits , so be sure to pay attention to the details of life , away from the occurrence of the disease , when suffering from the disease should not be too anxious to seize the time to heal the patient is the primary selection , in addition, I site nephrotic kidney hospital belongs to heal Center "features six TCM penetration therapy + immunotherapy " using high-tech equipment for the treatment of kidney patients rehabilitation program played a very good effect.
4, daily lives as much as possible to get away from the hormone drugs. Hormone drugs may stimulate the body to make it part of an organ lesions occur in disease. Asked the doctor when sick in accordance with medication.

5, usually pay attention to sports, exercise, increase resistance. Note also that life less smoking, less drinking, stays away from alcohol than kidneys.


What is the Treatment of Uremia High Creatinine Program

For the purposes of healing the current level of technology uremia high creatinine method is hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, kidney transplantation of these three methods.
A hemodialysis:
Hemodialysis is to use a special instrument to replace the artificial kidney is renal function. Boot to the blood dialysis machines, blood by diffusion within the hazardous electrolyte substances and excessive discharge, to purify the blood of purpose. Patients are usually end-stage renal disease using this method to heal. However, the use of hemodialysis patients will produce dependence, is prone to various complications, severe cases have demonstrated the heart of a recession.
Second, peritoneal dialysis
Peritoneal dialysis is a semi-permeable membrane, because the concentration of solute is not the same on both sides of the peritoneum, the abdominal cavity by continuously replacing the dialysate, to remove the patient's body metabolites, toxic substances, and correcting water, electrolyte balance purposes. Since peritoneal dialysis has an external operation, a case will exhibit infection.
Today, more and more patients with uremia high creatinine, many patients suffering from uremia want to know how to treat elevated creatinine. Uremic is very difficult to heal, and the side effects of uremia high creatinine are very large, even when a serious threat to the patient's life. This is a great time to heal uremia high creatinine is a very focused way, then what is the treatment of uremia high creatinine options?

Kidney transplantation is a fundamental condition in some patients when to consider a kidney transplant. Kidney transplant is to utilize a healthy kidney to replace the patient's kidneys to work. Can enjoy a vigorous life over a longer time by kidney transplant patients. However, renal transplantation is difficult to find the right kidney, and the high cost of surgery is not an ordinary family can afford.

What Kind of Antihypertensive Drugs in Chronic Renal Failure is Good

Chronic renal failure is difficult to compare the clinical cure disease , it will trigger some complications of high blood pressure , severe impact on patient 's life and illness , the patient is important to note that good control of blood pressure, chronic renal failure, what to eat so good antihypertensive drugs it? We ask me website belongs kidney hospital's kidney disease treatment center director Wang to explain to everyone analyses this question.
Treat high blood pressure drugs are clinically lot, but not sure of all antihypertensive drugs are suitable for patients with chronic renal failure , chronic renal failure patients taking antihypertensive drugs at the time , be sure to pay attention to protect the kidneys , far from the first to the kidneys three damaged. Chronic renal failure patients can take some of the angiotensin- converting enzyme inhibitor, enalapril ), lisinopril ), suppression Ping Shu antihypertensive drugs, they have some degree of kidney protection, will not cause damage to the kidneys.
Some of the long-acting calcium antagonists such as nalorphine ( Norvasc ) , Plendil , sustained-release verapamil , thanks to the same antihypertensive drug treatment of chronic heart kidney failure , high blood pressure also have some degree of achievement of renal protective effect to some extent , the patient can take.

Chronic renal failure is sure to make time to heal and to control the disease , so as to fundamentally to control the patient 's blood pressure , kidney failure can heal my site belongs to kidney hospital kidney disease treatment center, they introduced the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine penetration therapy + six immunotherapy mainly herbal cure kidney failure, can solve the problem , righting, feed meridians, activating new students, improve the structure of the kidney , a little bit of recovery of renal function , and thus effective treatment of chronic renal failure.

How to Treat Renal Dysfunction

The kidney is the organ of the body focused on maintaining good health plays a considerable effect priorities. Renal insufficiency is not an independent disease, but kidney development period to make sure exhibit physiological function of the kidney is not perfect, such as the secretion of urine dysfunction, decreased efficacy of detoxification, endocrine dysfunction, and so on. Renal insufficiency considerable side effects, renal insufficiency then know how to cure is necessary.
Drink diet: First, conduct high-quality low-volume protein diet. The main product of human metabolism of protein from food ingredients, so take control of access to high protein foods, the decomposition minimize the burden on the kidneys. Second, in order to allow high-quality protein to get the maximum use of low volume, you must supply energy to the human body, may be appropriate to eat fruit, honey, sugar, etc., but be careful not to overdo it. Third, do not recommend eating animal offal and seafood food; vegetables without too many restrictions.
Drug treatment: renal insufficiency Plenary exhibit various manifestations, such as edema, high blood pressure, vomiting, nausea, and so on. When showing the performance should seize the time to go to the hospital, do urine and kidney function tests. For the disease, high blood pressure and edema first eliminate performance indicators further reduced beyond the normal eventually and kidneys and kidney. My website belongs to heal kidney kidney hospital center to introduce "features six TCM penetration therapy + immunotherapy," topical medication for the kidney, so the efficacy full play, and stimulate the immune factors, improve the body's resistance. Healing is the best pick of renal insufficiency.

If early renal dysfunction hurry to heal, is fully able to restore the physiological function of the kidney, and may miss the best cure period if the results would be disastrous. So be sure to patients with renal insufficiency, active treatment, do not take his own life a joke.


Causes and Symptoms of Lupus Nephritis

Lupus nephritis is a kidney disorder that is a complication of systemic lupus erythematosus.
Causes of Lupus Nephritis
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE, or lupus) is an autoimmune disease. This means there is a problem with the body's immune system.
Normally, the immune system helps protect the body from harmful substances. But in patients with an autoimmune disease, the immune system cannot tell the difference between harmful substances and healthy ones. As a result, the immune system attacks otherwise healthy cells and tissue.
SLE may damage different parts of the kidney, leading to interstitial nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and membranous GN. It may rapidly worsen to kidney failure.
Lupus nephritis affects approximately 3 out of every 10,000 people. In children with SLE, about half will have some form or degree of kidney involvement.
More than half of patients have not had other symptoms of SLE when they are diagnosed with lupus nephritis.
SLE is most common in women ages 20 - 40. For more information, see: systemic lupus erythematosus.
Symptoms of lupus nephritis include:
Blood in the urine
Foamy appearance to urine
High blood pressure
Swelling of any area of the body

If you have symptoms of lupus nephritis mentioned above, you should have a timely treatment.
If there is anything unclear about the natural cure for kidney cyst, do not hesitate to email us renal-disease@hotmail.com. Keep well!


Treatment of IgAN

IgA nephropathy is a common cause of glomerulonephritis. Although it is a benign disease in most patients, chronic renal failure and ESRD occur in about 20-40% of patients within 20 years of presentation. Currently, no cure exists for IgA nephropathy, but therapies that can delay the onset of need for dialysis and transplantation are available.
High blood pressure medications. One area where there is near complete agreement is on the subject of blood pressure. Impaired kidneys are very good at secreting a hormone which deliberately raises blood pressure. It is imperative that any treatment for controlling high blood pressure be followed rigorously, as high blood pressure itself further adds to the damage being caused in the kidneys, and it is an independent risk factor for ESRD (not to mention other cardiovascular complications). In addition to lowering blood pressure, some specific high BP medications appear to have renal-protective and/or antiproteinuric effects. Generally, this applies to all the medications of a given class, namely, the ACE inhibitors, and also their close cousins, the Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers. In some cases, some doctors are experimenting with using both at the same time. You can expect maximum reduction of proteinuria (up to about 40-50%) about four weeks after starting an ACE inhibitor. Basically, for maximum protection against further damage to your kidneys caused by high blood pressure, your nephrologist will want to reduce your BP as much as possible without putting you at risk of fainting. This will be a BP that is lower than it would be for someone without kidney disease. On the other hand, it should be said that the benefits of going below 130/80 are very minimal. Sometimes, blood pressure is treated down so much that it has a significant negative effect on quality of life of the patient.

Dietary restrictions. A lower-protein diet is commonly prescribed to patients who have more advanced renal failure (often referred to as pre-esrd). However, the use of a low-protein diet in mild to moderate IgAN is controversial, as there is no solid evidence that it has any value, and in some cases, it can actually be harmful (might cause growth retardation in children). Your nephrologist will tell you if you need to be on a low protein diet. If you are hypertensive or have edema, you may be asked to reduce sodium intake. An actual renal diet (low protein, low potassium, low sodium, low phosphorus, high calories) is not required until IgAN has progressed to more advanced renal failure. The purpose of such a renal diet is not to delay progression of IgAN, but mainly to minimize the uremic symptoms of chronic renal failure (which may or may not extend the time until dialysis is needed). Unless you are specifically told to restrict something in your diet, there is no need to do so. There is no evidence that any food causes or affects IgAN, however, some people do believe an antigenic diet may be useful, and some nephrologists can be found who will suggest it (this is not considered mainstream medicine at present).


Feet and Ankle Swelling in Stage 5 Lupus Nephritis

Feet and Ankle Swelling in Stage 5 Lupus NephritisFeet and ankle swelling are common signs in Stage 5 Lupus Nephritis, in which almost all of the patients’ kidney function disappear. Therefore, knowing how to prevent and ease the swelling is very important.
Conventional treatment for swollen legs in CKD stage 5
In cases of CKD stage 5, swelling symptom is usually treated by diuretics. Our kidneys filter blood during which excessive fluids and wastes are discharged. However, when kidneys are damaged, they will be unable in functioning well, as a result of which, excessive fluids and wastes will build up in the body. Swollen legs occur when large amounts of fluid build up in legs. Diuretics is a kind of medication which can help our body remove excessive fluids and when the fluids are removed out of patient’s body, swelling symptom is remitted effectively.
Diuretics is helpful and show quick effects. However, it is not a long-term solution, as it can not repair damaged kidneys at all. What is worse, long-term application of diuretics will cause many side effects like dyslipidemia, arrhythmia, coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis and so on. Therefore, diuretics treatment is not a long-time solution.
Immunotherapy for swollen legs in CKD stage 5
We have mentioned above that CKD stage 5 actually means end stage kidney failure. In such a case, repairing damaged kidney tissues is the key point. For an individual with CKD stage 5, there are healthy, damaged and necrotic renal intrinsic cells. For these necrotic renal cells, it is impossible to make them alive again, but for these damaged one, we can active them by increasing their self-repairing capacity. Just as our hands, when there is a small wound, they can recover by themselves. Our renal intrinsic cells also have self-repairing ability and by increasing their self-curative ability, some damaged renal cells can be repaired and also kidney function can be improved. As long as kidney function is improved, excessive fluids can be discharged timely. Consequently, swollen legs are alleviated greatly.

The advantage of Immunotherapy is that it can stop the progression of the disease, restore the overall kidney function, and rebuild the immune system. The further relapse of lupus kidney disease can be avoided. For the detailed information, please leave a message in the below or Email us at renal-disease@hotmail.com.


Creatinine more than 700 what will you pay attention to?

Creatinine more than 700 what will you pay attention to? Creatinine is muscle in the human body metabolism product, through the glomerular filtration eliminated from the body.
Protein supplement
Patients with high creatinine may appear azotemia and renal insufficiency. In order to prevent renal function from continue worsening,patients should control the intake of protein and choose high quality protein food.
Control the intake of sodium
Generally speaking, patients in renal insufficiency compensated stage and azotemia courses start to appear all kinds of clinical symptoms. They should control the intake of salt.
The intake of vitamin
Patients should consume some foods which are rich in vitamin A,vitamin B and vitamin C.
In addition, patients with high serum creatinine level should pay more attention to good rest and maintain optimistic attitude to the disease. Walking for half an hour is beneficial for your illness condition.
Meanwhile, an effective treatment is vita for treating high serum creatinine more than 700. Which therapy can help you do it? The answer is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
It combines Chinese herbal medicine with western medical equipment. With the help of osmosis device, the active ingredient can help you to restore kidney lesion, extend blood vessels, clean up the toxins and waste product, increase glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and improve renal function. Through a period of treatment, your high serum creatinine more than 700 can be lowered gradually.

For high serum creatinine level, you should take a treatment timely and pay attention to the daily diet. I do believe that you can regain health early.

Diet to Avoid Kidney Stones for Kids

Most parents don’t realize that children can develop kidney stones at a young age. However, changes to family diets have led to an increase in this serious condition – which has been seen in children as young as age 4.
1.Supple calcium reasonably
Over taking calcium randomly is one of the most important factors to cause kidney stones. The limit absorption of calcium will cause the sedimentation of calcium, and even brain calcification. Therefore kids should supple calcium reasonably based on their condition.
2.Supple vitamin C appropriately
Too much vitamin will cause the urine acidic. Much oxalate will result in the formation of kidney stones. Therefore, kids should take proper vitamin C.
3.Develop a reasonable diet construction
Try your best to avoid the diet with high protein, high calories and low fiber, such as KFC and MCD.
4.Improve the quality of the water intake

Kidneys of 4 years old kids are fragile, which can’t undertake too much minerals. Minerals in formula milk powder are enough for the growth of kids. If rinsing milk powder in hard water, much drinking this kind of milk will cause kidney stones. So improve the quality of the household drinking water. Sediment the tap water for a moment, and boil the water to rinsing the milk powder.


What are the symptoms of Diabetic Nephropathy

Patients with diabetic nephropathy and now more and more, a lot of people do not even know the symptoms of diabetic nephropathy which, only by understanding the onset of symptoms of diabetic nephropathy, it can be a useful treatment. So, what are the symptoms of diabetic nephropathy it? Here are the details of kidney specialists.
What are the symptoms of diabetic nephropathy introduce expert on diabetes symptoms following?:
1, urine protein: What are the symptoms of diabetic kidney disease increases as the glomerular basement membrane filter hole macromolecules can arise through non-selective clinical proteinuria, with the further development of the disease, proteinuria gradually become sustainable? Of severe urinary protein, if proteinuria over 3g / day, are indications of a poor prognosis. Proteinuria in patients with diabetic nephropathy severity mostly progressive advance until the nephrotic syndrome.
2 Hypertension: Hypertension is a cause of diabetes, for patients with diabetic nephropathy in terms of high blood pressure is one of a great performance, common in diabetic patients with nephropathy. Kidney disease and more severe hypertension, and hypertension can accelerate progress and worsen diabetic nephropathy. The effective control of blood pressure is very important.
3, edema: Early diabetic nephropathy patients generally do not get edema, a small number of patients in the pre-reduced plasma protein, may have mild edema, when 24 hours over 3g proteinuria, edema occurs. Obviously edema, seen only by the rapid development of diabetic nephropathy.

4, renal failures: Diabetic nephropathy once started, the process is progressive, azotemia, uremia is its ultimate outcome. Diabetic nephropathy is likewise a symptom of anemia is common. There is obviously azotemia diabetic patients may have mild to moderate anemia, iron therapy ineffective. Anemia is a disorder caused by erythropoietin, may be associated with long-term dietary protein restriction, azotemia related.


Stage 5 Kidney Failure Prognosis

A person with stage 5 chronic kidney disease (CKD) has end stage renal disease (ESRD) with a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 15 ml/min or less. At this advanced stage of kidney disease, the kidneys have lost nearly all their ability to do their job effectively, and eventually dialysis or a kidney transplant is needed to live.
The symptoms of stage 5 Kidney Failure may include increase skin pigmentation, changes in skin color, loss of appetite, tingling in hands or feet, headache, vomiting, nausea, muscle cramps, being tired, swelling, being unable to concentrate, making little or no urine.
As the kidneys fail to remove the waste products and extra fluids in the blood, toxins deposit in the body, causing an overall ill feeling. And you may develop a series of complications, such as stroke, heart attack, malnutrition, blood clotting, liver failure etc. Each of the complication may increase the risk for death and according to the research, many Kidney Failure patients died from its complications, not from kidney damage itself. Thereby, you are suggested to control your complications, once you feel it. For symptoms and complications are the two main factors to affect the prognosis.
Actually, the prognosis of CKD stage 5 varies from person to person. Prognosis has a great impact on lifespan. The life expectancy of a kidney failure patient with an eGFR of 10ml/min or less, ranges from 1 to 12 months without treatment of any kind (e.g. dialysis, transplant, natural medicine). The average is 6 months. The average life expectancy of someone receiving kidney dialysis is 4.25 years.

As long as the kidney function can be elevated, the prognosis of CKD stage 5 will become better. Chinese Herbal Medicine, Immunotherapy and Steroids Therapy possible to do this.

What Should I Do with Creatinine 4.9 in Stage 3 Kidney Disease

Creatinine is the waste product of our muscle metabolism and the meat we eat. In normal condition, healthy kidneys can filter out the waste products and toxins in blood and keep creatinine level in a normal range. When kidneys are damaged, high creatinine level will occur.
Under normal cases, the creatinine level is 0.6~1.2 mg/dl for male and 0.5-1.1mg/dl for female. As for creatinine level 4.9, it is in stage 3. And if not controlled well, it may develop into kidney failure eventually. Then what is the effective treatment to lower creatinine level 4.9?
Chronic kidney disease can be divided into five stages according to GFR levels. If we match it with creatinine levels, it is stage 1 CKD: <1.6mg/dL; stage 2 CKD: 1.6-2.0mg/dL; stage 3 CKD: 2.1-5.0mg/dL; stage 4 CKD: 5.1-7.9mg/dL; stage 5 CKD: >8.0mg/dL. From here, we can know that creatinine 4.9 means the condition has already developed stage 3 chronic kidney disease which means the moderate loss of kidney function. Also stage 3 chronic kidney disease is such a stage which needs the prompt treatment, otherwise the condition can develop stage 4 chronic kidney disease which requires dialysis or kidney transplant in the near future. Perhaps patients with creatinine 4.9 would like to know How to Stop the Progression of Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease.
Blood purification therapy to treat kidney disease, which are hematodialysis, hemofiltration, hemodiafiltration, hemoperfusion, plasmapheresis, immunoadsorption. Each step has its unique function.
Hematodialysis aims at removing micromolecule urotoxins, such as creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, water, electrolyte and so on. So, it is proper to treat stage 3 kidney disease with creatinine 4.9. And the early treatment, the better effect.
Hemofiltration can remove middle molecular substances, such as chemical substances, bilirubin, vitamins, etc.
Hemodiafiltration conbinates the hematodialysis and hemofiltration, which can remove the mediun and small molecular subtances, such as cytokines inflammatory mediators.
Hemoperfusion can remove toxins in medicines and posions.
Plasmapheresis is suitable for autoimmune disease, such as IgA nephropathy, FSGS, Metabolic nephropathy, and transplant rejection.

If you have interest in natural therapies and more information about what should I notice in diet with kidney failure, email to renal-disease@hotmail.com or leave a message below.


Can You Drink Alcohol While On Dialysis

Drinking alcohol in moderation has many benefits for healthy people.However,if you are on dialysis,is drinking alcohol allowed?
Dialysis patients can have small amount of alcohol, but the premise is that the amount is strictly controlled and the patient feels well after drinking alcohol. Since the safe amount of alcohol for dialysis patients is very little, most doctors just recommend patients to avoid alcoholic drinks because the harms of alcohol brings to dialysis patients is far more than the benefits that it brings.
Here are some common harms of drinking alcohol for dialysis patients.
1. Alcohol can increase the protein decomposition which can increase the urea nitrogen in blood, and high blood urea nitrogen will increase the kidney burden and cause further damage to kidneys. For dialysis patients, they have already have high blood urea nitrogen and low plasma proteins, so they should avoid drinking alcohol.
2. If dialysis patients drink alcohol for a long term, they may suffer from some serious complications such as anemia, gastrointestinal disorder, malnutrition, high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis.
3. Alcohol is also a kind of fluid, so dialysis patients should also avoid. For dialysis patients, their kidneys have been damaged severely, and the kidneys cant excrete the excess fluid out, which will cause serious swelling. Besides, if dialysis patients take too much alcohol during dialysis treatment, they may suffer from low blood pressure when they on dialysis. Therefore, dialysis patients should limit their fluid intake.
Besides alcohol, dialysis patients should avoid strong tea, coffee and cola because they can cause dehydration and further elevate the patient’s serum creatinine levels and make illness conditions worse.
Fresh water and the juices of fresh vegetables, fruits and natural teas are all good choices for dialysis patients such as carrot juice, cucumber juice, beet juice, dandelion tea, etc.

If you still have some questions, you can send email to renal-disease@hotmail.com. We will answer you as soon as possible.


Treatment for Chronic Renal Failure

This is a question many patients and their families are more concerned about. Some people learned he was suffering from chronic renal failure, but do not know how start, how to be treated. Such is often the best time would disgust the treatment of diseases, the impact of a good prognosis. So, how to treat chronic renal failure?
If after being conducted with chronic renal failure, do not panic. Do not forget to follow the doctor's arrangement, and actively cooperate with medical treatment. In the course of the treatment of chronic renal failure, and its purpose is tantamount to relieve symptoms and slow the progression of CRF course.
First, the treatment of the primary disease
One method for the treatment of chronic renal failure is also the primary disease treatment, the better, as long as adhere to long-term primary or secondary glomerulonephritis , hypertension, diabetic nephropathy and other reasonable treatment ; avoid or eliminate so CRF deterioration factors, such as hypovolemia , severe infections, urinary tract obstruction , use of nephrotoxic drugs , etc., so it will get better treatment .
Second, the Chinese medicine syndrome differentiation
Chinese medicine treatment of chronic renal failure is an attempt to the method can effectively relieve symptoms and slow the progression of CRF, cathartic medicine useful in some patients. Lotion can reduce the amount of dialysis patients to alleviate a lot of pain.
Third, diet therapy
Diet is also an indispensable part of the treatment, proper nutrition diet for the treatment of diseases has a critical role in promoting. Must retain heat 30 ~ 35kcal/kg.D, uncompensated renal insufficiency may be of high quality low-protein (0.6 ~ 0.8g/kg.D), phosphorus -LRB-750mg / d) diet, if necessary, with or with essential amino acids α- ketone acid. Patients with advanced non- dialysis should be high-quality low-protein diet -LRB-0.6g/kg.D) plus essential amino acids or α- ketone acid.

Finally, experts reminder majority of the hospital's kidney patients: for their own health and happiness of the family must choose a regular professional therapeutic institutions in our online experts. If you still want more information, please feel free to reach us! And call the hotline.

What are the symptoms of chronic renal failure

What are the symptoms of chronic renal failure? Chronic renal failure is a very serious kidney disease , the prevalence of injury to the patient's body is great, and therefore we must draw attention to the chronic renal failure , if an illness in a timely manner to regular hospital checks , in accordance with the clinical course of conduct after diagnosis for treatment , then the next I will introduce what are the symptoms of chronic renal failure .
What are the symptoms of chronic renal failure, chronic renal failure, duration of clinical symptoms? :
1 , pre- uremic
Renal failure glomerular filtration rate is reduced to 10-15 ml per minute, the nephron reduction of approximately 70% -90 %, severely impaired renal function, metabolism in the body canbe argued, and water and electrolyte and acid-base balance. Impossible to keep a stable internal environment, resulting in serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen increased significantly, diluted urine concentration dysfunction, acidosis, sodium retention, low calcium, high phosphorus, potassium and other balance disorders performance. May has significant anemia and gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite. May be necessary neuropsychiatric symptoms, such as fatigue, lack of concentration, lack of energy and so on.
2 , azotemia
Reduction of azotemia glomerular filtration rate to 25 ml / min, being reduced by 50% -70 % of renal units, renal dysfunction concentrated, there nocturia or urine, varying degrees of anemia, azotemia often, serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen levels. Clinically fatigue, loss of appetite, mild nausea and general discomfort.
3 , renal decompensation
Uncompensated renal function, reduce GFR to 30-60 ml / min, and normal glomerular filtration rate of 120 liters per minute. A decrease of approximately 20% -25 % of renal units in this period. Despite the loss of renal reserve capacity, but for the excretion of metabolites, regulation of water, electrolyte and acid-base balance is always good, there are no specific clinical manifestations, serum muscle enzymes are usually normal blood urea nitrogen, or sometimes mildly elevated.
4 , uremia
Glomerular filtration rate decreased to , 10 ml -15 ml per minute or less , more than 90% reduction in renal units , this period is late chronic renal failure, renal failure symptoms above more obvious manifestations of systemic multi- organ failure , such as gastrointestinal , neurological , cardiovascular , hematopoietic system, respiratory system , skin and metabolic system imbalance .

These are the symptoms of chronic renal failure for which related presentations made ​​, I like to be helpful to remind everyone in life can develop good habits. If the body once abnormalities, should take the lead in a regular hospital for treatment.


How to Reduce Protein in Urine

Protein in urine (proteinuria) is a very common symptom of kidney damage and impaired kidney function, and its appearance usually makes the prognosis of condition poor.
To get protein in urine treated effectively and fundamentally, we must found out what causes protein in urine firstly and then remove the causes. Only in this way, can protein in urine be stopped fundamentally.
What causes protein in urine?
Protein is normally kept in our body through glomerulus, a part of kidney. Glomerulus contains a membrane which is clinically called glomerular filtration membrane. This membrane has two functions: charger barrier which works in the principle that the same charges repel and mechanical barrier which protect substances with a certain size from being leaked out. Under the effects of these two barriers, most of the nutritions can be reserved in our body. In our kidney, these two barriers work in different way, so no matter charger barrier or mechanical barrier is damaged, filtration will be impaired and also some nutrition leak out. Protein is one of the essential of our body and it leaks when filtration membrane is damaged. Therefore, for people with kidney problem, the root cause of proteinuria is damaged glomerular filtration membrane.
Chinese therapy can become your treatment option.
Chinese therapies we will introduce here consist of circle therapy, hot compress therapy, medicated bath, oral Chinese herbal medicines, herbal feet bath, herbal enema, herbal acupuncture and moxibustion. Firstly, kidney disease patients do not need to worry about the side effects. All these Chinese therapies have a intercommunity and that is cleansing blood by drawing out toxins and wastes. Meanwhile, they play their own special functions to repair kidney damage and recover renal function. For instance, hot compress therapy aims at repairing kidney damage through extending blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, degradation, relieving ischemic and anoxic state in kidneys, promoting DNA replication and providing nutrition for damaged kidneys; oral herbal medicines are used to enhance immunity, feet bath and acupuncture and moxibustion are expected to adjust immune system, support qi and nourish the blood.

Chinese medicines have no side effects and meanwhile have function to repair kidney damages. Therefore, it is worthwhile for patients with protein in urine.

How to Reverse Stage 3 Kidney Disease

We all know when one is diagnosed with kidney failure, it is impossible to get himself cured, as necrotic kidney tissues can not be revived.This stage means the moderate reduction of kidney function. For some patients with stage 3 kidney disease, maybe there are no any obvious symptoms, they should know that it needs the prompt and proper treatment, otherwise the possibility of being reversed will be discounted once the condition develops stage 4 kidney disease. Nevertheless, how to Reverse Stage 3 Kidney Disease in this period of crucial importance?

For an individual with stage 3 kidney disease, there are healthy, injured and necrotic kidney intrinsic cells in their kidney. For these necrotic kidney cells, they are dead and have lost all their working ability. They can not be repaired at all. However, for these which are injured mildly, they can be repaired effectively. Similar with cells in our other body parts, kidney intrinsic cells also have a certain self-curing ability and so as long as we can take full advantages of this kind of ability, they can get recovery. For patients with stage 3 kidney disease, as long as much more kidney intrinsic cells perform function, kidney function increases.
Treatment to reverse CKD Stage 3
Firstly, doctors prescribe some medications to cleanse patients’ internal environment, so as to alleviate patients’ symptoms such as anemia, fatigue and high creatinine level. In this case, some auxiliary remedies such as Medicated Bath and Acupuncture are also taken to strengthen therapeutic effects.
Secondly, Micro-Chinese Medicine Hot Compress Therapy is taken to improve patient’s blood circulation, regulate immune system and activate the body’s self-healing system. This step can help prevent further kidney damage and prompt the recovery of damaged kidney cells effectively.
Finally, consolidation treatment is needed. With the above treatment, kidney disease may recure in some cases. Consolidation treatment aims at maintaining patients’ health condition and preventing the recurrence of chronic kidney disease.

Blood Pollution Therapy, Immunotherapy and Blood Purification are also remarkable natural treatments. If you want to know more about them, you can contact us renal-disease@hotmail.com.


Prognosis of Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease

What Is Stage 4 Kidney Disease?
Technically speaking, this is the 4th level of progression for kidney disease. As the second most advanced form of kidney disease, it closely borders with potentially imminent kidney failure. The primary gauge of assigning CKD stages is the glomerular filtration rate or GFR. For stage 4 patients, the GFR is measured at 15 to 30 ml/minute. If that’s your average filtration rate for the past 3 months, then you are definitely positive for stage 4 kidney disease.
Underlying diseases and conditions
There is a variety of diseases and conditions which can cause chronic kidney disease (CKD).The underlying cause has a significant influence on the prognosis of stage 4 chronic kidney disease.The prognosis of stage 4 chronic kidney disease is generally worse than those nondiabetics.
Complications play a vital role in influencing the prognosis of stage 4 chronic kidney disease.A majority of renal patients may die of the complications even before their kidneys fail.Effective control of the complications can help improve the outcome.You can email to renal-disease@hotmail.com to get ways to manage the complications.
What treatment to choose is the key point in deciding the prognosis of stage 4 chronic kidney disease.The general treatment mainly aims at controlling the symptoms and complications,but has no significance in improving renal function.

To improve the prognosis, the treatment and lifestyle changes play an important role. As long as the kidney function can be elevated, the prognosis of CKD stage 4 will become better. To achieve the goal, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Immunotherapy and Steroids Therapy may be involved.


Can Kidney Disease Cause Bad Taste in Mouth

You may notice a bad taste in your mouth if you are a patient of kidney failure. Some patients call the taste metabolic taste and describe it as drinking iron. With a bad taste in mouth, kidney failure patients usually do not feel like eating anything, because of which they may become waste away. Well then, how does kidney failure cause bad taste in mouth at all? What can we do to remit it?
What causes bad taste in mouth for people with kidney disease?
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) is the metabolic product of protein, which is mainly removed by kidney. If your kidneys are not able to remove urea from the blood normally, your BUN level rises. The urea breaks down to form ammonia. It is believed that ammonia causes bad taste in mouth.
A bad taste in your mouth may cause you to lose your appetite and may even cause you to vomit. Therefore, taking proper measures to eliminate the odor in the mouth is very important for your wellbeing.
How to manage kidney failure patients’ bad taste in the mouth?
Because of different underlying causes, kidney failure patients have a series of symptoms and complications. All in all, all of these problems are attributed to low kidney function.
To alleviate the bad taste in the mouth and maintain patients’ basic life, dialysis may be recommended. In most cases, dialysis can ease patients’ symptoms caused by deposits of toxins, but it may cause some side effects and can do nothing for kidney function. What’s worse, the longer patients on dialysis, the less their urine output. In view of this, we give out several alternative treatments for these patients.
1. Hemofiltration and CRRT: Compared with dialysis, both of these two Blood Purification methods can help prevent blood stream dynamics change and protect the remaining kidney function.

2. Clear Blood Pollution Therapy: Combined with blood purification and traditional Chinese medicine, this therapy can not only eliminate waste products and toxins but also repair damaged but not necrotic kidney cells. So far, this therapy has helped quite a number of patients avoid dialysis. However, not all patients can use this therapy. Consult the doctor online to determine whether you can take Clear Blood Pollution Therapy.