
TCM with The Western Treatment to Treat Kidney Disease

How to treat kidney disease with the Traditional Chinese medicine and western treatment? The kidney disease has become a threat to the people’s health in the world. Drug use improperly and bad living style has worsened the kidney disease. It is better for the kidney disease patients to be treated as early as possible.
The main functions of the kidney are to remove the waste from the body, and the kidney can regulate body fluids and maintain the balance of the water electrolyte and acid. The kidney can make the cells environment stable, and to ensure the normal metabolism of the body. The Chinese medicine osmosis therapy is the effective treatment for the kidney disease treatment.
Chinese medicine osmosis therapy adopts the traditional Chinese medicine treatment and western treatment , which focus the kidney disease treatment. That kind of treatment is the process to treat the anti fibrosis and protect the kidney function as much as possible. The treatment mainly uses the traditional Chinese medicine treatment system, and western treatment as complementary.
If the doctor just know the traditional Chinese medicine treatment or just know the western treatment , then cannot have a better combination of these two treatment. The treatment cannot have better result and even worse. So the best method is to find the expert who knows traditional Chinese medicine treatment and the western treatment so that the patients can have good effect.  
After long time research, our hospital has found the unique treatment for kidney disease, including three aspects:
●In the stage of blood stasis, even Qi stagnation, we start to treat the disease. The earlier the treatment is, the better the treatment effect is.
● In the stage of poison hysteresis, combining the methods of regulating Qi, eliminating blood stasis and clearing poison could work.
● there should be a method to find blood stasis and even Qi stagnation in advance.
This is the three unique treatments in our hospital, unique medicines, unique therapies and unique diagnostic methods.


How our kidney works?

We can live quite well with only one kidney and some people live a healthy life even though born with one missing. But if both of your kidneys fail, as happens in end stage kidney failure, we can not live normally.
How do our kidneys work?
Think of your kidneys as an extremely sophisticated, waste disposal system, which sorts non-recyclable waste from recyclable waste, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, while also cleaning your blood. Much of this waste is produced by the body as it processes the food you eat.
Most people are born with two kidneys, each one about the size of an adult fist, are bean-shaped and weigh around 150 grams each. The kidneys are located at both sides of your backbone just under the rib cage or above the small of your back. They are protected from injury by a large padding of fat, your lower ribs and several muscles.
What do your kidneys do?
Our kidneys are small biological marvels with a fascinating design. Healthy kidneys act like a filter to make sure the right amount of wastes and fluids are removed. Every hour your blood supply circulates through the kidneys about 12 times. Each day your kidneys process around 200 litres of blood, with around 1 to 2 litres of waste leaving the body as urine.
Our kidneys make three important hormones, erythropoietin, renin and active vitamin D. Erythropoietin stimulates the production of red blood cells, renin is involved in the control of blood pressure and active vitamin D controls calcium uptake and helps make strong bones.

Abnormality of urine

Abnormality of urine usually means less urine, diuresis and more urine during night.
Less urine and anuria usually happen after one get acute kidney failure. And the cause of the acute kidney failure can be divided into three kinds.
prerenal failure can be caused by lost of blood, heart failure and Renal vascular embolization. Renal failure can be caused by the disease of glomerulus, kidney tubules, Renal interstitial disease.
Diuresis mainly caused by the abuse using of medicine and some disease such as diabetes, hypercalcemia, hypokalemia and chronic kidney disease. Diuresis can also caused by the high sugar in the urine and the high rate of urea in the urine.
The four aspects to observe the urine.
Blood urine: blood urine can be found in patients of urinary tract infection, Kidney disease substance and some other diseases.
Foam in the urine: which indicate there are more protein in the urine
Smell: ammonia is always go together with urinary tract infection patient.
Color:some disease can change the color of the urine. Rifampicin can make the urine become red. Hemoglobinuria and myoglobinuria can make the urine burgundy.


Symptoms of Hypertensive Nephropathy

High blood pressure increases the impact on vascular wall, so hypertension can damage blood vessels easily, especially for small blood vessels. Therefore Hypertensive Nephropathy is a kind of kidney disease caused by long-term poor controlling of high blood pressure. When it begin onset, it always bring many symptoms.
This symptom is commonly called blood urine by many people. In clinic, there are mainly two types of hematuria which refers to gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria. In comparison, microscopic hematuria is more common among people with kidney disease caused by Hypertension.
Frequent urination
In our kidneys, distal renal tubule is relatively tiny, so it is damaged more easily. Just as we have mentioned above, renal tubule has reabsorption function. Therefore, when it is damaged, water filtered by glomeruli can not be reabsorbed successfully, leading to the condition that large amounts of fluids are excreted. This is the general explanation how Hypertensive Nephropathy cause frequent urination.
Foamy urine
Foamy urine indicates that there is too much protein in urine. In the early stage of kidney disease caused by Hypertension, only a small amount of protein leak into urine. But with the worse of kidney disease, more and more protein gets into urine and while they get out of patient's body with urine, foams are formed. Therefore, if Hypertension patients found they have lots of foams in their urine, they are very likely to have developed kidney problem.
In cases of kidney problem caused by Hypertension, swelling, also can be called edema, always occurs as a consequence of long-term leakage of protein. As lots of protein leak with urine, colloid osmotic pressure in the blood decreases, as a result of which, fluids ooze into surrounding tissues and therefore causes swelling symptom. And in serious cases, swelling may occur in the whole body.
Some other symptoms

Aside from the above symptoms, patients may also suffer from many other symptoms like itching skin, anemia, fatigue, hard breath and so on. Digestive problems like poor appetite, nausea, vomit and gastrointestinal bleedings and they usually occur when hypertensive renal disease develops to advanced stage.


What Causes Acute Kidney Injury

Acute kidney injury has three main causes:
1. Damage from some medicines, poisons, or infections. Most people don't have any kidney problems from taking medicines. But people who have serious, long-term health problems are more likely than other people to have a kidney problem from medicines. Examples of medicines that can sometimes harm the kidneys include:
Antibiotics, such as gentamicin and streptomycin.
Pain medicines, such as naproxen and ibuprofen.
Some blood pressure medicines, such as ACE inhibitors.
The dyes used in some X-ray tests.
2. A sudden, serious drop in blood flow to the kidneys. Heavy blood loss, an injury, or a bad infection called sepsis can reduce blood flow to the kidneys. Not enough fluid in the body (dehydration) also can harm the kidneys.
3.You are an older adult.
4. A sudden blockage that stops urine from flowing out of the kidneys.
Kidney stones, a tumor, an injury, or an enlarged prostate gland can cause a blockage.
You have a greater chance of getting acute kidney injury if:
5. You are already very ill and are in the hospital or intensive care (ICU). Heart or belly surgery or a bone marrow transplant can make you more likely to have kidney problems.
6. You have a long-term health problem such as kidney or liver disease, diabetes,high blood pressure, heart failure, or obesity.

IgA nephropathy patients can eat grapefruit

IgA nephropathy is the full name of "mesangial proliferative IgA nephropathy.IgA nephropathy is the feature of mesangial area have given priority to with IgA or IgA immune complex deposition, glomerular organized deposits have different reactions to IgA, deposition of IgA can cause IgA nephropathy depends on the interaction between the lgA and kidney tissues.
Grapefruit flavour is acerbity, sexual cold, xiaoshi jianwei, thirst quenching, phlegm cough, slippery bowel aperient effect.Grapefruit to constipation, chronic cough, asthma phlegm the disease also have certain curative effect.But grapefruit contains an unknown active substance, of human intestinal enzymes have inhibitory effect, make the drugs disturbance of normal metabolism, make the blood concentration significantly increased.
Affect the liver detoxification, damage to the liver function, may cause other adverse effects, and even poisoning.Take allergy medicine eat grapefruit, when the patient can appear light dizziness, palpitation, arrhythmia, ventricular fibrillation wait for a symptom, serious still can cause sudden death.Coronary heart disease (CHD) commonly used calcium antagonists, cholesterol-lowering drugs, the digestive system commonly used xisha will benefit and caffeinated antipyretic analgesic drugs, etc.
Grapefruit contains large amounts of potassium, kidney disease patients take in under the guidance of a doctor can.IgA nephropathy patients with poor kidney function is difficult to row k, therefore, generally should choose low potassium fruit, such as apples, pears, so, IgA nephropathy patients eat grapefruit.

Diabetes has become the first reason to cause kidney failure

The urine is so clear and I do not have any symptoms. Why do I get kidney failure? Many people do not know the symptoms of kidney failure. In that case lose the best time to diagnose and treat the disease. So what are the symptoms of kidney failure.
Symptom 1
Uncomfortable in the stomach. Tiredness and do not have appetite.
Symptoms 2
The color of the face is pail because of anemia. The damage of the kidney function always accompanied with anemia. But anemia develops very slowly and so many patients do not pay too much attention to it.
Symptoms 3
Swelling is an obvious symptoms. Because the kidney can not remove the extra water in the body so the swelling will appear in the ankle and eyelids. After taking a rest the swelling may relieve.
People who are elder than forty years old should go to check in the hospital regularly especially patients with high blood pressure and diabetes.
Why diabetes become the biggest incentive of uremia?
Diabetes and end-stage renal disease (namely uremia) has a very close connection. A seminar on renal protection and research shows that one out of every three uremia patients has diabetic nephropathy. Diabetic nephropathy has become the leading factors of end-stage renal disease.
China is one of the high incidence of diabetes in Asian countries. There are about 3000 diabetic patients, more than ninety percent are type 2 diabetes. As type 2 diabetes has no typical obvious such as drink more, eat more, urinate more and weight less so there are as many as 67% of people with diabetes have not diagnosed in time. Even diagnosed diabetes, also less than a quarter of the patients in treatment of urinary microalbuminuria test for early detection of diabetic nephropathy the fatal complications. At the same time, more than half of the diabetic patients with hypertension, when choosing antihypertensive drugs currently rarely focus on the protection of target organs such as kidney and heart.


Why renal insufficiency patients feel nausea

We all know that the kidney insuffiency may lead to many symptoms, like low spirit, feel dizzy, high blood pressure. And many patients may feel nausea and loss of appetite.
Renal dysfunction may make the electrolyte imbalance and the influence of acidosis may expend the gastrointestinal mucosa. In such case, it is easier to appear the symptoms of low appetite. The more serious patients may enter into the end stage and have the nausea and vomiting symptoms.
How to treat nausea for Kidney Failure patients? From the information above, we can know that nausea is caused by the urea nitrogen and other toxic substances in the blood. So we should deal with the root cause. Kidney damage makes the kidneys failed to remove the waste products from the blood. We can use the blood purification techniques to eliminate urea nitrogen and other wastes. Dialysis can help Kidney Failure patients eliminate urea nitrogen. However, there must have other kinds of toxic substances in Kidney Failure patients’ body. So the doctors will choose the appropriate blood purification techniques to eliminate the corresponding kinds of substances.
Besides, the kidney damaged needs to be repaired through the Chinese herbal medicine. That is because there are no western medicine can achieve this purpose. If the kidney function can not be enhanced, urea nitrogen will accumulate in the blood sooner or later, in that case, nausea will tortures Kidney Failure patients again.


Prevention of Uremia?

Why people have the disease is because of haven’t seizing the time to keep away the disease. Thus causing more serious state of illness, which make people distreassed. It is the same with uremia. It can also be prevented in people’s daily life, while, there are also many people do not know how to prevent uremia, and then making people suffer from uremia. Well, how to prevent uremia?
1)diet ration.
The intake of sweet hydrate at least require about 100g, and the proteins will be somewhat limited.
2)frequently draw blood to conduct tests, monitoring the change of electrolytical.
3)monitoring blood pressure change. People should measure several times of blood pressure daily.
4) daily acquire and eject and measure record earnest and will demand weighting daily.
5)maintain the balance of liquid volume. At this time, the infusion quantity is decided through earnest calculating.
6)cautious pharmacy.
Every pharmacy all can go through seriously compatison and considration, guarantee incapable aggravation of the burden of the kidney. Medicines containing magnedium ions are often discontinued. At the same time, the dosage of pharmacy will also through certain adustment, or are different from normal people. In addition, taking some medicines will also may cause or lead to acute uremia. Before pharmacy patients should concult the doctor more and follow the doctor’s advice, keep away from the occurrence of drug poisoning. Data displays that 20% to 50% of the acute renal function damage is caused by medicines. There are also part of the disease, which is caused by contacting hazardous substances. Therefore, we should keep away from using and contacting the medicines that are harmful to kidneys or toxins. If people take the drugs accidently or contacting the drugs, they should seize the time to display and manifest and be treated earier.
7)taking good care of the five internal organs, usual daily life, diet nodulation, attention to hygiene, keep away from the invade of exogenous evil, especially at the seasons and areas when the infectious disease are popular and should reinforce precautionary measures .

Through the explain in detail, we hope it will do good to you. No matter what kind of diease, only if you can seize the day to prevent, this will do good to your health later.