
Improved Indexes of Nephrotic Syndrome is Not Equal to Complete Recovery

Kidney disease is now a threat to people's health, the third class of diseases. As a chronic disease, and its treatment is a "protracted war", but in this "battle", there are a lot of patients, but there are errors in this regard.

Index decreased does not mean that the disease is cured

Many kidney patients may not pay attention to the seriousness of the early nephropathy, often using some of the hormone drugs to control urinary protein, occult blood. Beginning of treatment effect is relatively obvious, urine protein, occult blood and other laboratory markers of several better soon, and some even disappear completely. Some patients believe their illness cured, but often not the case.

Be sure to prevent the common cold

But soon encountered cold, fatigue and other adverse stimuli, the disease has increased. So, they began using hormone drugs, and so forth, is to eat a lot of medicine, but urinary protein, occult blood has not been controlled, but there was obesity, pleural effusion, and even liver damage, osteonecrosis and other drug side effects, the condition has become worse.

Limiting protein intake not eat protein

Protein metabolism of ammonia in the product, urea, creatinine and other nitrogenous substances need to go through the kidneys. If a person ingested too much protein will increase the liver, kidney burden, adverse effects on the human body. After the diagnosis of kidney disease, doctors often advise patients to control the intake of protein. But some patients excessive "follow doctor's orders", not only "limited protein" diet, or even "no protein" diet. "There patients were later diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, began to control protein diet, only vegetarian, do not eat meat, and even tofu are bite does not move, the result will not help in the treatment of kidney disease, but cause malnutrition, low immunity, infection , aggravating the condition.

Clinical studies have shown that low-protein diet can reduce urinary protein excretion. But protein is the body's essential nutrients, but also the human metabolism indispensable. Chronic nephritis, nephrotic syndrome patients with normal renal function as long as, it is not mainly vegetarian, should absorb some of the higher utilization of human and less demanding on the renal excretion of protein, and on the intake of protein should take "less "high-quality animal protein-based, such as milk, eggs, meat. In addition, soy products are allowed to be eaten, otherwise it will be worse.

Of course, although a friendly-kidney diet plays a assistant function, it fails to treat kidney disease from the root. It is common to use hormones to treat kidney disease, but these medicines have many adverse effects. Hence, we do not suggest patients to take these medicines. In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is very popular. Due to its significant curative effects, many foreign patients come from more than 100 countries has recover health. If you are suffering from kidney disease, you might as well learn about our unique treatments. And our Online Doctor will provide more useful treatment and diet suggestions for free.


Can Tomatoes Prevent Gout

The body's cells and the energy generated by the decomposition of waste matter through metabolism is changing every day, the body does not need the old cell decomposition into "purine." Purine is a low molecular weight compounds, the energy will be generated when the material decomposition. In addition, some foods contain purines, it will increase the body after eating purine. After in vivo generation purine, uric acid synthesis in the liver. Most uric acid excreted through the kidneys with the urine, faeces and a small amount of uric acid through sweat.

Soluble uric acid concentration in blood if more than 7 mg / dl, uric acid becomes difficult to dissolve in the blood. And uric acid can not be dissolved in the blood to form sodium urate. Urate can crystallize, attached to accumulate in the joints and other parts of the skin. Urate is a white crystalline needles, sharp crystals can irritate joints, etc. cause pain, it is gout. Hyperuricemia causes gout disease not necessarily immediately, but the possibility persists, then gout increases.

Good habits on our health is crucial, tomatoes are also rich in vitamin C, dietary fiber, trace elements and lycopene, but the heat is not high, is recognized as a nutritious fruit. But for patients with kidney disease diet just play a supporting role, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital doctors advise patients with kidney disease, in order to avoid more serious complications caused by kidney disease, must be timely treatment with the doctor.

Tomatoes are alkaline foods, can promote the excretion of uric acid. Later, because the urine becomes alkaline, it is easy to dissolve uric acid, which will smooth discharge of uric acid. Tomatoes are rich in nutrients pectin, citric acid, malic acid, vitamins, potassium, amino acids, contain lycopene, with a variety of effects, but it also has bowel, antipyretic, improve blood pressure and liver disease role. Hyperuricemia easily lead to complications of hypertension. Potassium contained tomatoes in addition to the diuretic effect, as well as lower blood pressure. Lycopene in tomatoes strong antioxidant, can prevent atherosclerosis. Tomatoes can be seen from many prevention of hyperuricemia disease complications.


Diabetic Nephropathy Is Finally Curable

Diabetic nephropathy is the most common complication of diabetes, and following the various glomerulonephritis, the second leading cause of uremia. In other words, once they are diagnosed as diabetic nephropathy, basically it for themselves in a few years after the seat reserved for a uremia.

Diabetes is currently no way to completely cure, only a number of ways to control blood sugar, maintain health. This related to diabetic nephropathy, it is considered to be no way to cure, only trying to delay progress of the disease.

How can I cure diabetic nephropathy?

To answer this question, we first need to understand how is diabetic nephropathy.

We know that the kidneys are two groups of capillaries, is composed by a large number of capillaries, and its main function is to clean up the blood of toxic and hazardous substances, the blood flows through the kidneys every day countless times.

If you have diabetes, the blood will not become sticky, toxic and harmful substances in the blood will be a substantial increase, which microvascular kidney is a heavy burden. This burden to a certain extent, especially toxic and hazardous substances at the time of deposition of the kidneys reaches a certain size, it will cause a lot of necrotic kidney cells, causing decreased kidney function, which is produced by reason of diabetic nephropathy.

Therefore, in order to cure diabetic nephropathy, must have two conditions: ① ② renal microcirculation activation cleanup of hazardous substances.

These two conditions can not be achieved with drugs, so the current is still limited to the treatment of diabetic nephropathy with antidiabetic drugs to control blood sugar, urine protein hormone suppression with antihypertensive drugs to control blood pressure levels.

So the question is: Is there any way to achieve these two conditions do?


Our innovative minimally invasive interventional therapy, the application of these new technologies to the medical treatment of kidney disease among. Under the help of imaging equipment, so tiny catheter directly into the renal microvasculature, either clear the blood vessels, they can clean up the deposition of toxic and hazardous substances, in conjunction with western medicine to control blood sugar, lower blood viscosity, you can achieve diabetic nephropathy cure.

Question: Really can cure it?

Note here that the cure, only for diabetic nephropathy.

Because once normal renal microcirculation, toxic and hazardous substances deposited been cleared of renal function can be restored, as a variety of clinical symptoms of kidney disease will disappear, which is cured.

Someone asked: can not be completely cured of diabetes, diabetic nephropathy, how can "cure" mean?

In fact, diabetes does not completely cure the current solution, but we can control the development of diabetes through medication, diet, exercise and other measures, if properly controlled, it will not appear again, kidney damage, and it also means that diabetic nephropathy is "radical "the.

Large number of clinical practice shows that integrative medicine regimen, diabetes can be controlled within a safe range.

Only diabetic nephropathy can cure it?

Of course not, the contribution of interventional therapy for the treatment of kidney disease is much more than that!

Ischemic nephropathy, renal hypertension, congenital kidney abnormalities, kidney, polycystic kidney disease, renal cysts, kidney area hemangioma, etc., can be treated with interventional therapy, most of which can be achieved cure.

This is a technological innovation to bring people of the Gospel.