
What Kind of Fruit Chronic Kidney Disease Patient Can Not Eat

Many diseases can cause damage to glomerular filtration membrane, resulting in nephrotic syndrome. Two-thirds of adults and most children with nephrotic syndrome of primary, primary glomerular nephropathy including acute and chronic glomerulonephritis and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis. Kidney patients reasonable diet rehabilitation of the disease plays a very important role. What kidney patients eat, how much to eat proper, it is not a word to say where. According to the type of disease, severity of the disease to develop each person's program.

So you know what food taboos kidney patients in terms of fruit it? The following will give you explain what fruit is kidney patients can not be touched.

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Banana nutritious, sweet and delicious. But it contains more sodium, and nephritis edema and hypertension must limit the intake of sodium. So the risk of acute and chronic nephritis and renal function of poor people eat it will increase the burden on the kidneys, so symptoms. In addition, bananas also has Runchang role, indigestion and diarrhea embolism patients should also eat less.


Warm, sweet and sour. "With the interest rate home food spectrum," pointed out: "eat more suffering papaya cream to sour and too also." "Materia Medica truth" also said:. "Quince, sour and warm, only the case of convergence of the goods" with urinary tract sense when people, Chinese belong to "pouring license" category. According Taboo principle, avoid eating sour convergence properties of food, and particularly sour papaya convergence of food, so you should not eat.


Cantaloupe nutritious, eat only human good for the heart and liver, and stomach, anemia, constipation and other diseases have a good role of adjuvant therapy. But for patients with chronic renal failure who is fasting and the like. Such patients due to renal excretion and regulation dysfunction, often little or no urine clinical phenomenon, causing the body of potassium metabolism. Because oliguria, not timely potassium excretion, resulting in too much potassium in the body to stay, resulting in hyperkalemia. Excessive potassium can cause cardiac dysfunction, when poly shutdown or even life-threatening. Cantaloupe potassium content is very high, each containing about 100 grams of potassium flesh about 250 milligrams. This is for people with normal kidney function does not cause reactions, and patients with renal failure after eating, hyperkalemia can cause cardiovascular accidents. Therefore, patients with renal failure should not eat cantaloupe.


Common names pineapple, flat, slightly astringent sweet pineapple contained sugar, enzymes have a diuretic effect, which is good for nephritis and hypertension, but its peel is rich in bromelain, dissolves fibrin and casein , kidney disease should not eat.


Cool, sweet and sour. Kidney stones and urinary tract stones and bladder stones people, not Yi Shi, because oranges contain large amounts of vitamin C, and its metabolites readily and metabolism of calcium ions to form stones, thereby increasing the disease.


Contain more vitamin C, can be metabolized after eating part of oxalic acid, oxalic acid can aggravate urinary stones patient's condition, so avoid eating more.


Common name pomegranate, sweet pomegranate, sour pomegranate. Warm, sweet or sour. The main component of sugar, protein, fat, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium. Pomegranate sweet and sour, and help the fire phlegm disadvantages. UTI clearing people should eat only food, avoid taking the temperature astringent food, so do not eat pomegranate.

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Many kidney patients are unknowingly "eating out". Kidney is an important organ of the human body, is responsible for the excretion of wastes and toxins, many dishes, if you pay attention you eat or eat too much, will increase the burden on the kidneys, long-term intermittent, high-load operation, can easily lead to kidney failure. The following food for kidney problems in people who are not suitable for eating too much.


30 Years of Fighting Against Diabetes Finally Ends

Uncle Lee, 61, and retired him, but not as old age like other elderly people, because he has to fight with the disease. And this fight has been going on for 31 years.

Perennial diabetes, Lee uncle poor physical condition, the heart has put a six stents, heart failure is also often the case. But this is not the worst, just after the end of the year, he was diagnosed with a kidney disease.

24-hour urinary protein excretion 4g, serum creatinine 200μmoI / L, both county hospitals, district hospitals or Beijing 309 Hospital, have been diagnosed as "diabetic nephropathy in type 2 diabetes," the treatment is carried out in accordance with this diagnosis.

Effect has been bad, the situation is more serious heart failure. In the presentation of a patient's, he came to the Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, intend to take a chance. Cao Dafu that patients are cured, so Uncle Lee straight to Cao Dafu.

Doctor Cao and not according to Lee uncle, "31-year history of diabetes, renal insufficiency," etc., simply diagnosed as "diabetic nephropathy in type 2 diabetes." But he asked in detail about the history of treatment, and made a detailed examination.

It was found that although Lee uncle 31 years history of diabetes, and blood glucose control is not ideal, but not because of the presence of insulin resistance, but insulin dosage problems. In addition, although there are a large number of urine protein, but also a lot of microscopic hematuria, but also have mild kidney atrophy. And, ophthalmoscope and EMG does not show diabetes-related complications.

More importantly, though there have been cases Lee uncle islet cell antibodies and glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody-negative, but more sensitive to hormone therapy, and there have been repeated in the pathogenesis of ketosis.

Therefore, we diagnosed as "type 1 diabetes mellitus and chronic glomerulonephritis." In addition to actively control blood sugar, but also the use of Chinese medicine to clean the deposition of immune complexes in the kidney, together with anti-inflammatory medicine immunization, two weeks after Uncle Lee 6 kg weight loss, heart failure and anemia have been significantly improved, in the evening also sleep peacefully feel the.

Especially the decline in serum creatinine, leaving him overjoyed. In addition to doctor Cao gratitude, Lee uncle had introduced or most grateful that he came sufferers. ! "If he had not, we are still Beijing thrown off balance it," Uncle Lee said: "No wonder Beijing treatment do so, the talk did not come to the sick, ah, Cao Dafu still cautious, otherwise have to be thrown off balance!"

Now, in addition to strictly doctor Cao Lee uncle's exhortations to continue treatment outside, most of the energy spent to contact other patients above:? "Hey, do your children it also be thrown off balance Zayang na me be cured and discharged? , you come try it! "


What Are the Complications of FSGS

What Are the Complications of FSGS
FSGS mostly occurs in children and adolescents, men slightly more than women. A few patients before the onset of upper respiratory tract infection or allergic reactions. Initial symptoms of nephrotic syndrome is the most common, about two-thirds of patients with massive proteinuria and severe edema, proteinuria in 1 ~ 30g / d, about 50% of patients with hematuria, microscopic hematuria common , occasionally gross hematuria.

There are many FSGS treatment, but complications arise if FSGS that will increase the difficulty of treatment, the following tell you about all those complications FSGS.

1, thrombosis, embolic complications due to the blood concentration and hyperlipidemia cause an increase in blood viscosity; in addition, due to the loss of certain proteins, decompensated liver protein synthesis increased, causing the body of coagulation and fibrinolysis system imbalance. Therefore, prone to blood clots, embolic complications.

2, acute renal failure, nephrotic syndrome patients may be due to lack of effective blood volume caused the decline in renal blood flow, induce pre-renal azotemia. Because of the high degree of interstitial edema, tubular pressure and a lot of protein renal tubular obstruction and tubular intraluminal pressure, indirectly caused a sharp reduction in glomerular filtration rate, leading to acute renal failure.

3, infection and protein loss, malnutrition, immune dysfunction and glucocorticoid therapy. Infection is a common complication of nephrotic syndrome, due to the application of glucocorticoid, which is not obvious clinical signs of infection, although there are a variety of antibiotics to choose from, but if not treated early or not complete, the infection is still cause illness the main reason for recurrence and poor efficacy or even lead to death of the patient, should be highly valued.

4, protein and fat metabolism long hypoalbuminemia can lead to malnutrition, growth retardation in children; immunoglobulin reduction caused by low immunity, prone to cause infection; metal-binding protein loss can trace elements (iron, copper, zinc etc.) deficiency; endocrine hormone binding protein deficiency can induce endocrine disorders; drug binding protein may reduce the effects of some drugs pharmacokinetics (plasma free drug concentration, excretion acceleration), the impact of drug efficacy. Hyperlipidemia increased blood viscosity, promote thrombotic, embolic complications, cardiovascular complications will increase, and may contribute to glomerular sclerosis and tubular - interstitial diseases occur, to promote chronic kidney disease progress.

The treatment of FSGS still controversial in the past that this disease poor efficacy, treatment is more difficult, and no mature and effective treatment, patients generally 5 to 10 years enters the renal failure stage. In recent years, a large retrospective study showed a positive result in the removal and treatment of the cause of FSGS, and diuretic, blood pressure and other symptomatic treatment, can induce remission of nephrotic syndrome, prevent and delay the progression of the disease.

FSGS really have to say is a more complex disease, because we need to repair the kidney tissue hardening, it is a very difficult thing. We recommend this to everyone Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital characteristics therapy - Stem cell transplantation therapy, which can clean our blood toxins, produce new cells to replace necrotic tissue, thus effectively solve the problem of hardening cell.

If you are interested in our treatment, the treatment of the issue would like to know more, you can contact our online doctors, or we, our doctors can provide free treatment and dietary advice to contact you by email.


How Long Can Diabetic Nephropathy Patients Live After Dialysis

How Long Can Diabetic Nephropathy Patients Live After Dialysis

Diabetes is more common in life, generally easier to control prevent good conditioning, but the condition worsened to the end there will be kidney failure, then you need to give dialysis patients the prevention of the disease. Experts point out that life is often very wonderful, diabetic nephropathy dialysis generally much longer? It depends on how people with diabetes do.

First, for the treatment of any disease, the most taboo patient self-esteem, daily preventive health measures lazy, rarely, some patients have long-term adherence to treatment, leading to aggravation of the disease. Therefore, effective long-term control of diabetes is a must do. High blood sugar is a basic factor in the development of diabetic nephropathy, early detection of diabetes and give proper treatment, as far as possible to restore normal metabolism of three is critical. Glycemic control at normal levels, often make an early recovery of renal pathological changes, but such progress to the clinical stage renal play, even if strict control of blood sugar, the effect is also poor.

Second, the development of scientific and reasonable diet, to adjust physical condition. Reducing protein intake, not only beneficial to renal insufficiency, and helps reduce urinary protein excretion. General daily protein intake of no more than 30 to 40 grams. Of high quality protein, such as milk, eggs, meat. Soy and other should be limited.

Third, to prevent and treat high blood pressure, not only for patients with stable disease diabetes help, but also to ease the rate of decline in glomerular filtration rate to some extent. Blood pressure control is often also reduce urinary protein excretion. For blood pressure dropped to 16.8 / l1.5 kPa (126/80 mm Hg), the treatment of hypertension in this period is more important than the treatment of high blood sugar, but both to the same time. When present, many advocates nephropathy selection of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, the formulation by inhibiting angiotensin into angiotensin Ⅰ Ⅱ, make Shuinazhuliu reduced vasodilation, reduced peripheral resistance, so that the blood pressure. In addition, since the glomerular human ball, a ball of small arteries to dilate, improving blood glomeruli, were reduced glomerular damage, improve renal function, commonly used drugs captopril, say rather sneeze, etc., can also be used nifedipine, nitrendipine to peace, compound antihypertensive tablets and other treatment.

Fourth, dialysis and transplantation, which is also helpful for patients with diabetic nephropathy is. Liu diabetes nephropathy uremia, should peritoneal or hemodialysis. Kidney or pancreas - kidney transplantation for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy stage the most effective way. After the transplant, can restore normal glycosylated hemoglobin and serum creatinine levels of phenols.

Fifth, in order to stabilize the disease, in addition to pay attention to the daily diet, the patient must pay attention to some of the drug harmful to the kidneys.

Suffering from the disease is not terrible, terrible is not the confidence to overcome the disease themselves, it will not only harm themselves, but also hurt the care of her family, the only active treatment, adherence to treatment, the majority of patients who are the best thing to do a. We diabetic nephropathy dialysis in this regard, if there is doubt, you can contact us online Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital doctors, our online doctors will provide free treatment and dietary advice for you.