
How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy effect in patien

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help patients improve the microcirculatory
diaturbance and Increase oxygen in the kidneys. Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy has the function of expansion renal artery and increase effective perfusion,
How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy effect patients' kidneys? This question has been asked by more and more kidney disease patients with the development of Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital. One of the famous treatments in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, which has been prized by many patients who used it. Many patients with kidney disease are cured by Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital. Here I would like to share the reasons why Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help kidney disease patients reserve disease.How Can I Use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Kidney experts have promoted that kidney disease are caused by renal fibrosis. Why does kidney fibrosis happened in patients' kidneys? The main reasons caused kidney fibrosis including Microcirculation disturbance in kidneys and ischemia in kidneys and by anoxia in the kidneys, which caused capillary endothelial cell damages in the kidneys. Then the kidney start fibrosis progress, the kidney functions was damaged gradually.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure Patients
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can help patients improve the microcirculatory diaturbance and Increase oxygen in the kidneys. Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy has the function of expansion renal artery and increase effective perfusion, improve microcirculation and oxygen-poor state in kidney. Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy can help patients stop from kidney fibrosis, repair the damaged cells and renew the kidney function. What is more, Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy can broaden blood vessels and prevent micro thrombosis.

When patients treated by Micro-Chinese medicine Osmotherapy, some patients avoid dialysis, some stop dialysis, and some even reserve kidney disease who are in renal failure.

Immunotherapy for Diffuse Membranous Glomerulonephritis

Diffuse Membranous Glomerulonephritis, one of the leading causes of Nephrotic
Syndrome, always presents large amounts of protein in the urine. As for the treatment of Diffuse Membranous Glomerulonephritis, immunotherapy is effective and it
Diffuse Membranous Glomerulonephritis, one of the leading causes of Nephrotic Syndrome, always presents large amounts of protein in the urine. As for the treatment of Diffuse Membranous Glomerulonephritis, immunotherapy is effective and it can help sufferers live freely just as a healthy people.Management of Acute Post Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis
Immunotherapy contains several steps which are blocking of immoderate inflammatory reaction, adjustment of immune system, clearance of immune complexes, protection of healthy renal intrinsic cells and renal tissues as well as recovery of impaired renal function.
Glomerulonephritis: How to Lower BUN Naturally with 20% Functioning
We all know that the typical characteristic of Diffuse Membranous Glomerulonephritis is large amounts of protein in urine. However, how the protein get into urine? In normal case, protein are kept in our body, but when glomerular filtration membrane is damaged, our kidneys will be failed in stopping protein from being leaked. Damage of glomerular filtration membrane is caused by immoderate inflammatory reaction resulted from deposition of immune complexes. Therefore, to avoid further damage of glomerular filtration membrane, removing these immune complexes is very necessary.Glomerulonephritis: How to Lower Creatinine with GFR 10

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a natural treatment and active ingredients in it can help to abnormal immune system returns to normal, increase immunity as well as remove immune complexes. When the immune system becomes normal, together with increased immunity and effects of effective ingredients in Micro-Chinese medicines, immune complexes will be removed effectively, which means the further damages on glomerular filtration membrane are prevented. Besides, these active ingredients also have the function of activating damaged renal intrinsic cells. When further damages are prevented and damaged renal intrinsic cells are activated, leakage of protein will be stopped effectively.

Tell Type 1 Diabetes from Type 2 Diabetes Easily

Tell Type 1 Diabetes from Type 2 Diabetes Easily
With the development of economic, our living standard become higher and higher. At the same time, more and more disease attack human beings, for example, Diabetes developed at a high speed in last decades. Patients may not familiar with Diabetes when they got Diabetes not long ago. This article will help you learn more information about telling Type 1 Diabetes from Type 2 Diabetes.
Type 1 Diabetes is also called insulin dependent type. It means there is no insulin secreting. Patients should rely on injection to support normal level of our body. Type 2 is also called non-insulin dependent type. It means there is some insulin secreting in our body, just a few, whose amount is not enough, patients also need to inject some insulin. There are obvious differences between Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes. Experts in our hospital summarized some differences for you referencing only.
1. Weight changes: Patients with Type 1 Diabetes hasn’t very obvious changes, they may get a bit thinner or just as normal, while for those who are with Type 2 Diabetes, they may get much fatter than before after getting Diabetes.
2. Ages: This is a very easy and reasonable way to tell Type1 Diabetes from Type 2 Diabetes. Generally speaking, you can tell Type1 Diabetes from Type2 Diabetes according to their ages. Patients who got Type1 Diabetes are older than these got Type 2 Diabetes. 40 years old is the boundary, if patients are more than 40 years old, they are most likely to got Type 1 Diabetes, otherwise are Type 2 Diabetes.
3. Clinical symptoms: Patients with Type 1 Diabetes have obvious clinical symptoms which are eating more, drinking more and more urine. Patients with Type 2 Diabetes have no obvious symptoms.

It’s no doubt that there will be exceptions, you should distinguish them on your own conditions. If you need more help, please chat with experts on line. They will give you answers.

FSGS treatment in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital

Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (or FSGS) treatment in Shijiazhuang kidney
disease hospital in 2012 is Immunotherapy. In the right body or in favorite environment, Immunotherapy can not only for hematopoietic differentiation cells, but also has differentiated into muscl
Can Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (or FSGS) curable? This questions concerned many patients with FSGS. Firstly, let us listen to some words about patients who have Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (or FSGS). I hope these worlds can be some of help for patients struggling with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (or FSGS).
Can FSGS curable? You can live a long life. Proof from those here who have. I was saying that they should not think that there isn't. There are plenty of doctors out there who are working on it. As I said – Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital is working on it and so are a group of other doctors with the latest treatment which may help Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (or FSGS).
If you don't take care of yourself, eat correctly, follow the meds regime and get regular blood work done you can pass on. CHF being one of them. High cholesterol causing plaque build up and then there is the high blood pressure which if not taken care of will of course harm you.Stem Cell Therapy for FSGS Patients
As I said before take the meds, eat correctly, follow your doctors orders (as much as you can) and get those blood tests done!What Is an Alternative Treatment for FSGS Kidney Diseases
The latest treatment for Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (or FSGS) in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital in 2012 is Stem Cell Therapy, which has good effects in treating FSGS. We have helped more than 20000 patients in FSGS with 26 years history in total. Many patients here are cured by Stem Cell Therapy. There are 19 kinds of Stem Cell Therapy in our hospital, the have different functions. After new Stem Cell Therapy are put into patients’ body, they can work after 15 days. As the Stem Cell Therapy has strong ability of proliferation and multiplex differentiation potential. In the right body or in favorite environment, Stem Cell Therapy can not only for hematopoietic differentiation cells, but also has differentiated into muscle cells, liver cells, bone cells, cartilage cells, stromal cells of the ability of the cells. The strong ability of Stem Cell Therapy can help regulate the disorder of immune in our body. So Stem Cell Therapy is the most effective treatment for FSGS patients.

Any other questions about FSGS treatment in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital in 2012, please consult experts on line for free!

Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (or FSGS) and pregnancy

You had better cure your Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (or FSGS) firstly, as
there are many complications of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (or FSGS), any of them may threaten your life when you have a baby. There are three personalized treatments for Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (or FSGS) patients to choose from. They are Micro-Chinese Medicin
P1: I am 23 years old and do not have any kids. I desperately want them. I have read online that once your kidneys start to fail, you cannot have kids without serious complications. I know everything I have read tells you that you have no way of knowing when your kidneys are going to fail. I have had FSGS for about a year now. If anyone has had kids while they had Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (or FSGS), I would like to hear about their experience. Also, I was wondering how long did you have full kidney function after being diagnosed with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (or FSGS)? I am scared to death that my kidneys are going to start to fail before I get the chance to have kids.
P2: Hi, I was also diagnosed with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (or FSGS) when I was pregnant. I had an easy pregnancy with no complications at all. I have had Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (or FSGS) for about 2 years. I saw the kidney specialist and he did a biopsy when my little boy was about 6 months and confirmed the FSGS. I have only been on blood pressure pills and everything was fine, but now it has gotten worse and I'm on twice as much bp pills and Other pills. I go back in two months and if it's not better I go on cyclosporin or prednisone. I've been told that you can't get pregnant when your on prednisone of course but once your done it's ok. I was told by my obgyn that I definatly couldn't get pregnant again until it's under control. My Nephroligist said many people with FSGS have more children, it just depends on how serious their Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (or FSGS) is.What Is the Best Treatment for FSGS Patients What Is an Alternative Treatment for FSGS Kidney Diseases
I hope this helped some. Have faith, everyone's Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (or FSGS) is not the same. We read about a lot of people with bad FSGS but there seems to be many who are in remission for years. Good luck to everyone!
D: You had better cure your FSGS firstly, as there are many complications of FSGS, any of them may threaten your life when you have a baby. There are three personalized treatments for FSGS patients to choose from. They are Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Immunotherapy transplant and Immunotherapy. All of them have good effects in treating FSGS. After you checked in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, professional renal experts will make personal medical plan for you according to your specific conditions and decide you are suitable for which treatment.

So it is the best choice for you and your baby to cure your FSGS firstly.

FSGS and End Stage Renal Disease(ESRD)

In Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, a latest treatment for FSGS is promoted
these days, which is the Stem Cell Therapy. It has a very good effect in treating FSGS. It can help patients with FSGS avoid End Stage Renal Disease(ESRD) easily.
The relationship between FSGS and End Stage Renal Disease(ESRD)
FSGS damages the glomerulus and allows protein to leak into the urine (proteinuria). Over time, the damage to the kidney may cause kidney failure. FSGS is only one of many causes of kidney failure or end-stage renal disease (ESRD). End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is the term that refers to severe kidney failure that necessitates the initiation of dialysis therapy or kidney transplantation to maintain life. While ESRD occurs in children and adults, its etiology (cause) in the two populations is very different. Whereas diabetes mellitus and hypertension (high blood pressure) are the leading causes of ESRD in adult patients, two congenital abnormalities, posterior urethral valves and hypoplastic/dysplastic kidneys, and a third disorder, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) are the primary causes of long-term kidney failure in children and are the topic of this discussion.Causes and Natural Treatment for FSGS in Kids
As we all know FSGS patients are most likely to attack the children, if children patients can’t controlled the FSGS well, ESRD will attack you with in 10 years. For every children has FSGS, it is a bad news for them.
How to avoid FSGS turning into End Stage Renal Disease(ESRD)
In order to prevent the FSGS turning into End Stage Renal Disease(ESRD), children with FSGS need pay attention to the life style and keep balance diet. An effective and timely treatment certainly is the most important thing for FSGS patients.Stem Cell Therapy for FSGS Patients
In Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, a latest treatment for FSGS is promoted these days, which is the Stem Cell Therapy. It has a very good effect in treating FSGS. It can help patients with FSGS avoid End Stage Renal Disease(ESRD) easily.
A timely treatment no doubt is important for all the patients with FSGS. if you have the problems like FSGS, welcome you consult our experts on line. All the charge is free.

God bless every kindly person with FSGS to find effective and timely treatment to avoid FSRD.


Can Stem Cell Therapy cure FSGS?

Stem Cell Therapy has good effects in treating FSGS patients, patients can cure
the FSGS without pain and side effects. Stem Cell Therapy can help patients with FSGS have a new kidney with powerful function. All the symptoms will disappear after you had Stem Cell Therapy for 15 days. As we all know, Stem Cell Therapy is most likely to attack the children, we have helped many children patients reserve FSGS.
What Is an Alternative Treatment for FSGS Kidney Diseases
Stem Cell Therapy Institute is the world’s leading adult Stem Cell Therapy and research center. In close collaboration with universities and physicians world-wide, our comprehensive Stem Cell Therapy treatment protocols employ well-targeted combinations of autologous bone marrow Stem Cell Therapy , autologous adipose Stem Cell Therapy , and allogeneic human umbilical cord blood Stem Cell Therapy to treat FSGS patients. To-date, we’ve treated over 1,500 patients.
One kind of Stem Cell Therapy for FSGS: Adult Stem Cell Therapy Causes and Natural Treatment for FSGS in Kids What Importance is Sport in the Life of A FSGS Patient
Adult Stem Cell Therapy can be extracted from many areas of the body, including the bone marrow, fat, and peripheral blood. Once the cells have been harvested, they are sent to the lab where they are purified and assessed for quality before being reintroduced back in the patient. Since the Stem Cell Therapy come from the patient there is no possibility for rejection. Stem Cell Therapy Institute advocates the use of autologous (your own) Stem Cell Therapy as they have no ethical or moral issues and pose no possibility for rejection. Some Stem Cell Therapy also come from lab. Stem Cell Therapy isolated from the bone marrow or fat have the ability to become different cell types (i.e. nerve cells, liver cells, heart cells, and cartilage cells). Studies have also shown that these are capable of homing to and repairing damaged tissue. Animal studies have shown that these Stem Cell Therapy also secrete proteins and peptides that stimulate healing of damaged tissue, including heart muscle and kidneys.Stem Cell Therapy for FSGS Patients

If your children are still troubled by FSGS, the Stem Cell Therapy in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital can help you beat FSGS.

What should FSGS patients eat?

When patients are diagnosed with FSGS, they should pay much attention to their
diet so that they can recover earlier. Some golden rules for FSGS patients on the diet are as follow:
1. Food rich in high quality of protein and vitamin:
There are some food rich in protein like fish, milk, lean meat, eggs. Fresh vegetables and fruits are food rich in vitamin such as.
2. Food rich in K: How to Stop Progression for Stage 3 FSGS Patients
These rules are just suitable for patients with normal kidney function. Tomatoes and celery and all kinds of green leafy vegetables are rich in K.
Some fruits are rich in K such as orange, apples, bananas and pears.
3. Food rich in Ca: There are some food rich in Ca such as bean products, dairy product, kelp and eggs.What Is the Best Treatment for FSGS Patients
4. Food in low salt
Food in rich salt you should avoid such as black fungus, sausage, Ice cream, beverage, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, tomato sauce and mustard.
5. Food in low sugar Should I Be Concerned About GFR 34 with FSGS
Food rich in sugar you should avoid such as sweet snacks and cakes.
6. Food in low fat Is There Cure for FSGS with Nephrotic Syndrome
Food rich in fat like animals'livers, kidneys, brains and hearts you should avoid.

Have you learned some information about FSGS patients' diet, if you have any other questions about FSGS diet, please consult experts on line, all the charge are just for free.

How Long Can Patient Live with Chronic Nephritis

Some patients suffering from Chronic Nephritis tell me that they have heard that
nephritis is refractory, so they ask me how long they can live with Chronic Nephritis. I want to offer my answer here.
Actually for the question of how long patients with Chronic Nephritis can live, I think the longevity of the life really depends on you. Why do I say that? If you wanna have a long life, you would think of your disease and you would do something to make your disease better, for example, you would go to a hospital to see a nephrologist and make your disease of Chronic Nephritis under control.Two Tips for Drivers Suffering from Nephritis
By doing so, you could reduce your lower your risk of developing Kidney Failure caused by Chronic Nephritis, as well as reduce your chance of suffering from complications induced by Chronic Nephritis, as you may know, some of these complications may be life-threatening.Can Chronic Nephritis Patients Do Exercises
In fact, there are a lot of factors that are responsible for the longevity of the patients’ life. I am wondering if you know that bad living habits, such as smoking and alcohol drinking, really can damage your kidneys. Besides, some medications are harmful to your kidneys. Pay attention to these aspects in life could possibly help the patients with Chronic Nephritis enjoy a longer life.
Diet is another point that should be noticed by these patients. Patients with Chronic Nephritis should pay much attention to their diet. Some foods are strictly controlled or forbidden for nephritis patients.How to Treat Chronic Nephritis Effectively
The last, as for the life of Chronic Nephritis patients, it is also affected by the specific type of the disease, as well as other related situations, such as the complications along with the diseases and so on.

As a renowned specialized kidney disease hospital, we have till now treated well innumerable patients with Chronic Nephritis, and we hope to help you if you need us.

Treatment for Chronic Nephritis

Chronic Nephritis, also called as Chronic Glomerulonephritis, is the advanced
stage of a group of kidney disorders. Then you may wanna know some treatments for Chronic Nephritis.
What Is Chronic Nephritis?
Chronic Nephritis is the advanced stage of a group of kidney disorders, and, it possibly will result the worsening destruction of kidney internal structures.
Treatment for Chronic Nephritis How Does Fish Oil Help Nephritis
Treatment for Chronic Nephritis depends on the causes that lead to kidney disorder, besides, the type of the underlying diseases and the severity of the symptoms also contribute to the prognosis of the nephritis.Can Chronic Nephritis Patients Do Exercise
In most cases, the primary treatment goal for Chronic Nephritis is to control the symptoms. For example, high blood pressure is hard to control, however, we have to seek various many methods to control it.Management for Chronic Nephritis
Besides those mentioned above, symptoms may need to get treatment by some immunosuppressives, such as corticosteroids, which has the function of adjustment of the biosynthesis and metabolism of glucose, fat, and protein, and furthermore, it plays the role with anti-inflammatory, anti-toxic and other functions.
Early treatment is beneficial in the prevention of Chronic Nephritis progressing to Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD). If CKD occurs, kidney damage is bound to advance without stop. So treatment for Chronic Nephritis is vital important.

Besides the regular treatments, diet and medication as well as other attentions, as a supplement treatment, are also important and cannot be neglected. By joint measures, Chronic Nephritis can certainly get a satisfactory treatment result.

Stem Cell Therapy for Chronic Nephritis

Have you heard of Stem Cell Therapy ? Stem Cell Therapy is one of the most
popular word in medical world for treating chronic nephritis. Stem Cell Therapy is famous for its excellent effects in treating chronic kidney disease. If you or
Have you heard of Stem Cell Therapy ?Stem Cell Therapy is one of the most popular word in medical world for treating chronic nephritis. Stem Cell Therapy is famous for its excellent effects in treating chronic kidney disease. If you or your relatives or friends are troubled by chronic nephritis, this article and experts on line can be help for you.What Are the Risk Factors for Chronic Nephritis
More than 1000 chronic kidney disease cases have showed Stem Cell Therapy have good effects in treating chronic nephritis. Data from clinical practice proved that Stem Cell Therapy is the best treatment in treating kidney disease.Chinese Medicine Treatment for Glomerulonephritis Induced by Hepatitis B
As we all know, in order to treat chronic nephritis, we need firstly know the reasons which caused chronic nephritis. Almost 95% patients with chronic nephritis are caused by disorder in immune in our body so that immune complexes deposit in patients’ kidney. So we need to treat chronic nephritis by cleaning out the complexes in our kidneys.Brief Introduction of Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
How do experts in our hospital treat chronic nephritis? Can Green Tea in High Doses Cause Nephritis
As a professional kidney disease hospital, we have some characteristics in treating chronic nephritis by Stem Cell Therapy .
Firstly, we have more staff, among whom, there are more experts as well. What is more, we have had a long history in treating kidney disease, so the experience we gain is more accordingly.
Secondly, we are more proficient at the pathogenesis and the feature of medicines, so the medicine we apply is much safer and specific.
Thirdly, we have brought in the latest technology and medicine in the world.

Last but not least, our treatment course is more standard, specialized and scientific.


Stem Cell Therapy: New Break for Treating Chronic Nephritis

Chronic Nephritis is chronic disease, so it lasts for a relatively long time,
compared with acute disease. Our kidneys have strong reserve capacity, so at the every beginning of kidney damages, the remaining healthy renal functions are strong enough to maintain us in a normal state. However, as more and more renal tissues are damaged, kidney functions decreased seriously at that moment, which leads to the occurrence of lots of abnormal symptoms such as swelling, elevated blood pressure, urine change, nausea and frequently fatigue. When these symptoms appear, patients realize that they are sick and actually, their disease has developed into at least the third stage.
New Break for Treating Chronic Nephritis is Stem Cell Therapy, which combined the advantages Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and cells transplant.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Chronic Nephritis caused by immune complexes in our kidney. Immune complex is a kind of toxic and harmful substances, the body can not live with them in peace. They need eliminating. As to the immune complex existing in blood, they can be eliminated by immunoadsorption and hemoperfusion. They can not eliminate those depositing in kidney. How about pharmacotherapy? However, western medicine has not invented the relevant medicine so far. There is a new method can deal with this problem. It is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It can get rid of the toxins in the body through promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Also Micro-Chinese Medicine has the following effects: reduce blood pressure; make patients sweat; make the excrement in urine increase; reduce the leakage of protein; make patients comfortable.
Stem Cell Therapy

Stem Cell Therapy actually is the transplantation of a group of original human cells which needs to be cultivated before carrying out the treatment. Stem Cell Therapy will differentiate into corresponding functional cells if cultivated by specific nutrient solution. In kidney disease patients’ body, Stem Cell Therapy which have been cultivated before the injection differentiate into different types of renal functional cells to replace necrotic renal intrinsic cells to display kidney function. Kidney functions are performed through healthy renal intrinsic cells, so when they are damaged or necrotic, kidney function decreases. Stem Cell Therapy which are cultivated before the injection can replace damaged or necrotic renal intrinsic cells to display kidney function and in this way, kidney function can be increased effectively.

Good News Treatment for Patients with Diabetes Nephropathy

Are you still confused by Diabetes Nephropathy?There is good news for patients
with Diabetes Nephropathy. New treatment for Diabetes Nephropathy has been researched in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.
Nowadays, with the development of the society, the standard of our life become higher and higher. While there are many disadvantages appearing with this development. For example, Diabetes developed in a terrible speed during last ten years. Many researches have showed that people are at great risk of Diabetes.
Is Dialysis the Only Option for Diabetic Nephropathy Patients
Diabetes Nephropathy is caused by Diabetes. More and more people have the pain caused by Diabetes Nephropathy. What can treat Diabetes Nephropathy effectively? Is there any treatment which can help them cast off the pain caused by Diabetes Nephropathy? Who can help patients with Diabetes Nephropathy? Let us answer these questions in detail.Natural Medicines and Herbs for Diabetic Nephropathy
Traditional treatment is just controlling the blood sugar and high blood pressure. When Diabetes Nephropathy gets worse, their kidneys will almost lose all the intrinsic function. Then kidney transplant become the only way to treat this disease. There are also many difficulties to transplant the kidney. Besides the large amount of cost, other factors you should pay attention to, for example, when you have enough money and time, you still need to care if the kidney is suitable for you, and even after you successfully transplanted the kidney, Diabetes Nephropathy may attack you once again.How to Slow Down Progression of Diabetic Nephropathy  Renal Failure Due to Diabetes: Can Kidneys Be Restored without Dialysis

I will introduce the latest treatment for patients with Diabetes Nephropathy researched by experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. It is called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy whose main ingredient is traditional Chinese medicine. Many clinical examples have proved its effective effects. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is a perfect combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. Western medicine can afford a favorite inter environment for next steps. Traditional Chinese medicine can recover the damaged cells and tissues of the kidney and get well the function of the kidney. It can also stop Diabetes Nephropathy from tuning into uremia, which can give your life strong support. Even though you have already in the end stage of Diabetes Nephropathy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy will help you extend the interval of dialysis. If you are interested in this new treatment, please consult experts on line.

How I beat Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)

Hey there. I just wanted to say hello to the members of Adults with FSGS. I hope
my story can help more patients beat Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS).
I was diagnosed with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) in 2004. Initially my diagnosis was Nephrotic Syndrome, then I had a biopsy that showed I had the more aggressive form of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) (collapsing variant). To make a long story short, I started 120 mgs of medicine every other day. Because I was on hormone I had to take other drugs to help me with my stomach, my swelling, my blood pressure etc. This amounted to 13 pills a day.
What Is an Alternative Treatment for FSGS Kidney Diseases Can FSGS Be Recoverable by Steroid Therapy
I was hyper all the time, had swollen ankles, moon face, thinning hair, (depression) and when I was weaning off of them I developed deep red scarring in my upper arms. I tried some other medicine next with less side effects, but no positive results as far as protein leakage. Next my option is another medicine would be and after reading about long time side effects (I was developed a hatred for drugs due to Prednisone) I choose not to do cyclosporin.Stem Cell Therapy for FSGS Patients
I checked in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital this spring, I had many free-charge texts there. After a diagnosis meeting hold by famous experts, I finally started Stem Cell. The good effects of Stem Cell occur after about 15 days I put into Stem Cell . All the symptoms disappeared mentioned above such as swollen ankles, moon face, thinning hair and so on. My personal doctor in the Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital told me that: you have had new kidneys with powerful functions. I was so thankful to the doctors and nurses there. Now I am still in good state and I also do follows the doctor told me that I need keep balance diet and do reasonable exercise.

Many thanks to Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, if you still troubled by Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), Stem Cell Therapy may be the best choice for you!


Diet for Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis patients

As we all know, diet plays an important role in our daily life. As for the Henoch New Treatment for Purpura Nephritis Patients with ESRD
Schonlein purpura nephritis patients, you need pay more attention to it. As food hypersensitivity is also one of the important reasons to the Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis. Some foreign protein in some food can lead to Henoch Schonlein purpura such as fish, shrimp, crab, egg, milk, bean, pineapple. Some food like these mentioned above can worse the Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis patients' conditions.
Golden rules for the diet of Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis
1. Avoid some food rich in foreign protein and the plate which used to put them. For patients with Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis, never try to choice the vegetables with fresh flowers, some reports have showed that pollen is also a kind of food which can lead to allergy.The Newest Treatment for Purpura Nephritis
2. Eat some food which is good for enriching your blood
Patients with Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis will always suffer from anemia for too much blood lost. So they need eat some food rich in protein and which is good for enriching the blood in our body. Such as some lean meat, eggs, livers of animals, spinach, tomatoes, kelp, Laver, agaric, jujube Beans and its products
3. Food rich in vitamin C What Are Treatments for Purpura Nephritis Patients
Some food rich in vitamin C like Grapefruit, orange, orange, apple, lemon, strawberry, kiwi, tomatoes and vegetables with green leaves.
For Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis patients, you not only need pay attention to the diet, but also look for effective treatment for Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis.

In Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, we have special treatment for patients with Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis. Both Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotheropy and Stem Cell Therapy have helped about 2000 patients reserved the Henoch Schonlein purpura nephritis successfully.

Hot topic: Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and its treatment

Some words from patients who have been diagnosed with Focal Segmental
Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). I hope these worlds can be some of help for patients who are now struggling with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS).
Hot topic- patients: can Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) curable?
Patients A: Our understanding is that there is no cure but the symptoms and the progression of the disease can be controlled by medications. Right now Steven is on cyclosporine. Some side effects exist but I find him much better then he was before.What Is an Alternative Treatment for FSGS Kidney Diseases
Patients B: That's what I was saying...you can live a long life. Proof from those here who have. I was saying that they should not think that there isn't. There are plenty of doctors out there who are working on it. As I said – Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital is working on it and so are a group of other doctors with the latest treatment which may help Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS).
If you don't take care of yourself, eat correctly, follow the meds regime and get regular blood work done you can pass on. CHF being one of them. High cholesterol causing plaque build up and then there is the high blood pressure which if not taken care of will of course harm you.Stem Cell Therapy for FSGS Patients
As I said before take the meds, eat correctly, follow your doctors orders (as much as you can) and get those blood tests done! What Is the Best Treatment for FSGS Patients
Patients C: Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is not by any means a death sentence. It is just so important to know that the complications of the disease can be so devastating. Adults with FSGS have to be on top of everything all of their docs are doing and be their own advocates.Can FSGS Be Reversed at the Early Stage
Patients D: The side effects of the medications can ruin your body. So i am sorry to hear that at such a young age you are experiencing this. I also feel bad for the younger children that have to deal with the side effects of meds. Young children can be so mean if they are not taught well at home. Hopefully some day a cure will be found. Right now it's hit or miss trying to find something that helps. I don't think a cure will be found in my life time but hopefully yours.

The latest treatment for Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital is Stem Cell Therapy , which has good effects in treating FSGS. We have helped more than 20000 patients with 26 years history in total. Many patients here are cured by Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Stem Cell Therapy. Now, we promoted a new therapy for Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), which is also a break through in treating FSGS in medical world. More info about Stem Cell Therapy please consult experts on line. All the charge is for free!

Treatment for Latent Glomerulonephritis

Latent Glomerulonephritis, also called as Asymptomatic Hematuria or Proteinuria,
refers the patients often have no such symptoms as swelling, high blood pressure, or renal function damages, while it is only presented as the glomerulus-related bloody urine or urine protein. This article focus on the treatment of this disease.
Latent Glomerulonephritis is often caused by primary glomerular diseases, luckily, its pathological changes are relatively light. Among them, IgA Nephropathy is often presented as simple hematuria.Blood in urine and kidney disease
Due to Latent Glomerulonephritis is often only represented as persistent proteinuria or recurrent hematuria, and patients often have a healthy and stable renal function in 20 to 30 years.Blood in Urine (Hematuria) - CKD Center
However, for the minority cases, some seducing factors, for example, infection, over fatigues, cold stimulation, or those non-obvious factors, could aggravate their diseases, and even make the diseases into the stage of Renal Insufficiency.
So treatment should include the closely inspection on the development of the disease, besides that, dietary therapy is also suggested by doctors.Alternative Medicines for Glomerulonephritis
Here the emphasis for the dietary plan is to safeguard the intake of foods rich in carbohydrate, and also, provide enough and sufficient calories so as to reduce the breakdown of protein in the body. At the same time, restrict the intake of salt or sodium as well as potassium and keep a healthy comprehensive diet.
Other treatments include the symptomatic treatment, which means to apply the treatment according to the specific symptoms, which include the use of medicines in diuresis, depressurization, blood potassium, controlling of the heart failure.
Other treatments include the use of immunosuppressive drugs or some antibiotics, such as penicillin, etc. which could have obvious effects.Is Homeopathy Remedy Successful in Treating Glomerular Nephritis

From above we can see that the treatment for Latent Glomerulonephritis mainly focus on the prevention and symptomatic treatment. there are many recovery cases on Latent Glomerulonephritis in our hospital, if you want more, consult us please.

Immunotherapy Help You Reserve Chronic Nephritis by 6 Steps

As we all know, it is very important for patients with chronic nephritis to get
effective treatments timely. Early and Timely treatment will be greatly good forchronic nephritis patients, which is both good for your health and your money. If chronic nephritis can not be treated well, it may cause permanent damage to kidney, which may also get into end stage renal failure gradually.
For patients who have been chronic nephritis for long time, it is very difficult for them to reserve it. This problem has confused most doctors and patients in the world.
Immunotherapy for Kidney Failure
With the progress of medical science, is there any hope for them to say good bye to chronic nephritis nowadays? Yes, as picture showed that, Immunotherapy is a good choice for patients have been with chronic nephritis for long period. We have helped many patients cured chronic nephritis successfully through Immunotherapy. Why does it have so magical efficacy? Because Immunotherapy can help patients regulate the immune and enhance patients’ immune ability, which can fix the damaged cells in patients’ kidneys. There are six steps during Immunotherapy:Where There Is Kidney Failure, There Is Immunotherapy
Step one: Immune diagnosis. Immunotherapy for Chronic Kidney Disease
Step two: Immune blocking treatment
Step three: Immunologic tolerance
Step four: Immune regulation
Step five: Immune protection
Step six: Immune clearance

If you are suffering from chronic nephritis or you want to help your friend who has this problem, you can consult us online or email to us for further suggestions.


Attention: Three Common Symptoms of Lupus Nephropathy

Lupus Nephropathy is a kidney disease caused by Immune complex depositing in the
glomerulus,this disease can lead to symptoms in the whole body and has damage to all the tissues and organs.
There are three common symptoms as follow:
1. Symptoms in kidney: There are only with blood urine or proteinuria without any other symptoms. Also patients some patients with Lupus Nephropathy have symptoms like blood urine or proteinuria with heavily swelling or soreness of waist and by high blood pressure. Some patients may have symptoms like those occurred in chronic or acute renal failure.Lupus Nephritis: How to Lower Creatinine 5.1 without Dialysis
2. Symptoms in the whole body: Some patients will have interval fever after they got Lupus Nephropathy. Erythema on the regio zygomatica whose shape just like butterflies. You may get dental ulcer without pain. Also some patients feel pain in joins. Even worse, some patients will get epilepsia and there are some psychological problems with them.Fatigue Due to Lupus Nephritis: Causes and Treatments
3. Test results: Routine blood shows these symptoms as follow:
A. White blood cells reduced( < 4.0×109/L)or
B. Anemia Lupus Nephritis Patients with Leg Swelling: Causes and Treatments
C. Thrombocytopenia( <100× 109/L)
D. Blood deposit in a fast blood
E. Complement in blood serum C3 decreased
F. Antinuclear antibodies is positive
These results help us diagnosis more clearly so that we can treat it timey.

The symptoms of Lupus Nephropathy aren’t very typical, so when you found there are differences in you kidneys, you had better to take a test. In this way, you will never miss the best occasions to treat Lupus Nephropathy. Once the kidney developed, it is very difficult to save the function of your kidney.

Stem cell Therapy for Henoch Schönlein purpura nephritis

For patients with Henoch Schönlein purpura nephritis, they must be very fearful
and hopeless. As a friend or relative of them, we not only need care more of them, but also ask for the effective treatments for Henoch Schönlein purpura nephritis.Stem cell Therapy is the most advanced treatment for Henoch Schönlein purpura nephritis in 2012.
There are 19 kinds of different Stem cell Therapy in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital. Different Immunotherapy are used to treat different kidney disease. here I would like to share with all of you the Msesenchymal Immunotherapy (MSCs)in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital.
Is Stem Cell Treatment an Option for Kidney Failure
Msesenchymal Stem cell (MSCs) for Henoch Schönlein purpura nephritis
Msesenchymal Stem cell (MSCs)is one kind of mesoderm cells with lots of functions. They always lie in between the connective tissue and mesenchyme. Bone marrow is rich in Msesenchymal Stem cell (MSCs). As they is the main source of bone marrow, so they are also called as marrow-derived mesenchymal Stem cell.
The advantages of Msesenchymal Stem cell (MSCs)in treating Henoch Schönlein purpura nephritis Stem Cell Therapy: New Hope for Kidney Failure Patients
1. They have powerful multiplication capacity and the proficiency of multi-lineage differentiation. In good inner or outer environment, they can grow into different cells in our body such as blood cells, liver cells and osteoblast, chondrocyte, stroma cell and many other cells in our body.
2. Regulate the immune ability Stem Cell Therapy in 2015 for Patients with Kidney Failure
They can work through the mutual effect between the cells and produce the Cytokynesis and decrease T-cells multiplication or reactions, which will renew the immune systerm.
3. Develop easily
We can grow Msesenchymal Stem cell (MSCs)in lad and they have very strong developing ability.

So if you are still look for effective treatment for Henoch Schönlein purpura nephritis, Stem cell therapy is the best choice for you!

Hyperlipidemia and hypertension in FSGS patients

Some researches showed that some patients with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
(FSGS) have great relationships with hyperlipidemia as follows
1. The occurring rate of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) has great relationship with hyperlipidemia.
2. More and more overweight patients with hyperlipidemia are attacked by Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS).Causes and Natural Treatment for FSGS in Kids
3. When patients with hyperlipidemia had some medicine decreasing the hyperlipidemia, the symptoms of FSGS will decrease as well.
Why patients with hypertension are most likely to cause hypertension?
When patients are diagnosed with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), which means the kidney function has been decreased greatly. Haemodynamics in residual kidney unit changed greatly, which leads to high blood pressure due to glomerular capillary decompensated, which lead to epithelial cells and endothelial cell are damaged, mesangial cell work in wrong way, this is the main reason why patients get Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS).
The latest treatment for Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients with hyperlipidemia and hypertension in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is Stem cell Therapy , which stand for the advanced treatment in treating kidney disease in the medical world. Stem Cell Therapy for FSGS Patients Can FSGS Cause Numbness/Tingling/Burning Felling in My Feet
Our hospital(Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital) has done many researches for about 20 years. As a kidney professional hospital with 26 years history, about 20000 kidney disease patients check in our hospital every year. Among them, about 2000 patients with FSGS have hyperlipidemia and hypertension. The data from the clinical practice showed that Stem cell therapy has very good effects in treating patients with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). The Stem cell therapy is famous for and good effects. It is welcomed by patients with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) in China.

If you are now still troubled by Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) with hyperlipidemia and hypertension. Stem cell therapy can help solve your problems.

New Treatment for Chronic Nephritis

Do you have a slightly symptoms of chronic nephritis? Do you know the serious
ofchronic nephritis? It is no doubt that you will get uremia at last if you don’t treat chronic nephritis timely. Please never ignore the chronic nephritis as it can develop in a silent way. Although there are no obvious symptoms, remember that it is also called “Silent Killer” in our body.
So how can we kill this silent killer forever? Are there any effective treatments for treating chronic nephritis? The answer is yes.
There are three treatments in treating chronic nephritis in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital. We will help you make your personality medical plan according to you specific condition Can Stem Cell Therapy Help Kidney Failure Patients Avoid Dialysis
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy means using strong ultrasonic cultivation method to micronize the Chinese medicine molecules into one thousandths smaller granules for Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It makes the active ingredients of Chinese medicine fully overflow, thus enhancing the permeability of Chinese medicine, so it can permeate into the lesions quickly. So it has the good effects in treating chronic nephritis. Treatment Two Tips for Chronic Nephritis Patients
Stem Cell Therapy  Is Stem Cell Treatment an Option for Kidney Failure

Stem Cell Therapy plays on the idea that Stem Cell Therapy are characterized by self-renewal and multi-directional differentiation. As the Stem Cell Therapy access to human body, renal lesions would signal so that attracting Stem Cell Therapy. As Stem Cell Therapy got into the renal lesions, plenty of daughter cells which are same with original Stem Cell Therapy are produced. Those daughter cells will divide into multiple types of cells needed by kidneys and renal tissues as well as renal vessels, which results in the improvement of local micro-circulation, decrease of high pressure within glomerulus, relief of ischemia and oxygen deficiency and continuous regain of blood circulation. So it can help you treat chronic nephritis.

Creatinine level in Chronic Nephritis Patients

For Chronic Nephritis patients, besides the common symptoms of proteinuria,
hematuria, swellings, along with the development of the disease, creatinine also will exceeds the normal range. Take a look for more detailed information.
Why Creatinine Increases in Chronic Patients?
Medicines for Lowering High Creatinine Level
The normal range for creatinine is about 40-110umol/L. At the early stage of Chronic Nephritis, creatinine is usually not high, and symptoms such as proteinuria, occult blood show abnormal with positive character, at this time, if the creatinine shows up increase in Chronic Nephritis patients, it indicates that the patients’ kidneys begin to damage, and the renal intrinsic cells are harmed. Along with the progressive decline of renal function, those abundant creatinine cannot be removed out of the body through kidneys, so the buildup of creatinine in the blood leads to the elevation of creatinine levels in the blood.
What Are the Implications of Elevated Creatinine Level What Supplement or Medicines Help Reduce High Creatinine
How to Reduce Creatinine for Chronic Nephritis Patients? High Creatinine Level
In Western medicine, it often uses some creatinine-reducing medicines, or when the creatinine level is very high, patients are tend to choose dialysis treatment. But, dialysis just only adds another approach for excreting creatinine except kidney, and it is really helpful in reducing the creatinine levels. However, dialysis treatment cannot repair the damaged renal cells, neither can make them restore the original function. So those renal intrinsic cells will still progresses to necrosis and disappear.Does Reduced Creatinine Level Mean Better Kidney Function

Along with the continuous research in kidney disease filed, our hospital firstly proposes a new treatment for Chronic Nephritis disease. By immunotherapy, the damaged renal intrinsic cells could be well repaired and the renal function can be gradually restored. Along with the recovery process of kidneys, symptoms such as high creatinine level in patients with Chronic Nephritis will automatically reduce and disappear.


Rehabilitation Case of a Lupus Nephritis Patient

There are thousands of rehabilitation cases in our hospital which are put on
every day. Today I will give you all a rehabilitation case report from a Lupus Nephritispatient.
The first let us take a look at the disease of Lupus Nephritis. Lupus Nephritis, just as its name implies, means that this disease is as dangerous as a “wolf”, and this nephritis is induced by Lupus Erythematosus. Lupus Nephritis often attack those younger women between 15 to 35 years old, and the minority cases could be seen in children and the aged. This disease accounts about 30 percent of the whole Kidney Disease.Fatigue Due to Lupus Nephritis: Causes and Treatments
Patient Han, female, 40 years old, in June 29th, 2008, she was hospitalized in our hospital. At then, the patient has the main complaints including three years’ chills and pale of fingers and one year’s lower limbs’ edema.
When hospitalized, this patient has temperature of 36.8 and her blood pressure is 100/60mmHg. From the appearance we can see that in her face part there are butterfly-styled red spot, and her blood fat is TG 2.92mmol/L, other inspections are detected normal. She is diagnosed as Lupus Erythematosus(SLE) or Lupus Nephritis. Her Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate(ESR) is 46mm/h.Food to Be Safely Eaten by Lupus Nephritis Patients
After 20 days’ treatment by those necessary medicines and our the characterized Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy used in our hospital, many symptoms are improved, so the patient happily leave hospital after 20 days’ treatment.
When she leaved hospital, her doctors gave her some advices. Western medicines such as hormones are mainly used to cope with those urgent complications, which could provide a useful helping hand for the reparation of kidneys with the use of Micro-Chinese Medicine Lupus Nephritis Patients with Leg Swelling: Causes and Treatments
At the same time, patient should keep a pleasant mind and pay attention to some points in the diet and the uses of some medicines. And, patient should regularly conduct some testes such as urine routines, blood routine, etc.

So this is the brief introduction on the Rehabilitation Case of a Lupus Nephritis Patient, hope to help you if you have any needs.

Effective treatments for Henoch Schönlein purpura nephritis

As a professional kidney disease hospital, Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital
is the largest kidney disease hospital in China. Every year, about 20000 patients checked in our hospital with kidney disease. There are about 5000 patients in Henoch Schönlein purpura nephritis. We have helped them reserve the Henoch Schönlein purpura nephritis successfully.
The specific advanced tests for patients in Henoch Schönlein purpura nephritis
Seven tests for Renal fibrosis ( They can help you find the kidney problems timely) The Newest Treatment for Purpura Nephritis
Three tests for kidney tubules ( They can help you find the damages in kidney tubules earlier) What Are Treatments for Purpura Nephritis Patients
Tests for Treg cells: lymphocyte subsets. (T-lymphocyte subsets/ B lymphocyte subsets/ NK lymphocyte)
Th1 / Th2 cells ratio, circulating immune complexes, C3, C4, CH5O, C1q, immune globulin(IgA、IgG、IgM、IgE), IgG1、IgG2、IgG3、IgG4.(They can help patients find the immune damages in their kidneys).New Treatment for Purpura Nephritis Patients with ESRD
Tests for CysA Serum concentration monitoring
Cardiac muscle calcium protein (TNT), NT-proBNP, Procalcitonin
Blut-Routine-Untersuchung, Light inhib,ition C, renal function, liver function, Resistance to nuclear antibody series, ANCA series, folic acid, B12、PTH
These tests can help you found the damages in the kidneys and the proper treatments or medicine for you.

Patients with Henoch Schönlein purpura nephritis, we are the best for you.

Proteinuria and nausea in FSGS patients and its treatment

For patients who suffer from Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) ,
proteinuria and nausea are very common symptoms in their body. I would like to share some info about proteinuria and nausea in FSGSpatients and its treatment.
Protein is an important index to reflect the glomerulus and kidney tubes. Kidney tubes will influence the reabsorption of protein. When there are damages in Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients’ kidneys, the protein will lean out within the urine. Then proteinuria will occur in Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients.
Stem Cell Therapy for FSGS Patients
Why do patients with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) have nausea?
1. If patients in Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) use application diuretics for Long-term in not appropriate way, when they have Hyponatremia, they can appear nausea and vomiting.
2. Metabolic acidosis. Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients with acid metabolites can't be lean out normally, and accumulated toxics lead to acidosis in patients body. It can be measured by blood pH and can be known by carbon dioxide binding force. Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) Patients can appear when they have acidosis sigh, nausea and vomiting breath problems will attack them.What Is the Best Treatment for FSGS Patients
3. Application cyclophosphamide. Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) Patients often feel nausea, vomiting after they used cyclophosphamide. Cyclophosphamide will damage the liver function. This can be tested from medical history and liver function index.Can FSGS Be Reversed at the Early Stage
4. Inflammation or gastrointestinal mucosa ulcer in end stage of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients. Renal impairment form the stomach secrete stomach acid, which can lead to digest function disorder, nausea vomiting.
Treatment for Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients with proteinuria and nausea  Is There Cure for FSGS with Nephrotic Syndrome

The latest treatment for FSGS in our hospital is Stem Cell Therapy , which can release the Proteinuria and nausea in FSGS patients greatly. What is more, new Stem Cell Therapy can replace the intrinsic cells in our body. Our kidney function can be renewed completely. So it can help us solve the problems Proteinuria and nausea in FSGS patients. You have known that FSGS is the most effective way to treat FSGS. You need know more detail so that you can make your own decisions. All the charge is free if you consult experts on line.

Diabetic Renal Disease Boosts Mortality Risk after Failed transplants

British investigators have reported a link between diabetes as primary renal
disease (PRD) and survival after transplant failure.
Their study showed that patients with diabetes as their PRD had slightly more than twice the risk of dying in the first 90 days after starting dialysis following graft loss as patients whose native kidney failure was caused by a diagnosis other than diabetes. Additionally, diabetes as PRD conferred an even higher risk of death between 90 days and three years. Identifying conditions associated with worse outcomes may help guide the management of patients with failed transplants and also identify subgroups who need more intensive monitoring.
Is Dialysis the Only Option for Diabetic Nephropathy Patients
Based on our findings, we believe that clinicians need to monitor patients with failing renal transplants closely and ensure timely planning for the return to dialysis and/or suitability for re-transplantation. Patients with diabetes are more susceptible to infections and therefore the commencement of dialysis via a temporary catheter due to inadequate dialysis planning may have significant consequences.Natural Medicines and Herbs for Diabetic Nephropathy
Other types of PRD included glomerulonephritis, hypertension, polycystic kidney disease, pyelonephritis, renovascular disease, uncertain etiology, other high-risk diseases (such as vasculitis and systemic lupus erythematosus) and other low-risk diseases (such as congenital renal hypoplasia or a traumatic kidney loss).Best Treatment for GFR 16 in Diabetic Nephropathy
The increased risk of death in the diabetic PRD group is probably due to their increased co-morbidities, For example, diabetic patients are more likely to have cardiovascular disease and peripheral vascular disease, both of which are associated with significant morbidity and mortality.Renal Failure Due to Diabetes: Can Kidneys Be Restored without Dialysis
Poor dialysis planning may contribute to the higher mortality rate in diabetic patients, she said. Diabetics are susceptible to infection, and initiation of dialysis using a central venous catheter may be associated with a significant rate of sepsis-related complications. Instead, she recommended timely planning for the return to dialysis, with patients being considered for re-listing for further transplantation, if appropriate.Can Diabetic Nephropathy Be Cured
Prompt recognition of the failing transplant with regular outpatient monitoring and specialist input would allow more definitive vascular access, such as an arteriovenous fistula, to be created, thereby potentially reducing the infection risk for susceptible diabetic patients, she added.

Dr. Webb cautioned that a lack of annual comorbidity data may represent a possible study limitation. In addition, only 173 patients died in the first 90 days, a low event rate that could mean that the sample size was too small to detect a difference.

Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) with edema and its treatment

Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) isn’t a very common disease in kidney
disease, it always occurs in children, boys are more than girls who have the Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) from researches. About 50% patients with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) can be attack by edema.
The reasons why Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) caused edema
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) causes the insufficient filtering of toxins from blood, which in return cause swellings in whole body, especially in eyes, ankles and hands. Over time, progressive scarring of the kidneys can lead to kidney failure. Some cases just take 1to 2 years to turn in to renal failure since they are diagnosed with FSGS. FSGS is a serious kidney disease. It is famous for its nickname- silent killer Medicated Bath with Chinese Medicine for Patients with FSGS
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) with edema
As we all know, all the kidney disease caused by damaged cells in our kidney at first. If we want to treat Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)with edema completely, we need firstly repair the damaged cells in our kidneys.Stem Cell Therapy for FSGS Patients Is There Cure for FSGS with Nephrotic Syndrome
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is new break through in repairing damaged cells in kidneys in 2012. The effective ingredient can reach the lesion parts in the kidney directly. On the one hand, it can decrease the burden of kidneys to digest the Chinese traditional medicine. On the other hand, the effective ingredients in the medicine can be taken full of use, which can avoid the waste of the medicine. In order to solve the problem of bitter taste, we put the medical beg on the back, the medicine can be put into lesion parts by ultrasonic wave, so for patients with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), you can treat your FSGS with edema without pain and operation. Some data from clinical practice showed that Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has obvious effects in treating Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). Now Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is welcomed by almost all the FSGS patients.What Is the Best Treatment for FSGS Patients

So if you have another questions about Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), you can get answers from experts on line, all the charge is free.


Nick Cannon was Diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis

Nick Cannon, an inborn entertainment talent in the United States, was diagnosed
asLupus Nephritis not long time ago. Let me introduce it a little bit more.
On March 5th, 2012, Nick Cannon announced that he was diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis. He was hospitalized on Jan.4th, 2012 after he has suffered from mild Kidney Failure. So what is the Lupus Nephritis? Maybe many people have no idea about this disease. So I want to introduce it for you.
Is Lupus Nephritis Curable by Chinese Medicine
Lupus Nephritis is an inflammation in the kidneys which is caused by systemic lupus erythematosus(SLE). As an immune disease, SLE not only affects kidneys, it can also damage the skin, joint, nervous , and other body organs in the body. SLE also has some common symptoms, such as high blood pressure, weight gain, darker urine, swelling around the eyes, ankles and fingers.Lupus Patients with Protienuria: What Does It Mean
The diagnosis of Lupus Nephritis depends on blood tests, urine routines, X-rays, ultrasound or scans of kidneys as well as kidney biopsy.
World Health Organization has divided Lupus Nephritis as five grades: Class Ⅰto Class Ⅴ. Generally the former three classes are minor and the latter two classes are more serious.What Should Know If Lupus Nephritis Patients Have Headaches with Tylenol
However, even for the serious cases, some medications are available and also, there are many other methods to treat this disease, for example, the Immunotherapy used in our Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.
The good news for Nick Cannon is that experts are optimistic about his disease, because he was diagnosed and treated at an early time. Now Nick Cannon announced that he is sleeping more, drinking more water and eating less salt foods. And better still, he is active for his disease.

I hope this great comic star---Nick Cannon would recover as soon as possible. As a specialized Kidney Disease hospital, we are also proud of our achievements on treating well thousands of Lupus Nephritis patients.

How to treat Henoch Schönlein purpura with Nephritis

Henoch Schönlein purpura nephritis
Henoch Schönlein purpura nephritis is the abbreviation of allergic purpura nephritis. It is the basic lesions necrotizing small blood vessel caused by inflammation in kidney. In patient with Henoch Schönlein purpura kidneys, there are always immune complexes depositing in kidneys. Henoch Schönlein purpura will have different damages to kidney with the ages. Henoch Schönlein purpura nephritis likes to attack the younger people. As for the gender, Henoch Schönlein purpura nephritis likes men better than women.
How do we deal with the Henoch Schönlein purpura nephritis in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital?The Newest Treatment for Purpura Nephritis
In Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, we have three syImmunotherapys for treating Henoch Schönlein purpura. After you checked in our hospital, we will make a specialized medical plan according to your own condition and specific health state. What Are Treatments for Purpura Nephritis Patients
The three effective treatment for Henoch Schönlein purpura are as follows:
1. Chinese traditional medicine for Henoch Schönlein purpura nephritis
We have advanced Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy by meridians treatment. (Concentrated frequency pulse, ultrared rays, traditional Chinese medicine, External point therapy, The magic medicine bath of traditional Chinese medicine(Skin dialysis), Ultrasound osmosis treatment, Foot bath holographic treatment.New Treatment for Purpura Nephritis Patients with ESRD
2. Immunotherapy for Henoch Schönlein purpura nephritis
Immune adsorption (liposuction), plasma exchange to the bed IQ21 continuous hemofiltration, continuous hemodialysis filtration, single heavy plasma exchange double plasma exchange, plasma immune adsorption, blood perfusion, DNA immune adsorption, remove the blood poison directly.
3. Stem cell therapy for Henoch Schönlein purpura nephritis
As a professional kidney hospital, we have advanced NK cells, CIK cells and many kinds of cytology treatment. We also opened up a new future for kidney disease treatment.

Any other questions about how to treat Henoch Schönlein purpura with nephritis, please consult experts on line for free.

Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) with hypoalbuminemia and its treatment

As we all know, protein plays an important role in our body, which is also one of
a main source of energy for us to use. For Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients, as the kidney disease damage the basilar membrane, lots of protein in our body leans out within the urine, which caused hypoalbuminemia, one of common symptoms in Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients.
The risks of hypoalbuminemia in Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients
New Treatment for Fatigue for FSGS Patients
1. Damage your skin and hair
Patients with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and hypoalbuminemia may have red dots in their skin, even with fester skin, the hair turned withered and yellow. Patients seem always weakness and tired.
2. Growth retardation
FSGS always happened in children, it have great serious influence on the patients with FSGS and hypoalbuminemia Growth retardation.
3. Damage nerve Stem Cell Therapy for FSGS Patients
Some patients with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and hypoalbuminemia have bad memories and some nerve symptoms disease.
The treatment for hypoalbuminemia in FSGS patients
1. Diet What Is the Best Treatment for FSGS Patients
Patients with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and hypoalbuminemianeed a balance diet which is rich in fruit and vegetables.
2. Regulate the disorder of water and electrolyte in patients body
Patients with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and hypoalbuminemia can regulate the disorder of water and electrolyte in patients’ body by some fruit and some vegetable rich in water and electrolyte
3. Skin protecting Is There Cure for FSGS with Nephrotic Syndrome
Use more skin protecting cream to protect your skin.
4. Repair the damaged mesangial1 cells.

The most effective way for Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients with hypoalbuminemia reserving the disease is repairing the damaged cells in patients’ body. stem cell Therapy can help you reach this goal by new stem cell input your body, if you have a need, please chat with experts on line.