
Chinese Medicine for Boosting Your Kidney

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the kidneys are the fountain of youth, the foundation for a healthy, vital life and for graceful longevity. They are to be guarded and nurtured by living wisely, so that they in turn may continue to supply us with strength well into old age.
From Western anatomy and physiology, we know that the kidneys perform several critical functions in the body: waste removal and filtration, regulation of the acidity of the blood, maintenance of optimum levels of electrolytes and amino acids, and regulation of blood pressure. The kidneys also secrete hormones. Among them are erythropoetin, which stimulates red blood cell production in the bone marrow so that we do not become anemic; and calcitriol, an active form of vitamin D, which is now recognized as essential to a myriad of body functions such as immune and cognitive function, healthy fertility, weight regulation, and of course, bone health.
As we consider all of these functions, and ponder the wide-ranging effects that they have on the entire organism, or conversely, the negative effects of a malfunctioning kidney system, we can begin to appreciate the respect that TCM accords this vital organ system.
The following are the common treatment for kidney disease in China.
Chinese Herbal Medicine. Chinese Herbal Medicine uses herbs to alleviate the symptoms and complications. Many herbs are found to be tonic to kidneys. After processed, the herbal ingredients can take effects on kidney tissues. It can help repair the damaged kidney tissues and improve kidney functions.
Acupuncture. Acupuncture has been used in kidney disease, since more than 3.000 years ago. It uses medical needles to inserts the specific acupoints to promote the damaged kidney tissue’s self-cure and improve kidney functions, as well as alleviate the Symptoms. For example, acupuncture can stimulate the body to release endorphins--a natural pain killer, to reduce the Back Pain.
Food Therapy. Food therapy is a branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine which achieves healing of medications. Food therapy aims at guiding people to good health by choosing right food. Kidney disease is a very chronic medical condition which needs your accurate care on diet.
General recommendations
Maintaining a balanced lifestyle with healthy food, plenty of sleep, and low stress will preserve your kidney essence. On the other hand, excessive work, excessive exercise, sex, drugs, alcohol, excessive caffeine, anxiety, and stress will deplete kidney essence before its time.

Winter is the season of the kidney, a time when the body naturally seeks warmth and nourishment, and when the richness of kidney tonic herbs are least likely to cause side effects such as heat-congestion and phlegm in the body, as they might easily do in summer. Taking a course of kidney tonic herbs each winter can offer a wonderful preventive regimen that keeps the essence topped up for another year.

