
Bubbles in Urine and Kidney Therapy China

Bubbles in urine usually signify the occurrence of certain unwanted matter in the body that is imparting the bubbly form to urine. Bubbles in urine may be caused due to simple reasons like minor dehydration or excess urine flow, or because of some severe underlying condition affecting the patient.
Patients may also note that foamy urine is not the same as bubbles in urine. Forceful elimination of urine can cause additional air to mix with the urine, which can in turn cause the eliminated urine in the toilet bowl to appear frothy.
Causes of bubbles in urine
Some of the causes of bubbles in urine along with the associated symptoms and treatment options are discussed below:
Protein in Urine
The presence of protein in urine is referred to as proteinuria. The urine of healthy humans normally contains trace levels of protein. However, the presence of elevated levels of protein in urine is a symptom of some underlying disorder. Proteinuria may cause bubbles in urine. Protein in urine can be detected via urine tests.
The release of protein in urine is controlled by the glomeruli, a component of the kidneys. Any kind of inflammation or damage to the glomeruli, caused due to varied health complications, can result in excessive outflow of protein into the urine. Such proteinstend to react with the atmospheric air and cause the formation of bubbles in urine after it reaches the water in the toilet bowl.
Other additional signs and symptoms of proteinuria include swelling of the face, feet, hands, and other areas of the body. Patients need to seek medical attention to resolve all cases of protein in urine.
Kidney Abnormalities
The kidneys play a vital role in the filtration of urine. Hence, any type of kidney infection or disease can cause it to malfunction, which includes the release of excess protein in urine. As discussed above, protein in urine can result in the development of bubbles in urine.
Impaired functionality of the kidneys can prevent it from preparing concentrated urine. This can result in an increased desire in the affected person to pass out urine on a frequent basis. Additional symptoms include flank pain, fatigue, high blood pressure, diminished appetite, etc. Most kidney infections and diseases are treated with medications. Kidney stones may require surgical intervention.
Urinary Tract Infections or UTIs
UTIs are another major cause of bubbles in urine. The urinary tract is made up of the ureters, kidneys, urinary bladder, and the urethra. The urinary tract of healthy individuals is generally free from infection by bacteria or other pathogens.
UTIs may be caused after passage of microorganisms into the urinary tract via the urethra or through the bloodstream. Bubbles in urine occurs due to certain pathogens that are responsible for gas formation. UTIs can result in a variety of symptoms such as burning sensations and pain during urination, smelly urine, and increased desire to urinate, especially at night.
Most UTIs are treated with antibiotics. Pain killers may also be given to alleviate the associated pain. Intake of lots of water and sufficient rest is recommended
Vesicocolic Fistula
A fistula is identified by the presence of an abnormal connection between two bodily cavities. A vesicocolic fistula refers to an anomalous connection between the bladder and the colon. It can arise due to varied underlying conditions like tumors or Crohn’s disease. The lower area of the bladder gets swollen up and fluids then accumulate below the skin. Bubbles may occur in these fluids which are later eliminated as bubbles in urine. Patients need to seek medical attention for correct diagnosis and effective treatment.
Minor dehydration
Dehydration can occur due to many reasons such as exposure to elevated heat and humidity, reduced intake of water, vigorous exercising, etc. This can cause the urine to become more concentrated which can lead to formation of bubbles in urine. Additional symptoms associated with dehydration are fatigue, headaches, decreased urine outflow, and dryness of the mouth. People can avoid dehydration by drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day and by taking necessary precautions to avoid excess loss of fluids from the body via perspiration, etc.
Pregnancy and bubbles in urine
Pregnancy can often cause enlargement of the kidneys in some women. This can result in increased permeability of the kidney components that filter urine, eventually leading to excess passage of protein in urine. This causes bubbles in urine. Protein in urine during pregnancy can have severe underlying causes and hence warrants immediate medical attention.
Menstruation and bubbles in urine
Mild dehydration caused due to loss of fluids during menstruation can also result in bubbles in urine. The issue can be resolved via intake of lots of water and other liquids
The amount of bubbles in urine can not exactly reflect the severity of renal damages because different parts of kidneys are damaged in different types of kidney diseases. If only renal tubules are damaged such as in case of renal tubular acidosis, the amount of protein in urine usually less than 1-2g per day since glomeruli can prevent the passing of middle molecular and macromolecular proteins. If glomeruli are damaged, protein in urine can be more than 3.5g/d and there will be more protein in urine if both glomeruli and renal tubules are damaged.

For more information on how to treat bubbles in urine, you can leave us a message and we will give you a satisfied reply within 48 hours via email. Contact us on kidneytherapychina@hotmail.com.

