
Foamy Urine

Waste products of metabolism are excreted from the body by the kidneys through the urine. The urine contains wastes that have been filtered from the blood by the kidneys, and the resulting solution is a pale, straw yellow, or amber-colored liquid that comes out of the body through the urethra. Urine contains water, uric acid, urea, inorganic salts, ammonia, and blood pigments that have been broken down.
Causes of Abnormal Foamy Urine
1. Proteinuria
This condition results in excess protein being excreted in the urine and can cause foamy urine. A small amount is normally present in urine, but large amounts of protein in the urine are abnormal and termed proteinuria. This can occur after extremely intense exercise, excessive dietary intake or supplementation of protein and in diseases that damage the kidneys. Untreated high blood pressure and diabetes are the two most common medical conditions that damage the kidneys filtering ability and cause proteinuria. These conditions require the evaluation and care of a doctor.
Other risk factors for proteinuria include trauma, toxins, infections, medications and diseases such as multiple myeloma and amyloidosis. Obese persons, those over age over 65, family history, pregnancy and certain races and ethnic groups have a higher likelihood of developing proteinuria.
Treatment is aimed at treating the underlying cause. Proper management of diabetes and blood pressure, weight loss and removal of offending medications are all effective in treating proteinuria. The addition of an ACE inhibiotor or angiotensin receptor blockers is helpful for proteinuria in diabetic patients and can help protect the kidney's ability to filter the blood.
2. Proteinuria or Preeclampsia during Pregnancy
Proteinuria in pregnancy can herald the development of a serious problem called eclampsia. The condition is progressive and causes leg swelling, proteinuria, elevated blood pressure and headaches. This is termed preeclampsia. This often starts after 20 weeks of pregnancy and blood pressure rises above 140/90. As the condition progresses, all the symptoms and proteinuria worsen, abdominal pain can occur as well as vision changes. Severe cases result in marked elevation of blood pressure and can result in seizures or bleeding into the brain. Without medical treatment, eclampsia can be fatal to the mother and unborn baby.
Any pregnant patient with a severe headache, blurred vision, abdominal pain or blood pressure elevation needs to see a doctor immediately or go to the emergency room.
3. Urinary Tract Infection
Urinary tract infection (UTI) and bladder infection are synonymous. As bacteria enter the bladder and multiply, infectious symptoms occur such as burning with urination, frequency and urgency, foamy appearing urine and sometimes bloody looking urine.
See a doctor when these symptoms develop or persist, nausea or vomiting are present, or if a fever occurs. Severe abdominal pain or back pain can signify a more serious infection and require immediate medical attention. The doctor will determine if an infection (UTI) is the cause of your symptoms and prescribe an antibiotic. Other medications can relieve the pain and unpleasant symptoms while the antibiotic kills off the infection.
4. Vesicocolic Fistula
This condition occurs when an abnormal connection develops between the bladder and colon. This allows air, gas and bacteria to travel into the bladder. The result is foamy urine and frequent infections. This causes the same type of symptoms as a UTI. Vesicocolic fistulas occur due to surgical complications, tumors or inflammatory conditions such as Crohn's disease. Diagnosis requires specialized imaging tests or visualization with a small camera placed through the urethra into the bladder to locate the abnormal communication. Treatment consists of treating any infections and closing off the abnormal communication through surgical or radiologic procedures.
5. Kidney Problem
The kidneys provide essential filtration of the blood and produce urine as a byproduct of that process. Any disease or condition that affects the kidneys can result in foamy urine and proteinuria. Common culprits include diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney stones, frequent kidney infections, trauma, certain medications and illicit drug use.
Signs and symptoms of kidney problems can include leg swelling, fatigue, nausea, anorexia, back pain and weakness. Foamy urine, bloody urine or a consistently abnormal color or odor to the urine all signal a problem and deserve medical evaluation.

Diagnosis requires a thorough evaluation by a doctor and can include blood tests to measure kidney function and filtration rate, electrolyte levels, blood pressure assessment and a comprehensive urinalysis.


Stage 3 of Chronic Kidney Disease

A person with stage 3 chronic kidney disease (CKD) has kidney damage with a moderate decrease in theglomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 30-59 ml/min. As kidney function declines waste products can build up in the blood causing a condition known as “uremia.” In stage 3 a person is more likely to develop complications of kidney diseasesuch as high blood pressure,anemia (a shortage of red blood cells) and/or early bone disease.
Symptoms may start to become present in stage 3, such as:
§ Fatigue: Feeling tired is common for people with CKD and is often caused by anemia.
§ Too much fluid: The kidneysmay lose their ability to control how much fluid stays in the body. A person may notice swelling (edema) in their lower legs, hands or face around the eyes. With too much fluid someone could even feel short of breath.
§ Urination changes: Urine may be foamy if there is protein in it, or dark orange, brown, tea colored or red if it contains blood. A person may urinate more or less, or get up at night to go to the bathroom.
§ Kidney pain: Most people with CKD do not have kidney pain, but with some kinds of kidney problems, such as polycystic kidney disease (PKD) or infections, they may have pain in their back where the kidneys are.
§ Sleep problems: Some people have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Itching, muscle cramps or restless legs can keep them awake.
Some top dietitians have made a meal plan for stage 3 CKD patients.
· Eat more grains, fruit and vegetables, but whole grains and some fruits and vegetables may be limited if blood tests show phosphorus or potassium levels are higher than the normal.
· Low the intake of fats .
· Eat less food which contains high protein, sodium ingredients or salt.
· Pay attention to the supplement of vitamin and mineral substance.
· Limit calcium if blood levels are above normal.
· Have the right amount of protein which is at the Daily Reference Intake level of 0.8 grams per kilogram body.
· Control the intake of calories to maintain a healthy weight.

With the proper treatment and healthy diet, the patients with stage 3 CKD can slow their progression of their disease effectively, but these patients still need to accept physical examinations including a blood test for creatinine, hemoglobin, calcium and phosphorus levels. A regular examination can help these patients to fight against their diseases.


Turmeric and Kidney Disease

Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric that is well known as antioxidant. Antioxidant can help improve patients’ immunity and prevent aging by preventing the breakdown of cells all over the body as well as in kidneys.
Additionally, this spice can also help lower serum lipid, fight against cancer, bacteria and virus, etc. All of these benefits can help with kidney disease. However, if you have the following conditions you may need to stay away from turmeric.
● Gallbladder dysfunction
● Prepare for a surgery
● Bleeding
● Dyspepsia or gastro-esophageal reflux disease
● Have a history of allergy to organic coloring agents
Any of the above conditions you have, we suggest you to avoid this spice.
Turmeric is beneficial for kidney failure patients owing to curcumin which has function to block inflammation. Clinical studies show in more than 95% of kidney failure cases, kidney damages are caused by inflammation which occurs when there are deposition in kidney. Turmeric contain lots of curcumin which can help to block inflammation and thus stop progression of illness condition.
In cases of kidney failure, symptoms and complications occur because of decreased kidney function and they accelerate kidney disease. Without effective and timely treatment, more and more kidney tissues are damaged and these complications and symptoms become more and more serious. Therefore, when inflammation is blocked effectively, not only further kidney damages are avoided, progression of illness condition is slowed down.

Lastly, although there is no evidence that show turmeric is bad for kidney, kidney failure patients need to consult their doctor firstly, so as to avoid unnecessary problems.

Food to Avoid When Creatinine Is High

Chronically high creatinine is a symptom of chronic kidney disease. This waste product is produced when muscles break down creatine. Compromised kidneys are less able to filter creatinine from the blood than healthy kidneys so serum creatinine levels become elevated. While diet will not change your creatinine values, it can reduce much of the nausea, itching and other symptoms of advanced disease. More importantly, diet can prevent some of the potentially fatal consequences of renal failure.
What foods not to eat when having high creatinine?
High creatinine level indicates kidney function has been affected. Under such a condition, patients need to be very careful about foods they eat in their daily life, so as to avoid increasing burden on kidney or causing further kidney damages. Basing on this point, patients generally need to:
1. Adjust protein intake
For patients living with high creatinine level caused by kidney disease, they need to adjust their proper intake. If they have not start dialysis, they generally need to limit protein intake and this need them to stay far away from high protein foods like bean and bean products. However, if they have started dialysis, much more protein will be needed everyday.
2. Avoid salted foods
Salt is rich in sodium. Eating too much high sodium foods like pickle, soy sauce, cheese, bacon and snack foods will increase blood pressure and trigger fluid retention.
3. High potassium foods
With high creatinine level, kidney disease patients generally need to avoid high potassium foods like banana, spinach, avocados, and white mushrooms and so on.
4. High phosphorus foods
Patients having high creatinine level resulted from kidney disease should not eat high phosphorus foods like cheese, toasted wheat germ, roasted soybean and bacon and so on.

It is obvious that many foods need to be avoided with high creatinine level. In fact, high creatinine level is caused by the damaged kidney, the diet therapy can only slow down the kidney worsen, it can’t treat your kidney completely, so if you want to know some natural therapies, get free to contact us as soon as possible, glad to help you.


To Lower Creatinine Level 1.9

To Lower Creatinine Level 1.9
All patients with kidney disease are familiar with creatine level. When it is higher than normal level, it indicates kidney damage.
What can creatinine level 1.9 tell?
Creatinine level 1.9 has already exceeded the normal range of creatinine level. Under normal cases, the creatinine level will not increase until about 50% of kidney function has been lost. So high creatinine level is enough to arouse patients’ attention. What is more, creatinine level 1.9 tells the condition is in the stage 3 kidney disease. This stage means the moderate reduction in kidney function, but still can be reversed by an efficient treatment.
How to lower creatinine level 1.9
Drink Plenty of Water
When our body gets dehydrated, the creatinine levels tend to increase. You can reduce the chances of any further elevation by consuming about 8 - 10 glasses of water per day. In the morning, start your day by drinking 2 - 3 glasses of water. This will increase the frequency of urination, and as a result, more creatinine will get eliminated from the body.
Healthy Diet
Reduce Sodium Intake
Avoid Protein-Rich Food and Dairy Products
Avoid Creatine Supplements and Vanadium
Avoid Strenuous Activities

Otherwise,Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the other treatment option


Is Green Tea Allowed with Kidney Disease

Can you drink green tea with kidney disease? It depends on your personal conditions. However, generally speaking, if you are in early stage of kidney disease, you are suggested to take green tea in moderation.
If you have kidney disease, you are suggested to follow the doctor’s advice for the proper amount that you should drink. Green tea is allowed with kidney disease if you take it correctly.
Green tea contains high concentrations of phytonutrient polyphenols called catechins. The leaves also contain theanine, caffeine theobromine and theophylline. Some of its ingredients are damaged to your kidneys, if you take much green tea.
For example, green tea is rich in caffeine. Increased caffeine food and drink develops the risk to raise blood pressure. Elevated blood pressure will make the blood force to blood vessel wall and increase the overwork to damaged kidney tissues. As a result, kidney disease will aggravate with wrong choice of foods or drinks.
Green tea can help alleviate kidney stone which is a troublesome kidney disease. Drinking green tea is effective in hold back the growth of calcium oxalate into crystals, which will finally develop into kidney stone. So green tea can prevent the formation and development of kidney stone.
Green tea is also help to prevent the buildup of glycogen in the kidneys which is the rich resource of glucose. If there are much glucose, you may have a great risk of developing diabetes nephropathy. So the consumption of green tea is beneficial for patients with diabetes nephropathy.

All in all, green tea is a changeable choices for Kidney Disease patients, with different medical conditions. If you can take green tea in a right way based on your own condition, it will make a benefit for you. Otherwise, it may worsen your condition. Thereby, you are suggested to consult your doctor in advance, before you try green tea.


Cortical Cyst on Left Kidney : Treatments and Symptoms

Renal cortical cyst commonly occurs,especially among people over the age of 50.It may occur in one or both of kidneys.Usually,the cysts are benign and do not need treatment.However,large cysts may affect renal function,leading to a myriad of symptoms.
Simple kidney cysts typically don't cause signs or symptoms. If a simple kidney cyst grows large enough, symptoms may include:
· Dull pain in your back or side
· Fever
· Upper abdominal pain
Treatments of cortical cyst on left kidney
At present, there are mainly two effective treatments for renal cortical cyst: surgery and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. They are suitable for different patients, because both of them have advantages and disadvantages.
Surgery is commonly used to remove big renal cysts, but it can do nothing to small ones. When one of patients’ cysts grows too big, they can use to surgery to remit their condition quickly, but during the surgery, patients may have some risks such as infections and bleeding. In addition, removing big cysts give the small ones more places to grow that can easily cause the relapse of patients’ condition.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, compared with surgery, is a conservative treatment and focuses on all cysts without any side effect. With the help of many herbal medicines, this treatment indeed has an obvious benefit of shrinking fluid-filled cyst, but this process may need a little longer time than surgery. Therefore, the person who decides to use this treatment should be more patient.

In one word, when symptoms of cortical cyst on left kidney remind you to take prompt treatment, you should choose more suitable treatment according to your specific condition.


How to Overcome Fatigue in Stage 4 Chronic Kidney Disease

Fatigue is a debilitating symptom or side effect experienced by many patients on long-term dialysis. Fatigue has a considerable effect on p
atients’ health-related quality of life and is viewed as being more important than survival by some patients. There are many challenges renal providers face when attempting to reduce fatigue in dialysis patients. The lack of a reliable, valid, and sensitive fatigue scale complicates the accurate identification of this symptom. Symptoms of daytime sleepiness and depression overlap with fatigue, making it difficult to target specific therapies. Moreover, many chronic health conditions common in the long-term dialysis population may lead to the development of fatigue and contribute to the day-to-day and diurnal variation of fatigue in patients. Key to improving the assessment and treatment of fatigue is improving our understanding of potential mediators, as well as potential therapies. Cytokines have emerged as an important mediator of fatigue and have been studied extensively in cancer related fatigue. In addition, although erythropoietin stimulating agents (ESA) have been shown to mitigate fatigue, the recent controversy regarding ESA dosing in chronic kidney disease (CKD) suggests that ESA therapy may not serve as the sole therapy to improve fatigue in this population. In conclusion, fatigue is an important and often under-recognized symptom in the dialysis population. Possible interventions for minimizing fatigue in patients on long-term dialysis should be aimed at improving health care provider awareness, developing improved methods of measurement, better understanding of the pathogenesis, as well as management of known contributing factors.
Contributors to Fatigue in ESRD

In the dialysis population, physiologic, behavioral, treatment-related, and individual characteristics may be correlated with fatigue . Physiologic etiologies include anemia, malnutrition, uremia, dialysis inadequacy, hyperparathyroidism, coexisting chronic illnesses, sleep disorders, depression and side effects of medications. Dietary and fluid restriction may also play a role. Physical inactivity has been associated with higher levels of fatigue. Socio-demographic factors including age, sex, race, educational, marital, and vocational status may also play a role in the experience of fatigue in dialysis patients, In a study among HD patients in Taiwan, higher levels of fatigue were reported by female, older and unemployed patients. It is also important to note that pro-inflammatory cytokines have emerged as potential mediators of fatigue, providing a common biological pathway for physiologic, behavioral, and treatment-related factors to cause fatigue in the dialysis population.


Polycystic Kidney Disease Treatment

Polycystic kidney disease is a kidney disorder passed down through families in which many cysts form in the kidneys, causing them to become enlarged.
There is no cure for polycystic kidney disease. Therefore, treatingpolycystic kidney disease involves reducing symptoms and complications of the disease, while improving the quality of life.
Abdominal pain or tenderness
Blood in the urine
Excessive urination at night
Flank pain on one or both sides
Other symptoms that may occur with this disease include:
Joint pain
Nail abnormalities
The goal of treatment is to control symptoms and prevent complications. High blood pressure may be hard to control, but controlling it is the most important part of treatment.
Treatment may include:
Blood pressure medicines
Low-salt diet
Any urinary tract infection should be treated quickly with antibiotics.
Cysts that are painful, infected, bleeding, or causing a blockage may need to be drained. There are usually too many cysts to make it practical to remove each cyst.

Surgery to remove one or both kidneys may be needed. Treatments for end-stage kidney disease may include dialysis or a kidney transplant.


Why Do People on Dialysis Have Diarrhea

Many patients with kidney disease who are on dialysis complain that they have often have diarrhea. They want to know that is it relevant to dialysis? Does dialysis cause diarrhea?
Intestinal bacteria disorder is the hidden cause of diarrhea. Normally there are many good bacteria in the digestive tract which can help promote digestion. Renal failure and dialysis can disturb the intestinal balance and cause a series of digestive disorders such as diarrhea.
Other possible cause is the use of antibiotics. Dialysis patients are easy to develop a variety of infections such as urinary tract infection, kidney infection, peritonitis, etc. Long term use of antibiotics can cause a series of side effects to dialysis patients and diarrhea is one of them. This is because antibiotics cannot only kill bad bacteria but also good bacteria in the guts.
Besides, another cause of diarrhea is food poisoning, therefore it is very important to ensure the hygiene of foods and drinks.
The aboves are the possible causes of diarrhea with dialysis. If you are suffering from heavy diarrhea, do talk to your doctor and nurses.
The best way to heal diarrhea is to improve the kidney function. The reduction of kidney function is the root cause of diarrhea of patients with kidney disease. I suggest you to do Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherpay, which aims at improving kidney function and with no side-effects. What’s more, with this therapy, you can reduce the times of dialysis, and at last you can even get rid of dialysis.

Since you know dialysis causes diarrhea, you should communicate with your doctor for proper treatment. Or you can send an email to kidneytherapychina@hotmail.com, and the kidney doctor will offer you some useful suggestions. Hope you get better soon!


Repair Kidney Damage Naturally with Herbal Medicine

Kidneys are one of the most important body organs that complement the body functions. Kidneys help the body in getting rid of the byproducts caused by the breakdown of proteins, such as ammonia and urea.While one can go for allopathic medications to treat kidney crisis, curing the same using natural methods is always the best way to avoid further complications.
Common Herbal Remedies
Dandelion root
Dandelion root is frequently used by herbalists to treat kidney problems, as it can help to eliminate wastes from the kidneys and reduce inflammation of the renal tissues. It is available in capsule form, and may also be taken as a tea.
Cordyceps sinensis
Commonly known as "dong chong xia cao" (summer-plant, winter-worm) in Chinese, cordyceps sinensis has been used in traditional Chinese medicine to strengthen kidney function. It can also be used to decrease the levels of wastes like creatinine and BUN as well as reduce urinary protein.
Featured Remedy
This is one of the best herbal remedies used to repair kidney damage and restore the overall renal function. It is an external application with no side effect to human body.
Selected Chinese herbal medicines are micronized into small granules that are one thousand times smaller in diameter of the origianl size. With the application of microscope, effective ingredients can reach the renal lesions directly and then function to expand the blood vessels, promote the blood circulation, and increase the blood flow in the kidneys. In this way, the self-renewal of the damaged renal cells will be reactivated, thus repairing the kidney damage and recovering renal function.

Here is some general introduction about herbal medicine to repair kidney damage. If you would like to get the detailed information, feel free to Email us at kidneytherapychina@hotmail.com.


Coriander is a Proper Choice for Kidney Failure Patients

The "Vitamins to Health" website lists parsley among the natural herbs used traditionally for kidney cleansing. This is based on the premise that toxic products such as urea pass through the kidneys, and if the volume of fluid going through the kidneys increases, as is seen when parsley is used, these toxins leave the body at a faster rate, which cleans the kidneys.
Is coriander a good choice for patient with Kidney Disease?
Generally speaking, coriander is a good choice for most cases with kidney problem, because:
- coriander is useful to remove mercury which is a harmful metal for kidney condition. The increased level of mercury in blood will raise the risk for Kidney Damage. In a study, 25 days of supplementation with cilantro decreased lead levels in the body and reduced lead-induced kidney damage.
- Coriander helps reduce the risk of Diabetic Nephropathy. Diabetes it the leading cause for kidney damage. Experts find the antioxidant benefits of coriander, which can help prevent diabetes-related kidney damage. In addition, it is proved that coriander help lower blood sugar level and offer safe and natural benefits for damaged kidneys.
- Coriander also is rich in a variety of vitamins, including folic acid or vitamin B-12; riboflavin, which also is a B vitamin; niacin or vitamin B-3; vitamin A; beta carotene and vitamin C.

Coriander can be eaten raw or cooked, besides, each part of this herb, such as its stem, seeds and leaves is edible. How to cook it, to make it most healthy for Kidney Disease Patients? If you have interest in cooking, you can get the kidney health recipe by leaving a message below or you can get it directly from our online service! And it is free!

How to Treat Proteinuria

Causes of persistent proteinuria in Kidney Disease
The kidneys' job is to remove wastes and extra fluid and salt from the blood. The part responsible to perform these functions are called glomeruli. They also prevent some substances like protein from being taken out of the blood.
In people with kidney disease, the glomeruli are impaired, protein from the blood leaks into the urine. Having more than 150 milligrams per day is called proteinuria.
How to cure proteinuria naturally?
Diet treatment.
Diet treatment is a natural way to help cure proteinuria by reducing the damage of kidney.Since there is protein in the urine, low-protein food is initially needed. Low-protein food can produce less waste product, which can lower the burden of kidney and decrease the amount of proteinuria. Besides protein, you should also avoid high-sodium food, high-phosphorus food, high-potassium food for the sake of protecting kidney function. You can get the detailed food lists by sending an email to kidneytherapychina@hotmail.com.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.
This therapy aims at improving kidney function by repairing the damaged kidney lesions. Proteinuria indicates damage of glomerular membrane basement. Micro-Chinese medicine osmotherapy has a great effect on repairing the damaged glomerular membrane basement and reducing protein in urine and at last eliminate protein in urine. It combines the Chinese herbs with an osmosis device. When the Chinese herbs is permeated into the kidney lesions with the osmosis device, it will take such effects as anti-inflammation, anti-coagulation, dilating blood vessel and degrading the extracellular matrix. The damaged glomerular membrane basement can be repaired gradually. The proteinuria can be cured as a consequence. You can consult the online doctor for the specific information about this therapy.

If you would like to know more detailed information about treat proteinuria in kidney disease naturally, leave a message in the below or email us at kidneytherapychina@hotmail.com.


How to Treat Nephrotic Syndrome with Oliguria

Nephrotic syndrome is amounts of symptoms which may refer to kidney problem. Oliguria is common symptom which occur in patients with nephrotic syndrome.
Nephrotic Syndrome
Nephrotic syndrome is featured by proteinuria, hypoproteinemia, hyperlipidemia and edema. It is more possibly to attack the patients at any age. Due to its autoimmune kidney damage, it is easy to relapse after a transitory control.
Oliguria has been reported by people with high blood pressure, kidney failure, CKD stage 4~5 and Nephrotic Syndrome etc. Oliguria is a condition where too little urine is produced.
A low production of urine may be the result of insufficient fluid being provided to the kidneys, damaged kidneys which are unable to make urine, or an obstruction that prevents urine from leaving the body.
How to management nephrotic syndrome with oliguria
As mentioned above, the symptoms are due to the underlying kidney damage. Thereby, to manage and control the symptoms, the first step should be how to control the kidney damage.
Speaking of kidney damage, Chinese herbals is suggested. Chinese Herbal Medicine is a traditional Chinese Medicine which has been used for medical conditions, since the ancient China.
It uses natural herbs to alleviate the symptoms and repair the damaged kidney tissues by suppling the damaged cells and tissues with more blood and oxygen. As long as the kidney function can be improved, surely, the symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome will be relieved spontaneously.
Hot Compress Therapy
cleansing toxin by hot compress
Hot compress on bilateral Shenshu acupoints (BL23) is to micro-process medicinals that eliminate toxins and recover original qi, and apply them on Shenshu acupoints (BL23) externally. In such a way, the aim of cleansing toxin can be attained, with pathogenic toxin removed and original qi restored.

If you are interested in out therapies,email to kidneytherapychina@hotmail.com with your renal conditions and our experts send you back with free and professional guidance.


Can a Specific Diet Lower Creatinine Levels?

During physical activity, muscle cells break down and form a waste product called creatinine. When the kidneys function normally, they remove creatinine from the bloodstream and eliminate it in the urine. When kidney function declines, creatinine builds up in the blood stream and causes problems that include fatigue, itchy skin and nausea. Special dietary restrictions help reduce creatinine levels.
This type of diet restricts the intake of protein, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. In patients with advanced kidney disease, a diet designed to lower creatinine levels also restricts fluid consumption. Eating less protein reduces the workload of the kidneys, while eating less sodium, phosphorus and potassium prevents these substances from building up in the bloodstream. Reducing fluid intake prevents fluid from building up in the bloodstream, which reduces blood pressure and prevents swelling.
With a reduced workload, the kidneys do not have to work as hard to maintain normal fluid and electrolyte balances. Eating less protein reduces the amount of creatinine the body produces. Both of these things make it easier for the kidneys to filter creatinine out of the blood and reduce creatinine levels. Following this type of diet may also slow the progression of kidney disease.
Kidney Diet
There is no one particular kidney diet for patients with elevated creatinine. Individual dietary recommendations are based upon the patient's lab results, blood pressure, symptoms and other metrics. Making dietary changes has no preventative value if the change is not merited. Since patients with moderate kidney disease often have to heed to a restricted diet eventually, there is no sense in imposing restrictions that serve no purpose.

One of the most helpful things that people with high creatinine can do to preserve renal function is to control their blood pressures. The kidneys are primarily made from vascular tissue. In addition to renal arteries, the glomeruli, or filters, are simply nests of tiny capillaries. These tissues are destroyed by hypertension, which is endemic in this population. In addition to taking blood pressure medications, eating a low-sodium diet is beneficial. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases suggests limiting sodium intake to 2,000 mg per day. It suggests keeping a sodium diary so you are conscious of how much sodium is in your food.

Treating Constipation in CKD

Constipation is a common complaint in kidney disease due to restricted diet.The patients may have less bowel movement and have dry stools.
If you are experiencing this problem, several methods may be helpful.
Add fiber to your diet plan gradually
Fiber is one nutrition that can help alleviate constipation largely. Besides, it may also benefit these patients a lot, including:
- Keep gastrointestinal function healthy
- Increase urine output
- Help control blood glucose and cholesterol
- Prompt regularity
Regular exercise
The patients should keep regular exercise.Moderate exercise can help control constipation and also can help improve the overall health.

What’s more, regular exercise, drinking some herbal teas and taking a massage may also be helpful. You can choose some of them as you like.


Frequent urination in PKD

How does polycystic kidney disease cause frequent urination?
Urination is relate to filtration function of glomerular and reabsorption function of renal tubular. Glomerular filters the fluids we take and form initial urination. About 99% of the initial urination is reabsorbed by renal tubular. After the reabsorption, the waste product and extra fluids will be discharged and form urine finally. The normal urination in 24 hours is between 1500-2000ml.
When the kidney is damaged, the concentration ability will be decreased. So there will be frequent urination.
Urinary tract infection is also a common cause of frequent urination. Some of the bigger cysts will rupture and the fluids will flow out to other parts of our body. When the fluids spread into urinary tract, it will cause urinary tract infection. This is how polycystic kidney disease causes frequent urination.
Sometimes, frequent urination is not caused by kidney damage. Overmuch fluid intake, cold and mental stress can also cause frequent urination. If you are companied by urgent and painful urination, you have more possibility to develop kidney disease.
How do we know if we are suffering from UTR and how to prevent it?
Urinary Tract Infection is one of the common complication of PKD and with UTI, we usually have the following several symptoms:
1. Burning sensation or pain when we are urinating.
2. Frequent urge to urinate, but always pass small amount of urine.
3. UTI may cause kidney infection which can bring us fever, chills and lower back pain.
4. Strong unpleasant smell of urine
5. Cloudy, dark or bloody urine
According to clinical survey, approximately 30 to 50 percent of patients with Polycystic Kidney Disease will have urinary tract infection during their life time. Therefore, if you are a PKD patient, you should pay much more attention to yourself to know if you have the above symptoms. Also, if you happen to found you have some or all of the above symptoms, antibiotics will be helpful.
How to prevent urinary tract infection in PKD?
1. Drinking more water will help to rush bacterium in urinary tract away, which helps to prevent UTR to some extent. However, this method is not adoptable for all the PKD patients, because some of them may need to limit fluid intake because of decreased kidney condition.
2. Avoid pure fruit juices, alcohol and caffeine-containing drinks as they can irritate the bladder and increase your risk of developing UTI.
3. Wear underwear that made of natural materials like cotton, instead of thongs.
4. For female PKD patients, please remember to wash the genital area before sexual intercourse.
5. Wiping from front to back after urinating or a bowel movement also help to reduce your risk of UTI.
Natural remedy is suggested for surgery will cause trauma for your impaired kidneys. Meantime, natural remedy can shrink kidney cysts and improve kidney functions without any side effects.

If you have any question concerned polycystic kidney disease, welcome directly send E-mails to kidneytherapychina@hotmail.com, experts will reply soon.


Treatment for IgA Nephropathy

IgA nephropathy is a common cause of glomerulonephritis. Although it is a benign disease in most patients, chronic renal failure and ESRD occur in about 20-40% of patients within 20 years of presentation. Currently, no cure exists for IgA nephropathy, but therapies that can delay the onset of need for dialysis and transplantation are available.
Treatment options include:
Your doctor may suggest the following medications:
· Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors)-to help lower blood pressure and decrease protein loss in the urine
· Corticosteroids-to provide relief for inflamed areas of the body
Dietary Changes
Your doctor may want you to reduce salt and limit the amount of protein in your diet. You can limit protein in your diet by avoiding most meats, dairy products, and gluten. Gluten is a protein that is found in wheat, rye, barley, and oats.
Control Cholesterol
If you have high cholesterol, your doctor will want you to lower your cholesterol level. You can do this by making changes to your diet and exercising. Your doctor may also prescribe cholesterol-lowering medicine.
Fish Oil
Small studies suggest that fish may be helpful in IgA nephropathy.
Some studies have shown that surgically removing the tonsils in people who have IgA nephropathy and have frequent infections in their tonsils may reduce the amount of blood and protein in their urine.
People who develop kidney failure as a result of IgA nephropathy may need to have dialysis. Dialysis is a treatment that performs the functions of natural kidneys when they fail.
Kidney Transplant
People who develop kidney failure as a result of IgA nephropathy may need to have a kidney transplant. During a kidney transplant, a severely diseased and damaged kidney is replaced with a healthy kidney from a donor.

Apart from these,Chinese medicines are also treating IgA Nephropathy with better effectiveness.If you are interested in our therapies,email to kidneytherapychina@hotmail.com with your informations and our experts will give you a reply with individual suggestions.