
Turmeric and Kidney Disease

Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric that is well known as antioxidant. Antioxidant can help improve patients’ immunity and prevent aging by preventing the breakdown of cells all over the body as well as in kidneys.
Additionally, this spice can also help lower serum lipid, fight against cancer, bacteria and virus, etc. All of these benefits can help with kidney disease. However, if you have the following conditions you may need to stay away from turmeric.
● Gallbladder dysfunction
● Prepare for a surgery
● Bleeding
● Dyspepsia or gastro-esophageal reflux disease
● Have a history of allergy to organic coloring agents
Any of the above conditions you have, we suggest you to avoid this spice.
Turmeric is beneficial for kidney failure patients owing to curcumin which has function to block inflammation. Clinical studies show in more than 95% of kidney failure cases, kidney damages are caused by inflammation which occurs when there are deposition in kidney. Turmeric contain lots of curcumin which can help to block inflammation and thus stop progression of illness condition.
In cases of kidney failure, symptoms and complications occur because of decreased kidney function and they accelerate kidney disease. Without effective and timely treatment, more and more kidney tissues are damaged and these complications and symptoms become more and more serious. Therefore, when inflammation is blocked effectively, not only further kidney damages are avoided, progression of illness condition is slowed down.

Lastly, although there is no evidence that show turmeric is bad for kidney, kidney failure patients need to consult their doctor firstly, so as to avoid unnecessary problems.

