
Kidney Stones and Carrot juice

Carrot juice is one good choice for patients with Kidney Stones,It is harmless to the kidneys and it also has many health benefits for many health issues such as kidney disease,Kidney stones high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, high blood glucose,uric acid etc. Besides, carrot juices have the following health benefits. If high creatinine is caused by high blood pressure or diabetes, carrot is a good home remedies because it can help control further renal damages due to abnormal blood pressure or blood sugar levels so as to control or lower high creatinine levels. Carrot contains materials that can help lower blood sugar levels. Other ingredients such as quercetin and kaempferol can help increase coronary blood flow, lower blood cholesterol. Besides, carrots can help lower high blood pressure and strengthen heart functions, therefore it is a natural and beneficial food choice for patients with hypertension or coronary heart disease. What is more important, eating carrots or drinking carrot juice can help improve immune functions. Carotene can be turned into vitamin A so as to help enhance the body’s immunity and disease-resistance ability. Lastly, carrot juice is recommended as part of a diet for people with IgA Nephropathy and kidney stone. It is believed to help fight off bacterial infections in the kidney, as it contains vitamin A. This juice can help line the kidneys with its natural alkaline minerals, which has been shown in some cases to help restore the diseased kidney over time. To prevent kidney stone formation or recurrences, you can:
• Avoid excesses of alcohol, caffeine, sugar, fat, and refined carbohydrates
• Avoid aluminum containing antacids
• Limit sodium (salt) to two grams daily or less
• Reduce animal protein and avoid purine protein (organ meats, shellfish, brewer’s and baker’s yeast, herring, sardines, mackerel, and anchovies)
• Avoid excess phosphorous in soft drinks by quitting or cutting down
• Abate smoking (small amounts of cadmium in tobacco)
• Reduce intakes of vitamin D—enriched food (milk, cheese)
• Reduce high oxalate foods (spinach, beet greens, parsley, rhubarb, black tea, nuts, and cocoa)
• Increase water and liquid intake to reach a urine volume of two quarts daily
• Increase fiber intake
• Increase cranberry intake (unsweetened, in capsulated concentrate form)

• Increase intake of high magnesium-to-calcium ratio foods (avocado, potato, tomato, banana, orange, barley, buckwheat, rye, oats, brown rice, cashews, sesame seeds, soy, lima beans. Pass it on to your family and friends. It may be very useful.

