
Creatinine Level 1.3

What Does Creatinine Level 1.3 Mean?
From the normal range of creatinine level, we can see 1.3 is not very high, and it nearly is close to the normal levels.
As there are many factors related to the creatinine changes, it seems that you don’t need worry about it.
Here is the factors related to creatinine changes:
- muscle mass
- Age
- Gender
- Race
Muscular young or middle-aged adults may have more creatinine in their blood than the norm for the general population. In contrary, senior citizens usually have a less creatinine level. Surely, the children’s creatinine will be far less than adults.
However, you should never belittle the 0.1 higher level than normal range, for it may also be associated with severe underlying medical conditions.
Kidney damage is always associated with High Creatinine Levels. As mentioned above creatinine is the waste products of muscle activity. If you have healthy kidneys, the creatinine will be filtered out in time and keep the internal environment clean and safe.
How To Treat Creatinine 1.3 Naturally?
Creatinine 1.3 more than normal levels a littile , so you can pay attention to daily diet :
Dietary sources of creatine and creatinine are only found within animal products, therefore you will be reducing the burden of “extra” creatine and creatinine circulating through your blood by eating a largely plant based diet.
Plant based diets have show to reduce all the major risk factors of kidney disease. E.g. diabetes, and high blood pressure (hypertension).

Dairy products (milk, cheese, cream, yoghurt, ice cream, butter) have been shown in clinical studies to exacerbate kidney disease.


High Creatinine Level 5.2

For patients with CKD, their kidney disease can damage their kidney function gradually, and that can cause them to have high creatinine.
According to the creatinine levels, renal insufficiency is divided into four stages. Creatinine 5.2 is about equal to 459.68umol/L and Creatinine 5.2 belongs to Renal Failure stage, the third stage of renal insufficiency. You can also say it is in stage 4 chronic kidney disease. In many countries, when the condition develops Renal Failure, dialysis will be in the near future. Actually, only a creatinine level has no direct relationship with dialysis, it depends on the specific condition of patients.
The severe symptoms of high creatinine level 5.2
With a relatively high creatinine level, patients may suffer from nausea, vomiting, itching skin, bad breath, loss of appetite, nerve problems, difficulty concentrating, etc. You need to use a suitable therapy to relieve these symptoms.
Natural remedy is available to reduce serum creatinine 5.2 and prevent the kidney disease's progression to Kidney Failure. This remedy is known as Clear Blood Pollution Therapy. It can treat Chronic Kidney Disease from the root cause, so high creatinine will be lowered completely.
The treatment process of Clear Blood Pollution Therapy include 3 steps: 1) Remove toxic wastes in the blood with comprehensive Blood Purification techniques; 2) Supplement essential elements to the blood for restoring the body's physiological mechanism; 3) Recover the kidney function and rebuild the immune system with natural therapies like Micro-Chinese Medicine, medicated bath, acupuncture, etc.
Under this treatment, kidney patient's damaged kidneys will get repaired and a variety of symptoms including high creatinine 5.2 will be eliminate with no further relapse.

If you are interested in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and want to learn more about it,you can email to renal-disease@hotmail.com or chat with our online doctor directly.


What are the herbs that can be used to lower creatinine

For patients with chronic kidney disease, the loss of kidney function is permanent. The body does not make new kidney filters, more properly referred to as glomeruli. Accordingly, once creatinine starts to drop, that drop is permanent. Creatinine levels will be normalized only by transplant or dialysis.
There are additional factors that can contribute to high creatinine levels. They are side effects of medications or some herbs, high meat consumption and diabetes, all of which wear a strain on the kidneys. Fortunately, there are herbs available that can help lower those levels. Have a question? Have an answer from a doctor now!
Stinging Nettle Seed
A study published in the Journal of The American Herbalist Guild, noted that patients who were given stinging nettle seed extract showed a significant decrease in their serum creatinine levels while they were taking the extract and that the effect lasted well after they stopped taking the extract. Stinging nettle seed is possibly the most effective herb available that has been demonstrated to lower these levels.
Cinnamon is a common household spice that helps regulate blood sugar. It has also been applied to treat kidney problems especially in diabetics with kidney disorders. Cinnamon contributes to strengthening the filtration process and to strengthen weak kidneys and thus increases the evacuation rate of creatinine.
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Siberian Ginseng
Siberian Ginseng is often used with cinnamon to revitalize the kidneys and lower creatinine levels. It is known to be very helpful in treating kidney disorders by stimulating the circulation in the kidneys.
Dandelion Root
Dandelion root is known as an herbal diuretic. Diuretics can help inactive kidneys by increasing urination. This increases the output of the kidneys and will dilute the amount of creatinine in the body by increasing the output of urinary waste at a faster rate.
Researchers have utilized salvia on patients who were on dialysis for kidney failure and found that it increased the rate of which creatinine was filtered and evacuated from the body. They also noticed that it enhanced the circulation to the kidneys as well.
A elevated creatinine level is not a problem itself but may be a symptom of an underlying medical problem.
Herbal medicine can dilate renal arteries to increase renal blood perfusion. Thereby, it can promote the excretion of creatinine.

As herbal medicine can treat high creatinine from its root causes, it can give the patients a complete recovery.


Suffering from Nephritis How Diet

Since nephritis is caused due to infection, and different disease caused by the kidney disease, so nephritis in the diet should be noted that different, so nephritis dietary needs pay attention to what?
A low-salt diet: salt a day no more than 1 to 2 grams is appropriate. More severe edema and hypertension patients need strict salt restriction. 

2 water intake: should be strictly limited in the warmer seasons water, salt intake may be appropriate leniency to supplement water loss caused by sweating. There are a large number of diuretic or vomiting, diarrhea, appropriate to add salt and water
3 protein: protein should add enough day supply per kg body weight of 1.5 to 2.0 grams is appropriate, generally used in the bioavailability of high-quality protein such as lean meat, fish, eggs, milk and so on. 

4 appropriate caloric restriction: the glucocorticoid application process, children are often increased appetite, often due to excessive food intake and body weight surge in obesity in children, and sometimes cause liver and fatty liver, it should be appropriately calorie restriction. It should also add enough calcium and vitamin D.
Once suffering from nephritis, as soon as possible to heal, drag dead will develop into a more serious kidney disease, but also more difficult to cure.


Diet for People with Renal Cyst

Polycystic kidney disease is an inherited disease in which numerous cysts or fluid-filled pouches form on the kidneys. During the early stages of the disease, the cysts cause your kidneys to swell which leads to impairment of kidney function, according to PubMedHealth. Polycystic kidney disease can cause total loss of kidney function. Your doctor may advise you to avoid certain foods to prevent complications.
Kidney Cysts Diet
This is a diet plan for kidney cysts. The main features are as follows-
Amount of fluid intake should be increased, and the patient should consume as much water as possible Herbal teas like green tea, which support kidney filtration, are extremely beneficial in the condition of kidney cysts.
· Tea, sugar, alcohol and carbonated drinks, which are diuretics, should be avoided. They put extra burden on kidney functioning and cause excessive loss of fluid and salt from the body.
· An alkaline diet consisting of fruit and vegetable juices, brown rice, lemon juice and water should be followed. Acidic diet foods like wheat, sugar, dairy products and red meat should be avoided.
· Processed and preserved foods should be avoided
· Sodium intake should be reduced, which can best be done by eating less table salt.
· Nutrient rich vegetable soups and broths should be included in the diet.
Ovarian Cysts Diet
The following diet plan is advised for people suffering from ovarian cysts-
· Fresh vegetables and fruits: These provide the right nutrients and boost immunity, and are the most important part of the diet prescribed for ovarian cysts. Antioxidant rich vegetables like carrots and beetroots are especially recommended.
· Meat and meat products should be avoided
· Food supplements should be taken to make up for any nutrients being missed out in the diet.
· Lots of fluids should be consumed, and the patient should drink at least 8 glasses of water in a day. Hydration helps in prevention of cyst formation.
Caution: A cysts diet is not a complete cure for cysts, and medical intervention and routine check-ups are an essential part of the treatment.

If you can follow the above advice, we believe you can well control you condition. Email us with you detailed information, and you can get more personalized information from us: renal-disease@hotmail.com.