
Diet for People with Renal Cyst

Polycystic kidney disease is an inherited disease in which numerous cysts or fluid-filled pouches form on the kidneys. During the early stages of the disease, the cysts cause your kidneys to swell which leads to impairment of kidney function, according to PubMedHealth. Polycystic kidney disease can cause total loss of kidney function. Your doctor may advise you to avoid certain foods to prevent complications.
Kidney Cysts Diet
This is a diet plan for kidney cysts. The main features are as follows-
Amount of fluid intake should be increased, and the patient should consume as much water as possible Herbal teas like green tea, which support kidney filtration, are extremely beneficial in the condition of kidney cysts.
· Tea, sugar, alcohol and carbonated drinks, which are diuretics, should be avoided. They put extra burden on kidney functioning and cause excessive loss of fluid and salt from the body.
· An alkaline diet consisting of fruit and vegetable juices, brown rice, lemon juice and water should be followed. Acidic diet foods like wheat, sugar, dairy products and red meat should be avoided.
· Processed and preserved foods should be avoided
· Sodium intake should be reduced, which can best be done by eating less table salt.
· Nutrient rich vegetable soups and broths should be included in the diet.
Ovarian Cysts Diet
The following diet plan is advised for people suffering from ovarian cysts-
· Fresh vegetables and fruits: These provide the right nutrients and boost immunity, and are the most important part of the diet prescribed for ovarian cysts. Antioxidant rich vegetables like carrots and beetroots are especially recommended.
· Meat and meat products should be avoided
· Food supplements should be taken to make up for any nutrients being missed out in the diet.
· Lots of fluids should be consumed, and the patient should drink at least 8 glasses of water in a day. Hydration helps in prevention of cyst formation.
Caution: A cysts diet is not a complete cure for cysts, and medical intervention and routine check-ups are an essential part of the treatment.

If you can follow the above advice, we believe you can well control you condition. Email us with you detailed information, and you can get more personalized information from us: renal-disease@hotmail.com.

