
Antibiotics for diabetic nephropathy child development affect it

Antibiotics for diabetic nephropathy child development affect it
I believe patients with diabetic nephropathy know antibiotics for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy role, but we truly understand its role in it? What are the side effects of antibiotics? Use of antibiotics for diabetic nephropathy child development influential?
First: vitamin synthesis is reduced
Children of diabetic nephropathy long-term use of antibiotics, synthetic vitamin for children will be reduced. In addition, children of diabetic nephropathy in patients with long-term use of antibiotics can cause bacteria in the intestinal tract caused by these bacteria to reduce the synthesis of vitamins (B family) caused by a lack of malnourished children, resulting in the child's physical transient decreased immune function, disease resistance weaker.
Second: resistance
Antibiotics can inhibit or kill a certain kind of pathogenic microorganisms, at the same time may cause other non-sensitive microflora produce mutations develop into resistant, these bacteria will fight antibiotic after a long time drug will fail. Therefore, when treating children with diabetic nephropathy to avoid long-term use of antibiotics in order to avoid drug resistance.
Third: the proliferation of other bacteria
Treatment of children with diabetic nephropathy using certain antibiotics kill bacteria sensitive to these antibiotics, but the children of diabetic kidney disease can occur in vivo but is not sensitive to such antibiotics, other types of bacteria, and therefore lead to bacterial proliferation; child diabetic nephropathy patients using antibiotics will replace bacterial fungal proliferation, generate new germs. Currently very few effective drugs against fungi, so once very difficult to treat fungal infections, easy to disease progression and the development of uremia more difficult to treat kidney disease.
Fourth: damage to the original antibody
Kidney disease or diabetes in children if the use of antibiotics Antibiotics long, it will make the damage caused by the body's immune system antibodies decrease children, which may produce gene mutations is difficult to control the disease or cause some unforeseen health of children not change.
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