
Eight black kidney eat bad food

Eight black kidney eat bad food
In China there are a lot of foods can help the kidneys bad friends, these foods can strengthen their kidneys, they can be a substitute for drugs, you want to know what foods to your kidneys helpful? Here is Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital doctors to introduce the benefits of kidney food.

Black beans:

Aka Wudou, low back pain due to kidney deficiency, tinnitus desirable black beans 50 grams, 500 grams of dog meat, boiled together, after adding various spices to eat. It should be noted that there unfit for human consumption, including chronic kidney beans and soy beans, including renal failure.

Black rice:

For kidney deficiency caused by premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea patients with eating. When cooked black rice, black rice should be first soaked overnight, then cooked usual method, is more conducive to digestion and absorption. Black sesame seeds due to lack of suitable kidney caused hair loss, premature graying, dry skin, constipation middle-aged friends edible, directly after eating or join pastry can fry.


Famous physician Sun Ssu Tang Dynasty was known as the "kidneys of the fruit." Warm and sweet, with the stomach and spleen, kidney gluten, blood, cough and phlegm. Chestnuts contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin B1, calcium, carotene, vitamin B2, niacin and other nutrients. Particularly suitable for high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and osteoporosis are edible. In addition, the high sugar content of chestnuts, diabetic patients should not eat.

Black sesame seeds:

Black sesame and sweet, flat, with nourishing liver and kidney, nourishing and moistening effect. Black sesame seeds are very rich in vitamin E, can delay aging. Has run five internal organs, strong bones, Qi Li and so on. Strong body, longevity, nourishing the liver and kidney, run support Insufficiency, lung deficiency cough, constipation, dry skin and gastrointestinal deficiency caused.

Black fungus:

Black fungus sweet flat, with qi kidney, cooling bleeding and other effects. Commonly used in clinical treatment of collapse in leave out, bleeding hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, weakness, constipation and other symptoms. Modern medical experiments show that it has a role in reducing blood clots, thus the brain, which is quite beneficial to cardiovascular disease.

Black rice:

In relations with the five elements of internal organs, black corresponds to the kidneys, and black rice natured, sweet, with a yin and kidney, Qi and blood, warm liver eyesight, is a good kidney ingredients.


Mulberry also known as Mulberry, Mulberry dates, sweet and juicy, is one of the fruits that people eat, known as "folk holy fruit." Chinese medicine believes mulberry sweet and sour, slightly cold, into the heart, liver, kidney, blood and yin, Health and body fluid, and liver and kidney effects. In addition, mulberry also contains a variety of vitamins, amino acids and carotenoids and other ingredients, for ladies, the effect is particularly prominent, often taking to beauty, anti-aging.


According to the research found, dates emphasis blood, but Prune focus kidney, Chinese records, dates, sweet and astringent, cold, contains protein, fat, carbohydrates and vitamins, which contain vitamin C and calcium, the most iron, there replenishing spleen, Yang Shen Yin effect. MM wants to Yang Shen can eat a little black date.

Suffering from kidney disease, especially renal insufficiency, protein intake should be minimized in order to minimize the burden on the kidneys. It is estimated that the daily intake of chronic renal failure patients suitable amount of protein per kilogram of body weight 0.5-0.6 g, and to try to choose milk, eggs, lean meat, fish and other high-quality protein. Patients with chronic kidney disease often occur edema or hypertension, therefore, low-salt diet is particularly important, the best daily salt intake of less than 5 grams. Chronic renal failure patients are prone to elevated serum potassium, the heart function is affected, therefore, should be Shensi bananas, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, potatoes, mustard, kelp, seaweed, dried persimmons, scallops, shrimp and other high potassium foods.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment. Good luck!

