
What are the symptoms of hypertensive nephropathy

What are the symptoms of hypertensive nephropathy
Benign arteriolar nephrosclerosis Department of essential hypertension hypertensive nephropathy caused (also known as hypertension, renal arteriosclerosis) and malignant renal arteries harden, and accompanied by appropriate clinical manifestations of the disease. Hypertension makes intravascular blood pressure increased, can make protein leakage, protein once the leak will cause damage to the kidneys filter system, resulting in a vicious cycle. According to the etiology, history, clinical manifestations and laboratory diagnosis of the inspection.

Kidneys to filter toxins from the body itself, while preventing proteins, blood cells and other substances leaking blood vessels. Hypertension makes intravascular blood pressure increased, can make protein leakage, protein once the leak will cause damage to the kidneys filter system, resulting in a vicious cycle. Damage caused irreversible long time, the kidneys will be compensatory increases until early failure.

Over the age of 40 to 50 years of age, history of hypertension over five to 10 years. Early only nocturia, followed proteinuria, individual cases may be due to broken capillaries transient hematuria occurred, but not with significant low back pain. Often associated with arteriosclerotic retinopathy, left ventricular hypertrophy, coronary heart disease, heart failure, cerebral arteriosclerosis and (or) history of cerebrovascular accident. Slow progression, gradually developed into a small part of renal failure, most perennial mild renal impairment and abnormal urine. Malignant hypertension diastolic take more than 16Kpa (120mmHg), accompanied by significant and rapid development of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications, proteinuria, often accompanied by hematuria, renal function decline.

1 severe edema

Edema often the first symptom, was generalized edema, shiatsu have depression. Patients may have severe and pleural effusion, ascites, Dangxiong water, can cause breathing difficulties, umbilical or inguinal hernia when ascites more. Often accompanied by a high degree of edema oliguria, hypertension, mild azotemia.

2 proteinuria

Proteinuria is the most important manifestations of nephrotic syndrome, urine protein, mostly 2 + to 4 +, adult daily urinary protein excretion ≥3.5g / d, mostly selective proteinuria.

3 Hypoproteinemia

Decreased plasma protein, serum albumin <30g / L, severe shortage 10g / L.

4 hyperlipidemia

Blood cholesterol, triglycerides etc. significantly higher.

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