
Can Overdrink Cause Diabetes

Can Overdrink Cause Diabetes
Many people know that the disease of diabetes, the disease of the patient's injury is great, once suffering from diabetes should prompt treatment, good treatment for patients is good, regular drinking can promote blood circulation, strengthen the immune system, but excessive drinking will damage the body's organs to cause disease, then, excessive drinking can lead to diabetes it? let China Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital experts to answer it.

Alcohol will affect the health of the human body, excessive drinking can cause the body to multi-system, multi-organ damage. Such as liver disease caused by alcohol, often engendered liver damage, cirrhosis, bleeding and other symptoms. Insulin can also cause damage.

Insulin damage will affect glucose metabolism, the liver is the body's digestive system can maintain normal glucose concentrations. Whenever the intestinal absorption of glucose in the blood increased, hepatic glycogen synthesis will be stored up, and when the concentration of hypoglycemia when glycogen decomposition of glucose released into the blood, in order to maintain stable blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that alcohol can cause liver glucose metabolism, resulting in glucose metabolism, resulting in diabetes.

Although no wine like banquet, but also through the wine poison the intestine, excessive alcohol harm either. Excessive alcohol consumption increases the incidence of diabetic complications, it is recommended that people with diabetes who drank alcohol limit smoking to take measures to limit alcohol although you can drink, but not excessive drinking, excessive drinking will make you sicker.

I am a physician's assistant China Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, if you have kidney problem areas, you can give me a message or send me an E-mail, my E-mail address is ckdstage@hotmal.com.


Why Do Children Have Hematuria

Why Do Children Have Hematuria
Pediatric hematuria kidney disease should be promptly sent to hospital for examination, the doctor will combine history and physical examination reports of children ever comprehensive analysis to determine the nature of hematuria. I am a physician assistant, if you have questions you can give me a message, my Email address is renal-disease@hotmail.com, following on to explain in detail the reasons for hematuria in children.

Pediatric urine hematuria means that more than the normal amount of red blood cells, which is a common pediatric diseases. Children in clinical divided glomerular hematuria, non-glomerular hematuria two categories. Glomerular hematuria means from glomerular hematuria, more common in the following four conditions: primary glomerular disease, secondary glomerular diseases, hereditary renal disease, after strenuous exercise hematuria.

Rather than glomerular glomerular hematuria from outside the urinary system, such as acute or chronic urinary tract infections; renal pelvis, ureter, bladder stones, tuberculosis; idiopathic hypercalciuria; idiopathic renal hemorrhage (in the kidney vein compression or nutcracker phenomenon); congenital urinary tract malformations such as renal cysts, hydronephrosis, bladder diverticulum; congenital renal vascular malformations such as arteriovenous fistula, hemangioma; drug-induced kidney and bladder injury such as cyclophosphamide, sulfonamide Ann, gentamicin; tumor, trauma and foreign bodies; renal vein thrombosis. Another systemic diseases can also cause hematuria, such as thrombocytopenic purpura, hemophilia.

When false hematuria found in urine metabolites, drugs such as phenol red, aminopyrine, rifampin can make the urine was red, neonatal urinary excretion of uric acid salts can also be more red, certain foods or vegetables in the pigment, occult blood test and examination erythrocytes were negative.

After hematuria in children, parents do not panic, we must promptly send their children to kidney disease hospital for examination, to determine the nature of hematuria in children, taking the right treatment.


The Dangers and Precautions of High BUN Level

The Dangers and Precautions of High BUN Level
Urea nitrogen and serum creatinine renal function with the two most important indicators of high and low blood urea nitrogen value reflects the good and bad of renal function. Urea nitrogen value that is higher than normal blood urea nitrogen high.

High blood urea nitrogen hazard

Urea nitrogen control how high? Often have raised such questions patients. In fact, kidney disease serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen cycle high is minor damage, glomerulosclerosis and basement membrane damage as the main pathological change. Solve urea nitrogen high, we must proceed from this pathology, due to treatment can be completely.

For patients, there are two cases of high blood urea nitrogen. The most common is renal insufficiency, including acute renal failure and chronic renal insufficiency, renal impairment mainly urea nitrogen can not be better from the urine; followed by a small number of acute nephritis, nephrotic syndrome may also occur a transient increase in blood urea nitrogen situation, mainly seen in the height of edema, oliguria caused because the blood urea nitrogen can not be discharged with the urine, accumulate in the blood.

BUN High Note

1, to reduce the total calories of food. Diet, prevent obesity, usually pay attention to diet to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, quality protein supplement.

2, limit purine intake, eat less animal offal, seafood, meat, lentils, peanuts, spinach and so on;

3, proper control of protein supplement. Daily 1 cup milk, 1 egg, 2 two lean to meet the basic needs of the body's proteins;

4, fat can inhibit the excretion of uric acid, should be eating, particularly animal fats;

5, carbohydrates can promote uric acid excretion, should eat rice, flour and cereals;

6, to maintain adequate vitamin B and vitamin C, eat green leafy vegetables, eat oranges, apples;

7, eat more alkaline foods such as cabbage, radishes, carrots, potatoes, bananas, apples, melons, soda crackers, etc., may be used if necessary, sodium bicarbonate, alkaline urine, prevent urinary tract stones; eat more whole grains and the potato diet: eat red foods, we know medlar, cherry, strawberry, pomegranate pumpkin, carrots and other foods are some antioxidant activity, are beneficial for cardiovascular food. Long-term eating.

8, avoid alcohol, especially beer, because alcohol easily lead to accumulation of lactic acid in vivo, induced gout;

9, avoid over exertion, stress, cold, wet and joint injury induced causes;

10, 2000-3000 ml lots of water every day to increase urine output, promote uric acid excretion;

11, should not be used to control uric acid excretion of drugs, such as certain antihypertensive drugs, diuretics, salicylates and other drugs; if you and your family or friends, dinner, eat the meat, seafood, timely home after taking sodium bicarbonate can prevent or mitigate the onset.

I am a kidney disease doctor if you have any questions you can consult online or send me an e-mail: renal-disease@hotmail.com.


Life Expectancy of Kidney Dysfunction

The kidney is one of the important organs of the body, there is a problem if the kidney would seriously affect the quality of life of patients and some patients with renal insufficiency due to the lack of scientific understanding, when later diagnosed with renal insufficiency, renal function that was on the insufficiency is sentenced to death, in the end had to be able to live either with renal insufficiency, let us look at the following description of Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital experts.

Renal dysfunction is caused by a variety of reasons, divided into acute renal failure and chronic renal insufficiency. With chronic renal insufficiency, renal severely damaged, the body comprehensive clinical syndrome disorder appears in the excretion of metabolic waste and regulate water and electrolyte, acid-base balance and so on. So, the Almighty had not long to live kidney function?

Renal function impairment disease has a greater ability to adapt, that is often said that the compensatory ability. That is only part of the time kidney damage or less damage, the kidney itself entirely self-regulation, the patient showed no renal failure. But this compensatory there is a certain limit, if it exceeds the tolerance range of the kidneys, kidney damage occurs. Renal insufficiency can be divided into the following four:

Renal Phase I: Renal reserve decompensated: because a large compensatory renal reserve capacity, so the clinical renal function despite the loss, but its excretion of metabolites and regulate water and electrolyte balance may still meet the normal needs, clinical does not appear on symptoms, renal function tests are normal range or occasionally slightly phenomenon.

Renal Phase II: renal insufficiency period: glomerular have been more damage, 60% -75%, there are certain obstacles, creatinine, urea nitrogen may be high or above normal kidneys excrete metabolic waste. Patients may have anemia, fatigue, weakness, weight loss, mental focus and so easy. But often overlooked, if dehydration, infection, bleeding and other circumstances, it soon appeared obvious symptoms.

Renal III: renal failure: renal function has been quite serious damage, 75% -95%, you can not maintain a stable internal environment of the body, patients prone to fatigue, weakness, difficulty in concentrating and other symptoms intensified, anemia obvious, nocturia increased serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen increased significantly, and often acidosis. This period is also called azotemia.

Renal four: uremia or end-stage renal failure: This period glomerular damage has exceeded 95%, with severe clinical symptoms such as severe nausea, vomiting, oliguria, edema, malignant hypertension, severe anemia, skin itching, mouth urine smell of urine and the like.

Through the above description sure you know the degree of renal dysfunction is divided, and can not be generalized, if the late not only sicker, but also difficult to treat, if you can get sick as soon as possible to the hospital early in the formal scientific treatment, then the effect of treatment is ideal.

Renal Failure Patients Can Be Treated Without Kidney Transplant

Renal Failure Patients Can Be Treated Without Kidney Transplant
In addition to renal transplantation and renal dialysis is no other way to treat it? Of course not! Renal failure is a gradual deterioration from a variety of primary kidney disease or kidney secondary to other diseases caused by progressive damage and renal function. Treatment of renal failure, the core is to protect and repair the damaged kidney function. Treatment of renal failure requires patience, the following is a brief introduction to renal failure patients without kidney transplantation therapies.

Renal failure is a gradual deterioration from a variety of primary kidney disease or kidney secondary to other diseases caused by progressive damage and renal function. When the development of renal function impairment to the body can not maintain the balance within the environment, it will lead to accumulation of toxic metabolites in the body of water and electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders, and a series of clinical syndromes.

Usual treatment is dialysis treatment, but instead of kidney dialysis but to exercise its functions, its toxins excreted by external force, can only play a temporary role in mitigation, still can not solve the fact that renal cell damage, but can not be restored due to impaired renal intrinsic cells change produced. And frequent dialysis will make some healthy after renal cell damage, loss of function. In fact, a growing number of clinical reports, from the Western point of view is difficult to make kidney failure patients receive effective treatment, and proceed from the TCM side is able to find effective treatment for kidney failure breakthrough.

Furthermore, a kidney transplant is expensive and find a suitable kidney is more difficult thing, even if the transplant also need medication to maintain, treatment for patients with renal failure is not entirely feasible.

In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, China, we do use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Chinese medicine moxibustion therapy (innovated from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) ) to treat kidney disease. According to experiences of many years’ kidney disease treatments, we have found that any kidney disease is the blood disease which refers the blood is polluted by various factors. The Omsotherapy is an external application of herbal medicine. Under the help of osmosis device, the active ingredients which has function of cleaning toxins can be permeated into kidney lesions. And the Moxibustion therapy aims at regulating Qi, dilating blood vessels, promoting blood circulation and so on. In this way, the wastes and toxins can be discharged effectively. All in all, through the treatment, kidney function can recover gradually.

Practice has proved that the use of this therapy for patients with renal failure, to maximize the control of disease progression and progress, so that the patient physical symptoms have been alleviated, renal function is restored, like a normal life, so returning to a healthy back to their side .


Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Nephrotic Syndrome in Children

My friend's child was diagnosed with minimal change nephrotic syndrome, is not small lesions is not very serious, then you need to treat it? Now the child and there is no obvious symptoms, then what treatment measures should be taken it? Children minimal change nephrotic syndrome the need for timely treated?

For questions on many of the parents of children are concerned, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital specialists for you to explain Micro-Chinese Medicine treatments.

Minimal change nephrotic syndrome occurs mainly in children, the main pathological features for no obvious symptoms in clinical practice, but will love the microscopic examination of endoscopic abnormalities. For such symptoms, the patient often difficult to find, so often ignored the development of the disease. Because kidney damage as the disease progresses and will gradually increase, and therefore take timely and effective treatment measures is still very necessary! Nephrotic syndrome, severe cases can lead to low protein hyperlipidemia, patients experience severe edema and protein leakage phenomenon , only a minimal change nephrotic syndrome pathology, but the condition will not be static but rather a state of development, so take appropriate and timely treatment for the patient's own situation clearly do further checks.

For the symptoms of children with minimal change nephrotic syndrome, the patient can not be eager to control the disease, variant taking steroids to control. Steroids also belongs to an immunosuppressant, although with sterilization or Drugs effect, but will also undermine our body's normal immune function, cause various side effects. When our immune system damage early, there will likely lead to various diseases, so do not overdose and the use of excessive dependence on hormones.

In our Treatment center point, for the treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome in Children, we do recommend the newest treatment called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It is innovated from Traditional Chinese Medicine and it is used externally by the osmosis device. In this way, it help children avoid the tastes of herbal medicines. And the effective ingredients of herbal medicine can permeate into kidney lesions directly and effectively. It has the functions of dilating blood vessels, reducing inflammation or infections, degrading extracelluar matrix, providing nutrition to blood. And during the treatment, children can feel more comfortable. After a period of treatment, children can reduce the chances of relapse of the kidney disease.


What are the side effects of hemodialysis

What are the side effects of hemodialysis
Hemodialysis used to treat renal failure, uremia, you can substitute the kidneys play a role in some of the features, but just to clear blood dialysis waste, the root causes of kidney disease in renal fibrosis but not have any therapeutic effect. So alone can not cure kidney dialysis. And there are some side effects of dialysis, nephrotic Broad Medical Research Institute of Nanjing Zhao Zhong Xian Director noted that hemodialysis is renal failure, uremia patients purify the blood and maintain the life of a therapy, treatment is also a side effect, mainly as follows:

1. hypotension: One of the most common side effect of hemodialysis, the incidence rate of 20% -40%. Hypotension occurs for many reasons, most of which occurred in the late hypotension after dialysis began. Le blood dialysis late fall or more due to excessive ultrafiltration acetate dialysate suited due. Treatment: Trendelenburg, stop ultrafiltration, slowing the pump flow rate, oxygen, if necessary, quick to add 100-200 ml of saline or 50% glucose, 20 ml, albumin infusion, combined with the cause, due to treatment.

2. arrhythmia: incidence of about 50% to ventricular premature beat is more common. Side effects of hemodialysis causes coronary heart disease, failure, pericarditis, severe anemia, electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders, hypoxemia, hypotension, and drugs. Treatment: due and symptomatic treatment, but should pay attention to the drug in the dialysis patient retention and toxicity.

3. dialysis muscle spasm: hemodialysis is one of the more common side effects, the incidence of 10% -15%, the main site for the gastrocnemius muscle, foot, other parts of the upper limb and abdominal muscles. The reason is not very clear, and dialysis may be tissue hypoxia, hyponatremia, and the relative lack of circulating blood line clearance. Treatment: slow down or pause ultrafiltration, 100-200 ml of normal saline and hypertonic saline or hypertonic sugar.

4. dialysis disequilibrium syndrome: incidence of 3.4% -20%. The main side effect of hemodialysis nausea, vomiting, irritability, severe cases may have convulsions, coma and even death. Light without treatment; severe treatment is mainly given immediately hypertonic solutions such as mannitol, glucose or 3% 50% 10 ml of sodium chloride, but also lose albumin, if necessary, sedatives and other symptomatic treatment; more serious termination of dialysis.

5. Heart failure; hemodialysis is the most dangerous, one of the serious side effects, symptomatic treatment of treatment, should be used to strengthen the sequential dialysis or ultrafiltration.

As can be seen above hemodialysis or have a certain risk, so Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital Dr. Yang remind everyone must pay more attention, careful treatment. And a relatively strong dependence on hemodialysis, if we choose this method of treatment, it will follow our lives and bring us to withstand the pain of hemodialysis.

Hello, friend. I'am a kidney doctor's assistant come from Shijiazhunag Kidney Disease Hospital, China. If you or your loved one is suffering from kidney disease and have no idea how to deal with, please feel free to contact us: renal-disease@hotmail.com and we are glad to help you! Best regard!