
Renal Failure Patients Can Be Treated Without Kidney Transplant

Renal Failure Patients Can Be Treated Without Kidney Transplant
In addition to renal transplantation and renal dialysis is no other way to treat it? Of course not! Renal failure is a gradual deterioration from a variety of primary kidney disease or kidney secondary to other diseases caused by progressive damage and renal function. Treatment of renal failure, the core is to protect and repair the damaged kidney function. Treatment of renal failure requires patience, the following is a brief introduction to renal failure patients without kidney transplantation therapies.

Renal failure is a gradual deterioration from a variety of primary kidney disease or kidney secondary to other diseases caused by progressive damage and renal function. When the development of renal function impairment to the body can not maintain the balance within the environment, it will lead to accumulation of toxic metabolites in the body of water and electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders, and a series of clinical syndromes.

Usual treatment is dialysis treatment, but instead of kidney dialysis but to exercise its functions, its toxins excreted by external force, can only play a temporary role in mitigation, still can not solve the fact that renal cell damage, but can not be restored due to impaired renal intrinsic cells change produced. And frequent dialysis will make some healthy after renal cell damage, loss of function. In fact, a growing number of clinical reports, from the Western point of view is difficult to make kidney failure patients receive effective treatment, and proceed from the TCM side is able to find effective treatment for kidney failure breakthrough.

Furthermore, a kidney transplant is expensive and find a suitable kidney is more difficult thing, even if the transplant also need medication to maintain, treatment for patients with renal failure is not entirely feasible.

In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, China, we do use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Chinese medicine moxibustion therapy (innovated from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) ) to treat kidney disease. According to experiences of many years’ kidney disease treatments, we have found that any kidney disease is the blood disease which refers the blood is polluted by various factors. The Omsotherapy is an external application of herbal medicine. Under the help of osmosis device, the active ingredients which has function of cleaning toxins can be permeated into kidney lesions. And the Moxibustion therapy aims at regulating Qi, dilating blood vessels, promoting blood circulation and so on. In this way, the wastes and toxins can be discharged effectively. All in all, through the treatment, kidney function can recover gradually.

Practice has proved that the use of this therapy for patients with renal failure, to maximize the control of disease progression and progress, so that the patient physical symptoms have been alleviated, renal function is restored, like a normal life, so returning to a healthy back to their side .

