
Does Back Pain Always Mean Kidney Disease

Does Back Pain Always Mean Kidney Disease
Mention it very easy to think of back pain kidney, kidney failure and other kidney disease, kidney disease, but in fact back pain is not the most accurate signal, under normal circumstances, only acute pyelonephritis, kidney stones, kidney tumors prone to low back pain. And most of the time, the kidney injury is silent, until the onset of symptoms, kidney function may have lost more than half. One patient with renal insufficiency, and he may not have any symptoms.
So what signal nephropathy is it? Common primary nephropathy people referring complaints to edema, low back pain. Careful observation of those, including urinary abnormalities, such as hematuria, urine blistering. More foam in urine, suggesting that high solute concentration in urine, urine protein is likely higher. This time to be vigilant and timely testing. This is an accurate signal early nephropathy.
So in addition to carefully observe the weekdays, but the how to detect early kidney disease do? It would have to do the following.
1, regular health examination. A considerable part of asymptomatic hematuria, proteinuria and renal function in patients with mild reduction, are detected by periodic health examination. Reasonable periodic inspection should include urine, blood, stool routine, renal function, urinary tract ultrasound examination. If the above examination revealed irregularities, the need for more specific tests, such as CT or MRI, kidney isotope dynamic checks or creatinine clearance measurement, percutaneous needle biopsy of renal pathology, urine red blood cell morphology check urine protein testing, urine protein electrophoresis analysis. Best to check once a year.
2, to detect suspicious signal of chronic kidney disease. Early morning double eyelid edema, lower extremity edema, increased urine foam (especially those who does not go away for a long time), nocturia, chronic kidney disease may often prompts.
3, high blood pressure, duration of diabetes patients over 5 years, the risk of kidney damage will greatly increase the frequency of inspections should be increased. In addition, patients with newly diagnosed diabetes also need to pay special attention to the group, this is because many patients diagnosed with diabetes, the body's metabolic abnormality is already in place for a long time, may have been involved to the kidneys.
So we do not bring attention to the daily life of the body must wait until there is significant back pain and other sensory symptoms only for early kidney disease found in daily life concerns of urine is still very important.

The color of urine can show us your body health, if you have the above symptoms, suggest you go to a hospital making inspection in time, I am a physician assistant, if you have problems with kidney disease can contact our online doctors, can also email me your physical condition, my E-mail address is: ckdstage@hotmail.com.


Do You Know the Side Effect of Hormonotherapy for Nephrotic Syndrome

Do You Know the Side Effect of Hormonotherapy for Nephrotic Syndrome
Glucocorticoid use, hormone therapy in nephrotic syndrome is an indispensable part, apply it to a certain extent, the treatment alleviated the suffering of patients and improve the efficacy of short-term, however, there is no control on the use of hormones as if opened the "Pandora's box", to bring happiness to people, but also led to a disaster, so that patients with severe symptoms of various irreversible:

A long-term super-physiological doses of glucocorticoids can cause water, salt, sugar, protein and fat metabolism disorders, hyperthyroidism adrenal class. Expressed as central obesity, resulting in malabsorption of calcium, causing osteoporosis, severe spontaneous fractures can also occur.

2, corticosteroids can weaken the ability of the body's defense of the disease, is conducive to bacterial growth and reproduction and proliferation, induce or aggravate infections.

3, glucocorticoids promote protein degradation, can delay the formation of granulation tissue, hinder trauma or surgical wound and other ulcer healing.

4, glucocorticoids have against the role of growth hormone, children long-term use can inhibit bone growth and protein synthesis, affecting growth and development, the application can cause fetal malformations in pregnant women.

5, long-term glucocorticoid treatment, the symptoms under control, such as the reduction too fast or sudden withdrawal, the original symptoms may appear or worsen rapidly, known as the "rebound phenomenon." Some had no symptoms of the disease, such as muscle pain, muscle stiffness, joint pain, called withdrawal symptoms (or withdrawal syndrome).

In addition, long-term use of corticosteroids can cause adrenal atrophy or dysfunction, induce and aggravate ulcers and even cause neuropsychiatric symptoms, cause great obstacle for the rehabilitation of patients.

Want to avoid the side effects of hormone brought many

"Chinese clean-dimensional treatment system" - the traditional Chinese medicine is the key. This is the use of the clean-up of toxins in the blood of patients with kidney disease treatment started, one sentence to say "four plus seven 'therapy, allowing the drug to quickly penetrate into the kidneys, repair damaged cells, increase the body's immune system, allowing the patient can in the shortest possible time inside to see the effect, restore health!


Do You Know Hormone Is Very Severe

Do You Know Hormone Is Very Severe
Hormone therapy is the most important anti-inflammatory lupus erythematosus, immune-suppressing drugs. Corticosteroids erythematosus than 50 years of history, it is not long in the history of successful experience and lessons of failure, in continuous exploration, there are off to explore the process, people have come up any drug applications there are two aspects of its positive and negative effects on hormones, it can be said with a good life-saving drugs to its analogy to the bridge leading to the road to health is not an exaggeration, but used poorly, but also become hormone poison, its side effects can not be ignored, in general, the majority of its side effects and dosage and treatment duration.

1 Infection: Because it can inhibit the body's response to inflammation, leaving the body's ability to fight infection decreased, therefore, superficial or minor infections may evolve into a systemic infection, quiescent infection could turn into active infection, enabling potential lesions such as purulent lesions, tuberculosis and other activities and proliferation, it usually should pay attention to the prevention of infection, careful observation of the disease, reduction in time and, if necessary, disable, and when there is an acute infection poisoning occurs, must be adequate and effective with the application of antibiotics, tuberculosis merge with a sufficient amount of anti-TB drug use.

2, The Body Changes: Many patients with hormone therapy can change posture, which affects the mental, emotional, because of the long-term use of steroids can make fat redistribution can occur in patients moon face, buffalo hump, trunk fat, skinny limbs concentric obesity and other body change, but also acne, hirsutism, skin purple lines and other effects of beauty.

3. Diabetes: Hormone can increase glycogen, add sugar, induced diabetes, with plenty of corticosteroids should observe the blood, urine changes, hyperglycemia should be given hypoglycemic agents, insulin therapy can be applied when necessary, but with the reduction in the amount of the hormone, hypoglycemic agents or insulin dosage can be reduced.

4. Osteoporosis: Hormone can make bone demineralization, into osteoporosis, osteoporosis refers to bone mass per unit volume reduction, as if building a house to reduce the amount of steel, as is likely to cause fracture. Aseptic bone necrosis, especially occurs in the femoral head osteonecrosis is also a common complication, but its pathogenesis may be the femoral head bone stock and capillary blood circulation disorder caused by inflammation and necrosis, because of necrosis The reason is not a bacterial infection caused, also called aseptic necrosis of the femoral head. Therefore, patients must be long-term use of hormone regular bone densitometry, be aware of while taking hormones, vitamins and calcium preparations add services, so reduce corticosteroid-induced bone reduction, prevention and treatment of osteoporosis osteoporosis, proper physical exercise can promote bone blood circulation, promote metabolism, the prevention of osteoporosis and osteonecrosis have some help. Calcium is a long-term task, be sure to hold the patient in order to balance, perseverance in order to achieve better results.

5, Peptic Ulcer: Hormones can stimulate gastric acid, pepsin secretion of digestive juices too often can cause gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, bleeding or perforation, such as occur in patients with gastrointestinal symptoms when taking hormones with antacids with clothing to protect the gastric mucosa from damage, clinical commonly used ranitidine, Chen Xiang Lu Lu hundred, etc., can be used as the routine use of oral steroid medication synergistic drugs.

6, Electrolyte Imbalance And Hypertension: Hormones can cause sodium retention and cause edema, there are many patients with hypertension, due to potassium excretion, patients often hypokalemia occurs, congestive heart failure or significant peripheral edema patients should selection of a small water and salt metabolism hormones, regularly check the patient's electrolyte balance.

Hormone therapy is often complicated by hypertension, especially in patients with lupus kidney, this time, on the one hand to minimize the amount of hormones, on the one hand the use of appropriate anti-hypertensive drugs, such as nifedipine, captopril and so on. Although some anti-hypertensive drugs may cause side effects of lupus constitution, but after weighing the pros and cons of using still decisive.

7. Other:Patients may appear obvious excitement, irritability when a large number of corticosteroids, euphoria, mental allergies, insomnia, and depression or psychosis can occur, a large number of long-term use of steroids may be muscle weakness, muscle atrophy, and even myositis, increased intraocular pressure, or glaucoma, sebaceous gland dysfunction and so on. Irregular menstruation or amenorrhea is also very common.

I am a physician assistant nephropathy, kidney disease if you have questions regard online consultation can email me or leave a message, my E-mail address: ckdstage@hotmail.com


Top Five Exercises for Kidney Disease Treatment

Top Five Exercises for Kidney Disease Treatment
Can cause kidney damage and kidney fibrosis, kidney inherent cells for the treatment of kidney disease which brings some difficulties, but every day to do the following five sports, with treatment will play better recovery results.

First, rub soles of the feet every day: After both hands on the palm rub, rubbing his left foot to the heart, to the right hand rubbing his left foot heart, sooner or later, the 1st, each under 300 rub.

Second, make every day a simple gymnastics: a two-legged parallel feet shoulder width apart, visual front, his arms drooping naturally, palms affixed to the Ku Feng, fingers naturally open. Heel raised, continuous breathing nine times.

2. heel landing, inhale, slowly squat my eyes, gradually turn back the first two, the tiger's mouth on the ankle; the hand close to the ground, a little harder to grab a fist (meaning there is grasping objects), suck enough air.

3. hold your breath, the body gradually rose, drooping hands and gradually clenched fists.

4. Breath, body stand at attention, his arms outside the twist, fist forward, elbows squeezed from both sides weakness, but hard on the body and the heel lift, and levator ani, breathing.

Third, do anal contraction exercise every day: relax, breathe naturally; exhale, do anal action, inhale to relax, repeated about 30 times.

Fourth, daily massage waist: two hands to rub the palm of heat, were put to the waist on both sides, palms to the skin, massage the waist down, to hot flu. Morning and evening, each about 200 next.

Five, playing every day Tai Chi: Tai Chi exercise, preferably early in the morning in the fresh air of the park, trees, waterside conduct.

In addition, Chinese medicine believes that the soles are brought together at the beginning and end of each meridian, the distribution of more than 60 points, and with the human body organs, organ reflex zones are connected, if you want to protect the kidney, the best choice at around 21:00 feet, the effect The best. Because at this time is relatively weak kidney qi hour, feet at this time, blood vessels dilate, help blood circulation, thereby promoting blood circulation. At the same time, a hard day's kidneys, feet can be completely relaxed and full adjustment at this time, and who will therefore feel comfortable. Develop these habits every day, will promote the treatment of kidney disease, received better treatment.

I am a kidney disease doctor assistant, if you are interested in our Chinese medicine therapy or in kidney disease need help, can contact me, my E-mail address is: ckdstage@hotmail.com


Must I Do Renal Biopsy if I Have Kidney Disease

Must I Do Renal Biopsy if I Have Kidney Disease
Recently, many friends asked: "? I just found nephropathy, now in the hospital, the doctor asked to do renal biopsy, you say I do not do in the end."

What is a kidney biopsy?

Also known as renal biopsy biopsy, in simple terms, is to remove the part of the kidney tissue with the instrument, drawn by the Department of Pathology, pathology reports, so that you can determine the type of pathology of the kidney. So, the biggest role is to determine renal biopsy histological type, convenient for doctors to develop treatment programs.

What are the benefits of renal biopsy?

We usually call "nephrotic syndrome", "chronic nephritis", etc., are very general concept and specific histological type, you need to determine renal biopsy.

Such as nephrotic syndrome, it's just a series of clinical symptoms, collectively, can be expressed in many pathological types of nephrotic syndrome, such as some primary nephrotic: minimal change nephropathy, membranous nephropathy, mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, bureau stove segmental glomerulosclerosis, and some secondary nephropathy: systemic lupus erythematosus nephritis, diabetic nephropathy, hypertensive nephropathy and so on.

These pathological type of determination of the treatment plan is very important. Imagine, a membranous nephropathy patients and a minimal change nephropathy patients, although both nephrotic syndrome, but the focus of treatment is certainly not the same, if the same drugs are used, what consequences?

What are the drawbacks of renal biopsy?

The biggest drawbacks is the secondary damage to the kidneys, as well as infections of the troubles.

Had kidney disease, kidney had been damaged, while the renal biopsy surgery, will cause further damage to the kidneys. More importantly, whenever the surgery, there will be the risk of infection, and kidney patients fear most is infection.

In addition, renal biopsy accuracy is not so high. Millions of kidney nephron, puncture only remove a small part, this small part can not accurately reflect the entire kidney, there is no guarantee.

In addition to renal biopsy, we can not determine the pathological type? The answer of course is no. We Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is a large hospital, we have the most advanced diagnostic equipment, such as:

Must I Do Renal Biopsy if I Have Kidney Disease
Imported from Germany Roche COBAS8000 biochemical analysis of the immune system mode, only one blood, you can complete biochemical (such as liver function, kidney function, cardiovascular screening, immune function, cardiac function enzymes, electrolytes) and immunological tests (thyroid function, tumor markers, hormones, infectious diseases, cardiac, etc.).

Siemens BN II analyzer specific proteins, can through the patient's urine, which analyze the composition and the type of urinary protein, so they know the location and extent of kidney damage in patients. Early screening and efficacy evaluation for kidney disease, the distinction between glomerular injury or tubular injury.

Determine the pathological type of kidney disease treatment is significant, but through blood, urine can determine the type of pathology, the need for renal biopsy on very low. There is such a high-end instrumentation, why should we choose for our kidneys of renal biopsy hurt it?


Who Are Prone to Get Polycystic Kidney Disease

Who Are Prone to Get Polycystic Kidney Disease
A family member who was suffering from polycystic kidney disease. Because of polycystic kidney disease is often accompanied by a number of polycystic liver, liver cyst, splenic cysts, pancreatic cysts, cerebral aneurysm, abdominal aortic aneurysm, diverticulitis and other gastrointestinal diseases, so when themselves or family members were found to have the disease than those who should Special attention polycystic kidney disease occurs.
2 people long in polluted environments of life, or exposure to toxic chemicals (including administration of nephrotoxic drugs) or radiation person;
3, abnormal changes in emotions, especially over the long-term depression or panic people.
4. Periodic episodes of hematuria or mild proteinuria (to be differentiated and nephritis) are.
5, overwork, including excessive physical labor, mental and lack of physical exercise or excessive exercise improper person, excessive labor room persons.
6, waist, abdominal discomfort and local unexplained hypertension or renal dysfunction, and so on.
Relative to traditional Chinese medicine, the hospital "three-dimensional TCM immunotherapy" successful capture of traditional medicines and dialysis palliatives, dependent drawbacks, but to help patients get rid of the threat facing the high cost, to enhance the quality of life, the continuation of their lives. Breaking the conventional dialysis idea, can not change the timing of dialysis timing of dialysis, the effective elimination, to avoid complications. Effectively blocking renal fibrosis, sclerosis, necrosis, renal function gradually recovered, thus prolonging dialysis interval and the number of dialysis for uremic patients eventually get rid of dialysis has laid a solid foundation.
If you are interested in our 'stereo immune therapy of traditional Chinese medicine, can contact online doctor or leave a message to me, my E-mail address is: ckdstage@hotmail.com. I am a kidney disease doctor assistant, if you have kidney problems, also can contact me, I and happy to give you help.


An American with Diabetes Take Treatment in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

An American with Diabetes Take Treatment in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
William, the Americans, this year has been 75 years, patients with diabetic nephropathy, and with severe heart dysfunction, and with the diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy, and his wife (also a doctor) will focus on the treatment of kidney disease to treatment . Because medicine is not ideal, and would run the risk of side effects 75 William can not afford, then began to choose medicine. In order to get regular medicine treatment, came to China, came to Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital.

William is September 6 to come, just in time for the small Mid-Autumn Festival party we organized, he introduced himself to you sufferers, even officially began his treatment of the China trip.

Seven-year history of diabetes, kidney damage that he unknowingly has come to the stage of renal insufficiency, renal insufficiency and effects on the heart, it is worried about his wife. His wife is a doctor, this time to the hospital, with doctors under our communication, agreed medicine regimen.

William is a very optimistic person, in addition to receiving treatment, or chat with other patients outside his Ipad is to study every day.

Has been in China for nearly 10 days, when talking about the treatment of feelings, he said: "Western medicine than eating up the taste ......"

So cute an old man, and we all hope he can recover soon. Yesterday, his wife told the doctor in charge, said he has not numb feet and hands and feet are warm, I feel very comfortable, this effect is enough to make people excited.

This is just the beginning, with follow-up treatment, there will be more surprises waiting for him now. Chinese medicine blood circulation effect on his situation is a "right", it is no wonder Speaking medicine, William will be in high spirits, although they do not understand is how to do a dark liquid, but the wonderful effects, so he was very happy.

William is now under treatment in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we have to control the development of the disease, returned to his country to continue his good life. If you have diabetes or diabetic nephropathy can contact our online doctor, or send me a message, my E-mail address: ckdstage@hotmail.com.


How Fast Chronic Glomerulonephritis Is Treated

How Fast Chronic Glomerulonephritis Is Treated
"Come Shijiazhuang kidney hospital, I did not know such treatment should chronic glomerulonephritis, a traditional Chinese medicine therapies Micro-Chinese Medicine, there really such a magical effect."
Gu Yue from Xingtai (a pseudonym), when the onset of the beginning just feel there is always a period of insomnia, after the eye began to swell. Gu Yue feel just small problems, but always bad, then went to a local hospital for tests.
"It was to go to the hospital blood pressure, especially high blood pressure 180/110 doctor told me to take some medicine to see if the situation improves insomnia, and it shows that high blood pressure caused by insomnia. I did not care too much, with a point after the drug on the back, that is all right in a few days. I did not expect one week, I still feel insomnia, swollen eyes, go to the hospital review found that blood pressure was so high, "Gu Yue although this time not paying attention, but local doctors have realized the wrong.
Doctors made an arrangement Gu Yue urine routine examination, urine protein 3+, diagnosed with chronic glomerulonephritis.

"I did not believe the doctors say, feeling how could so easily have nephritis up? I feel this hospital is not necessarily tricky, went to several other hospital, the results are the same. I believe this really is chronic glomerulonephritis, but did not feel a serious illness, at a local hospital for treatment, "Gu Yue this time or holding on, take a few days to cure cure mentality.
Initially, when the local hospital use Western medicine therapy, treatment of chronic glomerulonephritis valley jump, but the disease is not the slightest improvement, but there is no deterioration in the valley that is just the beginning jump, then slowly healed. But soon after a terrible disaster struck in his body:
"There was a time I suddenly cold, condition deteriorated rapidly. Before creatinine at about two hundred to three hundred, that directly soared to more than a thousand, I feel particularly painful. Hospital for a look at this situation, just like I said, so now creatinine high blood was full of toxins must dialysis, dialysis no other way except "Gu Yue although that dialysis is not a good thing, but there is no way to only listen to the doctor to do a dialysis.
"After that the doctor told me that I can do in this life law dialysis, has been unable to get rid of dialysis. I was pretty desperate, but they feel can not be reconciled, then shop around to find with relatives, they would go online to check, looking for an individual hospital treatment. Ins and Outs do not know how to run a hospital, I do not know how much money to spend, but those hospitals a look at my case, I only know to dialysis. later I check in online Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, I feel very good. I was thinking, anyway law dialysis, and then bad can go bad? to try it, "Gu Yue did not know at that time that he would be reborn in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital.
Gu Yue came after kidney hospital in Shijiazhuang, Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital doctors and hospitals do not like those before it, apart from anything else immediately command outrageous dialysis patients. But the enthusiastic reception of the valley jump, jump in detail about the condition and history of the valley after the meeting developed a most appropriate treatment options valley jump.
Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital doctors to adopt Micro-Chinese Medicine Valley, jump and use Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital of traditional Chinese medicine has a unique therapeutic ideas, applications with the unique characteristics of our hospital's unique formulation of pharmaceutical medicine, the hospital has unique characteristics Chinese medicine treatment therapy ideas from the root cause.
After a week of treatment, the valley's condition began to jump significantly improved physical health began to recover. Were discharged home after a period of consolidation therapy, after several to the hospital review in good health, the indicators were normal.

I am a doctor assistant in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, if you have kidney problems need help, you can contact our online doctor can also email me, I can give you provide free advice and reply to you within 48 hours, my E-mail address is: ckdstage@hotmail.com.


Chinese Medicine Massage Can Reduce Blood Glucose Effectively

Chinese Medicine Massage  Can Reduce Blood Glucose Effectively
Diabetes is a stubborn disease, at present people have not found a good method can completely cure diabetes, and the disease of diabetes complications, such as diabetic eye disease, diabetic foot disease.China's traditional Chinese medicine massage can make us to avoid the pain of some drugs, treatment for diabetes have the effect of auxiliary, here to introduce you to some massage for diabetes has a supplementary role.

1. Stretch your palms and rub rub abdomen overlap slightly push hard in the abdomen, to the navel as the center, clockwise rubbing friction, 30 cycles per minute, hot feeling better, each operation 5-10 minutes.

2, holding trembling hands folded stacked belly, naturally on the navel, with a frequency of not less than 150 beats per minute and down shaking belly, a total of five minutes.

3. Stretch your hand on the abdomen rub cross placed on both sides of the lower edge of the breast, and then rub the lateral move horizontally to skin a slight fever, a total of five minutes.

4, rubbing door beams, abdominal abdominal points in the midpoint of the lower end of the sternum and navel-wired, in the abdominal cavity adjacent to open about two fingers at each gate around the beam hole. Eat with both hands on both sides of the middle finger rubbing Liangmen point, and then use the middle finger food in one hand rubbing in the abdominal cavity, each two minutes.

5, cross Cabei towel topless, with a dry towel around through the armpit, his hands in front axillary grabs a towel to wipe the back ends of the cross, to rub the skin red hot for the degree, preferably after bathing operation.

6. Exercise "Yan Fei" hard board lying on the bed, put his hands crossed behind him, and then upright, preferably at the same time raised his legs, repeated 5-10, twice daily.

7, percussion buttocks and thigh squeeze double fist with both hands, gently tap the buttocks, then sit back and just the right thigh muscle pairs, the first pinch thigh muscle, then the outside, and finally the inside. With soreness thermal appropriate, a total of four minutes.

I am in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital in a doctor, the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of diabetes has no side effects, and good curative effect, easy to solve diabetes inconvenience to our life and physical pain, if you have diabetes or kidney problems can give me a message or email me, I will contact you within 24 hours, my E-mail address is: ckdstage@hotmail.com.


Alert for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus(SLE) Complications

Alert for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus(SLE) Complications
Answer to this question is yes. Because in systemic lupus erythematosus patients, about half of patients with clinical lupus nephritis, as follows:
1, light nephritis: no related symptoms, with normal renal function, only proteinuria, urinary tube, microscopic hematuria.
2, nephrotic syndrome (disorder): a large number of proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, high degree of edema, but does not increase blood cholesterol, pathological slow progress.
3, chronic nephritis: patients showed varying degrees of edema, hypertension, proteinuria, and renal dysfunction deformed red blood cells in urine.
4, uremia: This is the outcome of lupus nephritis is a common cause of death in patients. 5, acute nephritis; facial edema, oliguria, transient hypertension, proteinuria, hematuria clear, red blood cell casts in urine, a transient azotemia.
6, distal renal tubular toxicity: At this time concentrated urine kidney function and regulation of acid-base balance dysfunction.

Alert for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus(SLE) Complications
Why lupus nephritis patients prone to it? To answer this question, first of all from the structure and function of the kidneys talk. Renal excretion is one of the most important organs of the body. Left and right kidneys, located in the waist, retroperitoneal, its size, weight, age, sex and different. Kidney from renal units, nearly glomus complexes, as well as renal interstitial blood vessels, nerves and other components. Each kidney is about 1 million nephrons. Each nephron by the glomerulus, the renal capsule, tubular, etc., in fact, each glomerulus is a capillary group. There are about complex human liters of blood through the renal filtration. Glomerular filtration rate with blood, and the absorption of tubular secretion of excretory function, and ultimately the formation of urine excreted.

Systemic lupus erythematosus is due to immune dysfunction, to produce a variety of autoantibodies, and thus the formation of immune complexes caused by systemic vasculitis, leading to tissue damage in inflammatory autoimmune diseases. That being the case, then the group will bear the brunt of the glomerular capillary, the researchers confirmed: antinuclear antibodies in anti-double stranded DNA antibodies, and glomerular DNA combine to form immune complex deposition in the glomerular capillaries, The activation of complement and the release of chemokines attract neutrophils, which neutrophil degranulation time and release of inflammatory mediators leading to glomerulonephritis. Moreover, in addition to the kidney glomeruli other vein, there is also the inflammatory response, which formed a whole nephritis, whether glomerular or tubules are affected, and eventually cause damage to the kidneys function.

Although lupus erythematosus lupus nephritis more serious disease, but if aggressive treatment, there is still hope of cure, in treatment, Western medicine is a hormone used to add other small dose immunosuppressive drug combination, can receive good results . Especially since traditional Chinese medicine involved in the treatment of this disease, through diagnosis and treatment, not only to treat the disease itself, but also against or reduce the side effects of western medicine, so lupus treatment appeared more optimistic outlook.

I am in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital in a doctor, our hospital combined therapy integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine the essence of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine in the treatment of kidney disease, a new and effective innovation for kidney disease treatment, if you have kidney disease need to answer, can you give us online doctor, also can also email me, my E-mail address is: ckdstage@hotmail.com.


How Will High BUN Levels Harm Your Body

How Will High BUN Levels Harm Your Body
How will high bun levels harm your body?How the body will produce a lot of harm to patients with high blood urea nitrogen phenomenon occurs, so there is a patient asks:? Urea nitrogen phenomenon high body will produce what kind of harm the patient is necessary? ? understand this issue, so for, high blood urea nitrogen phenomenon will harm the human body what experts do the following description:

Urea is the major end products of nitrogen metabolism in human proteins. Deamination of amino acids to produce NH3, and C02, both urea synthesis in the liver, metabolism of urea per gram of protein 0.3g. Urea nitrogen content of 28/60, almost half. Renal excretion of urea is usually the main organ of urea from the glomerular filtration can be reabsorbed in the tubules of each segment, but renal tubular reabsorption of urine flow rate, the faster the less, that reached a maximum clearance. And serum creatinine, as in early renal dysfunction, blood urea nitrogen in the normal range.

When the glomerular filtration rate dropped to 50 percent below normal, blood urea nitrogen concentration was increased rapidly. Under normal circumstances, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine ratio (BUN / Scr) value of about 10, high-protein diet, high catabolic state, water shortages, renal ischemia, hypovolemia, and some acute glomerulonephritis, are The ratio can increase, even up to 20 to 30; and a low-protein diet, liver disease often makes ratio decreased, then you can be called low azotemia.

Urea nitrogen control how high? On sites often have raised this question patients. In fact, kidney serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen cycle high is minor damage, glomerular sclerosis and basement membrane damage as the main pathological changes. Solve high blood urea nitrogen, it is necessary to depart from this pathology, treatment can be completely due.

For kidney patients, there are two cases of high blood urea nitrogen. The most common is renal insufficiency, including acute renal failure and chronic renal insufficiency, renal damage is mainly urea nitrogen can not be better from the urine; followed by a small number of acute nephritis, nephrotic syndrome may also occur a transient increase in blood urea nitrogen situation, mainly seen in the height of edema, oliguria caused because the blood urea nitrogen excreted in the urine can not be accumulated in the blood.

If you have high blood urea nitrogen value, I suggest you go to the hospital to do a check to see whether it leads to abnormal kidney function, if it is recommended that you timely treatment, so as not to aggravate their condition. If you still have questions, you can give our online doctor consultation, you can also send us an email: renal-disease@hotmail.com.