
Do You Know the Side Effect of Hormonotherapy for Nephrotic Syndrome

Do You Know the Side Effect of Hormonotherapy for Nephrotic Syndrome
Glucocorticoid use, hormone therapy in nephrotic syndrome is an indispensable part, apply it to a certain extent, the treatment alleviated the suffering of patients and improve the efficacy of short-term, however, there is no control on the use of hormones as if opened the "Pandora's box", to bring happiness to people, but also led to a disaster, so that patients with severe symptoms of various irreversible:

A long-term super-physiological doses of glucocorticoids can cause water, salt, sugar, protein and fat metabolism disorders, hyperthyroidism adrenal class. Expressed as central obesity, resulting in malabsorption of calcium, causing osteoporosis, severe spontaneous fractures can also occur.

2, corticosteroids can weaken the ability of the body's defense of the disease, is conducive to bacterial growth and reproduction and proliferation, induce or aggravate infections.

3, glucocorticoids promote protein degradation, can delay the formation of granulation tissue, hinder trauma or surgical wound and other ulcer healing.

4, glucocorticoids have against the role of growth hormone, children long-term use can inhibit bone growth and protein synthesis, affecting growth and development, the application can cause fetal malformations in pregnant women.

5, long-term glucocorticoid treatment, the symptoms under control, such as the reduction too fast or sudden withdrawal, the original symptoms may appear or worsen rapidly, known as the "rebound phenomenon." Some had no symptoms of the disease, such as muscle pain, muscle stiffness, joint pain, called withdrawal symptoms (or withdrawal syndrome).

In addition, long-term use of corticosteroids can cause adrenal atrophy or dysfunction, induce and aggravate ulcers and even cause neuropsychiatric symptoms, cause great obstacle for the rehabilitation of patients.

Want to avoid the side effects of hormone brought many

"Chinese clean-dimensional treatment system" - the traditional Chinese medicine is the key. This is the use of the clean-up of toxins in the blood of patients with kidney disease treatment started, one sentence to say "four plus seven 'therapy, allowing the drug to quickly penetrate into the kidneys, repair damaged cells, increase the body's immune system, allowing the patient can in the shortest possible time inside to see the effect, restore health!

