
Diet Management for Chronic Nephritis Patients

Diet Management for Chronic Nephritis Patients
Chronic nephritis is a great danger to human chronic disease, its course of long duration, the disease because of the influence of various factors change. Therefore, patients with chronic nephritis diet principles are not fixed, should be adjusted accordingly with the changing conditions in a timely manner. If you really suffer from kidney disease in, I suggest you diet in the treatment of this condition is for your help. You can contact me via Email: ckdstage@hotmail.com, I will give you free diet and treatment recommendations.

A low-protein, low phosphorus diet

Protein intake problem almost all kidney patients have to face the problem, the development of much of its intake of diseases and rehabilitation will produce a more significant impact. Chronic nephritis patients, early or acute exacerbation of onset, there is a certain degree of oliguria, edema symptoms or poor appetite, protein intake should be appropriate to control, but not overly restricted, especially in patients with decreased body weight, the Doing so may affect the body's immune system is not conducive to rehabilitation of the disease. Generally per kilogram of body weight per day to 1 gram of protein is appropriate. When a large number of diuretic edema, symptoms improved, it is necessary to increase protein intake in a timely manner, in order to add a lot of protein is lost diuretic, nephritis patients with chronic kidney disease even more so. If further development of chronic nephritis, leading to severe renal impairment, when uremia, renal excretory function of protein metabolism decreases, so that the body to increase blood urea nitrogen, then we must strictly limit the intake of protein, only a very small amount of supply protein to maintain basic metabolic needs of the body.

Second, adequate carbohydrates

Because patients with chronic nephritis limit protein intake, the heat will be supplied mainly from carbohydrates, so dietary carbohydrates should increase in order to meet the needs of the body's heat. In addition, adequate energy supply can reduce the consumption of protein, reduce the burden on the kidneys, and allows a small amount of protein intake exclusively for repair and growth organizations. Suitable for patients with chronic nephritis foods vermicelli, noodles, potatoes, lotus root starch.

Third, limit sodium

Chronic nephritis patients in a stable phase, the edema and chronic nephritis generally obvious symptoms, do not restrict salt intake, as long as you can not eat salty foods. When patients with severe edema, heart failure, hypertensive encephalopathy and even when necessary to strictly limit salt intake, not only can not intake of salt, sodium can not eat other foods, such as crackers, bread base surface, floss and so on. In order not to affect the patient because there is no appetite tasteless salt, no salt when cooking the sauce can be used instead of salt. The patients were in remission, in order to gradually increase the salt intake later stabilized.

Fourth, the appropriate amount of drinking water

Drinking water is generally no restrictions, but not too much, especially with edema and oliguria, be sure to pay attention to water intake.

Five, vitamins and iron

Chronic nephritis patients may be due to longer duration, poor appetite, eating less affected by vitamin intake, therefore, chronic nephritis patients should pay attention to eating foods rich in vitamin A, B vitamins and vitamin C in foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits to anti-vitamin deficiency. Chronic nephritis patients often accompanied by symptoms of anemia, primarily caused by a lack of blood raw materials, so patients with chronic nephritis should use some iron-rich foods such as liver, eggs, tomatoes, and green leafy vegetables such as dates, but also pay attention folic acid and vitamin B12 supplement.


Five Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease

Five Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease
Chronic kidney disease is the most adept at "camouflage" and the kind of illnesses that people most likely to be ignored, some symptoms can easily be overlooked, thus delaying treatment.If you are a kidney disease patient, I would be happy to provide you with free diet and treatment recommendations, can contact me by Email: ckdstage@hotmail.com.
1. Swelling
There are two types of kidney disease caused by swelling. One is nephrotic edema, and protein loss related, such as edema caused by nephrotic syndrome, diabetic nephropathy, etc., generally start from the lower limbs; another is nephritis, edema, such as acute glomerulonephritis, glomerular filtration by Guo dysfunction caused more first appeared in the eyelids, clear morning, and gradually developed into the body.
2. Backache
Urinary stones, chronic nephritis, acute pyelonephritis, renal tumors can lead to back pain, lumbar spine and some lesions have low back pain. Back pain should seek immediate medical attention, and describes in detail the exact location of back pain, time of occurrence, the nature of pain, etc., so that a medical examination, diagnosis. In general, chronic kidney disease caused by the slow onset of pain, not severe, the affordable range. The lumbar disc herniation, often after strenuous exercise or weight-bearing burst clear incentives, severe pain with limited mobility.
3. Urine Protein
After still more if discovered after urinating more foam, for 30 minutes to an hour bubble, then the urine protein content may be increased. This proteinuria seen in glomerulonephritis and tubular disease, hypertension and kidney damage, diabetes, kidney disease.
4.Blood in Urine
Glomerulonephritis, urinary tract infection, polycystic kidney and urinary tract stones, tumors and trauma can cause hematuria. Hematuria and some can be seen visually, and some can be found under the microscope.
5. Hypertension
Development of chronic kidney disease can cause high blood pressure, and high blood pressure can also lead to kidney damage, interaction between the two.

Six Tips for Preventing Nephritis

Six Tips for Preventing Nephritis
Although a lot of people suffering from nephritis, but people do not understand nephritis, nephritis, if not timely treatment will lead to many complications, threatening the lives of patients, for patients with nephritis, in addition to medical treatment, but also to do the daily prevention and care, so as to reduce the incidence. For the treatment of nephritis is a long process, we must strengthen our hope that the patient's state of mind.

1, Enhance physical fitness

The main measures for the prevention of chronic nephritis, is exercise, and enhance the ability of the body's resistance to disease. There are several ways to exercise, walking, running, dancing, hiking, boating, martial arts, qigong, tai chi, etc., all help to enhance health and improve the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria and prevent infection damages the immune reactivity occur. But be careful whom kidney patients.

2, The prevention of infection

Occur nephritis disease often associated with upper respiratory tract infections and other relevant, often outside by the cold, wind-heat, rheumatism, heat, hot poison of evil for the beginning due, therefore, to preventing the onset of nephritis, you should pay attention to changes in the weather warm winter should be avoided rainy days out, sweating when the wind, rain wading, wearing wet clothes, vigilant invasion of evils.

3, The law of life

Develop good habits, good health is very important. Because life is not the law, not enough sleep, overeating, excessive wine and women, excessive work and rest, can reduce the body's resistance to external evil, increase the chance of illness, so in everyday life, it should work and rest, regular rest to maintain the body balance of yin and yang, blood Regulating.

4, Early treatment

Prurigo skin boils, upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis, nephritis may have become students, so early treatment is necessary. Under the shade of keeping clean, frequently changes underwear to prevent urinary tract infections; maintain the smooth stool, regular bowel movements, it will help remove metabolic waste.

5, The spirit of optimism

Prevention should be alert for the first occurrence of nephritis, but not pessimistic, should eliminate the psychological terror of the disease. In addition to the usual enhance physical exercise, yin deficiency may serve Liuweidihuangwan, Wei Qi deficiency may serve Yupingfengsan to kidney Pei-Yuan, solid guard table, table to prevent evils invasion induced nephropathy.

6, Pay attention to health

Early treatment of skin boils prurigo, upper respiratory tract infection, tonsillitis, etc., have become nephritis may, therefore early treatment is necessary. Keep the lower body clean, frequently changes underwear, prevents urinary tract infections; keep stool, regular bowel movements, is conducive to rule out metabolic waste.

Tips: nephritis patient's diet needs special attention, and sometimes they may need specially made for dinner, their diet is not too salty, is sure to put less salt, because that would reduce the kidney filtering capabilities, and can not be eating too fishy and too bland food. When nephritis severe edema, hypertension significantly decreased urine output, or have heart involvement, in addition to avoid salt should restrict protein and fluid intake according to the disease, the main diet with carbohydrates and fats.

I am a kidney doctor assistant, if you have kidney disease areas plagued by online doctor online exchange with me or send me an Email, my email address is: ckdstage@hotmail.com.Keep in touch. I will email to you in 48 hours and remember to check your email box.


Imperceptible Latent Nephritis

 Imperceptible Latent Nephritis
Many people there live in a fever, sore throat, cough, body temperature 39 ℃, and hematuria. To the hospital for routine examination of urine, urine protein and blood, urine occult blood positive, others have found no abnormalities, and finally was diagnosed with occult nephritis, which is why? If you have kidney disease areas, you can ckdstage@hotmail.com Contact us, we will provide you with a free doctor's recommendations.

Experts say occult nephritis no obvious clinical symptoms, showed only mild proteinuria persistent, recurrent or persistent hematuria. Most patients with no obvious symptoms and signs, usually no symptoms of edema, renal function and no damage, only some patients accompanied by backache, fatigue, gross hematuria and other atypical performance.

Occult nephritis is not uncommon in clinical practice, if not detected early, treatment neglect, finally due to impaired renal function and development of uremia. And these diseases, general urine examination can check out.

Daily life, how can we discover whether they suffer from occult nephritis? Experts say that the disease is more common in young people, mostly in the age of onset is between 10 to 30 years old. In the acute phase, especially in cold or fever, there may be episodes of gross hematuria, proteinuria increased, until the temperature is normal, gross hematuria will disappear.

Due to the relatively high incidence of youth, parents give their children cope with close observation. If after voiding many splashes foam and foam durable ghost, there may be a signal of proteinuria; if urine color like water or tea to wash the meat color, it is possible gross hematuria, the emergence of these cases should go to hospital check the urine. If the urine routine examination revealed a urine protein or occult blood, we should carefully check or ask for further development of treatment programs kidney specialist, and in the next life, the positive control and prevention of predisposing factors, especially respiratory infections and to prevent the virus infection, To attach great importance to the treatment of renal function. Timely treatment, occult nephritis can be cured.

Experts advise, occult nephritis usually observe, timely standard treatment to prevent acute episodes, can maintain very stable state for decades, some for life probably will not affect the normal life and learning, does not affect renal function.

Always pay attention to strengthening the physical exercise, enhance the body's immunity and disease resistance. When the weather changes, to develop good lifestyle, should be the law of life, avoid over exertion, some drugs may increase the damage the kidneys, so do their own free agents.

If you suffer from high blood pressure, diabetes and other chronic diseases, should be actively treated. These chronic diseases associated with kidney disease reciprocal causation, kidney disease can cause high blood pressure and other diseases, and high blood pressure, diabetes and other diseases if not well controlled, can lead to renal damage.

To conduct regular urine screening, at least once a year. A simple and routine urine economy can be found on most of the kidney disease. Especially for already diagnosed with occult nephritis, or high blood pressure, diabetes and other patients, but also to regular inspections.


How Will High BUN Levels Harm Your Body

How Will High BUN Levels Harm Your Body
How will high bun levels harm your body?How the body will produce a lot of harm to patients with high blood urea nitrogen phenomenon occurs, so there is a patient asks:? Urea nitrogen phenomenon high body will produce what kind of harm the patient is necessary? ? understand this issue, so for, high blood urea nitrogen phenomenon will harm the human body what experts do the following description:
Urea is the major end products of nitrogen metabolism in human proteins. Deamination of amino acids to produce NH3, and C02, both urea synthesis in the liver, metabolism of urea per gram of protein 0.3g. Urea nitrogen content of 28/60, almost half. Renal excretion of urea is usually the main organ of urea from the glomerular filtration can be reabsorbed in the tubules of each segment, but renal tubular reabsorption of urine flow rate, the faster the less, that reached a maximum clearance. And serum creatinine, as in early renal dysfunction, blood urea nitrogen in the normal range.
When the glomerular filtration rate dropped to 50 percent below normal, blood urea nitrogen concentration was increased rapidly. Under normal circumstances, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine ratio (BUN / Scr) value of about 10, high-protein diet, high catabolic state, water shortages, renal ischemia, hypovolemia, and some acute glomerulonephritis, are The ratio can increase, even up to 20 to 30; and a low-protein diet, liver disease often makes ratio decreased, then you can be called low azotemia.
Urea nitrogen control how high? On sites often have raised this question patients. In fact, kidney serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen cycle high is minor damage, glomerular sclerosis and basement membrane damage as the main pathological changes. Solve high blood urea nitrogen, it is necessary to depart from this pathology, treatment can be completely due.
For kidney patients, there are two cases of high blood urea nitrogen. The most common is renal insufficiency, including acute renal failure and chronic renal insufficiency, renal damage is mainly urea nitrogen can not be better from the urine; followed by a small number of acute nephritis, nephrotic syndrome may also occur a transient increase in blood urea nitrogen situation, mainly seen in the height of edema, oliguria caused because the blood urea nitrogen excreted in the urine can not be accumulated in the blood.

If you have high blood urea nitrogen value, I suggest you go to the hospital to do a check to see whether it leads to abnormal kidney function, if it is recommended that you timely treatment, so as not to aggravate their condition. If you still have questions, you can give our online doctor consultation, you can also send us an email: renal-disease@hotmail.com.


Why Does Diabetic Nephropathy Cause Sexual Dysfunction

Why Does Diabetic Nephropathy Cause Sexual Dysfunction
ED is referred to as erectile dysfunction, is to make the most painful diabetic condition, if the diet would still be acceptable if, ED appears, it is a major blow.
Why diabetes ED?
ED root cause of diabetes appear, is that diabetes-induced vascular neuropathy. Because the normal erection requires sufficient blood flow and nerve stimulation, and diabetes damage to the body's largest precisely in these two areas.
Atherosclerosis, atherosclerotic vascular produced within the cavernous and vascular smooth muscle tension more affected by nerve impulses and chemicals, adrenergic nerve tension rises, autonomic dysfunction, including not only the adrenergic nervous system, but also includes choline nerve, synthesis of acetylcholine damage. So poor penile vascular reactivity, less blood flows into the penis, resulting in the occurrence and development of ED.
As the duration of the extension and the deterioration of the central autonomic dysfunction often aggravate abnormal autonomic function of the penis, poor blood sugar control and the presence of diabetes complications may increase the incidence of ED.
What is the focus of treatment?
Understand the reasons for the occurrence of diabetes ED, treatment options are naturally a matter of course.
Three high natural control is the most important, but only this is not enough, because it has been blocked capillaries must also be addressed.
This is the reason we use traditional Chinese medicine - medicine in this area really is no good way.
The role of traditional Chinese medicine blood circulation has been known, but the specific how to achieve it?
Oral prescription is naturally essential, but in addition to this internal medication, we will adopt for external use. Over the years, the topical medicine, we have innovated circle treatment, heat, Governor moxibustion, medicated bath, foot massage and other therapies, hundreds of prescriptions. Through different parts of the body meridians activate, maintain blood accessibility, especially those clear blockage microvascular diabetic ED treatment has a unique effect.
Diabetic patients new hope
Diabetes itself is not terrible, really terrible is its various complications.
Diabetic ED patient swallow, diabetic eye disease patient inconvenience, diabetic foot disease "stinky" were impeccable, diabetic nephropathy is after glomerulonephritis, the second leading cause of uremia.
In fact, complications of diabetes, mostly the same reasons: poor blood flow. Poor blood flow can lead to insufficient blood supply to the organs, which is the root trigger of disease, therefore, basically similar treatment philosophy.
Currently, the treatment of diabetes, remains in the control of blood glucose levels, while if we can clear the blood vessels and restore blood supply to the body, regardless of the complications of diabetes itself or will have a great advantage.

We should understand that the long-term diabetes is not controlled very easily lead to diabetic nephropathy, which will increase the difficulty of treatment of diabetes, and treatment philosophy is to treat our hospital while dredging vessels, promote blood circulation and restore the body's blood supply to achieve the treatment currently, on the basis of this treatment on the control diet can make treatment better. If you are interested in our hospital treatment, you can contact me via E-mail: ckdstage@hotmail.com I would like for you to explain the principles of the treatment of diabetes.


Who Says Dialysis Is a Must for Uremia Patients

Who Says Dialysis Is a Must for Uremia Patients
Once kidney disease progress into Uremia period, patients need to undergo dialysis regularly. It seems to become a “iron law”, but if patients refuse to dialysis, how should we do?
Most kidney disease patients may don’t know what function do dialysis have, and have no idea about side effect of dialysis. But it still cannot relieve patients resistance to dialysis-in most patients’ mind, dialysis is very expensive, is a “addiction” thing. Patients try their best to avoid dialysis.
So we can understand why patients feel so helpless when doctors say, “you need to undergo dialysis”.
Mr. Lai come from Jiang have a strong feel.
In May,2012, due to swollen lower limbs, he came to hospital for test. He was diagnosed with Chronic Nephritis and renal insufficiency. At that time, his proteinuria was 2+, serum creatinine level is 150umol/L. But, he stopped the treatment when his swelling and proteinurie got controlled. Until Sept.2014, he suddenly experienced dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc. He went to Nanjing, this time his creatinine level has increased to 902umol/L. During two years, his illness has developed into uremia.
He did not learn dialysis. When doctor suggested him to accept dialysis, he refused firmly.
The director Yan Lixue was his doctor and when director saw him fist time, his kidney function was very poor. Director Yan also see many cases which is similar to Mr. Lai.
In most conditions, it is reasonable to take treatment of dialysis. But due to the patient’s rejection, so Yan Lixue decided to adopt the conservative treatment.
In fact, dialysis is just responsible for discharging micromolecular substances rather than preventing regeneration of wastes. However, blood purification is not only to discharge micromolecular substances. Therefore, the functions of dialysis is not as good as people imagines.
We purify polluted blood by adopting Chinese herbal medicines. Although its curative effects are slow, we do realize the goal of blood purification by stopping the kidney cells damage and recovering kidney function. Therefore, the therapeutic effects is more better than dialysis.
This can be well understood: machine can never replace kidneys.
Purifying blood is a must to treat uremia. But dialysis is not only method to clean blood. --dialysis is just a lazy way which has many adverse effects.

Mr. Lai’s treatment experience tell us, dialysis is indeed not a must for patients with uremia, the key points lie in whether doctors are responsible.