
Diet Management for Chronic Nephritis Patients

Diet Management for Chronic Nephritis Patients
Chronic nephritis is a great danger to human chronic disease, its course of long duration, the disease because of the influence of various factors change. Therefore, patients with chronic nephritis diet principles are not fixed, should be adjusted accordingly with the changing conditions in a timely manner. If you really suffer from kidney disease in, I suggest you diet in the treatment of this condition is for your help. You can contact me via Email: ckdstage@hotmail.com, I will give you free diet and treatment recommendations.

A low-protein, low phosphorus diet

Protein intake problem almost all kidney patients have to face the problem, the development of much of its intake of diseases and rehabilitation will produce a more significant impact. Chronic nephritis patients, early or acute exacerbation of onset, there is a certain degree of oliguria, edema symptoms or poor appetite, protein intake should be appropriate to control, but not overly restricted, especially in patients with decreased body weight, the Doing so may affect the body's immune system is not conducive to rehabilitation of the disease. Generally per kilogram of body weight per day to 1 gram of protein is appropriate. When a large number of diuretic edema, symptoms improved, it is necessary to increase protein intake in a timely manner, in order to add a lot of protein is lost diuretic, nephritis patients with chronic kidney disease even more so. If further development of chronic nephritis, leading to severe renal impairment, when uremia, renal excretory function of protein metabolism decreases, so that the body to increase blood urea nitrogen, then we must strictly limit the intake of protein, only a very small amount of supply protein to maintain basic metabolic needs of the body.

Second, adequate carbohydrates

Because patients with chronic nephritis limit protein intake, the heat will be supplied mainly from carbohydrates, so dietary carbohydrates should increase in order to meet the needs of the body's heat. In addition, adequate energy supply can reduce the consumption of protein, reduce the burden on the kidneys, and allows a small amount of protein intake exclusively for repair and growth organizations. Suitable for patients with chronic nephritis foods vermicelli, noodles, potatoes, lotus root starch.

Third, limit sodium

Chronic nephritis patients in a stable phase, the edema and chronic nephritis generally obvious symptoms, do not restrict salt intake, as long as you can not eat salty foods. When patients with severe edema, heart failure, hypertensive encephalopathy and even when necessary to strictly limit salt intake, not only can not intake of salt, sodium can not eat other foods, such as crackers, bread base surface, floss and so on. In order not to affect the patient because there is no appetite tasteless salt, no salt when cooking the sauce can be used instead of salt. The patients were in remission, in order to gradually increase the salt intake later stabilized.

Fourth, the appropriate amount of drinking water

Drinking water is generally no restrictions, but not too much, especially with edema and oliguria, be sure to pay attention to water intake.

Five, vitamins and iron

Chronic nephritis patients may be due to longer duration, poor appetite, eating less affected by vitamin intake, therefore, chronic nephritis patients should pay attention to eating foods rich in vitamin A, B vitamins and vitamin C in foods such as fresh vegetables and fruits to anti-vitamin deficiency. Chronic nephritis patients often accompanied by symptoms of anemia, primarily caused by a lack of blood raw materials, so patients with chronic nephritis should use some iron-rich foods such as liver, eggs, tomatoes, and green leafy vegetables such as dates, but also pay attention folic acid and vitamin B12 supplement.

