
Dietary Principles for Different Stages of IgA Nephropathy

Dietary Principles for Different Stages of IgA Nephropathy
World Health Organization (WHO) will IgA nephropathy were divided into five histology: Ⅰ mild damage; grade Ⅱ small lesions with a small amount of segmental proliferation; Ⅲ grade focal segmental glomerulonephritis; Ⅳ grade diffuse damage associated with mesangial proliferation and hardened; Ⅴ grade diffuse sclerosing glomerulonephritis involving more than 80% of glomeruli.

For the treatment and rehabilitation of patients with IgA nephropathy IgA nephropathy patients, in addition to appropriate treatment strategies for IgA nephropathy diet health sciences is essential, IgA nephropathy patients at different stages of their diet is not the same principle. Depending on the stage of IgA nephropathy, each stage must be different diet programs.

IgA Nephropathy Grade Ⅰ

Mild damage, the symptoms are not evident, general back pain, blood in the urine or mild edema and simple (and) mild proteinuria. The amount of added iron, zinc, copper, manganese and other trace elements, such as: milk, carrots, etc., promote metabolism, and expand the body immunity. Suitable light digestible eat the right amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, such as: cucumber, tomato, lily, melon, watermelon, red bayberry, etc., and proper drinking water; sodium diet: 2-3 grams daily intake of salt is generally appropriate. Do not eat salty foods such as pickles, salted fish, bacon, salted and other preserved foods.

IgA Nephropathy Grade Ⅱ

Segmental proliferation of small lesions with a small amount. This phase is asymptomatic microscopic hematuria (often persists), red blood cells with abnormal red blood cells in urine-based (≥80%), accompanied by mild proteinuria (<1g / 24h). For microscopic hematuria, the patient should eat apples, black sesame seeds, fungus and other nourishing yin pathogenic fire food. Taking food recipes, such as drinking gourd, Chine cane water, Chine porridge, porridge shepherd's purse, black Douyu hematuria governance, rule proteins Diet.

IgA Nephropathy Grade Ⅲ

Focal segmental glomerulonephritis. IgA nephropathy hypertension is uncommon (less than 5% -10%) with the extended duration increased incidence of hypertension, to the level Ⅲ The symptoms are more common. Might as well add some anti-hypertensive food, such as fresh dark green vegetables, seaweed, mushrooms, oats. Far three white (sugar, white salt, animal fats) nearly black (black rice, black fungus, seaweed), and drunk green tea, yogurt. Control of energy intake, promote eating complex carbohydrates, such as starch, corn, etc., to prevent elevated blood lipids.

IgANephropathy Grade Ⅳ

Damage associated with diffuse mesangial proliferation and hardening of large amounts of urine protein, hypoalbuminemia and microscopic hematuria IgA nephropathy accounts for about 7% to 16%, often severe back pain. Renal biopsy may show acute tubular necrosis, extensive red tube and small crescents constitute part. Low amount of high-quality protein diet. Moderate consumption of eggs, milk, meat and other animal protein rich in essential amino acids, but the specific intake should be discretionary (proteinuria more normal renal function but who kept a daily intake of 1 ~ 1.5g / kg * d, severe renal impairment should restrict protein in 0.6 ~ 0.8g / kg * d).

IgA Nephropathy Grade Ⅴ

Diffuse sclerosing glomerulonephritis involving more than 80% of glomeruli, IgA progression to chronic renal insufficiency, and even uremia. Clinically rare, poor prognosis.

This phase is to reduce the burden on the kidneys, the supply of about 20 grams of protein per day is probably more appropriate choice of eggs, milk, fish and other good under normal circumstances, can be administered orally or intravenously followed by the essential amino acids. When should I use potassium foods such as urine too: mushrooms, green beans, peanuts, etc. In 1000 ml of urine as below, the choice of arrowroot flour, pumpkin, shrimp and other low potassium foods. IgA nephropathy in non-diabetic patients, may be appropriate to add sugar and fat, its metabolites for water and carbon dioxide, is discharged from the lungs and the skin, not through the kidneys, can reduce the burden on the kidney.

The importance of diet in patients with IgA nephropathy nephropathy believe we all already know, different stages of IgA nephropathy what to eat, what not to eat, that you insisted. But in the specific treatment, the patient should be carried out under the guidance of professional doctors. But we should understand that diet can only help us to ease the pain, the disease can not be cured, they still need to diet and treat each other, so that it can soon get rid of the pain. We Shijiazhuang kidney hospital in accordance with the concept of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine study the penetration of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy therapy for the treatment of kidney disease has a good effect, and the scientific and technological achievements won awards.


What Should Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Notice for Their Diet

Nephrotic syndrome is a massive proteinuria, hyperlipidemia, edema, hypoalbuminemia characterized by clinical syndrome of primary and secondary two points. The etiology and pathogenesis of idiopathic nephrotic syndrome is unknown. Secondary nephrotic syndrome by autoimmune diseases, diabetes and secondary infection, circulatory system diseases, drug poisoning and other causes.

Nephrotic syndrome early basement membrane lesions less, a large number of proteins from the urine, is an important cause of reduced plasma protein. Decreased plasma protein levels, especially albumin decreased, causing decreased plasma colloid osmotic pressure, promote blood vessel in the extravascular fluid leakage, resulting in tissue edema and effective blood volume decline. Considerable loss of protein in urine, due to the increase in liver synthesis of albumin, lipoprotein synthesis also increased, to become due hyperlipidemia. According to the characteristics of the disease nephrotic syndrome, the diet has its particularity.

1, patients should control sodium intake

For patients with nephrotic syndrome should be particularly prone to edema, and edema precisely because the sodium content in the body increases, so the nephrotic syndrome patients should enter low-salt diet, in order to avoid increased edema in the diet should follow certain principles generally no more than 2g daily amount of salt is appropriate, disable preserved foods, use less MSG and food base, the swelling subsided, when the plasma protein close to normal, resume normal diet.

2, patients should pay attention to protein intake

For patients often accompanied by the generation of proteinuria, and proteinuria in patients with large amounts of protein to make the passage, the patient is likely to cause malnutrition, affects the patient's health. Therefore, patients in the diet should pay attention to protein intake. However, patients with nephrotic syndrome in the diet needs to follow certain principles protein diet, in the early days, the very period should be given a high-quality protein diet (1 ~ 1.5g / kg * d).

3, patients should pay attention to fat intake

Generally patients often accompanied by hyperlipidemia, which can easily lead to injury and glomerular sclerosis. Therefore, patients should try to eat less fat, limiting animal offal, fat, some seafood and other foods rich in cholesterol and fat intake.

4, trace element supplement

Patients should be noted trace element supplement, along with a large number of proteinuria, patients will lose a lot of protein and trace elements, resulting in the body of calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron and other elements deficiency, should be given appropriate supplement. Therefore, patients should pay attention to the trace element supplement.

5, nephrotic syndrome diet Taboo

(1) nephrotic syndrome can eat what

① should be given high-protein diet, such as fish, meat.

② should be appropriate to add calcium, vitamins and trace elements can eat rich vegetables, fruits, grains.

(2) can not eat anything with nephrotic syndrome

① avoid fishy, ​​spicy, fried, aquatic products, such as fish, crab and pepper.

② hanged preserved foods.


What Is The Reason of Uremia

What Is The Reason of Uremia
The following are the main factors associated with uremia, but the reason uremia more than that, there are the more common causes of systemic lupus erythematosus, purpura, hyperuricemia, multiple myeloma, Polyarteritis nodosa , Wegener's granulomatosis, systemic sclerosis, subacute bacterial endocarditis, cirrhosis; there are other reasons, such as drugs, biological products, heavy metals, such as snake venom.

First, 15% of hypertensive patients directly into uremia. Statistics of 1998, 10% of patients with hypertension of the total population, that is, for every 10 people will have a hypertensive patients, of which 1.5 individuals will become uremic patients.

Second, 30% of people with diabetes is the direct outcome of uremia diabetes. Recent statistics show that in our population, the existing 4320 people with diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance were 5064 people, both of and for the 93.84 million. In other words, just because of diabetes alone, about 13 million and 15 million in uremic patients at high risk of uremia.

Third, the kidney is the main cause of uremia, the final outcome of all patients with chronic kidney disease will be uremia. It is the leading cause of chronic nephritis, in the cause of uremia disease, chronic glomerulonephritis 55.7%.

Fourth, urinary tract infection urinary tract infection or urinary tract infection. According to statistics, the incidence of urinary sense for men 0.23%, 2.37% for females. Young and old Jieke disease, especially married women of childbearing age is common in our country, chronic pyelonephritis is the second factor uremia, accounting for 21.2%.

Fifth, the drug caused varying degrees of toxicity. Studies have shown that about 25% of patients with renal failure and drug-related nephrotoxicity.

Six, age-related. 10% of the total elderly population, by 2025, people over the age of 60 will reach 19.3%. In the physical examination found that 17.3 percent of the elderly suffer from different types of kidney disease; in hospitalized patients suffering from urinary system diseases of the elderly accounted for 3.4% to 6.3%, which is the eighth cause of death in elderly patients.

With age, the structure and function of the kidneys are obvious degenerative changes. Under normal circumstances, the human kidney powerful compensatory function, renal loss of 50%, but also to maintain the body's normal life activities, such as removal of a kidney in the future, one can also healthy living. With age, the body's reserve function gradually weakened and even lost, in the absence of the additional burden of cases, renal function can meet the needs of human life activities, but there is no sudden ability to cope with injuries and illness. Therefore, the elderly in the event of unforeseen circumstances, can easily lead to further damage kidney function and the development of uremia. Such as infections, colds, blood loss, water scarcity, nephrotoxic drugs, other diseases, can become senile uremic incentives.

In life we ​​have to develop good habits to ensure that our health, if you are suffering from uremia problems, you can contact us, we can offer free diet and treatment recommendations for you by e-mail ckdstage@hotmail.com.


Can Kidney Failure Patient Eat Pineapple

Can Kidney Failure Patient Eat Pineapple
Pineapple is very common in everyday life of fruit, a lot of people like to eat pineapple. But not everyone can eat. Which renal failure patients should pay attention when eating pineapple to note the number of eating pineapple. Why do patients with kidney failure to limit the number of eating pineapple it?

The main role of the kidneys is to keep the sodium potassium, and pineapple contain high potassium, renal failure due to renal damage, not the normal discharge of potassium. In this case, if patients eat high-potassium fruits, will only increase the burden on the kidneys, severe poisoning can lead to potassium.

Therefore, patients with renal failure to strictly control the potassium foods, except pineapple, high potassium fruits as well as oranges, mangoes, bananas, and grapes. High potassium vegetables are leeks, tomatoes, carrots, etc; and kelp, seaweed and other marine products, patients in their daily lives to strictly taboo intake of these foods.

A well knowledge of friendly-kidney diet is a necessary part of kidney failure treatment. Aside from the diet, medicial treatment is also significant. Well then, how to treat kidney failure? In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, we do use Hot Compress Therapy that comes from Traditional Chinese Medicine for repairing kidney impaired cells and improving renal function. what's more, the treatment also has no side effects to the patients. if you are interested in our treatment, you can send an email to ckdstage@hotmail.com and we will give ur more info ASAP.


Eight Types of Snacks Can Be Eaten by Diabetics.

Eight Types of Snacks Can Be Eaten by Diabetics.
Snack is not only delicious, but also fun in life. But had diabetes, is not have to say goodbye and snacks? University of Virginia clinical nutritionist Catherine Bass Bohm said that the snacks to eat dinner as a miniature version, with a good kind and good control of the heat would help to control hunger, but also to maintain a steady blood sugar.

Cheese and whole wheat crackers

Fat content of cheese and whole wheat crackers with food, nutrients more comprehensive, but also can be used with carrots or apple slices.

Walnuts and dried fruit

This combination can provide enough energy for the body. November 2013 published in the "European Journal of Clinical Nutrition" on the results of a study show: peach avoid postprandial glucose levels soar, and keep the feeling of satiety. Due to the high heat of these two foods, each can eat two tablespoons, which is equivalent to 20 grams of carbohydrate calories.

Refried beans and fresh vegetables

1/3 cup hummus or mashed peas as a dipping sauce, mix cucumber, celery, broccoli, green pepper or carrot sticks to eat.

Yogurt and raisins

Sprinkle ½ cup plain yogurt in a tablespoon of raisins, which is the perfect snack with diabetes. Greek scholars in March 2014 in the "Journal of Nutrition" published the results of a small study show: Type 2 diabetes after eating raisins, blood sugar levels are not increased, and decreased blood pressure.

Chicken sandwich

Put on a piece of whole wheat bread cubes skinless chicken, then add a small amount of light taste of salad dressing, lettuce leaves or other vegetables, is a nutritious and delicious snacks. Be careful not to use finishing high salinity luncheon meat.

Bananas and berries, yogurt

The half banana, half a cup of skim milk or yogurt, and half a cup of berries (such as cherry tomatoes, strawberries) mixing, a delicious and refreshing snacks produced. Note that not more than 150 calories of heat required to control the weight of the ingredients.

Egg salad

Put a mashed boiled eggs, add a tablespoon of low-fat salad dressing, which is eaten with crackers or whole wheat bread, cereals, or add a handful of raisins, is a good choice.

Apple and Peanut Butter

Apple slices, cast a tablespoon of peanut butter is a nutritious snack. Published in the "British Journal of Nutrition" on the results of a study showed that adding peanut butter in the diet helps control blood sugar levels and hunger.

Although we can think of these foods as a snack, but details still need to diet, according to the doctor's guidance for the treatment of illness is also has a supplementary role.


Warning: Excessive Calcium Supplement Can Lead to Kidney Stone

Warning: Excessive Calcium Supplement Can Lead to Kidney Stone
Many people like calcium, especially for the prevention of osteoporosis in the elderly, in addition to the usual life of some calcium daily intake of food, it will also add calcium, calcium and some to eat, a Dayton can not fall. Besides daily life as long as the food is also adding calcium will cause them concern. Such as calcium, calcium noodles, sesame paste, add calcium, increasing calcium drinks and so on. Most people think of calcium as possible, only good for the body. Experts, excessive calcium, will only increase the burden on the kidneys and may cause the occurrence of various stones.

Experts point out that calcium is not easily absorbed by the body, especially if combined with calcium oxalate-containing substances in food, it will produce a chemical reaction, the formation of calcium oxalate stones, stones, once formed, will be deposited, causing damage in the body.

As the body's organs, the kidneys filter, like a sieve, the elderly because of their kidney function decline, if the formation of stones, stones to accumulate in the kidneys, and some with the renal pelvis, calyx stick together, difficult to remove, and stones presence would affect the kidneys, eventually causing kidney damage. Therefore, an increase in the body of stones give our body to bring great harm.

The elderly insist on drinking two glasses of milk a day, eat dairy products, shrimp, soybeans, green beans, tofu, sesame and other calcium-rich foods. Next, choose a healthy lifestyle, drink coffee and cola, do not smoke, they will reduce the amount of bone loss. In addition, the sun and outdoor sports are also conducive to calcium absorption and utilization. These methods are safe calcium. For osteoporosis in the elderly to scientific calcium in the doctor's professional guidance, strict monitoring of their calcium and urinary calcium levels, calcium reasonable according to the doctor's recommendations.

Deterioration of kidney stones as soon as it is easy to cause kidney failure, although the surgical treatment of western medicine is very fast but also to have certain side effects, and traditional Chinese medicine treatment cycle is long but has no side effects.We have successfully treated many patients with kidney disease, especially our heat therapy of traditional Chinese medicines directly to infiltrate kidney illness, better play to the effect.If you are interested in our treatment can contact us via e-mail:ckdstage@hotmail.com


Three Kinds of Methods of Prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy

Three Kinds of Methods of Prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy
Diabetic nephropathy to bring a lot of detrimental to our health, in order to stay away from suffering diabetic nephropathy, we will do a good job of the disease prevention and health care, make sure not to disease, then we take a look at how to prevent diabetic nephropathy.

The first methods of prevention: a patient diagnosed with diabetes or impaired glucose tolerance was found (IGT), it should be actively treated, correct body IGT state. Preventing the occurrence of microalbuminuria and diabetes.

The second prevention methods: regular urine albumin diabetes, renal function (creatinine clearance), blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin, blood pressure, fundus examination standard investigation, particularly urinary albumin checked as soon as possible in favor of early diabetic nephropathy to diagnosis. After the emergence of early DN microalbuminuria in some patients after active treatment can be reversed. The stage of treatment interventions can reduce and delay the occurrence of proteinuria. Early and aggressive control of blood sugar, can restore kidney hypertrophy and increased GFR to normal; Ⅲ period for diabetic nephropathy (microalbuminuria) intensive insulin therapy, strict control of blood pressure and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, can delay progression of renal disease, reduction of urinary albumin.

The third Prevention: kidney irreversible clinical signs of diabetic nephropathy. But the control of glucose metabolism in favor of reducing diabetes complications (such as cardiovascular, neurological, retinopathy, and infection), may in some degree of decrease slow progress in the development of kidney disease and improve the quality of life benefits.

Remind everyone should actively buck, blood pressure remained in the normal range, while also emphasizing low-salt, low-protein diet, with high-quality protein is better. If you are being diabetic or diabetic kidney problems, you can contact us by email: ckdstage@hotmail.com we can offer free diet and treatment recommendations for you.


What Are the Symptoms of Hypertensive Nephropathy

What Are the Symptoms of Hypertensive Nephropathy
Everyone always wants to roam, however, fast-paced high-intensity work, great care competition, endless pressure, long-term mental stress, etc. These are middle-aged men carrying heavy. Plus middle-aged physiological function from the gloom and doom, many people back pain, tinnitus, dizziness and vertigo. So hypertensive nephropathy specific symptoms, what does?

Hypertensive nephropathy symptoms are the following:

1. The impact of history, race, complications can aggravate kidney dysfunction, male than female kidney damage probability increases.

2. nocturia is the earliest manifestations of patients, then the reaction of tubular ischemic lesions, urine concentration dysfunction, proteinuria appears, indicating glomerular damage.

3. The continued development of hypertensive renal disease, some patients may progress to kidney failure and even uremia, poor treatment of patients with renal Shi could decline significantly.

4. What are the symptoms of hypertensive nephropathy? Patients during illness, due to complications caused by essential hypertension, such as cardiovascular disease, these complications are more serious than kidney damage, treatment, and prevention is even more important in the weight.

5. Essential hypertension can also cause retinopathy, blood pressure is higher, the instability, the more severe retinopathy. Therefore, the degree of retinopathy generally reacted renal arteriosclerosis, fundus examination should be conducted regularly.

6. Because of left ventricular hypertrophy due to hypertension, heart failure, coronary heart disease, angina and so very serious.

About hypertensive nephropathy symptoms described here, the age of onset of hypertension, kidney disease more than 40 to 50 years of age, hypertension, a history of more than 5 to 10 years, if you are hypertensive renal disease, you can contact us via Email: ckdstage@hotmail.com, we will offer free diet and treatment recommendations for you.