
Eight Types of Snacks Can Be Eaten by Diabetics.

Eight Types of Snacks Can Be Eaten by Diabetics.
Snack is not only delicious, but also fun in life. But had diabetes, is not have to say goodbye and snacks? University of Virginia clinical nutritionist Catherine Bass Bohm said that the snacks to eat dinner as a miniature version, with a good kind and good control of the heat would help to control hunger, but also to maintain a steady blood sugar.

Cheese and whole wheat crackers

Fat content of cheese and whole wheat crackers with food, nutrients more comprehensive, but also can be used with carrots or apple slices.

Walnuts and dried fruit

This combination can provide enough energy for the body. November 2013 published in the "European Journal of Clinical Nutrition" on the results of a study show: peach avoid postprandial glucose levels soar, and keep the feeling of satiety. Due to the high heat of these two foods, each can eat two tablespoons, which is equivalent to 20 grams of carbohydrate calories.

Refried beans and fresh vegetables

1/3 cup hummus or mashed peas as a dipping sauce, mix cucumber, celery, broccoli, green pepper or carrot sticks to eat.

Yogurt and raisins

Sprinkle ½ cup plain yogurt in a tablespoon of raisins, which is the perfect snack with diabetes. Greek scholars in March 2014 in the "Journal of Nutrition" published the results of a small study show: Type 2 diabetes after eating raisins, blood sugar levels are not increased, and decreased blood pressure.

Chicken sandwich

Put on a piece of whole wheat bread cubes skinless chicken, then add a small amount of light taste of salad dressing, lettuce leaves or other vegetables, is a nutritious and delicious snacks. Be careful not to use finishing high salinity luncheon meat.

Bananas and berries, yogurt

The half banana, half a cup of skim milk or yogurt, and half a cup of berries (such as cherry tomatoes, strawberries) mixing, a delicious and refreshing snacks produced. Note that not more than 150 calories of heat required to control the weight of the ingredients.

Egg salad

Put a mashed boiled eggs, add a tablespoon of low-fat salad dressing, which is eaten with crackers or whole wheat bread, cereals, or add a handful of raisins, is a good choice.

Apple and Peanut Butter

Apple slices, cast a tablespoon of peanut butter is a nutritious snack. Published in the "British Journal of Nutrition" on the results of a study showed that adding peanut butter in the diet helps control blood sugar levels and hunger.

Although we can think of these foods as a snack, but details still need to diet, according to the doctor's guidance for the treatment of illness is also has a supplementary role.

