
Can I Be Pregnant with Kidney Disease

Women having children is born with vocation of it, every woman has a mother's dream. You can nurture a baby is happy thing, however, for people suffering from the disease, it can only be a dream. So, if the patient had kidney disease can be pregnant? Pregnant female patients with kidney disease baby will impact it?

Primary acute nephritis has healed women, the best pregnancy safer in acute nephritis clinical manifestations disappeared three years later. Patients with chronic glomerulonephritis with hypertension or mild azotemia, if the pregnancy, the pregnancy should be terminated. Women suffering from nephrotic syndrome If there is no high blood pressure, kidney function can be normal pregnancy, during pregnancy if the blood albumin decreased, it may cause fetal underweight or premature. In addition, pregnancy prone to blood clots, resulting in other parts of the lesion.

Lupus nephritis patients to complete remission in the disease, with normal renal function, a variety of negative serology more than a year, cytotoxic drugs to disable the following six months, with the consent nephrologists agree to pregnancy. Throughout pregnancy and the postpartum months should be closely monitored to prevent lupus lesions. Kidney damage caused by systemic diseases, in pregnancy usually does not cause deterioration of kidney disease, but prone to high blood pressure and pregnancy-induced hypertension, can easily lead to fetal death.

Such as blood pressure or kidney patients with moderate renal impairment and severe damage, absolutely not pregnant.

Women suffering from kidney disease and want to become pregnant, can contribute to the professional kidney doctor whether pregnancy. Pregnancy should be checked regularly, after 32 weeks of pregnancy, to the hospital once a week, mainly to check urine, blood pressure, kidney function and fetal condition, if high blood pressure should stay in bed, if kidney function decline, will have to terminate the pregnancy.

Now in the treatment of kidney disease in most Western countries will use western medicine, but we also understand that the majority of the treatment of kidney disease medicine containing hormone ingredients, so the fetus would have a certain impact. Every parent wants a healthy baby, it is recommended that the use of traditional Chinese medicine. Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy traditional Chinese medicine therapy without side effects, the efficacy of the use of Chinese hot ideas will directly penetrate into the kidneys to repair the damaged kidney tissue.

If you are interested in our treatment, you can consult our online doctor or leave us a message, our doctors will provide free medical advice for you.

