
Why do Kidney Disease Patients Have Anemia

Renal anemia is due to various causes kidney damage, resulting in renal insufficiency, renal function decline, reduce the excretion of metabolites, increased retention. In addition to kidney patients in clinical edema, hypertension and kidney disease symptoms, the anemia is a common symptom of kidney disease.

Why would anemia in kidney patients? Renal anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease occurs is what causes? The following is answer given by nephrologists from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. Hopefully, this is helpful for you.

(1) erythropoietin decreased. Because kidney disease caused by renal dysfunction, renal erythropoietin factor and erythropoietin decreased, affecting the aspects of bone marrow to produce red blood cells and mature occurred. This is the renal anemia the most important reason.

(2) malnutrition. Kidney disease due to need long-term control of protein intake, combined with increasing the amount of protein in urine, to reduce the plasma protein concentration, reducing blood as a protein raw material caused renal anemia.

(3) bleeding. Chronic kidney disease, especially in patients with advanced chronic renal failure often bleeding tendency, if epistaxis, gingival bleeding, gastrointestinal malabsorption of iron to the body iron deficiency anemia caused by kidney.

(4) Chronic renal failure late uremia, a large accumulation of harmful substances in vivo suppression of bone marrow function, accelerate the destruction of red blood cells, anemia caused erythrocyte lifespan. When renal anemia patients often pale complexion, lips a pale minimalist, pale conjunctiva, blood red kidney protein loss and other symptoms, and history, and then assisted serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen basically can be confirmed.

On the one hand these poisons inhibit erythropoietin production, on the other hand they suppress the activity of erythropoietin, causing damage to the red cell membrane to shortened life expectancy. At the same time due to renal dysfunction and long-term loss of appetite, diarrhea, resulting in iron, folic acid, vitamin B12 lack, eventually leading to renal anemia. Therefore, kidney hospital experts remind us to raise awareness of anemia, kidney disease should know the common symptoms of anemia is kidney disease, suspected patients, even in normal circumstances urine, also do urine tests.

