
Why Do Uremia Patients Suffer from Muscle Cramps

Many patients with uremia muscle twitching phenomenon will occur, and this is a lot of people are supposed to be of concern. Sometimes, we want to be effective in curing uremia, knowledge of these details is that we must be mastered. Here we give say why uremic patients occur muscle twitching.

Muscle twitching is a common symptom in patients with. Abnormal blood calcium causes convulsions more complex, but a common cause is when uremia. Calcium is a closely related neuromuscular excitability in vivo electrolyte. When calcium ions decrease neuromuscular excitability, can cause muscle twitching. And hypocalcemia in uremic patients is very common, and often accompanied by hyperphosphatemia. The kidney is the main organ of synthesis of active vitamin D, the role of vitamin D is to regulate the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, calcium and phosphorus product to maintain the body in a certain range.

Uremic patients because the kidneys produce less active vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus balance of the body is broken, intestinal calcium absorption decreased renal excretion of phosphorus reduction, lower serum calcium, phosphorus increased. Some diuretic furosemide (furosemide) will increase calcium excretion. Occasionally there are patients with intravenous bicarbonate to correct acidosis, hypocalcemia can induce convulsions, which

Because in a relatively acidic environment, free calcium concentration will increase, once acidosis was corrected, free calcium concentration is reduced, causing muscle twitching.

In addition to calcium abnormalities, uremic patients because of uremic toxin, uremic peripheral neuropathy can also occur, but also can cause muscle twitching. In addition, uremic patients because of metabolic disorders, can be complicated by restless legs syndrome, manifested as limb involuntary twitching and activities need to keep moving in order to feel comfortable, and this is the cause of muscle spasms in some patients.

These, are the main reason for muscle spasms uremic patients occurred. As long as we find out that, subsequent treatment can be achieved relatively good results, and ultimately be able to get effective treatment. Dialysis is a common method of treatment of uremia, dialysis is not complete but if it will lead to many complications, such as: dizziness, vomiting, tired. We Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy , the use of traditional Chinese medicine penetration efficacy of therapy will directly penetrate into the kidney lesions, but we can also treat dialysis therapy side effects, does not affect our normal working life.

If you are interested in our therapy, you can contact us by e-mail or online doctors, our doctors can provide free treatment and dietary advice for you.

