
New Treatments for FSGS

Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis(FSGS) is a commonly seen primary glomerular disease of both child and adult Nephrotic Syndrome(NS). The characteristics of this disease are the glomerular segmental scar accompanied by or not by the foam cells’ formation and adhesion in the glomerular capillaries. This text will focus on the new treatment of FSGS.

About half patients with FSGS would present as the asymptomatic proteinuria and the other half presents as NS. Besides those, hypertension and renal function decline are also very common. About one third patients have the microscopic hematuria.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy For FSGS With Creatinine 4.8  Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

As for the treatment of FSGS, it is commonly believed that patients with 5 to 10 years history of FSGS will enter into the stage of Renal Failure. Research has found that actively treatment of those underlying reasons for FSGS and adopt the symptomatic treatment such as diuresis or decompression could alleviate the symptoms of NS, besides, extending the treatment course of hormone could increase the remission rate of FSGS.

Besides the traditional treatment toward FSGS mentioned above, the new treatment of Immunotherapy used in our hospital can help patients to treat FSGS.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy For FSGS With Creatinine 4.8  Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

As we know, the persistent scaring of glomerulus focal and segmental sclerosis is the key character of FSGS, which is caused by the abnormal immune responses, according this reason, immunosuppressive drugs are to be used to restrain the immune reaction.

Then Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy will be used to degrade the extradcellualr matrix(ECM) and then excrete them out of the body along with the urine. With this technology, the patients’ immunity could be improved.

Up to now, I guess that you may know the new treatment that I have recommended for you. You are right. It is just the Immunotherapy, by which technology, FSGS could be well treated. More advice are welcomed

