
Kidney Failure And Diabetes With Hypertension Dialysis 3 Times A Week

Kidney Failure And Diabetes With Hypertension Dialysis 3 Times  A Week
How to get rid of this vicious circle is concerned by many patients with diabetes for many years, les us listen to the suggestions of renal experts following.

Every day, many diabetes patients checked in our hospital. When they describe the medical conditions of themselves, they always complain like this: dialysis is provided three days a week and is approximately four hours.

As we all known that diabetes and hypertension are the leading causes of kidney failure. Nowadays, more and more patients are troubled by diabetes. Overtime, diabetes patients always suffer from kidney damage or kidney failure, with the complication of hypertension, as a result, they have to face the situation that dialysis 2 or 3 times a week.

How to get rid of this vicious circle is concerned by many patients with diabetes for many years, les us listen to the suggestions of renal experts following.
The Cost of Treatments in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
What Is the Success Rate of Osmotherapy Treatment  Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
With the development of medical science, you have known the latest treatment can help you cure your diabetes thoroughly, such as Immunotherapy, which brings new hope for patients with diabetes.

Immunotherapy is a break through in treating diabetes in 2015. It is very different from other common western treatment or Chinese treatment, as Immunotherapy have remarkable potentials of differentiation and regeneration. They can not only regenerate themselves through cell division but also differentiate into tissues or organs or specific cells in our body, especially in improving the insulin secretion and active the ability of using insulin.

Some patients may worry about the side effects of Immunotherapy, they think Immunotherapy isn’t mature still, and the safety is also a problem. In Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, you needn’t worry about these problems, What is more, Immunotherapy needs no surgery or cause sufferings or blood matching at all, which help the patients save valuable time. It does not have side effects at all. You do not need to worry about the safety of Immunotherapy. Before you have Immunotherapy, you have to accept strictly tests. We will be responsibility for you safety.


Can End Stage Kidney Disease Be Reversed

Can End Stage Kidney Disease Be Reversed
Can end stage kidney disease be reversed? End stage renal failure can be cured by Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Immunotherapy Therapy, Immunotherapy.

Can end stage kidney disease be reversed? This is a question concerned many patients in end stage of kidney disease. End-stage renal disease is the name for renal failure so advanced that it cannot be reversed. The name is appropriate: the kidneys in end-stage renal disease function so poorly that they can no longer keep you alive.

End-stage renal disease cannot be treated with conventional medical treatments such as drugs. Does it mean only 2 treatments allow you to continue living when you are in end stage of kidney such as dialysis and kidney transplantation? No, with the development of medical technology, such as Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Immunotherapy, Immunotherapy, all these three effective treatments can help patients reverse the end stage of kidney disease.
Stem Cell Therapy for FSGS Patients
How Long Can A Patient With ESRD Survive without Dialysis

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for end stage kidney disease patients

This technology can help patients reserve the end stage of renal failure through 3 steps:

1. Activating blood circulation to brought enough blood and oxygen to kidneys

2. Removing the toxic in patients’ body to afford a favorite environment for Immunotherapy.

3. Protecting the undamaged cells in end stage of kidney to fix the kidney functions.

Immunotherapy for end stage kidney disease patients

Immunotherapy are primitive cells in human body and they have remarkable potentials of differentiation and regeneration. They can not only regenerate themselves through cell division but also differentiate into tissues or organs or specific cells in the kidney. Immunotherapyis a breakthrough in biomedical science, which brings new hope to patients in end stage of renal disease.

Immunotherapy for end stage kidney disease patients

Immunotherapy combines the advantages of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy, which is the latest effective treatment for renal disease in 2015. Clinic data has showed Immunotherapy can cure 80% end stage kidney disease patients, and it is welcomed by almost all the renal failure patients.

End stage of renal failure can be cured by Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Immunotherapy, Immunotherapy.


New Treatment for Chronic Nephritis

New Treatment for Chronic Nephritis
Please never ignore the chronic nephritis as it can develop in a silent way. Although there are no obvious symptoms, remember that it is also called “Silent Killer” in our body.

Do you have a slightly symptoms of chronic nephritis? Do you know the serious of chronic nephritis? It is no doubt that you will get uremia at last if you don’t treat chronic nephritis timely. Please never ignore the chronic nephritis as it can develop in a silent way. Although there are no obvious symptoms, remember that it is also called “Silent Killer” in our body.

So how can we kill this silent killer forever? Are there any effective treatments for treating chronic nephritis? The answer is yes.
Frequent Asked Question about Stem Cell Therapy
Proteinuria Treatment for Patients with Diabetic Nephroapthy

There are three treatments in treating chronic nephritis in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital. We will help you make your personality medical plan according to you specific condition

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy means using strong ultrasonic cultivation method to micronize the Chinese medicine molecules into one thousandths smaller granules for Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It makes the active ingredients of Chinese medicine fully overflow, thus enhancing the permeability of Chinese medicine, so it can permeate into the lesions quickly. So it has the good effects in treating chronic nephritis.


Immunotherapy plays on the idea that Immunotherapy are characterized by self-renewal and multi-directional differentiation. As the Immunotherapy access to human body, renal lesions would signal so that attracting Immunotherapy. As Immunotherapy got into the renal lesions, plenty of daughter cells which are same with original Immunotherapy are produced. Those daughter cells will divide into multiple types of cells needed by kidneys and renal tissues as well as renal vessels, which results in the improvement of local micro-circulation, decrease of high pressure within glomerulus, relief of ischemia and oxygen deficiency and continuous regain of systemic blood circulation. So it can help you treat chronic nephritis.


Diet For Patients With Diabetes Nephropathy

Diet For Patients With Diabetes Nephropathy
How do patients with Diabetes Nephropathy? Is there any good suggestions for them, experts in our hospital have some suggestions for patients with Diabetes Nephropathy about diet.

As we all know, diet plays a very important role in our daily life. A good diet can help you treat Diabetes Nephropathy more easily. Some patients with light Diabetes Nephropathy can treat it completely through reasonable diet. So let us talk how to eat for patients with Diabetes Nephropathy.

Diet standard according to your weight.

Recently we have a diet standard according to your weight, you need about 120 kilojoule calories per kilo every day. So if you are in 67 kilo, you need 8040 kilojoule calories every day so that you can ensure a normal state. During calories mentioned above, there are some choices for you to choose from. You can eat 270 g carbohydrate which contains 4424 kilojoule calories. The content of protein in food you have every day should reach to 16 g, about 1100 kilojoule calories, another calories should be completed by fat, nearly 67 g ,about 2516 kilojoule calories, All these mentioned above can afford you enough calories every day.
How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat kidney disease
Frequent Asked Question about Stem Cell Therapy
Then how do patients arrange their specific diet?

There are specific diets made by experts in our hospital, we hope they are be some help for you.

1. Breakfast:About 200 ml milk , one egg, 40 g bread.

2. Lunch : 300g rice,250g vegetables,100g meat

3. Supper:250g vegetables,300g rice,100g meat

What's more, you can also have an apple at 9 o'clock. All these can help you keep in good state. Never eat food rich in sugar and protein. Try to have diet regularly. Never eat too much each meal. More fibrosis food is good for patients with Diabetes Nephropathy. Never drink coffee if you have got Diabetic Nephropathy. A research shows that patients have Diabetic Nephropathy has more risk to worsen their function of kidney.
How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy treat kidney disease
Frequent Asked Question about Stem Cell Therapy
Whether you are in good health or not, you should always pay attention to your diet. You can never emphasize too much the importance of diet. If you have any other questions, please chat with experts on line, they will give answers you are satisfying.


Immunotherapy can reserve end stage of FSGS

Immunotherapy can reserve end stage of FSGS
Is end stage of FSGS curable? Yes, with the development of medical medicine, there are three effective treatments for patients to cure the end stage of FSGS including Immunotherapy, Immunotherapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. Clinic data has showed that Immunotherapy is the most effective treatment in treating end stage of FSGS. I would like share some info about Immunotherapy in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital.

Immunotherapy is the latest treatment for end stage of FSGS, which combine the advantages of the Immunotherapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. In order to make patients have a clear understanding of the new technology, I will introduce the details of two main parts of Immunotherapy below.
How Long Can A Patient With ESRD Survive without Dialysis
What Is the Success Rate of Osmotherapy Treatment
As we all know, Chinese medicine has great function in treating disease, especially kidney disease. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has more functions than common traditional Chinese medicine as the ingredients have been smashed into powder in order to digest easily for FSGS patients. The active parts in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy have the functions like broaden the blood vessels and anticoagulation, anti-inflammatory. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has great functions in repairing the damaged cells in kidneys. What is more, it can also afford a favorite environment for Immunotherapy.

Immunotherapy is also a latest treatment for  end stage of FSGS. the ability of Immunotherapy to self-renew and give rise to subsequent generations with variable degrees of differentiation capacities, offers significant potential for generation of tissues that can potentially replace diseased and damaged areas in the body, with minimal risk of rejection and side effects. They can not only regenerate themselves through cell division but also differentiate into tissues or organs or specific cells in the kidneys. As a result Immunotherapy has obvious effects in treating FSGS.
How Long Can A Patient With ESRD Survive without Dialysis
What Is the Success Rate of Osmotherapy Treatment
Immunotherapy combines the strong points of the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy. Clinical data has showed that immunotherapy is the best treatment for end stage FSGS patients.


Immunotherapy Treatment for HSPN

Immunotherapy Treatment for HSPN
HSPN is a kind of secondary kidney disease, and this article just focuses on the Immunotherapy treatment for HSPN.

HSPN is an autoimmune disease with immune complexes deposited in the glomerlar membrane, and the main symptoms of HSPN are urine protein or occult blood. The main manifestations of HSPN are protein n urine, and for the severe cases, HSPN is often accompanied with the formation of new moon.
Frequent Asked Question about Stem Cell Therapy
How is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy performed
As for the treatment for HSPN, Western medicine often adopted the treatment of hormones. Although kidneys’ immune inflammation could be tempariately controlled, however, hormone has not so much function in repairing the damaged kidneys, so when patients are affected by fatigues, catching cold or other accidental things, the disease would easily relapse, and the disease would aggravate once again every time the disease attacks the patients, and the side effect of hormone is relatively very big.

Based on the foundation of traditional treatment, we propose a new treatment---Immunotherapy. This new therapy could adjust the patients’ immune syImmunotherapy so as to strengthen the body immunity. Besides that function, Immunotherapy could restrain the excessive immune responses happening in the kidneys, by which the kidneys will not be damaged from the immune responses.

The third advantage of this Immunotherapy is that it can also remove those immune complexes depositing in the kidneys. If these immune complexes are removed from the kidneys and out of the body, kidneys then will not be damaged again by those immune responses.
Frequent Asked Question about Stem Cell Therapy
How is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy performed
The last, Immunotherapy repairs the harmed glomerular membrane and also, if kidney function is already harmed, this therapy could help to rebuild the harmed renal function, thereby, HSPN can be well treated.

These are the introductions of Immunotherapy treatment for HSPN. We hope you could recover as early as possible by means of our help.


Creatinine level in Chronic Nephritis Patients

Creatinine level in Chronic Nephritis Patients
For Chronic Nephritis patients, besides the common symptoms of proteinuria, hematuria, swellings, along with the development of the disease, creatinine also will exceeds the normal range. Take a look for more detailed information.

Why Creatinine Increases in Chronic Patients?

The normal range for creatinine is about 40-110umol/L. At the early stage of Chronic Nephritis, creatinine is usually not high, and symptoms such as proteinuria, occult blood show abnormal with positive character, at this time, if the creatinine shows up increase in Chronic Nephritis patients, it indicates that the patients’ kidneys begin to damage, and the renal intrinsic cells are harmed. Along with the progressive decline of renal function, those abundant creatinine cannot be removed out of the body through kidneys, so the buildup of creatinine in the blood leads to the elevation of creatinine levels in the blood.
What Is the Success Rate of Osmotherapy Treatment
Proteinuria Treatment for Patients with Diabetic Nephroapthy
Frequent Asked Question about Stem Cell Therapy
Kidney Level Is at 23%: How Long Before They Stop Working
What Levels of Creatinine Would Indicate Kidney Disease

How to Reduce Creatinine for Chronic Nephritis Patients?

In Western medicine, it often uses some creatinine-reducing medicines, or when the creatinine level is very high, patients are tend to choose dialysis treatment. But, dialysis just only adds another approach for excreting creatinine except kidney, and it is really helpful in reducing the creatinine levels. However, dialysis treatment cannot repair the damaged renal cells, neither can make them restore the original function. So those renal intrinsic cells will still progresses to necrosis and disappear.
What Is the Success Rate of Osmotherapy Treatment
Proteinuria Treatment for Patients with Diabetic Nephroapthy
Frequent Asked Question about Stem Cell Therapy
Kidney Level Is at 23%: How Long Before They Stop Working
What Levels of Creatinine Would Indicate Kidney Disease
Along with the continuous research in kidney disease filed, our hospital firstly proposes a new treatment for Chronic Nephritis disease. By immunotherapy, the damaged renal intrinsic cells could be well repaired and the renal function can be gradually restored. Along with the recovery process of kidneys, symptoms such as high creatinine level in patients with Chronic Nephritis will automatically reduce and disappear.


I Cured My Diabetic Nephropathy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

I Cured My Diabetic Nephropathy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
Immunotherapyand Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital cure my diabetic nephropathy.

My name is Yaslam ahemd ba hakim. I come from Yemenis and lived in Saudi Arabia, I am 50 years old. About 16 month ago, I found I had kidney problems but I didn’t take much attention about that. Some people told me it is bad cases. Then I went to kidney disease hospital to do some blood test and some other tests, my doctor told me that I had renal failure.
Frequent Asked Question about Stem Cell Therapy
Proteinuria Treatment for Patients with Diabetic Nephroapthy
What Is the Treatment for Grade 3 Renal Parenchymal Disease
How Long Can A Patient With ESRD Survive without Dialysis
Stem Cell Therapy in 2015 for Patients with Kidney Failure
Do I Need Dialysis with Creatinine 6.6
Before I came to Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital

I had some medicines to control high blood pressure and high blood sugar, and so many other medicines I have forgot the name of them, many! But all of them didn’t work well, so I started to search on the Internet and I got the address of Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital from Internet at last.

Why do I choose Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital?

Before I made my decision, I searched much info about many kidney disease hospitals in the world. Compared with other kidney disease hospital, Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital is very different from other kidney hospitals in the world. Firstly, it is the largest professional kidney disease hospital in the world. Secondly, they have the most advanced technology and equipment in the world. Last but also the most important, it combines the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicines perfectly, which is the combine of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapyin Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital. Look at me, I am in good state now.
Frequent Asked Question about Stem Cell Therapy
Proteinuria Treatment for Patients with Diabetic Nephroapthy
What Is the Treatment for Grade 3 Renal Parenchymal Disease
How Long Can A Patient With ESRD Survive without Dialysis
Stem Cell Therapy in 2015 for Patients with Kidney Failure
Do I Need Dialysis with Creatinine 6.6
Good care and environment in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital

I never enjoy such good care like this hospital, when I came back at midnight, doctors and nurses come to see me and they take good care of me. Doctors and nurses here are very helpful, kind heated and considerable. This hospital can be regard as the five stars hospital in my heart.


Immunotherapy Therapy Is an Effective Treatment on MPGN

Immunotherapy Therapy Is an Effective Treatment on MPGN
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis (MPGN) is an uncommon cause of chronic nephritis that occurs primarily in children and young adults. Immunotherapy Therapy Is an Effective Treatment on MPGN.

MPGN can be subdivided into idiopathic and secondary types. The secondary types are more common than the idiopathic types and are diagnosed by carefully reviewing clinical features, laboratory data, and renal histopathology. Types I, II, and III are the 3 distinctive types of idiopathic MPGN that are described based on immunofluorescence staining, ultrastructural appearance, and complement profiles.
Kidney Level Is at 23%: How Long Before They Stop Working
How to Stop Swollen Stomach for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients
How Long Can A Patient With ESRD Survive without Dialysis
What Is the Success Rate of Osmotherapy Treatment
At What Point in Kidney Failure Is Dialysis Required
Immunotherapy is a effective treatment in treating MPGN. Immunotherapy treatments are a type of intervention strategy that introduces new cells into damaged tissue in order to treat disease or injury. Many medical researchers believe that Immunotherapy treatments have the potential to change the face of human disease and alleviate suffering. The ability of Immunotherapy to self-renew and give rise to subsequent generations with variable degrees of differentiation capacities, offers significant potential for generation of tissues that can potentially replace diseased and damaged areas in the body, with minimal risk of rejection and side effects.

Immunotherapy therapy can renew the damaged cells in our kidneys. For MPGN patients, there are many cells exceedingly proliferation hyperplasia,so that basement membrane become more thinker and larger. Then many symptoms occurred in patients with MPGN. These changes also damage the cells in our kidneys and disorder our common immune syImmunotherapy. When the immune syImmunotherapy in patients with MPGN lowered, patients are more likely to be attack. As in the early stage of MPGN, there are no obvious symptoms in patients. You need treat MPGN timely in order to avoid the worse damages in our kidneys.
Kidney Level Is at 23%: How Long Before They Stop Working
How to Stop Swollen Stomach for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients
How Long Can A Patient With ESRD Survive without Dialysis
What Is the Success Rate of Osmotherapy Treatment
At What Point in Kidney Failure Is Dialysis Required
Immunotherapy have the ability of to self-renew and give rise to subsequent generations with variable degrees of differentiation capacities, offers significant potential for generation of tissues that can potentially replace diseased and damaged areas in our kidneys. It can cure patients with MPGN greatly.

Life Expectancy of Renal Failure after Kidney Transplant

Hi my sister gave me her kidney 15 years ago and I am very fit and very energetic thanks to my sis and I have noticed the change in my body i look like a body sculpter because I exercise so much.

I will give you five kinds of life after Kidney Transplant, you can make a decision after you read these stories. I hope they are of some help for you.
Kidney Level Is at 23%: How Long Before They Stop Working
How to Stop Swollen Stomach for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients
Stem Cell Therapy in 2015 for Patients with Kidney Failure
What Is the Success Rate of Osmotherapy Treatment
At What Point in Kidney Failure Is Dialysis Required
1. Hello! I had my first transplant in 1986 from a cadaver. It finally quit working, (not rejected) in 2001. I than received a living donor in 2001 and it has been working fine since. It is never a guarantee on how long a transplant will last, be there are plenty of things to help it. Take your meds every 12 hours, plenty of WATER, watch the Sun exposure without sun block, go to your Dr visits and also if anytime you don’t feel right, call your Nephrologists.

2. Hi! I had my transplant in 1981.My brother gave it to me. I have never had a rejection thank God. I was 15 at the time and had been on dialysis for seven months. I will always be very grateful to him for giving me my life back. I now have a beautiful 21 year old daughter of who I am very proud .Were it not for my brothers selfless act she would not be here and I would have had a very different life. My brother has never had any problems and has two beautiful children of his own. Thanks bro.

3.Hi my sister gave me her kidney 15 years ago and I am very fit and very energetic thanks to my sis and I have noticed the change in my body i look like a body sculpter because I exercise so much.

4. I had my transplant in 1997. I am going on 13 years this October. Have not had any rejection symptoms, ever. In the beginning, my biggest side effect was dehydration. But, that has stopped now. I think you just have to learn how to take care of yourself. What a wonderful thing this is. My Aunt gave me a kidney. I love her dearly. She is healthy today also. I plan on this kidney lasting me forever I cannot tell you how great it makes me feel to hear of your transplant being successful 30 years later. That is fabulous. I was 19 when I had mine. I am 32 now, and have a 9 year old son. What a blessing!!
Kidney Level Is at 23%: How Long Before They Stop Working
How to Stop Swollen Stomach for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients
Stem Cell Therapy in 2015 for Patients with Kidney Failure
What Is the Success Rate of Osmotherapy Treatment
At What Point in Kidney Failure Is Dialysis Required
If you don’t feel right after you have kidney transplant, we can help you. Here are some patients in our hospital with kidney transplant, we have helped them solve them successfully. More information about these patients, please consults experts on line.


How to treat protein in urine in MN( Membranous Glomerulonephritis)

As a professional kidney disease hospital, Shijiazhuang kidney disease can cure almost 20000 patients with kidney disease every year, among which, about 2000 patients are diagnosed with MN(Membraneous Glomerulonephritis).

How to diagnosis proteinuria

Foam in urine means there is protein in the urine. In normal patients, we have only very few amount of protein in the urine. If we have a 24-hour urinary protein quantitative, we will find the amount of protein in urine less than 150mg. As the protein is very little, it can't be found in normal urine test. Sometimes, when we are in hot environment or after excessive excise, protein will also occur in our body. But it will disappear by itself after some days. You don't need too worry about that.
Alternative Medicines for Glomerulonephritis
End Stage Renal Disease Secondary to Chronic Glomerulonephritis
Price for Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure Patients
Can I Do the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy at Home
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

How do we treat foam in urine in MN(Membranous Glomerulonephritis) ?

As a professional kidney disease hospital, Shijiazhuang kidney disease can cure almost 20000 patients with kidney disease every year, among which, about 2000 patients are diagnosed with MN(Membranous Glomerulonephritis). So every doctors here has rich clinical experience in treating MN(Membranous Glomerulonephritis).

The advanced treatment for protein in urine in MN( Membranous Glomerulonephritis)

1. Traditional Chinese medicine syImmunotherapy:

The traditional Chinese medicine treatment of external points (focus on frequency pulse, infrared, Chinese medicine, acupuncture points comprehensive external meridians treatment), magical TCM medicine bath (skin dialysis), ultrasonic osmosis treatment (with traditional Chinese medicine using ultrasonic meridians, traditional Chinese medicine treatment), foot bath holographic therapy (in Chinese medicine speaking foot is human body each viscera projection)

2. Immunotherapy :

A Immune diagnosis (found immune injury source)

B Immune block therapy (blocking immune injury process)

C Immune tolerance treatment (to make the body resistance existing abnormal immune response to reduce allergic factors)

D Immune adjustment therapy (rationally adjust the normal immune reaction)
Alternative Medicines for Glomerulonephritis
End Stage Renal Disease Secondary to Chronic Glomerulonephritis
Price for Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure Patients
Can I Do the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy at Home
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
E Immune clearance treatment, through the advanced immune adsorption (liposuction), plasma exchange to the bed IQ21 continuous hemofiltration, continuous hemodialysis filtration, single heavy plasma exchange double plasma exchange, plasma immune adsorption, blood perfusion, DNA immune adsorption, remove the blood poison directly.

F Immune protection treatment (through the traditional Chinese medicine enhance human body resistance capacity)

We are the best choice for you to cure protein in urine with MN( Membranous Glomerulonephritis).


Immunotherapy for diabetic nephropathy in 2015

Immunotherapy for diabetic nephropathy in 2015
Then how Immunetherapy cure your diabetic nephropathy in 2015?Immunotherapy for diabetic nephropathy is the most advanced treatment in medical world in 2015.

When patients are troubled by long-term diabetes, they are most likely to suffer from kidney damage. If the patients' kidney diseases are caused by diabetes, we called these diseases as diabetic nephropathy.

Usually, for patients who diagnosed with diabetic nephropathy, many complications of diabetes will also occur such as some heart disease and blood vessel disease.
How Long Can A Patient With ESRD Survive without Dialysis
What Is the Treatment for Grade 3 Renal Parenchymal Disease
Proper Advice for CKD Patients Undergoing Dialysis
Do I Need Dialysis with Creatinine 6.6
Natural Medicines and Herbs for Diabetic Nephropathy
Price for Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure
Then how Immunotherapy cure your diabetic nephropathy in 2015? Immunotherapy for diabetic nephropathy is the most advanced treatment in medical world in 2015. Immunotherapy are primitive cells in human body and they have remarkable potentials of differentiation and regeneration. They can not only regenerate themselves through cell division but also differentiate into tissues or organs or specific cells in the kidneys, so Immunotherapy has obvious effects in repairing the damaged cells in patients' kidneys. After new cells are inject into patients body, new cells can work after 15 or more days and differentiation into new cells in our body, which can active cells secretion insulin. As a result, Immunotherapy is the best way for you to cure your diabetic nephropathy.

What is more, we took Immunotherapy very carefully, before you perform the Immunotherapy, you will have to do some tests. We will estimate if you suitable for Immunotherapy or not, which kinds of Immunotherapy you are most suitable to and so on( as there are 19 different kinds of cells in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital for different cases) according to your specific tests results and physical conditions. You needn't worried about the safety of Immunotherapy. Clinic data has showed the Immunotherapy is the most effective way for you to reserve diabetic nephropathy. After half a month you treated by Immunotherapy, you can feel obvious different in your body, like ruddy face, full of energy, good appetite, good quality sleep and so on.
How Long Can A Patient With ESRD Survive without Dialysis
What Is the Treatment for Grade 3 Renal Parenchymal Disease
Proper Advice for CKD Patients Undergoing Dialysis
Do I Need Dialysis with Creatinine 6.6
Natural Medicines and Herbs for Diabetic Nephropathy
Price for Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure
In 2015, make the Immunotherapy fight the diabetic nephropathy with you together! As the largest professional kidney disease hospital in the world, we sincerely hope all the patients can cure their kidney disease earlier.

New medicine for FSGS patients 2015

For patients who have been diagnosed with FSGS, the most important thing for them is to find the effective treatment for them. This article will tell you the reason why FSGS is difficult to cure and the most effective treatments for FSGS patients.

Why FSGS is difficult to cure?

1. FSGS is a very uncommon kidney disease. Only a few doctors have seen the symptoms. And even less doctor have further study about it. Nowadays, we just still knew little about FSGS in medical world. Some times a mistake diagnosis will delay the treatment, so your kidney will damage seriously in this case.
How Bad Is Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease   What Is the Treatment for Grade 3 Renal Parenchymal Disease       What Is the Success Rate of Osmotherapy Treatment      Treatments for FSGS Patients with Itching
What Is an Alternative Treatment for FSGS Kidney Diseases      Magical Treatment for FSGS: Stem Cell Therapy
2. Symptoms in the early stage are not very obvious in patients. As the symptoms is not very obvious in the early stage for FSGS patients, in most cases, when patients who found something different in their body, it always has been in the end stage of the FSGS. it means when you have a test to hospital, the reports showed that your kidney function has been damaged seriously.

3. FSGS usually attack the children and teenager. As the patients who are more easily to get this disease is usually very young, it is difficult for them to found the differences in body timely.

Effective treatment for FSGS

1. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

The main ingredients in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy are traditional Chinese Medicine, as we all know, whose effects are very good in treating kidney disease.

2. Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy is the latest treatment for FSGS patients in 2012, which combined the advantages of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapytherapy

I hope this article can be some of help for FSGS patients.


New Break of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

New Break of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Do you want to treat your kidney disease? Is there any effective treatment for you to treat kidney disease?Treating kidney disease has got new achievement.

The kidney diseases become more and more common among all diseases. These diseases damage our kidney seriously. Without a timely treatment, they may turn into uremia which is main killer for kidney patients. Who can help patients with kidney disease save their lives? What can make them live a normal life just as we do? How can help them build up their hopes for life? The answer is new treatment for kidney disease. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy which is produced by experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital has an amazing effect in treating kidney disease. It brings new hope for patients with kidney disease who are struggling to survive.
How Much Does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Cost
Price for Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure
More Information Regarding Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for ADPKD
How Does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Work
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Cost
New breaks in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy solved many problems which lie in traditional treatment like dependence on hormone, the damages of traditional Chinese medicine and so on. Let me introduce the amazing effects of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy.

Firstly, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy wiped out the dependence on hormone.

Patients will know it clearly if they have been treated by hormone-they may have dependence on hormone after had used hormone for a long period. That is also to say unless you use hormone can you control kidney disease well. Once you stop taking hormone, the kidney disease attack you once again. And you need more and more hormone with time goes on. While there is no hormone in Micro-Chinese Medicine, so it can avoid this symptoms mentioned above.

Secondly, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can avoid the damage to your kidney.
How Much Does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Cost
Price for Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure
More Information Regarding Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for ADPKD
How Does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Work
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Cost
As we all know, traditional Chinese treatment has many advantages in treating kidney disease. Since most traditional Chinese medicines are consists of natural plants, they may greatly thrill your other tissues and organs. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can avoid this disadvantage through placing the medicines onto skin, it won’t damage the function of kidney again and again.

How do the experts in our hospital treat chronic kidney disease

How do the experts in our hospital treat chronic kidney disease
As a professional kidney disease hospital, we have some characteristics in contrast to the other kidney disease hospitals.

Firstly, we have more staff, among whom, there are more experts as well. What’s more, we have had a long history in treating kidney disease, so the experience we gain is more accordingly.

Secondly, we are more proficient at the pathogenesis and the feature of medicines, so the medicine we apply is much safer and specific.

Thirdly, we have brought in the latest technology and medicine in the world.
Chinese Herbal Medicines for Back Pain in PKD
Weight Loss + Long-term Dialysis: Causes and Treatments
Price for Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure
Stem Cell Therapy in 2015 for Patients with Kidney Failure
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
Last but not least, our treatment course is more standard, specialized and scientific.

After many years’ experiment, we sum up the treatment course into 6 steps.

Step one:

We firstly arrange a comprehensive and syImmunotherapyatic diagnosis and evaluation for them for we own the most advanced and accurate diagnosis syImmunotherapy home and abroad.

Firstly, we bring in the most advanced facilities and software syImmunotherapy in the world.

Secondly, we make sure a syImmunotherapyatic examination and scientific diagnosis. We will not give a prescription if the diagnosis is not correct.

Step two:

We create a set of immune blocking treatment, namely a powerful immune suppression method which can rapidly inhibit the immune inflammatory response. It can achieve the aim of fast taking effect, which can make the abnormal inflammatory reaction disappear quickly, as well as make the abnormal damage of renal intrinsic cells stopped very soon.
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Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
Step three:

Bring patients into immunologic tolerance stage. In order to prevent the reoccurrence of inflammatory reaction and protect renal intrinsic cells from being damaged again, blocking of inflammatory reaction should be done regularly. That is to say we need to have further understanding about patients’ illness condition and invite them to hospital for transplantation of immunosuppressive medicines regularly so as to avoid reoccurrence of immune inflammatory reaction. We have an assessment about the inflammatory reaction in the kidneys and that means we need to make a long-term plan of monitoring inflammatory reaction and illness condition so as to ensure the accuracy of blocking of immune response.

Step four:

The fourth step is to give patients immune-regulation treatment. On one hand, through Traditional Chinese medicine trigeminy stereo therapy which mainly contains promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, we can get rid of the immune complex, especially using our exclusive Micro change traditional Chinese medicine therapy. On the other hand, through the medicine that can warm and nourish air and blood in Chinese Medicine Preparation, we can enhance human immunity and the ability to clear away pathogenic foreign matter.

Step five:

In the fifth step, patients with kidney disease are lead into immune protection stage. It means that in the course of immunotherapy, we spare no effort to take measures in protecting the damaged intrinsic cells and tissues. By medicine and biological methods, sertoli cells and mesangial cells, etc can be repaired gradually on the basis of not being damaged continuously.

Step six:

Immune clearance. According to the condition of the patients, the treatment methods include: immunoadsorbent technique, plasma exchange, blood purification. Owing to the advanced blood purification equipments and techniques, the toxins in human body can be eliminated more effectively.


Can Nephrotic Syndrome Patients have Hamburger

Can Nephrotic Syndrome Patients have Hamburger
As we all know, hamburger is very common diet in our daily life, can patients with Nephrotic Syndrome have hamburger? With this question, I consult experts Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, they give me their answers as follow:

For patients with Nephrotic Syndrome,generally speaking, they had better avoid the food which is rich in protein, as there are some beef or chicken in hamburgers, so you had better not have too much hamburger, just a little, that is ok. Here I have some suggestions for patients with Nephrotic Syndrome, I hope they are of some help for you.

1. Salt and Na intake: if there are some swelling in patients bodies, they should limit intake salt and Na. The amount of salt intake had better be less than 3g every day.Stem Cell Therapy for Nephrotic Syndrome
Chinese Herbal Medicines for Back Pain in PKD
Is Prednisone OK for 5-year Old Child with Nephrotic Syndrome
Can Nephrotic Syndrome Be Cured Permanently
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital   Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
2. Protein intake: As most protein in the body leak out within the urine, so patients should ensure enough protein to support normal life, about 1~1.5g/kg/d.Fish, lean meat and eggs are good choice for them. For patients whose kidneys have been damaged, About 0.7~1g/kg/d protein you need.

3. Fat intake: As patients with Nephrotic Syndrome have hyperlipemia, patients should limit the intake of fat.

4. Trace elements: Because of most trace element has leak out from the body, so patients with Nephrotic Syndrome should replenish the trace element regularly. Some fruit and fresh vegetables are good choice for you.
Stem Cell Therapy for Nephrotic Syndrome
Chinese Herbal Medicines for Back Pain in PKD
Is Prednisone OK for 5-year Old Child with Nephrotic Syndrome
Can Nephrotic Syndrome Be Cured Permanently
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital   Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
All these information comes from experts, if you want more information, please connect us or leave us a message.


What is effective treatment for Chronic Nephritis

What is effective treatment for Chronic Nephritis
Many patients with Chronic Nephritis are troubled by long period treatment. Latest treatment called Immunotherapy has been developed by experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, which brings new hopes to patients with Chronic Nephritis.

Chronic Nephritis is also called Chronic Glomerulonephritis. The symptoms include proteinuria, blood urine, high blood pressure and other clinical manifestations. It is caused by various diseases and develops at a low pace. Chronic Nephritis means there are damages in your kidney. It can leads to damage of kidney function in different degrees. As it is very difficult to cure completely, we should learn some treatment for Chronic Nephritis.  Stem Cell Therapy in 2015 for Patients with Kidney Failure   How to Get Rid of Cysts in Kidneys for Children  Chinese Herbal Medicines for Back Pain in PKD  How Long Can A Patient With ESRD Survive without Dialysis   Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital   HuaXia Nephropathy Research Institute

Firstly, we should have a right attitude and keep an optimistic mood which helps us treat Chronic Nephritis in a reasonable way. For patients with Chronic Nephritis, through a long period of treatment, they may feel very irritable, pessimism, disappointment or even worse. These bad moods can directly damage your kidney and influence your health. So you should regulate your mood very often to make yourself in a good state.

Secondly, protect yourself from infections. Any infection may worsen your kidney disease. Patients with Chronic Nephritis have lower immunity and are easily infected by diseases in respiratory tract or urinary tract as well as skin. So when patients with Chronic Nephritis have a cold, please see your doctor timely.
Stem Cell Therapy in 2015 for Patients with Kidney Failure   How to Get Rid of Cysts in Kidneys for Children  Chinese Herbal Medicines for Back Pain in PKD  How Long Can A Patient With ESRD Survive without Dialysis   Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital   HuaXia Nephropathy Research Institute
Thirdly, you should take reasonable exercise. For patients with Chronic Nephritis, after too much physical activities, they will found more protein and blood than normal. So you should keep reasonable exercise and do some sports which are good for both your heath and your heart.

All these treatment is easy and effective for patients with Chronic Nephritis to take. We hope this article can be some help for you. If you have any other questions, welcome you to consult us!


Close Watch on Membrane Proliferative Glomerulonephritis

Membrane Proliferative Glomerulonephritis(MPGN), also known as mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis, is a type of glomerulonephritis. Here I will guide you for a close watch on MPGN.

MPGN happens more often in youngsters and male suffered are more than women. This disease has the clinical manifestations of persistent microscopic Hematuresis, and constantly recurrent attack of gross Hematuresis.
Alternative Medicines for Glomerulonephritis
End Stage Renal Disease Secondary to Chronic Glomerulonephritis
At What Point in Kidney Failure Is Dialysis Required
Stem Cell Therapy in 2015 for Patients with Kidney Failure
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure Patients
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital   Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
MPGN is the inflammation of glomeruli with the activation of body’s complement immunity syImmunotherapy. The reasons for the appearance of MPGN usually include chronic liver disease, cryoglobulinemia, and the subacute bacterial endocarditis.

MPGN is named according to the examination of light microscope on the glomerular disease characterized by diffusible proliferation of glomerular mesangial cells and the varying degrees of proliferation of mesangial matrix.

The primary form of MPGN is a rare disease, affecting 1 to 2 million population every year. MPGN has a trait of “equal opportunity” onset against people. That is to say, the attack, prognosis and course of the disease do not differ between children and adults.

Generally the disease of MPGN could be divided into the following three forms:

Type 1: characteristics of subendothelial deposits between the cells lining the capillaries and the GBM.

Type 2: characteristics of large, ribbon-like intramembranous deposition

Type 2 MPGN is with somewhat worse prognosis and it may be associated with partial lipodystrophy.

Type 3: characteristics of subendothelial and subepithelial deposits between the foot processes and the GBM
Alternative Medicines for Glomerulonephritis
End Stage Renal Disease Secondary to Chronic Glomerulonephritis
At What Point in Kidney Failure Is Dialysis Required
Stem Cell Therapy in 2015 for Patients with Kidney Failure
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure Patients
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital   Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
As for the treatment of MPGN, like other kidney diseases, different disease conditions require different treatment plans. For those patients with light degrees, there is no need for special therapy; for those with the amount of urine albumen over 1 to 2g within 24 hours, immunosuppressive agents, such as glucocorticoid, prednisone, cyclophosphamide, or azathioprine could be used and they often have a good therapeutic effect.

The above are the basic introduction of Proliferative Glomerulonephritis(MPGN), hope you learn something from it.


Small Red Dots in Your Body Means You Got HSPN

HSPN can cause series symptoms like gastrointestinal symptoms, blood system symptoms, respiratory symptoms and many other changes in our body.

Here are many symptoms in your body after you got HSPN. Experts summarized some common symptoms occurred when you had HSPN. We hope they are of some help for you.

1. Symptoms out of kidney:

Typical HSPN has three main symptoms: purpura in skin, symptoms in Gastrointestinal, Joint symptoms. Sometimes there may be some serious complications.
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a. Rash:

All the patients will have rash after he got HSPN. Small red dots perform as symmetry which will disappear when you pressed them. In most cases, they can be found in legs. For serious patients, these small dots may mix together as flakiness.

b. Joint symptoms:

Nearly 80% patients may occur arthritis, for25% patients with HSPN, arthritis is considered as early symptoms. There will be swell and pain in your joints and ease after rest.

c. Bowel symptom:

Mainly symptoms in Bowel symptom are stomachache, vomit and hematochezia. Especially when you catch a cold, symptoms above may occur again and again.

d. Others:

Symptoms in nerve syImmunotherapy include dizzy and headache. Symptoms in reproductive syImmunotherapy or heart are not very common.
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Chinese Herbal Medicines for Back Pain in PKD
How to Prevent Kidney Disease by Herbal Medicines
Foot Bath with Herbal Medicine for Kidney Health Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital   Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute

2. Symptoms in kidney:

Hematuresis and proteinuria will occur when you got HSPN. High blood pressure, swelling and Acute renal failure are also very common. Usually adults have less risks damaging in kidney. Children in 6-13 years old are most likely to have damage in kidney

If you have any other questions about kidney disease, you can chat with experts on line.


Vitamin D3 and Nephrotic Syndrome

Vitamin D3 and Nephrotic Syndrome
Patients with Nephrotic Syndrome are suggested to have more food which is rich in Vitamin D3. The functions of Vitamin D3 are as follows:

Firstly, it can help the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

Secondly, it can promote the normal growth of bone.

Thirdly, it can maintain the normal level of citrate in the blood.

Fourthly, it can prevent the loss of amino acid from kidney.

Considering the above functions, what should we do to supply enough amount of vitamin D3? Which food is rich in vitamin D3?
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Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
The Cost of Stem Cell Therapy

Vitamin plays a part in the energy metabolism of our human body, and the deficiency of it can cause disorders of energy metabolism. Many blood coagulation factors and anticoagulation factors are vitamin K-dependent. And the deficiency of the two factors will affect the hemostatic process and the blood coagulation process. Vitamin D3 plays an important role in regulating calcium and phosphorus metabolism. And folic acid and vitamin B6 also play a part in treating kidney disease.

Top Foods Containing Vitamin D

Shiitake & Button Mushrooms:

Surprisingly, the dried versions of shiitake mushrooms are high in Vitamin D3. This may be due to the fact that these mushrooms are adept at sucking up sunlight.


Sardines are one of the best foods containing Vitamin D3. One small tin can of sardines will provide you with approximately 70% of your daily needs. These tiny canned fish are also a great source for Vitamin B12, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, protein and selenium.


Again, another fish that makes a habit of feeding on plankton, catfish are constantly taking in minuscule sea life that create vitamin D3 from sunlight.

Cod Liver Oil:

If you can stomach the strong aroma, this oil is super-rich in sunlight Vitamin D3. This marvelously golden, yet terrible-tasting oil, is also rich in omega-3 fatty acids.


Eggs are another food containing vitamin D3 in small amounts. Eating one egg will provide you with approximately 10% of your daily needs. I would personally recommend to eat free-range. However, as for patients with Nephrotic Syndrome, they should not have egg yellow which contains excessive phosphorus and cholesterol and will increase the burden to the kidney.
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How to Get Rid of Cysts in Kidneys for Children
Do I Need Dialysis with Creatinine 6.6
Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
The Cost of Stem Cell Therapy

Besides food, we can also gain vitamin from other sources such as sunbathe. If people can have enough sunbathe, they can get rid of the insufficiency of vitamin D3.

VU DINH- Hypertensive Nephropathy-American

patient received symptomatic treatment through western medicine, which accompanied with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to block fibrosis, so as to control the development of Lupus.

Patient: VU DINH

Gender: male

Age: 44 years old

Country: America

Admission condition: after 14 years kidney transplant, have been found proteinuria for 4 years, with hypertension,180/120 mmHg, conjunctival pale, double lung breath sounds clear, not smell and dry wet. Abdominal flat soft, right iliac nest place here is a long 8 cm normal oblique surgery scar, of lower limbs without edema. Previous: kidney transplantation elevated blood pressure, up to 170/110 mmHg, regular tartaric acid of 25 mg twice-daily 1 / day, Malay acid 5 mg enalaprilat 1 / day. 1996 do appendicitis surgical operation. Auxiliary examination: ultrasound impression: renal allograft diffuse disease, kidney transplantation set separation syImmunotherapy. Blood tests and: HGB 154 g/L. Routine urine: urine protein (1 +), concealed blood (+-24-hour urinary protein quantitative 1.01 g; Electrolyte: CO2 mmol/L 21.3, ALB33.4 g/L, TG 1.82 mmol/L, TC5.84 mmol/L, renal function CREA 259 umol/L, BUN 12.4 mmol/L, Ccr 26.86 ml/min. Checked in our hospital on 20th,April,2012.

Diagnosis: Renal Hypertension with renal failure
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Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital in China
Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
Treatment: patient received symptomatic treatment through western medicine, which accompanied with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to block fibrosis, so as to control the development of Lupus. When illness condition became stable, patient received Immunotherapy.

Expert comments: Patients should pay attention to their diet and avoid infection. It is very important to pay attention to lifestyle and medicines he had.


13-year Old Boy with MPGN type III

Patient: Hello, my name is Autumn. I have a 13 year old son, Austin, who was diagnosed with MPGN type III . What can I do to help my son?

Doctor: I am glad to answer your questions. I will try my best to offer my help for your son
Alternative Medicines for Glomerulonephritis
End Stage Renal Disease Secondary to Chronic Glomerulonephritis
A Patient Story of Chronic Glomerulonephritis
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease  Hospital in China
Huaxia Nehropathy Research Institute

First let me introduce something about MPGN Type Ⅲ. MPGN is the most rarely seen kind in Glomerulonephritis. It usually attacks between the ages of 5 to 30 years old. MPGN Type Ⅲ means that sediments deposit in the areas including subendothelial layer, subepithelial layer and mesangial area.

Along with the pass of the time, the pathological changes for MPGN Type Ⅲ could change from proliferation to obvious sclerosis. MPGN Type Ⅲ is typically represented by hematuria at an early age, and it possibly progresses to end stage renal disease(ESRD) within 10 years. Treatment of this disease could with steroids and anticoagulants could lead to variable results.
Alternative Medicines for Glomerulonephritis
End Stage Renal Disease Secondary to Chronic Glomerulonephritis
A Patient Story of Chronic Glomerulonephritis
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease  Hospital in China
Huaxia Nehropathy Research Institute

As for the treatment of MPGN Type Ⅲ, we propose Immunotherapy used in our hospital. Considering the nonnegligible side effects of hormones and immunosuppressive agents, we use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmosis to alleviate those side-effects. So Immunotherapy could not only treat MPGN Type Ⅲ effectively, but it will cause as little harms to your son as possible.


Can a 30-Year Old Female with IgA Nephroapthy Give Birth to Child

Can a 30-Year Old Female with IgA Nephroapthy Give Birth to Child
Patient: I am a 30 years old woman with IgA, I want to ask can I have a baby?

Doctor: I am glad to answer your questions. I fully understand your mood of being a mother. Now let me give you an explanation on your questions.

Since 1999, along with the application of hormone and cyclophosphamide in the treatment of IgA, plus with the favorable effect in protecting renal function by traditional Chinese medicine, the prospect for the treatment of IgA is very good. And, the issue of whether women IgA patients could give birth to children has been proposed.
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Conclusions have been made that if women IgA patients have ceased the use of medicines for three years, and, the IgA is not in the active stage with disappear of disease symptoms, such as urinary protein, urinary cylinder, etc, and moreover, women patients do not take medications when in pregnancy, then she could consider get pregnant and deliver a baby, but, the overall course of pregnancy and childbirth should be fully inspected by your doctor.

Generally speaking, if women IgA patients have a normal blood pressure and her renal function is normal, then she is suitable for pregnancy. On the contrary, women are not suitable to get pregnant.