
Close Watch on Membrane Proliferative Glomerulonephritis

Membrane Proliferative Glomerulonephritis(MPGN), also known as mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis, is a type of glomerulonephritis. Here I will guide you for a close watch on MPGN.

MPGN happens more often in youngsters and male suffered are more than women. This disease has the clinical manifestations of persistent microscopic Hematuresis, and constantly recurrent attack of gross Hematuresis.
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MPGN is the inflammation of glomeruli with the activation of body’s complement immunity syImmunotherapy. The reasons for the appearance of MPGN usually include chronic liver disease, cryoglobulinemia, and the subacute bacterial endocarditis.

MPGN is named according to the examination of light microscope on the glomerular disease characterized by diffusible proliferation of glomerular mesangial cells and the varying degrees of proliferation of mesangial matrix.

The primary form of MPGN is a rare disease, affecting 1 to 2 million population every year. MPGN has a trait of “equal opportunity” onset against people. That is to say, the attack, prognosis and course of the disease do not differ between children and adults.

Generally the disease of MPGN could be divided into the following three forms:

Type 1: characteristics of subendothelial deposits between the cells lining the capillaries and the GBM.

Type 2: characteristics of large, ribbon-like intramembranous deposition

Type 2 MPGN is with somewhat worse prognosis and it may be associated with partial lipodystrophy.

Type 3: characteristics of subendothelial and subepithelial deposits between the foot processes and the GBM
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As for the treatment of MPGN, like other kidney diseases, different disease conditions require different treatment plans. For those patients with light degrees, there is no need for special therapy; for those with the amount of urine albumen over 1 to 2g within 24 hours, immunosuppressive agents, such as glucocorticoid, prednisone, cyclophosphamide, or azathioprine could be used and they often have a good therapeutic effect.

The above are the basic introduction of Proliferative Glomerulonephritis(MPGN), hope you learn something from it.

