
What Natural Causes Can Induce Kidney Disease

What Natural Causes Can Induce Kidney Disease
What Natural Causes Can Induce Kidney Disease? Many patients go to the hospital to check the time, and always could not understand a question, why people can not have kidney disease themselves? Baffled, kidney disease, a genetic things, in addition to our usual life habits , the following highlights about what factors will lead to kidney disease?

First, too little water

Some people in order to avoid the toilet, nor drink water all day. Long time without water, resulting in decreased urine output, the concentration of the urine carries waste and toxins increase, it will poison the kidneys. Common clinical kidney stones, hydronephrosis and for a long time without water are closely related. Such as kidney stones, hydronephrosis lack of timely treatment, can cause obstructive nephropathy, then developed into uremia. Sufficient water will dilute the urine, thereby protecting the kidneys, but also conducive to the full discharge of wastes and toxins.
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Second, holding back urine

Surprisingly, there are a lot of holding back urine associated with kidney disease. Tell us many examples easily lead to long-term holding back urine nephritis, especially busy people in the workplace. Positive bacteria mortal urethra is surrounded by the UN, although these bacteria can enter the bladder frequently, but not all cause urinary tract infections, mainly due to the urine can be washed away most of the bacteria, but also has bactericidal capacity urinary tract mucosa. If long-term holding back urine, urine can not wash away the bacteria, a large number of bacteria in the urinary tract gathered bladder urine and (or) bacteria in the urine within retrograde to the pelvis, causing kidney reflux disease and (or) pyelonephritis, Over time cause damage to the structure of the renal parenchyma, as well as renal failure.

Third, smoking

Smoking increases cohesiveness, blood viscosity, fibrinogen levels in the blood, and enhance platelet aggregation, and increased blood pressure; long-term hypertension can cause renal artery spasm, leading to renal vascular ischemia and hypoxia, and thus damage the renal ball endothelial cells. Once the endothelial cell damage will attract circulating inflammatory cell infiltration, and release of inflammatory mediators pathogenic, then the emergence of local glomerular pathology, will appear proteinuria. Smoking easily produce high blood coagulation, platelet aggregation, enhanced blood circulation to generate disorder, increased blood pressure kidney disease.

Fourth, poor diet

The right amount of protein and healthy fat, but excess protein will increase the burden on the kidneys. But with the advancement of living standards, people consume more and more high-protein, high-fat, high-purine foods. As a result, uric acid and urea nitrogen waste too much, most of these wastes through the kidneys, increasing the burden on the kidneys. Nutrition likely to cause obesity, hypertension, diabetes, gout and other easily complicated by chronic kidney disease damage. In addition, venom, raw fish guts, poisonous mushrooms, which contain biotoxins, some people listen to rumors that the consumption of these things can cure fitness, but the consequences are cause kidney damage.
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Stem Cell Therapy for FSGS Patients
Fifth, health overlooked when the weather changes

Colder weather or temperature changes significantly, the new hair kidney disease and exacerbations were significantly increased. This temperature drop or change vasoconstriction, affecting renal blood flow related. This weather easily colds and other respiratory diseases, throat, tonsils and other inflamed, can cause acute nephritis or aggravate existing conditions. So, do not pay attention to warm cold when the weather changes, the cause of respiratory infection is not treated is caused by kidney disease.

