
Can glucocorticoid reserve the lupus nephritis

Some patients who checked in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital with lupus nephritis told us they usually treat lupus nephritis by glucocorticoid.
Can glucocorticoid reserve the lupus nephritis? The experts’ opinions are as follows:
There are some serious side effects if you use some medicines like GCS, immunosuppressive.Lupus Nephritis: Improve GFR with Creatinine 2.8 Naturally
1. Disorder of material metabolism or salt and water metabolic
When you used glucocorticoid for long time, a disorder of material metabolism or salt and water metabolic will occur in our body. Some other symptoms may also occur such as swelling, hypokalemia, hypertension, glycosuria, moon face, buffalo bump, obesity and so on. What is more, in children it can be because inhibition of growth hormone secretion and cause negative nitrogen balance, which will effect the growth of the children.How to Lower Creatinine 1.6 Naturally with Lupus Nephritis
2. Cause or worsen the infection Stage 3 Lupus Nephritis: How to Improve Kidney Function to Avoid Dialysis
Corticosteroids can suppress the immune function so that it will increase the risks of infections. Especially for patients who has a lower immune ability.
3. The digestive immune complications Pain in Left Abdomen and Right Shoulder in Patients with Lupus Nephritis
Gucocorticoid can stimulate the stomach acid and reduce gastric mucous membrane immunity, So that it will appear sudden bleeding and perforation of serious complications.
4. The cardiovascular immune complications
Long-term use of corticosteroids can lead to sodium and water retention and elevated blood fat level, which can cause high blood pressure and sclerosis of arterial congee appearance.

5. Osteoporosis and vertebrae a stress fracture and Neural mental disorders and by cataracts and glaucoma and other symptoms and disease in lupus patients.

