
Nigeria: NGO Raises Funds to Fight Renal Disease

In China, Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital is the largest kidney professional Acupuncture for Kidney Disease
kidney disease hospital. Every day, many patients come to this hospital to have a check, but some of them have to give up accepting the most advanced treatment for their renal disease due to poor economic conditions. We feel sorry about that. In the world there are many patients just like them, they lost the chance to live for money. How do people deal with this problem in Nigeria? They have set examples for other countries.
The Kidney Care and Support Initiative, a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) has raised the total sum of N5, 035.000 and pledges of two dialysis centers in support of people living with Kidney diseases.List of Herbs in Osmotherapy for Kidney Disease Patient
The fund raising took place yesterday during the first annual general meeting/ the fund raising of the organisation in Abuja where the Chairman, Board of Trustees of the organisation, Mr. Swani B. Gandu appealed for a more compassionate approach to issues related to renal disease.Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for Kidney Disease
In his remarks, Mr. Gandu said that most Nigerians have lost their lives to kidney diseases not because there is no treatment but for the financial burden that has been placed on them in the course of getting the treatment.
"The idea to set up this organisation came to me four years ago when I lost my kidney and have to be placed on dialysis for survival. The treatment has taken me to various cities and it was during these trips that I saw the sufferings of my fellow Nigerians.What to Expect to Happen If Kidney Failure Patients Stop Dialysis
Stating the reason for the high rate of Kidney diseases in Nigeria, Head, Department of Nephrology, Jos University Teaching Hospital, Dr. Emmanuel Agaba, represented by Dr. Gimba Mark revealed that hypertension, as well as drug abuse are the commonest causes of kidney diseases in Nigeria.What Did Ancient Chinese Medicine Use for Kidney Failure
"The risk factors for kidney diseases are hypertensions, diabetes, and chronic glomeluron nephritis are usually the three commonest and diabetes is the commonest cause of kidney diseases worldwide, but hypertension and chronic are the most common in Nigeria. Also are lots of things that we do like use of drugs without prescriptions such as the pain killers, herbal medicines. "Medicated Bath for Kidney Disease

Stem cell Therapy in China can help patients solve this problem, Stem cell Therapy are primitive cells in human body and they have remarkable potentials of differentiation and regeneration. They can not only regenerate themselves through cell division but also differentiate into tissues or organs or specific cells in the kidneys, so Stem cell Therapy has obvious effects in repairing the damaged cells in patients’ kidneys.

