
How Immunotherapy Works to Treat FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis)

Immunotherapy attracts more and more foreign FSGS (Focal Segmental
Glomerulosclerosis) or other kidney diseases patients come here for treatment. Have you found the treatment for FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis)? And we do believe that you will find the difference between Immunotherapy and other treatments after you read the following content.
Immune diagnosis:Can FSGS Be Recoverable by Steroid Therapy
Why we can not get a good effect after having tried many therapies in treating FSGS or other kidney diseases? Why does FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis) relapse easily? That is because we have not found the root cause. In step of immune diagnosis, we should find out the harmful substances which cause damage to kidneys, which part of our kidney is damaged, is glomeruli or renal tubules. Our hospital has brought the most advanced equipment to do the special tests, like lymphocyte subsets which can judge patient's immune function; toxins in urine, which can tell us what kinds of toxins are accumulated in patient's body. If patients have protein in urine, we also can judge which type of protein it is by urinary protein electrophoresis, then we can offer proper treatment schedule.
Immune clearance:Alternative Treatment for FSGS in Stage 3
After these harmful substances in the body being detected, and no matter they are micromolecule substances, middle molecular substances, or macromolecules, they can be eliminated by many kinds of blood purification equipments like dialysis, plasma exchange and hemoperfusion and so on, which can help FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis) patients create a clean internal environment and increase the efficiency of the medicines used in the following steps.
Immune blocking:Natural Treatment for FSGS Patients in ESRD
The above steps of Immunotherapy only aim at the harmful substances in our blood, and has no effect on the harmful substances depositing in kidneys, because there are specific attachment region on the face of kidneys, so when the harmful substances move to kidneys with the blood circulation, they will deposit in kidney, and cause inflammatory reaction. so in immune blocking,we will use some specific immunosuppressive drugs to block the reaction. But in western medicine, immunosuppressive drugs are also adopted commonly, why it can not get a good therapeutic effect, the reason is that the kinds and quantity of harmful substances are not known, so doctors are often not sure the dose of medicine.
Immune regulation:Can Diet Restore Kidney Damage for FSGS Patients with Dialysis
During this step of treatment, we will solve the deposition of harmful substances in kidneys. When our kidney is damaged, the blood flow volume in kidneys will reduce, so our hospital will use Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, a treatment which is based on Chinese herbal medicine to increase the blood flow volume in kidneys. However, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is different from traditional Chinese herbal medicine. Here, Chinese herbs are shattered into powder and packaged in a sack. When used, the sack should be soaked in the special penetrant for around two hours and then be heated for one hour or so. After all is ready, patients just need to lie on the bed with two sacks attached to renal regions. What’s more, the sacks are connected with an osmosis device, the mechanism of which is to promote permeation of medicine by vibration indirectly controlled by electron pulse. In this way, the ingredients of Chinese medicine can efficiently permeate into the renal lesions, realizing the goal of treating FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis) or other kidney diseases effectively. Usually this treatment is given 2-3times every day and 45mins each time. Specifically speaking, Micro-Chinese Medicine can dilate blood vessels and decrease blood coagulation, thus improving blood circulation of kidneys.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy just likes a massage and very comfortable. After the treatment, the damaged kidneys will be repaired and the innate immune system of human body. However, FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis) itself is not easy to treat, so patients may not seen the very obvious efficient treatments effects at the beginning, which is also a outstanding feature of Chinese medicine, in general, it needs 1-4 months.

