
What are symptoms of Asymptomatic Glomerulonephritis

Asymptomatic Glomerulonephritis is a silent killer as there are no obvious
symptoms of it. Then what are early symptoms of Asymptomatic Glomerulonephritis? They are blood urine and/or protein urine.
1. Blood urine only Alternative Medicines for Glomerulonephritis
The main symptom of Asymptomatic Glomerulonephritis is blood urine only without other abnormal symptoms. It is very common among teenagers. There are no other obvious symptoms so almost all patients found they have got Asymptomatic Glomerulonephritis by a normal test or in accidental occasions. The microscopic hematuria may attack you again and again. It may turn into Gross hematuria after strenuous exercise or infection of the upper respiratory tract.
2. Proteinuria only Glomerulonephritis Treatment
Urine protein is less than 1g/d with normal urinary sediment. And there is no swelling or high blood sugar and any other symptoms. In addition, the function of kidney is normal. MSPGM, FGN and MGN can also cause proteinuria without any symptoms. Is Homeopathy Remedy Successful in Treating Glomerular Nephritis
3. Blood urine and proteinuria
Blood urine with proteinuria is typical symptom of Glomerulonephritis diseases. Some kidney disease like IGA nephropathy, mild kidney disease, FGN can also lead to these symptoms.

Symptoms of Asymptomatic Glomerulonephritis can help us prevent it timely. In order to prevent some kinds of disease without symptoms, you had better have a normal test regularly. Any other questions about kidney disease, chat with experts on line.

