
Diet for end stage chronic nephritis patients

What you eat make who you are. Diet plays an important role in our daily life
. When patients got chronic nephritis, reasonable diet can help patients slow down the progress of chronic nephritis.
There are some diet rules for chronic patients to refer to:
1. The restriction of protein (40-60 g), mainly vegetable, while the introduction into the body mainly animal protein, containing the necessary amount of essential amino acids;
2. The exclusion or limitation of the sharp salt (depending on the severity of hypertensive syndrome);Treatment Two Tips for Chronic nephritis Patients
3. The exclusion of substances and beverages that irritate the kidneys (alcohol, nitrogenous extractives, strong coffee, tea, cocoa and chocolate, spicy salty snacks);
4. The inclusion in the diet of foods containing small amounts of protein and have a high calorific value (different dishes from sago, protein-free bread made from maize or wheat starch, purees and mousses with a swellable starch);
5. Provision of sufficient calories (3000-3500 kcal) from fat and carbohydrates;
6. The maximum dietary fortification with different juices (watermelon, melon, cherry, apple, plum, etc.);Can patients with Nephritis eat cheese
7. The alignment of the water-salt balance
All dishes are prepared without salt. Meat and fish are used in cooked form or followed by roasting, eliminating nitrogenous extractives veschestva.v Pasta dishes and dishes from cereals excluded or limited, replacing them with protein-free bread and a variety of dishes from the sago (porridge, pudding, pudding, rice with fruit, cakes and etc.).

Although diet is very important for chronic patients to slow down the progress of kidney disease, you also need effective treatment if you want to cure your chronic nephritis thoroughly. Such as stem cell therapy, which is the most advanced treatment for chronic nephritis in the world.

