
Psychological Cares for IgA Nephropathy Patients

IgA Nephropathy is a kidney disease that occurs when your antibody IgA lodges in
your kidneys. Psychological care for IgA Nephropathy patients is necessary and nonnegligible due to this disease’s specific characteristics.
Psychological care is proposed and emphasized manly due to the reason that IgA Nephropathy itself is with a long duration and easily relapse, so psychological care is necessary and needed for these patients.
Treatment Steps for IgA Nephropathy Patients
In fact, IgA is a special kind of Glomerulonephritis and it happens more in children and youngsters. With the commonly seen persistent or repeatedly symptom of proteinuria, the treatment and healthcare of IgA is a long process, together with the fact of insufficient knowledge about kidney disease, so IgA Nephropathy patients, especially IgA children patients, have many adverse feelings that include tension, anxiety, horror, as well as lack of sense of security, and the distrust on the doctors and nurses, etc. These unfavorable feelings and mind state have a direct influence to the IgA children as well as to their treatment effect.Chinese Treatments for IgA Nephropathy with Stage 3 Renal Failure
So according to these situations, psychological cares should be given to these IgA patients, simply speaking, these points include the following three points:
1.Strengthen Communicaton How to Slow Down the Progression for IgA Nephroapthy Patients with 48% Kidney Function
With a professional ethics and high sense of responsibility, together with a
skilled healthcare ability, we should actively make friend with patients, and make a heart-to-heat talk with them and care them, by which, we will help the patients dispel those negative sentiments, including anxiety, etc.
2.Careful Instructions How to Stop the Progress of IgA Nephropathy in the Early Stage
Doctors and nursing workers should give careful instructions to patients in many aspects, for example, how to take medications, how to choose appropriate diet, and so on. This is a important link of the treatment.
3.Communicaton with Relatives
Talk and communicate with patients’ relatives, so as to get the understanding and cooperation from patients’ family and relatives.

So these are the simple psychological cares for IgA Nephropathy patients. if you have encountered any other problems with kidney disease in life, I hope we can help you.

