What is immunotherapy?
Immunotherapy is also sometimes called biologic therapy or biotherapy. It is
treatment that uses certain parts of the immune system to fight diseases such as
cancer. This can be done in a couple of ways.
Stimulating your own immune system to work harder or smarter to attack cancer
Giving you immune system components, such as man-made immune system
The magic treatment for kidney disease-Immunotherapy
Types of immunotherapy
There are many types of cancer treatments that could be thought of as
Some work by stimulating your body's own immune system to fight the disease.
This may be done by boosting the immune system in a very general way, or by
training the immune system to attack some part of cancer cells specifically.
Other treatments sometimes considered immunotherapy use immune system
components (such as proteins calledantibodies) that are made in the lab. Some of
these boost the immune system once they are in the body. Others don’t really
affect the immune system much, if at all. Instead, the antibodies themselves
target specific parts of cancer cells, stopping them from growing or making them
Immunotherapy drugs are now used to treat a number of cancers, including
cancers of the bladder, breast, colon, kidney, lung, and prostate, as well as
leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma, and melanoma.
How to Treat Kidney Disease with Immunotherapy?
Immunotherapy has been applied to kidney disease successfully and it shows
enormous treatment effect in controlling the disease.Immunotherapy can be
divided into six steps and it works in the following steps to treat kidney
Step one: accurate diagnosis
A thorough and accurate diagnosis is the important premise for making an
individualized treatment regime.Apart from the routine diagnosis tests,the
diagnosis also can tell the damage degree to immune system,types of immune
complexes in blood and kidneys, uremic toxins in blood etc.
Step two: immune blocking
When immune complexes deposit in kidneys,it will cause abnormal immune
response in kidneys causing damage to kidneys. In this treatment step,
immunosuppressants are used to suppress the abnormal immune response in
kidney.Thereby,no more damage to kidneys will occur.
Step three: immune adjustment
Immune adjustment aims at recovering the immune system to normal statue.If
so,no more immune complexes will form.By improving immunity,the immune system
will have better ability to remove infectious agents from body.
Step four: immune clearance
Based on the patients specific illness condition like the types of immune
complexes in kidneys,kidney damage degree,immune clearance treatment methods
including immunoadsorption, plasma exchange,hemoperfusion,hemofiltration etc are
used to help patients eliminate the toxins in the blood effectively. These
treatment methods can clear the immune complexes and metabolic waste products
from body.
Step five: immune regulation
Immune tolerance is just a transition phase because it is not possible for
the body to function well with immune complexes and injured renal cells for too
long.Therefore,those harmful substances must be removed from body.However,there
is no such a treatment in western medicine.Chinese medicine provides such a
treatment solution to attain the above treatment goal.
On one hand,Chinese medicine can promote blood circulation and remove blood
stasis.The immune complexes will be eliminated from body.On the other
hand,Chinese medicine can reinforce Qi and nourish blood so as to enhance the
immunity of the body to eliminate harmful substance from body.
Step six: immune protection
Immune protection aims at protecting the damaged intrinsic renal cells and
tissues to enhance renal function.Both western medicine and Chinese medicine are
used in this treatment step.