What Does Creatinine Level 1.3 Mean?
From the normal range of creatinine level, we can see 1.3 is not very high,
and it nearly is close to the normal levels.
As there are many factors related to the creatinine changes, it seems that
you don’t need worry about it.
Here is the factors related to creatinine changes:
- muscle mass
- Age
- Gender
- Race
Muscular young or middle-aged adults may have more creatinine in their blood
than the norm for the general population. In contrary, senior citizens usually
have a less creatinine level. Surely, the children’s creatinine will be far less
than adults.
However, you should never belittle the 0.1 higher level than normal range,
for it may also be associated with severe underlying medical conditions.
Kidney damage is always associated with High Creatinine Levels. As mentioned
above creatinine is the waste products of muscle activity. If you have healthy
kidneys, the creatinine will be filtered out in time and keep the internal
environment clean and safe.
How To Treat Creatinine 1.3 Naturally?
Creatinine 1.3 more than normal levels a littile , so you can pay attention
to daily diet :
Dietary sources of creatine and creatinine are only found within animal
products, therefore you will be reducing the burden of “extra” creatine and
creatinine circulating through your blood by eating a largely plant based
Plant based diets have show to reduce all the major risk factors of kidney
disease. E.g. diabetes, and high blood pressure (hypertension).
Dairy products (milk, cheese, cream, yoghurt, ice cream, butter) have been
shown in clinical studies to exacerbate kidney disease.