For patients with CKD, their kidney disease can damage their kidney function
gradually, and that can cause them to have high creatinine.
According to the creatinine levels, renal insufficiency is divided into four
stages. Creatinine 5.2 is about equal to 459.68umol/L and Creatinine 5.2 belongs
to Renal Failure stage, the third stage of renal insufficiency. You can also say
it is in stage 4 chronic kidney disease. In many countries, when the condition
develops Renal Failure, dialysis will be in the near future. Actually, only a
creatinine level has no direct relationship with dialysis, it depends on the
specific condition of patients.
The severe symptoms of high creatinine level 5.2
With a relatively high creatinine level, patients may suffer from nausea,
vomiting, itching skin, bad breath, loss of appetite, nerve problems, difficulty
concentrating, etc. You need to use a suitable therapy to relieve these
Natural remedy is available to reduce serum creatinine 5.2 and prevent the
kidney disease's progression to Kidney Failure. This remedy is known as Clear
Blood Pollution Therapy. It can treat Chronic Kidney Disease from the root
cause, so high creatinine will be lowered completely.
The treatment process of Clear Blood Pollution Therapy include 3 steps: 1)
Remove toxic wastes in the blood with comprehensive Blood Purification
techniques; 2) Supplement essential elements to the blood for restoring the
body's physiological mechanism; 3) Recover the kidney function and rebuild the
immune system with natural therapies like Micro-Chinese Medicine, medicated
bath, acupuncture, etc.
Under this treatment, kidney patient's damaged kidneys will get repaired and
a variety of symptoms including high creatinine 5.2 will be eliminate with no
further relapse.
If you are interested in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and want to learn
more about it,you can email to or chat with our online
doctor directly.