A person with stage 5 chronic kidney disease (CKD) has end stage renal
disease (ESRD) with a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 15 ml/min or less. At
this advanced stage of kidney disease, the kidneys have lost nearly all their
ability to do their job effectively, and eventually dialysis or a kidney
transplant is needed to live.
The symptoms of stage 5 Kidney Failure may include increase skin
pigmentation, changes in skin color, loss of appetite, tingling in hands or
feet, headache, vomiting, nausea, muscle cramps, being tired, swelling, being
unable to concentrate, making little or no urine.
As the kidneys fail to remove the waste products and extra fluids in the
blood, toxins deposit in the body, causing an overall ill feeling. And you may
develop a series of complications, such as stroke, heart attack, malnutrition,
blood clotting, liver failure etc. Each of the complication may increase the
risk for death and according to the research, many Kidney Failure patients died
from its complications, not from kidney damage itself. Thereby, you are
suggested to control your complications, once you feel it. For symptoms and
complications are the two main factors to affect the prognosis.
Actually, the prognosis of CKD stage 5 varies from person to person.
Prognosis has a great impact on lifespan. The life expectancy of a kidney
failure patient with an eGFR of 10ml/min or less, ranges from 1 to 12 months
without treatment of any kind (e.g. dialysis, transplant, natural medicine). The
average is 6 months. The average life expectancy of someone receiving kidney
dialysis is 4.25 years.
As long as the kidney function can be elevated, the prognosis of CKD stage 5
will become better. Chinese Herbal Medicine, Immunotherapy and Steroids Therapy
possible to do this.