
Cherry is invisible killer chronic kidney disease

Cherry is invisible killer chronic kidney disease
Although the soft fleshy cherries, sweet and sour taste, but cherry high potassium content per 100 grams of about 258 milligrams of potassium, can not eat. According to a Chinese saying, cherries are warm fruit, eat too easy to get angry. Especially wang, dry stools, bad breath, nosebleeds, and suffering from fever unfit for human consumption.

Nutrition experts we Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, said the rich nutritional value of cherries, and contains a lot of vitamins. Vitamin C (specific content and breeds), small amounts of organic acids and sugars together to form a sweet and sour cherry flavors. Vitamin C and organic acids can promote iron absorption and improve the intestinal absorption of iron.

Why is chronic kidney disease is very dangerous to eat cherries?

Notes harm eating cherries

1, Cherry is good, but also the right amount of food, excessive consumption will increase the additional burden of gastrointestinal.

2, Cherry for warm food, eat lots of easy to get angry, so body heat, ulcers, diabetes is best not to eat cherries.

3, should choose cherry note with a stem end of selection, color pride, skin plump those without depression.

4, Cherry is not conducive to saving, it is best to use fresh food. If you can not eat that day, it must be stored in the refrigerator, but time is not too long. Cherries for 1 degree Celsius stored in refrigerated conditions. Prunus berries, easily damaged, so be sure to gently.

5, kidney patients careful to eat. Cherry high potassium content, potassium 258 mg per 100 g, for kidney disease patients is not a small number. If the kidneys regulate kidney patients water and electrolyte loss of function, the patient will occur oliguria and edema. Oliguria, since potassium can reduce potassium retention, patients with eating too many cherries if the patient appears hyperkalemia. When serum potassium> 6.5 mmol / l, can lead to the patient's heart stopped beating for a few seconds to a few minutes. Therefore, hyperkalemia can be said of chronic kidney disease "invisible killer."

If you are a chronic kidney disease, please pay attention and control your diet, of course, more important is the timely treatment because of chronic kidney disease threatening our health. I am a physician assistant, if you have a problem with nephrotic aspects want advice, I am willing to help you, you can give me a message and I will get back to you within 24 hours.

