
Do you know why chronic kidney disease do not eat crab

Crab is rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins, delicious, many people like to eat crabs, then, chronic kidney disease patients with renal you can eat crab? Response, kidney disease experts point out that to be contraindicated in patients with chronic kidney disease eat crabs. Here we specifically look into.

Contraindicated in patients with chronic kidney disease should eat crabs reasons

Chinese medicine believes crab large cooler, a gas-induced disease, "hair thing." "Ben Cao Yan Yi" have long pointed out that "this matter extremely dynamic wind, windy body disease who can not eat." Traditional view also depends on the crab as big fat foods, kidney patients should not eat. Once eating crabs, not only will cause indigestion, but they may also aggravate the original condition. The size of the city's restaurants have been offering a wide variety of "crab feast." As the saying goes, "autumn onwards, brake Xie Fei," especially in the autumn is the best season to taste crab people. But experts have warned Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital suffering from chronic kidney disease who do not greedy, otherwise it will aggravate the disease.

We Shijiazhuang chronic kidney disease treatment center experts, chronic kidney disease itself would systemic vascular damage, chronic kidney disease diet if you do not pay attention, over time, these patients are susceptible to cardiovascular complications, such as high cholesterol, high blood pressure , atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, these diseases will increase the primary disease, resulting in a vicious cycle, a health hazard. Chronic kidney disease treatment center experts stressed that the purpose of the first kidney disease diet therapy is to reduce the burden on the kidneys to eliminate or reduce the clinical symptoms. Kidney typing more complex clinical manifestations of the cross, so the main principles of diet therapy should be determined according to the degree of renal function in patients with proteinuria good. If the patient intake of protein, it will aggravate kidney disease illness, to treat more difficult. Therefore, patients with kidney disease should not eat crabs.

If you are a seafood lover and you have chronic kidney disease, it is recommended that you eat or do not eat seafood products, you can also according to your condition consult your doctor.
 I’m a kidney disease doctor’s assistant. If you happen to a Chronic Kidney Disease patient, or you have such friends, you can tell them that there is a one largest kidney disease specialist hospital in Hebei province, China--Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. Here, we make full use of traditional Chinese medicine to treat kidney disease. Especially the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, it is an external application which can make the ingredients of medicine can permeate into kidney lesion, thus repairing the damaged kidneys tissues.
If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment. Good luck!

