
How much chance of genetic polycystic kidney disease

How much chance of polycystic kidney disease genetic? Nephrotic range of such knowledge is a lot to see, polycystic kidney disease, 60% -70% of the genetic predisposition, and the prevalence is approximately equal opportunity for men and women. Therefore, a family history of polycystic kidney disease families may have more than one person sick. Since the onset of polycystic kidney disease is generally 25-35 years old symptoms began to appear, and some patients even in renal failure symptoms before being discovered. So the history of the family who have polycystic kidney disease, to do a survey and regular follow-up for early detection and timely treatment. Currently used B-, CT, MRI (magnetic resonance) and other examination methods, can make for polycystic kidney disease diagnosis. Creatinine, urea nitrogen can reflect the degree of renal dysfunction and the development stage of the disease, it should be checked regularly. Will be described in detail below.

Genetic probability of polycystic kidney how much? Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease Genetic real men and women are equal, a parent with the disease, its genetic probability of 50% of children, both parents there, the genetic probability increases to 75%. Successive generations can be pathogenic.

How much genetic probability of polycystic kidney disease? Polycystic majority already exists in the fetal period, the entire kidney covered with different sizes and different levels of cysts, there is a small grain of rice, can reach a large number of centimeters. Those cysts increases with age and grow, the increased oppression of kidney cysts will make structural kidney damage, fibrosis, kidney damage as heavier, it can not maintain normal human life, which appeared late renal failure, uremia.

But the surgical treatment of polycystic kidney disease there is a drawback, it is because the kidney was full of cysts, it is impossible to remove a surgical approach cysts. Because polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disease, there is not as high as the height of gene therapy medicine, so in the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, the kidneys can only use traditional Chinese medicine to improve the environment, it is not conducive to the growth of cysts and shrink cysts, slow cyst growth.

Our Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is the largest specialist kidney disease treatment center in China. For the treatment of Polycystic Kidney Disease, we adopt the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. During the treatment, the micronized Chinese herbs can permeate into the inside of cysts under help of osmosis device, then active ingredients can play their functions of activating blood, promoting blood circulation, as well as removing wastes and toxins from the body. When the pressure inside of renal cysts reduces, kidney cysts can be shrunk gradually, and renal function begin to recover, high creatinine and blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level can come back to normal.

