
Dietary considerations children with nephrotic syndrome

Dietary considerations children with nephrotic syndrome
Children as vulnerable of society, modern environment filled with a variety of viruses, and children can not resist viruses. Children with nephrotic syndrome, compared to other populations, treatment is difficult, serious direct endanger the lives of children. If the child is suffering from nephrotic syndrome, unfortunately, what you as a parent need to major in child's diet it?

1 to 3 grams of salt a day, severe swelling to completely avoid salt, and a little amount of drinking water limit. After treatment, urine output increased, to increase food salt, and give potassium chloride, calcium and other oral. Avoid long-term low-salt or salt, can cause hyponatremia symptoms such as lethargy, vomiting, irritability, blood in the urine, blood pressure decreases.

Experts suggest that children with nephrotic syndrome should note the following:

1, children wear long clothes should not change. Kidney infections often induce relapse reasons. Regular bathing locker, keep the skin clean to prevent skin infections.

2, children should not be tired. Poor child's self-restraint, came home from the hospital will feel very fresh, easy to play too tired, lack of sleep, parents should pay special attention to arrangements for the boy's schedule, try to get enough rest.

3, children should not eat more salt foods. Note that salt diet, blood pressure has not dropped to a normal child, it is very important. But the food without salt would affect the appetite, to use low-salt diet. After the disappearance of edema and hypertension, in order to improve the normal diet, but also light, not too salty. Bread and crackers also contain sodium, it is best not to feed their children. You can let the children eat some fresh vegetables and fruits to supplement the vitamins the body.

4, children should not go to public places. To keep indoor air fresh, try not to bring the child to shops, cinemas and other public places. Note change clothes based on climate change, prevent colds.

5, not just reduction or withdrawal. Treatment of kidney disease, most need to take steroids. Taking hormones sick child, must be under the guidance of a doctor, with the condition improved gradually decrease until withdrawal. Parents should supervise their children on time according to the amount of medication, must not be arbitrary reduction and withdrawal, in order to avoid repeated illness.

If children suffering from nephrotic syndrome, should pay more attention to rest. Parents should limit their children as the first volume of activity, dishes do not put too much salt, it is best to eat some protein, meat, eggs, beans contain more protein, can increase this type of diet.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment. Good luck!

