
Which is divided into several types of hypertensive nephropathy

Which is divided into several types of hypertensive nephropathy
Hypertensive nephropathy which is divided into several types? Recent years has become a high incidence of hypertensive nephropathy kidney disease, kidney disease and high blood pressure itself is divided into several types, different types of hypertensive nephropathy targeted care, treatment is very the same, that in the end which is divided into several types of hypertensive nephropathy? Here to tell you about.

Hypertensive nephropathy type a capacity-dependent hypertension: renal damage after renal sodium handling, the ability to water loss. When intake exceeds the body's ability to excrete, appears Shuinazhuliu. Shuinazhuliu as mainly in the blood vessels, so that blood volume expansion, high blood pressure can occur. Meanwhile Shuinazhuliu water vascular smooth muscle cells can sodium content increases, the blood vessel wall thickening, elasticity, vascular resistance, and enhanced reactivity to catecholamines, and angiotensin Ⅱ type of vascular receptor affinity increase, this time even normal angiotensin also make increased blood pressure.

Hypertensive nephropathy type II, renin-dependent hypertension: its pathogenesis of renal artery stenosis, renal perfusion pressure reduction and renal parenchymal disease, and tumor cells secrete renin, all can release large amounts of renin juxtaglomerular cells caused by increased activity of angiotensin ⅱ, systemic arterioles contraction of hypertension. Renin and angiotensin Ⅱ and can promote increased secretion of aldosterone, leading to sodium and water retention, increased blood volume produced hypertension. Because renal parenchymal damage kallikrein enzyme prostaglandin release reduction. These substances reduce the vasodilation is also an important factor in the formation of high blood pressure. Hypertension is a common clinical manifestations of kidney disease. Renovascular hypertension and renal hypertension there are obvious differences in the etiology and pathogenesis, and its prognosis is also different. Renovascular hypertension surgical methods can be applied to cure, usually early to mid-treatment is better.

The above content is hypertensive nephropathy which is divided into several types of knowledge presentation, so for different types of hypertensive nephropathy their treatment and care is not the same, as long as care and attention, and actively cooperate with medical treatment, then the disease will speedy recovery.

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