
Can Chronic Kidney Disease Eat Kelp

Can Chronic Kidney Disease Eat Kelp
Can Chronic Kidney Disease Eat Kelp? Kelp surface has a white powder, slightly sweet taste, called mannitol. Mannitol in the kelp content of up to 17%, with a good diuretic, to treat renal failure, drug toxicity, edema, etc. In addition, kelp also contains a substance called alginic acid, a substance the body makes too much salt from the body, is good not only for hypertensive patients, for kidney disease also has a unique role in prevention. Kidney disease diet kelp must be based on their condition, reasonable diet.

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Laminaria Phaeophyta, seaweed species. Is a high nutritional value of vegetables, dried kelp hectogram contains: crude protein 8.2 g, fat 0.1 grams, 57 grams of sugar, crude fiber 9.8 g, salt 12.9 g, 2.25 grams of calcium, iron, 0.15 g, and carotene 0.57 mg of thiamine (vitamin B1) 0.69 mg of riboflavin (vitamin B2) 0.36 mg, 16 mg niacin, can send 262 dry calories. Compared with the spinach, rape, in addition to vitamin C, its crude protein, sugar, calcium, iron levels were several times higher, several times.

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Kelp is a high iodine amount of seaweed. Iodine kelp farming in general 3 to 5% 0, much as 7 to 10 flood. Distill resulting from iodine and alginic acid, widely used in pharmaceutical, food and chemical industry. Iodine is an essential element of the human body, iodine deficiency can suffer from swollen thyroid line, eat kelp can prevent the disease. Can prevent arteriosclerosis, reduce the accumulation of cholesterol and fat. And can significantly lower cholesterol. Eat kelp iodine intake can increase the substantial increase in the absorption of calcium, and therefore, renal failure and other kidney diseases may be appropriate to eat more seaweed. But potassium or high serum phosphorus in patients avoid eating; because of its high protein content protein nephrotic syndrome, patients try to control the loss of too much consumption.Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital In China

Kelp alginic acid sodium salt has leukemia and bone pain disease prevention role; also hemostatic effect on arterial bleeding, may reduce oral absorption of radioactive strontium-90 in the gut. Sodium alginate has antihypertensive effect. Kelp starch has reduced the role of lipids. In recent years, also found that a seaweed extract has anti-cancer effect. - Mannitol treatment of acute kidney failure, brain edema, B encephalitis, acute glaucoma are valid. Spleen Deficiency eat less.

Through the above description, we can understand the patients with chronic kidney disease can be eating kelp, must be according to their proper diet, develop good eating habits, a better work and life, happiness of life is the premise of a healthy body.

