
How to Manage Relapsing Nephrotic Syndrome

How to Manage Relapsing Nephrotic Syndrome
Mentioned treatment of nephrotic syndrome, the first reaction of many people is this: with the hormone. Indeed, the use of hormone therapy renal syndrome has become a very common phenomenon, almost all hospitals are doing, but the question is: if the hormone therapy, how to do?

This year 34-year-old Ms. Wu encountered such troubles. In January when it was detected nephropathy, first in a local hospital, and later to Peking University Shenzhen Hospital, using prednisone tablets, but only burn edema reduction, and urinary protein has been maintained at 2 + more. Also he made during renal biopsy, but only to "consider" minimal change glomerular disease. Is renal biopsy can not be sure in the end is what disease? Wu Jie of western medicine had doubts.

Hormonotherapy: An Double-edged Sword for Nephrotic Syndrome

Ms. Wu came to my Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, she has reached 4+ urine protein, urine occult blood have 2+. The choices are simple reason, "because I heard this is the use of Chinese medicine, Western medicine anyway, for I have does not work, I want to try traditional Chinese medicine."

Why do Western medicine does not work?

Chinese Medicines for Minimal Change Disease

Because the main role of hormones is to suppress the immune response, so you can continue to effectively prevent kidney damage from the immune response. But the problem is that kidney damage is not only a cause of immune response, but also inhibit the reaction does not mean that improving renal function - this is the reason Wu Jie before treatment ineffective.Alternative Treatment to Hormones Medicines for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients with Proteinuria

We will also use the hormone, but we use hormones, just as drugs that suppress the immune response, rather than flamboyant drug treatment of kidney disease. Really improve renal microcirculation, recovery of renal function approach is Chinese medicine, which we call "clean blood toxin therapy."

Two weeks later, Wu Jie got a review of laboratory test, urine protein down to ±, urine occult blood has been negative. Although not entirely negative, but she has been very excited, because of his previous treatment, are not less than 2+. Now she understood: renal comprehensive therapy, the drug is not bad, but did not rule on!

