
How to treat protein in urine in MN( Membranous Glomerulonep)

How to diagnosis proteinuria
Foam in urine means there is protein in the urine. In normal patients, we have only very few amount of protein in the urine. If we have a 24-hour urinary protein quantitative, we will find the amount of protein in urine less than 150mg. As the protein is very little, it can't be found in normal urine test. Sometimes, when we are in hot environment or after excessive excise, protein will also occur in our body. But it will disappear by itself after some days. You don't need too worry about that.
How do we treat foam in urine in MN(Membranous Glomerulonephritis) ?
As a professional kidney disease hospital, Shijiazhuang kidney disease can cure almost 20000 patients with kidney disease every year, among which, about 2000 patients are diagnosed with MN(Membranous Glomerulonephritis). So every doctors here has rich clinical experience in treating MN(Membranous Glomerulonephritis).
The advanced treatment for protein in urine in MN( Membranous Glomerulonephritis)
1. Traditional Chinese medicineChinese Medical Treatment for A Patient with Membranous Nephropathy and Uremia
The traditional Chinese medicine treatment of external points (focus on frequency pulse, infrared, Chinese medicine, acupuncture points comprehensive external meridians treatment), magical TCM medicine bath (skin dialysis), ultrasonic osmosis treatment (with traditional Chinese medicine using ultrasonic meridians, traditional Chinese medicine treatment), foot bath holographic therapy (in Chinese medicine speaking foot is human body each viscera projection)
2. Immunotherapy :Lifespan of Diffuse Membranous Glomerulonephritis Patients
A Immune diagnosis (found immune injury source)
B Immune block therapy (blocking immune injury process)
C Immune tolerance treatment (to make the body resistance existing abnormal immune response to reduce allergic factors) Can Glomerulonephritis Patients Do Exercise
D Immune adjustment therapy (rationally adjust the normal immune reaction)
E Immune clearance treatment, through the advanced immune adsorption (liposuction), plasma exchange to the bed IQ21 continuous hemofiltration, continuous hemodialysis filtration, single heavy plasma exchange double plasma exchange, plasma immune adsorption, blood perfusion, DNA immune adsorption, remove the blood poison directly. Can Patients with Glomerulonephritis Drink Grape Juice
F Immune protection treatment (through the traditional Chinese medicine enhance human body resistance capacity)

We are the best choice for you to cure protein in urine with MN( Membranous Glomerulonephritis)

Treatment for focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) Patients with Creatinine 3.0

In clinical, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients are usuallyAlternative Treatment for FSGS in Stage 3
treated by steroid drugs, however, they find that these medicines are not that effective, there are still lots of proteins leak into the urine and some patients will find their creatinine levels become higher and higher.
Creatinine 3.0 means that the kidneys have been damaged severely, and at least a half of kdney function has been lost. Creatinine levels will not increase until more than 50% of kidney function is lost. Creatinine 3.0 is higher than the normal levels of creatinine (0.5-1.1mg/dl is the normal creatinine level for adult females and for adult males, it is 0.6-1.2mg/dl). So if FSGS patients find their creatinine level begins to increase, it means their illness condition is worsening and the kidney function is declining. When the creatinine levels increase to a certain degree, in general, 5.1mg/dl, the dialysis treatment will be recommended. However, dialysis can not stop the worsening of kidney function, and only 70% of dialysis patients can live for five years. So what should focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients do? Stem Cell Therapy for FSGS Patients
What should they really look for is not the one that just helps them lower the creatinine level, but the treatment that can repair the damaged kidneys and recover the kidney function. Only though this, the creatinine levels will decline naturally and the quality of life can be improved. Stem cell therapy brings hopes for focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients.What Is an Alternative Treatment for FSGS Kidney Diseases
Stem cell therapy combines the advanced blood purification, western medicines and the Chinese herbal medicines. The purpose of Stem cell therapy is to help FSGS patients treat the disease from the root and improve the quality of their life through repairing the damaged kidneys and rebuilding the innate immune system of human body. In many other countries, there are no Stem cell therapy , FSGS patients can only bear the relapses and wait for the worsening of illness condition day by day.

If you want to know how Stem cell therapy works to treat FSGS or some similar cases about FSGS, you can directly ask the online expert or leave us a message. We hope we can fight against FSGS and other kidney diseases with you.

Is it safe to give paracetamol when IgA nephropathy patient

Some IgA nephropathy patients will use paracetamol when they have pain, but is it safe? Experts from Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital help you solve this problem.Improve Kidney Function for IgA Nephropathy in End Stage Renal Disease
IgA Nephropathy patients frequently suffer from headaches apparently connected to their disease (and not necessarily related to high blood pressure). The following headache treatments are offered as safe alternatives to aspirin and non-aspirin pain relievers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol, Excedrin, etc.) and ibuprofen (Motrin, etc.). Aspirin is considered risky in treating children and teens who may have a viral illness, while acetaminophen and ibuprofen are toxic to the kidneys.How to Slow Down the Progression for IgA Nephroapthy Patients with 48% Kidney Function
It is unclear how phenacetin induces injury to the kidney. Bach and Hardy have proposed that phenacetin's metabolites lead to lipid peroxidation that damages cells of the kidney.
Paracetamol is the major metabolite of phenacetin and may contribute to kidney injury through a specific mechanism. In cells of the kidney, cyclooxygenases catalyse the conversion of paracetamol into N-acetyl-p-benzoquinoneimine (NAPQI). NAPQI depletes glutathione via non-enzymatic conjugation to glutathione, a naturally occurring antioxidant. With depletion of glutathione, cells of the kidney become particularly sensitive to oxidative damage.
It isn’t safe to give paracetamol when IgA nephropathy patient has pain?

In Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, the most effective treatment for IgA nephropathy is Stem cell Therapy, which combines the good effects of Stem cell Therapy and Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. you have a chance to get rid of the pain caused by IgA nephropathy. The curate is as high as 80%.

Pay Attention to the Diet of Purpura Nephritis

Reasonable diet for Purpura Nephritis patients play a very important role, here we will talk about the diet.
If patients with Purpura Nephritis have swelling, they should control the salt intake, and the amount of salt should be controlled in 2 to 3g, which is called low salt diet. It is not scientific to have salt free diet for a long time, which can cause fatigue and dizziness.Purpura Nephritis Diet, Home Remedy and Fitness
For patients who has oliguria and swelling, they should control the intake of water. Too much water can not be discharged out of body, it will stay in the body and aggravate the swelling and blood pressure. However, if patients with Purpura Nephritis have the normal volume of urine, they don’t have to control the amount of water and more water can help body excrete the toxins. So the amount of water should be adjusted according to the specific circumstance of patients.Purpura Nephritis Treatment  The Newest Treatment for Purpura Nephritis
Fish and shrimp have high quality protein, if patients have allergic diseases, such as Purpura, Purpura Nephritis or have the history of fish allergy, they should be cautious of eating these foods. But there is no need to taboo. Foods which contain proteins can be resolved by liver and discharged by kidney. So when renal function declines, patients should decrease the intake of protein based on the principle of meeting the nutritional needs of human metabolism and balancing the burden of kidney.New Treatment for Purpura Nephritis Patients with ESRD

Though important is the diet, an efficient treatment is the key to treat Purpura Nephritis, patients should go and see Stem cell Therapy, a new therapy, maybe the best choice for them.


Nigeria: NGO Raises Funds to Fight Renal Disease

In China, Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital is the largest kidney professional Acupuncture for Kidney Disease
kidney disease hospital. Every day, many patients come to this hospital to have a check, but some of them have to give up accepting the most advanced treatment for their renal disease due to poor economic conditions. We feel sorry about that. In the world there are many patients just like them, they lost the chance to live for money. How do people deal with this problem in Nigeria? They have set examples for other countries.
The Kidney Care and Support Initiative, a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) has raised the total sum of N5, 035.000 and pledges of two dialysis centers in support of people living with Kidney diseases.List of Herbs in Osmotherapy for Kidney Disease Patient
The fund raising took place yesterday during the first annual general meeting/ the fund raising of the organisation in Abuja where the Chairman, Board of Trustees of the organisation, Mr. Swani B. Gandu appealed for a more compassionate approach to issues related to renal disease.Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for Kidney Disease
In his remarks, Mr. Gandu said that most Nigerians have lost their lives to kidney diseases not because there is no treatment but for the financial burden that has been placed on them in the course of getting the treatment.
"The idea to set up this organisation came to me four years ago when I lost my kidney and have to be placed on dialysis for survival. The treatment has taken me to various cities and it was during these trips that I saw the sufferings of my fellow Nigerians.What to Expect to Happen If Kidney Failure Patients Stop Dialysis
Stating the reason for the high rate of Kidney diseases in Nigeria, Head, Department of Nephrology, Jos University Teaching Hospital, Dr. Emmanuel Agaba, represented by Dr. Gimba Mark revealed that hypertension, as well as drug abuse are the commonest causes of kidney diseases in Nigeria.What Did Ancient Chinese Medicine Use for Kidney Failure
"The risk factors for kidney diseases are hypertensions, diabetes, and chronic glomeluron nephritis are usually the three commonest and diabetes is the commonest cause of kidney diseases worldwide, but hypertension and chronic are the most common in Nigeria. Also are lots of things that we do like use of drugs without prescriptions such as the pain killers, herbal medicines. "Medicated Bath for Kidney Disease

Stem cell Therapy in China can help patients solve this problem, Stem cell Therapy are primitive cells in human body and they have remarkable potentials of differentiation and regeneration. They can not only regenerate themselves through cell division but also differentiate into tissues or organs or specific cells in the kidneys, so Stem cell Therapy has obvious effects in repairing the damaged cells in patients’ kidneys.

Cure Membranous Glomerulonephritis (MN) by stem cell Therapy in our hospital

We cure MN by stem cell Therapy in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital. I would End Stage Renal Disease Secondary to Chronic Glomerulonephritis
like to share with you some info about stem cell Therapy in our hospital. I hope this article can be some of help for Membranous Glomerulonephritis (MN) patients.
stem cell Therapy is no doubt the most effective treatment for Membranous Glomerulonephritis (MN) in the medical world. In Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, there are 19 different kinds of stem cell Therapy in total.
Stem cell treatments are a type of intervention strategy that introduces new cells into damaged tissue in order to treat disease or injury. They have the potential to change the face of human disease and alleviate suffering. stem cell Therapy are primitive cells in human body and they have remarkable potentials of differentiation and regeneration. The ability of stem cell to self-renew and give rise to subsequent generations with variable degrees of differentiation capacities, offers significant potential for generation of tissues that can potentially replace diseased and damaged areas in the body, with minimal risk of rejection and side effects. They can not only regenerate themselves through cell division but also differentiate into tissues or organs or specific cells in the kidneys. As a result stem cell Therapy has obvious effects in treating Membranous Glomerulonephritis (MN) .Lifespan of Diffuse Membranous Glomerulonephritis Patients
The advantages of Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital for Membranous Glomerulonephritis (MN) are including:
1. Professional kidney disease hospital with 26 years’ history.
2. The most advanced equipment and techniques were brought from different counties in the world.What Treatments Are Available for Mesangial Proliferative Glomerulonephritis
3. Powerful experts’ team.Is There Any Chance to Cure Glomerulonephritis
4. Comfortable and enjoyable environment and the best service.
Every year, more than 500 foreign Membranous Glomerulonephritis (MN) patients from 50 different counties come to Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital to perform stem cell Therapy. So many years’ experience fully proves the safety and effectiveness of our therapy.

So if you are now troubled by Membranous Glomerulonephritis (MN) kidney disease, stem cell Therapy can help you solve the problems.

Lupus Nephritis Stage 4 - Many thanks for Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital

Moved stories are going on in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital.
Listen to a mother's word:
My 17yr old daughter was just diagnosed with Lupus Nephritis Stage 4, almost 4 weeks ago. She was in the Hospital for several weeks and it took the Drs. a week to stabalize her so they could get the Biopsy of her Kidneys. She will be having her 2nd treatment this Thurs. It took many trips to the ER and a lot of me fighting for answers and not settling with their answers. She was eventually referred to a Gastrologist who told us the problem was her Gall Bladder, so he removed her Gall Bladder 7 weeks prior to being admitted into the Hospital with severe water retention, blood and protein in her urine.Stage 3 Lupus Nephritis: How to Improve Kidney Function to Avoid Dialysis
Her 4th day in the Hospital her Kidneys were shutting down, and they were moving her to ICU. Her Platelet count was only 12,000 and normal is 200,000, so they could not do the Biopsy. She ended up having a Transfusion, and they were able to do the Biopsy 7 days after being admitted. She has a Superficial Blood Clot in each arm and is now on a Blood Thinner called Lovenox. I of course could go on and on about everything she has been through, all of the test, blood draws, meds that she has to take everyday. She now has a Nephrologist, Hematologist and a Rheumatologist.How to Improve the Prognosis of Lupus Nephritis with Creatinine 7
I am so glad I found this hospital for my daughter, me and our entire family to be able to know about other people just like my daughter, especially kids, who have the same disease as our daughter. Here my daughter was treated by stem cell Therapy, which aims at the causes of Lupus Nephritis. Now my daughter is in a very good state, and his conditions are still. I am pretty appreciate for Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, which is a place give my daughter new birth.Patients with Creatinine 2.3 of Lupus Nephritis: How to Avoid Dialysis

If you are just like the mother mentioned above, welcome you checked in our hospital.

Swelling in the legs and sodium and water retention in Diabetes

Swelling in the legs and sodium and water retention are common symptoms in
Diabetes. Water retention, or edema, causes feet, legs or other body parts to swell. It can result from sitting too long, hormones, medications or some illnesses such as diabetes.
If you are diabetic and have noticed some leg swelling recently, the following could be a few reasons for it.
The main reason for leg swelling in diabetes is peripheral edema. Fluids collect in the feet, ankles and leg and this condition can become quite severe if left untreated. A consultation with a doctor is a must.Excessive Sweating and Kidney Function 31% with Diabetes
Sometimes, a diabetic may suffer from diabetic neuropathy. This is a condition that leads to numbness in legs and feet. As a result, the diabetic may not be able to feel an injury, maybe something even as severe as a sprain or a fracture and continue to use the limb. But the swelling caused by the injury is what will raise concern, which is why a consultation with the doctor becomes very important.Can Ketosterol Reduce Creatinine 5.5 for CKD Patients with Diabetes
Diabetics have low immunity towards infections and your swelling could very well be a sign of an infection in the leg. Further signs that you may have an infection can be a mild fever and redness along with the swelling.
Sometimes a high blood pressure can also result in leg swelling as fluids begin to build up within the tissues of the body. These are symptoms of a congestive heart failure and if you also feel like you have trouble breathing and are fatigued, you should rush to the nearest hospital.Home Remedies for Diabetes Patients with Creatinine 1.33 How Bad Can Be Foaming Urine in A Diabetes Patient
Then is there any effective treatment for swelling in the legs and sodium and water retention in Diabetes? stem cell therapy help diabetes solve this problem.
stem cell therapy in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital is a breakthrough in biomedical science, which brings new hope to people with diabetes.
stem cell therapy are primitive cells in human body and they have remarkable potentials of differentiation and regeneration. They can not only regenerate themselves through cell division but also differentiate into tissues or organs or specific cells in the body. They can active the insulin secretion cells and repair the damaged insulin secretion cells, improve the ability of using the insulin in the body. so stem cell therapy has obvious effects in treating diabetes.Renal Failure Due to Diabetes: Can Kidneys Be Restored without Dialysis

Clinic data showed that stem cell therapy have helped more than 10000 diabetes patients curing their disease who checked in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital. Welcome you visit our hospital.


What Causes Nephrotic Syndrome

People who are diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome want to know the reason why they get it. In this passage, I will explain it for you in detail.
Kidney can filtrate the blood in the whole body. The metabolism and other waste in the blood leak out of the body through the filtration membrane. The filtration membrane plays a role as barrier. When patients got Nephrotic Syndrome, this barrier is damaged. Therefore, the protein leaks out increased and patients will found foam in their urine and they don’t disappear for long period.How to Stop Swollen Stomach for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Stem Cell Therapy for Nephrotic Syndrome
The lost protein leads to the decreased level of protein in your body. In this case, the balance between capillaries and liquid in tissues break up which lead to high blood sugar. The intake of water in tissues leak out from the blood which leads to swelling. The effective blood content decreases, which will increased the viscosity of your blood as well. It will lead to the ischemia and anoxia in your kidney. In addition, the decreases of blood flow in the kidney can also lead to decreased glomerular filtration rate, which can also worsen your function of your kidney.Nephrotic Syndrome Treatment Effective Treatment to Reduce Swelling for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients

From the reason mentioned above, we can figure out what causes the Nephrotic Syndrome. All in all, the main cause of it is the damages in your kidney. If the damage is not very seriously, you can cure it easily. If there are serious damages in your kidney, it is very difficult for you to cure it completely. We all know that if we can’t treat kidney disease timely, all the kidney disease can turn into uremia after five to ten years. So it is very important for you to have a timely treatment once you are diagnosed with Nephrotic Syndrome. Could It Be Nephrotic Syndrome with Proteinuria but No Swelling
Knowing the causes of the Nephrotic Syndrome can help us treat it timely. If you are unlucky that you have missed the best time to treat it timely, you have a chance to chat with experts on line to know more information about three latest treatments for Nephrotic Syndrome. All these three have good effects for these patients with kidney failure. You are welcomed.

How do we cure lupus nephritis in Shijiazhuang kidney disease Hospital

Kidney failure is the main reasons of death in SLE patients. For SLE patients, there must be kidney damages in different degrees.
Various SLE in different stage is similar to nephritis, which have the different symptoms. While typical sclerosis nephritis symptoms will occur at last.
Effective treatment for lupus nephritis patients in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital Lupus Nephritis Treatment
1. Plasmapheresis
As lupus nephritis is an immune disease in the whole body, there are lots of toxic lie in the blood of the patients. In order to cure lupus nephritis completely, we need firstly clean out the toxic in patients'blood through special equipment.Lupus with Creatinine 121: Does It Mean I Have Kidney Failure
2. Purify of blood fat
We brought many advanced equipment from other countries all over the world, which can help Lupus Nephritis patients clean out the low density lipoprotein in the body. In this way, we can improve the HLP(hyperlipidaemia) effectively and decrease the risks of Cardiac Cerebral Vascular Disease.
3. Eliminate white cells in the body Lupus Nephritis: High Creatinine Level and Itching Skin Lupus Nephritis: Improve GFR with Creatinine 2.8 Naturally
This technology mainly eliminates white cells which are redundant and abnormal in the body so that the blood cells proportion can be in normal range.
4. Immune adsorption or perfusion
This is a very effective way to clean out the toxic in patients' body. Human blood mixed with immune complex flows through particular device, which had a specific materials can absorb immune complex in lupus patients' body.

More detail about how we lupus nephritis in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, please consult experts on line for free.

Recurrent FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis) Treatment Options- Immunotherapy

FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis) is a disease that attacks the filtering New Treatment for Fatigue for FSGS Patients
system of kidney causing serious scarring. In recent years, more and more FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis) cases develop into kidney failure, which is because it can not be treated well and it always recurs. Are there any recurrent FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis) treatment options?
In clinical, FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis) patients are mainly treated by medicines, like prednisone or prednisolone helps to control proteinuria; diuretics and low salt diet help to control swelling; ACE inhibitor or ARB to control blood pressure or lower urine protein; statins to lower the cholesterol level and so on. However, these medicines still can not stop the worsening of the disease. Many FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis) patients will develop into kidney failure with 5-7 years, at that time, dialysis treatment or kidney transplant will be their choice, and we do believe that they are not what patients want.Can Diet Restore Kidney Damage for FSGS Patients with Dialysis
As a matter of fact, there is a treatment option for recurrent FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis) in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, and it has not been used in other hospitals, it is unique in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. Well, this recurrent FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis) treatment option is Immunotherapy.Stem Cell Therapy for FSGS Patients
Its purpose is to repair the damaged glomeruli, recover kidney function and rebuild the innate immune system of human body. Blood purification techniques will be used to eliminate all kinds of harmful substances, not just the creatinine, UA, BUN and other micromolecule substances, which helps FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis) patients create a nice internal environment and increase pesticide effects; Western medicines will be used to restrain the immune inflammation reaction and stop the further damage to kidneys; Chinese herbal medicine will be used to eliminate the immune complexes depositing in kidneys and which can not be eliminated by the blood purification techniques, and also the Chinese herbal medicine can nourish the damaged kidneys and some active materials will recover the innate immune system gradually. So Immunotherapy is a kind of systemic therapy.Medicated Bath with Chinese Medicine for Patients with FSGS

Most FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis) patients have already started dialysis treatment in their countries before coming to our hospital for treatment, which means the illness condition is usually delayed. So we warn all the FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis) and other kidney diseases patients to stop delaying it any more, in order not to lose more kidney function.

The Chronic FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis) Diet

That much protein and other necessary materials leak out through the urine is aFocal Segmental Glomerular Sclerosis Diet﹠Fitness
very common system of FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis). In order to slow the worsening speed of FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis), patients should pay more attention to their diet. A reasonable chronic FSGS diet is something that patient can easily implement.
Sodium intake FSGS Diet&Fitness
In order not to aggravate high blood pressure or cause swelling, patients with FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis) should control the sodium intake. Canned foods are particularly high sources of sodium in the American diet. Fresh foods over packaged and convenience foods are recommended.
Protein intake
In order not to increase the kidneys’ burden, patients with FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis) should control the intake of protein. However, protein is something essential our body needs, so patients should take the foods containing high quality of protein like fish, chicken, milk, lean meat and eggs and so on. Diet for FSGS Patients with 70 Percent Kidney Functioning
Fat and cholesterol intake
High fat and cholesterol intake may cause many complications, so patients with FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis) should control the intake of fat and cholesterol. Egg white is good for patients, not the yolk. And foods like chocolate, candy, dessert, ice-cream, peanut, honey, butter, cream and animal fat should be controlled.Available Protein Intake and Exercise for FSGS Patients
Water intake Eating Advice for Patients with FSGS
A small amount of water is good for FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis) patients, too much fluid will be out of the damaged kidneys’ control. In order not to cause the waster retention, when patients feel thirsty, they can go for some fruits like watermelon, grapes and berries and so on.Can Drinking Alcohol Affect FSGS

However, chronic FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis) diet can only play a helping role, if patients want to control FSGS (Focal Segmental Glomerulonephritis) well or even cure it, an efficient treatment is the key. Moreover, the amount of protein, water, sodium, patients need is different from people to people, our doctor will give you the specific diet suggestions or our special treatment according to the specific illness condition. You can directly ask the online experts or you can leave us a message.


Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome in Child

Nephrotic Syndrome in child means child has symptoms of Nephrotic Syndrome which include large amounts of protein in urine, serious swelling (edema),How to Stop Swollen Stomach for Nephrotic Syndrome Patients
hypoproteinemia and hypercholesterolemia. Among these symptoms, swelling and protein in urine which is manifested as foamy urine (bubbly urine) usually are the original reasons that parents bring their child go to hospital for treatment. For some children, they may have blood urine, which is another cause for children go to hospital for treatment.
Treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome in child should be chose careful by parents. Child has a long way to go in their life; if improper treatment is given, it not only means there is no treatment effects, but also deterioration of their disease. Therefore, choosing an effective treatment is of primary importance for children’s future.Stem Cell Therapy for Nephrotic Syndrome
Immunotherapy is the treatment which treatment for Nephrotic Syndrome in child through regulating immune system and recovering impaired kidney function. In this therapy, both Chinese medicines and Stem Cell Transplant are applied and through the combination of them, Nephrotic Syndrome in child is treated effectively. For some children, after the immunotherapy, their kidney functions are recovered greatly and they can live as freely as other children. However, in serious cases, children’s disease only can be controlled and although they look the same with other healthy children, they need to pay much more attention in their daily life so as to avoid relapse of their disease. Therefore, if your child is suffering from Nephrotic Syndrome, you should bring him to the effective treatment as early as possible.Chinese Medicine Treatment for Minimal Change Disease Treatment for Children Nephrotic Syndrome due to FSGS

Immunotherapy combines the Chinese medicine and advanced western medical technology. This combination makes it effective in treating Nephrotic Syndrome in child. Besides, the early the children receive this treatment, the better the treatment effects are. Besides, your children may need to follow some dietary principle during the treatment and children always have poor ability in controlling themselves; so we may need you to help you children in this aspect.

How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy effect

How does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy effect
What the effects of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy?
The amazing effects of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in treating kidney disease are as follows:
1. Broaden blood vessels.
If kidney is damaged, it will filtrate less blood so that the blood flow through kidney is reduced. Then, the kidney will have the condition of ischemia. After dilating blood vessel and activating blood circulation, more blood can pass to kidney, bringing enough blood and oxygen to kidney. In addition, more nutrition can also get to kidney with blood circulation, which is helpful for kidney to repair itself.Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy: New Hope for CKD Patients in China
2. Removing the blood stasis and toxins in blood.
Kidney plays a role of discharging toxin and metabolic waste out of body, so once kidney can not work well, toxin and metabolic waste will deposit in body, affecting other internal body organ at the same time. Some Chinese herbs are good at eliminating toxins and stasis, and such herbs are also added to the prescription.Price for Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure
3. Protecting remained kidney function and repair part of damaged kidney.
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is used to protect the healthy cells and repair partly damaged cells. As for those totally damaged cells, Micro-Chinese Medicine can not work on these cells, so only stem cell treatment can cover this because stem cell Therapy can differentiate into new kidney cells.
Then how does Micro-Chinese Medicine effects?
It affect through the following channels: Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy for Kidney Failure Patients
1. Depending on its high permeability and selective site-specific function, it can arrive directly at the lesions through the skin of bilateral renal area with the action of the osmosis equipment.
2. Enter the blood through the back skin or through digestive tract by taking medicine orally. The medicine can targeting the renal lesions along with blood circulation.How Does Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy Work for CKD
3. The medicine can target the lesions after being led into the body through back meridian and collateral stem cell.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the main therapy used in treating kidney diseases. As I said, different patients need different prescriptions. Traditional Chinese Medicines together with advanced technique, treatment effect has been proved by many years application.

Treatment for Proteinuria of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)

Proteinuria is a common symptom of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) . Patients will find that even though they are taking the steroid drugs, there still have lots of proteins leak into the urine. The illness condition is very easy to relapse. During the repeated relapses, the condition will become worse and worse, and in general, the condition will develop into kidney failure within 5-7 years.Stem Cell Therapy for FSGS Patients
Is there any efficient treatment for proteinuria of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and can patients with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) avoid kidney failure? The answer must be definite.
Immunotherapy used in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital has found the root cause of causing proteinuria. The immunosuppressive drugs can only restrain the immune inflammation reaction but can not remove the immune complexes and repair the damaged glomeruli. However, the immunotherapy can do this.FSGS Symptoms, Treatment, Complications ,Diet,food, Prognosis,Basic, Diagnosis
Firstly, Chinese herbal medicine can eliminate the immune complexes through promoting the blood circulation and removing the blood stasis, then it can also provide the nutrient for the damaged glomeruli, so after a period of time, the damaged kidneys will become healthier and healther, then the filtration function will be recovered, so patients will find there is less and less bubbles in their urine, proteinuria disappears.What Does BUN 37 for FSGS Patients How to Get Rid of Creatinine 7 for FSGS Patients

Before we use Chinese herbal medicine, we will do the immune diagnosis for patients with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) , which can help us to know the damaged part of kidneys and the damage degree. Also the western medicine will be used in immune blocking and immune tolerance. Many foreign patients say that Immunotherapy is a systemic therapy, and it makes them to know about the greatness of Chinese herbal medicine.

The Treatment Options for Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)

In clinical, patients with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) are usually
treated with the steroid drugs, the immunosuppressive drugs, however, some patients will find there still has lots of proteins leakage, and medications can not stop the worsening of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), it will develop into kidney failure.
When Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) develops into Renal Failure, what will the treatment options will be? FSGS Symptoms, Treatment, Complications ,Diet,food, Prognosis,Basic, Diagnosis
When the illness condition develops into kidney failure, dialysis treatment will be used commonly. That is because dialysis can help patients remove the wastes and excessive water and maintain their lives to some extent. However, dialysis can not treat Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and kidney failure and any other kidney diseases. Moreover, some patients may suffer from the side effects caused by dialysis treatment, such as visual disturbances, migraines, blood pressure changes, pulsating effect in eyes, nausea and vomiting and so on. Sometimes, dialysis must be used, while patients should not undergo dialysis for the rest of their life. Now more and more patients decide to stop the dialysis treatment.Stem Cell Therapy for FSGS Patients
Kidney transplant
Only 1% of patients who receive kidney transplant can live for 10 years, and no one can ensure himself is the lucky one. After the operation, patients will have to take the anti-rejection drugs for the rest of their life, however, after a period of time, patients will find their creatinine becomes higher and higher, the new kidneys has been damaged. There are many such cases in the clinical. 95% of the kidney diseases belong to the immune system disorder, kidney transplant does not do anything to restore the immune system, and the long-term use of anti-rejection drugs can destroy the immune system.
Immunotherapy Is There Cure for FSGS with Nephrotic Syndrome

We have to say this unique treatment in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital is the most efficient treatment for Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). It can help Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients avoid dialysis or kidney transplant. Because every step of Immunotherapy aims to deal with the factors that causes kidney damage and immune adjustment and immune protection aims to repair the damaged kidneys and restore the innate immune system of human body. We will be here fighting against the disease with you, you can directly ask the online experts how Immunotherapy works to treat Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) or you can leave us a message, we will send you the information as soon as possible.


Chronic interstitial nephritis causes and symptoms

Causes of Interstitial Nephritis
Interstitial nephritis may be temporary (acute), or it may be long-lasting (chronic) and get worse over time.
The acute form of interstitial nephritis is most often caused by side effects of certain drugs.
The following can cause interstitial nephritis:
Allergic reaction to a drug (acute interstitial allergic nephritis)
Autoimmune disorders such as anti-tubular basement membrane disease, Kawasaki’s disease, Sjogren syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, or Wegener’s granulomatosis How to Remedy Glomerulonephritis of GFR 34 with Blood Pollution Therapy
Lupus Nephritis Patients on Renal Diet
Long-term use of medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS). This is called analgesic nephropathy.Chinese Medicine Treatment for Glomerulonephritis Induced by Hepatitis B
Side effect of certain antibiotics (including penicillin, ampicillin, methicillin, sulfonamide medications, and others)
Side effect of other medications such as furosemide, thiazide diuretics, omeprazole, triamterene, and allopurinol
Too little potassium in your blood Management for Chronic Nephritis
Too much calcium or uric acid in your blood
Symptoms of Interstitial Nephritis
Interstitial nephritis can cause mild to severe kidney problems, including acute kidney failure. In about half of cases, people will have decreased urine output and other signs of acute kidney failure.SLE with Kidney Disease Stage 4: How Do I Handle with It
Symptoms of this condition may include:
Ringing in ears - occasionally
Dizziness - occasionally
Deafness - occasionally
Impaired concentration
Sleeping problems
Lower back pain Back, Flank, Stomach Pain and Chronic Kidney Disease
Increased urination
Increased sensitivity to cold
Increased nighttime urination
Swollen ankles
Tingling and numbness in hands and feet
Metabolic acidosis
Weight loss
Itching Itchy Skin and kidney disease
Breathing difficulty - in advanced cases
Dry skin Dry Skin and Chronic Kidney Disease
Kidney damage
Progressive kidney dysfunction

Kidney failure may eventually develop

Why does IgA Nephropathy always Relapse

IgA Nephropathy can occur at any age, even in childhood. It affects more men than women. IgA Nephropathy is one of the most common diseases of the kidney, other than those caused by Diabetes or high blood pressure. For patients with IgA Nephropathy, the most troublesome problem is the relapse. Then why does IgA Nephropathy always relapse?
How does IgA Nephropathy happen? Improve Kidney Function for IgA Nephropathy in End Stage Renal Disease
When people’s immune system becomes abnormal, their immunity will be low. The virus or bacteria will invade the human body, at this time, the human body will produce the abnormal IgA which will combine with antigen and then produce immune complexes. Being the immune system is abnormal, these immune complexes will deposit in the kidneys. These immune complexes don’t belong to kidneys, and kidneys will treat them as the foreign body, so immune inflammation reaction happens. But the immune inflammation reaction can also damage kidneys, and the damage is more severe than that caused by immune complexes.
Why does IgA Nephropathy relapse? How to Slow Down the Progression for IgA Nephroapthy Patients with 48% Kidney Function
In clinical, patients with IgA Nephropathy usually are treated with medicines. Symptom like proteinuria will be treated by the steroid drugs, the immunosuppressive drugs will be used to restrain the immune inflammation reaction to stop the further damage to kidneys. However, only medicines is not enough. New Treatments for IgA Nephropathy Patients Rather Than Dialysis
From the information above, we know that the immune complexes depositing in kidneys still exist, and there are no western medicine can eliminate them, which means the immune inflammation reaction may reappear at ant time. At this time, if patients have any infections, even a cold, IgA Nephropathy will happen again.

If we want to treat IgA Nephropathy from the root, we must restore the innate immune system of human body. In that case, even though there are infections, our immune system will eliminate them and there has no immune complexes deposit in kidneys, then no immune inflammation reaction, then no kidney damage. Also the kidney damage should be repaired. Immunotherapy brings hopes for IgA Nephropathy patients, as to the treatment for IgA Nephropathy, patients can ask the online experts or leave us a message. Don’t forget that you are not alone, we will be there fighting against the disease with you.

Treating Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) from the Root Cause

Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a kind of disease that the glomeruli FSGS Patients with Heavy Nose Bleed: Causes and Treatment How to Get Rid of Creatinine 7 for FSGS Patients
is damaged. If the initial glomeruli nephritis can not be treated well, it may develop into Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) , then Nephrotic Syndrome, and then kidney failure, which is the worsening process. If you are a FSGS patient and you are eager to find the efficient treatment to avoid worsening, you should know the root cause of kidney disease. Hope the following information can help all the Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)  patients.
95% of the kidney diseases belong to the immune system disorder. When the innate immune system is abnormal, the immunity will be relatively low. And this is the time when people are easy to get infected. Because our immune system has become abnormal, our human body can not eliminate those immune complexes produced by the combination of antigen and antibody. Some of the immune complexes will deposit in the kidneys. Kidneys treat these immune complexes as the foreign body and they want them to leave their field, so our body will produce lots of immune inflammation factors to eliminate these immune complexes through inflammation, and we call it immune inflammation reaction. However, the immune inflammation reaction can also damage kidneys and the damage is much severe than that caused by the immune complexes. Now the kidneys have been damaged.Treatments for FSGS Patients with Itching
From the information above Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)  patients can know that the immune inflammation reaction causes the kidney damage, and the reason why immune inflammation reaction exists is that there has immune complexes deposit in kidneys. FSGS patients may find that the immune system can not remove the immune complexes out of body, which gives them a chance to deposit in kidneys.Is It A Horror to Have FSGS and Creatinine 4.6
So Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients should go and find the treatment which can stop the immune inflammation reaction, eliminate the immune complexes depositing in kidneys and restore the innate immune system of human body. Don’t forget to repair the damaged kidneys.

Immunotherapy, a special treatment in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, has brought hopes for FSGS patients. Foreign patients say they have never seen such a treatment and they are very lucky. As to how Immunotherapy works to treat FSGS, you can ask the online experts directly or you can leave us a message, we will send you the information you want as soon as possible.

Can Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) be Cured

What is Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) ? It is a kind of disease that the glomeruli has been damaged. Let's take a simple example: there are lots of apples in a box, these apples stands for your glomerulis. Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) means that some of the apples have been gone bad, but the degree is not totally, that is to say, for an apple that goes bad, a part of it has been bad, while a part of it is still good.
If we take no care of these bad apples, the area that goes bad will become bigger and bigger and till the whole apple become totally bad. So if the Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) can not be controlled well, the whole glomeruli will be sclerotic. And if one apple has been totally bad, it will influence others, then the ones that are partly bad will become worse and worse, and the good ones will begin to get bad, in that case, the final result will be the whole box of apples get totally bad, which means all the glomerulis get sclerotic, the whole kidney stops working.Stem Cell Therapy for FSGS Patients
In clinical, patients with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) are usually treated with the medicines. However, they can not treat the disease from the root. The immunosuppressive drugs can stop the further kidney damage through restraining the immune inflammation reaction but they do nothing to repair the damaged kidneys, which is just like we only take the measures to stop the area that goes bad becoming bigger and bigger, but the bad part of the apple is still there and the apple is very possible to keep going bad easily.What Is an Alternative Treatment for FSGS Kidney Diseases
We treat Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) through Immunotherapy, a special treatment in shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, which foreign patients have never seen in other hospitals. Immunotherapy can not only deal with all the factors that cause the apple goes bad also can repair the bad part of the apple. So it can make the bad apples become better and better, which can prevent more apples getting bad and the whole kidney being junked.FSGS Patients with Creatinine 6.8: Causes and Treatment Is There Cure for FSGS with Nephrotic Syndrome
Immunotherapy is such an efficient treatment which can help Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients control the illness condition well and avoid dialysis or kidney transplant. How Immunotherapy works to treat Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) , you can directly ask the online experts for help, or you can leave us a message, if you are not available at the moment, we will send you the information through email or make you a call at your convenience.


Will Dialysis Help Improve Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)

If Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) can not be controlled well, patients will find their creatinine levels become higher and higher. That means the kidney function becomes less and less. In general, when the creatinine level reaches about 5.1 mg/dl, dialysis will be recommended. Then some patients may ask whether dialysis can help improve Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS).Medicated Bath with Chinese Medicine for Patients with FSGS
Dialysis replaces the filtration function of kidneys, helping the kidney disease patients remove the waste products and other toxins and excessive water out of body. But dialysis treatment can not replace other functions of kidneys. Maybe FSGS patients feel good after the dialysis treatment, because the toxins has been eliminated. But it is temporary. When the dialysis treatment stops, the creatinine, BUN level will increase again, or patients will take the dialysis treatment for the rest of their life. But the statistics show that 70% of dialysis patients can live for 5 years.Stem Cell Therapy for FSGS Patients
Dialysis treatment must be used under some circumstances, but it should not be permanent. Dialysis treatment can not treat Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and any other kidney diseases. As a matter of fact, long-term use of dialysis delays the treatment of repairing the damaged kidneys. Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients should not have dependence on dialysis treatment, what they should do is to find the efficient treatment to help them avoid dialysis treatment and treat FSGS from the root.
Stem Cell Therapy becomes the most efficient treatment for Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and other kidney diseases patients in 2012. It contains six steps, and every step has its special purpose, the advanced blood purification techniques, western medication and Chinese herbal medicine will be used in Stem Cell Therapy  . The final purpose of Stem Cell Therapy  is to rebuild the innate immune system of human body.What Is an Alternative Treatment for FSGS Kidney Diseases Is There Cure for FSGS with Nephrotic Syndrome

Here we would like to warn all the Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients that they can avoid dialysis treatment if they take the early treatment, and if the kidney function can be increased to about 30, you are likely to get rid of dialysis treatment. While different people have different conditions. You can tell the online experts your current kidney function and other symptoms, they will provide the free help for you, or you can leave us a message, we will send you the information as soon as possible.

How to Help Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) Patients Treat Proteinuria

Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is a kind of disease which is rooted in immune disorder. For patients with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) , the common symptoms include swelling, proteinuria, urine output decrease and so on. If it is not controlled well, the condition will develop into Renal Failure within 5-7 years. At that time, dialysis treatment or a kidney transplant will be their only choice. How to help Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients treat proteinuria? Stem Cell Therapy for FSGS Patients
In clinical, proteinuria is usually treated through the steroid drugs. There are some Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients can respond to these medicine well, and proteinuria will disappear after a period of time. However, under such kinds of circumstances, the proteinuria may reappear: stop taking medicine, reduce the dose of medicine, infections and overwork. Do you know the reason why proteinuria always relapses? FSGS with Creatinine 4.8: How to Treat Proteinuria Naturally
The reason why proteinuria appears is that the glomeruli is damaged. When the immunity is low, the immune complexes produced by the combination of antigen and antibody will deposit in the kidneys, at this time, human body will secrete the inflammatory mediator to fight against the immune complexes, we call it immune inflammation reaction. However, during this battle, kidneys are unavoidable to be damaged, so proteinuria and other symptoms appear. While the steroid drugs can only restrain the immune inflammation reaction and stop the further damage to kidneys, so the proteinuria can be controlled temporarily. But these medicines have not eliminated the immune complexes depositing in the kidneys, so if those circumstances we mentioned above happen, the immune inflammation reaction may start again and the proteinuria reappears.Medicated Bath with Chinese Medicine for Patients with FSGS
 How Does Proteinuria Occur in FSGS

Only the western medicine is not enough. Besides, we still need the advanced blood purification techniques to help Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) or other kidney disease patients eliminate the toxins in the blood to create a nice internal environment, also we need the Chinese herbal medicine to eliminate the immune complexes depositing in kidneys and repair the damaged kidneys. We need to combine the western medicines, Chinese herbal medicines and the advanced blood purification techniques, so Stem Cell Therapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital comes into beings. While the use of steroid drugs is just one step of Immunotherapy. So in many other hospitals, proteinuria of FSGS can only be controlled temporarily. Stem Cell Therapy aims to repair the damaged kidneys and recover the kidney function, so it is such a treatment which treats Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) and other kidney diseases from the root.

Can glucocorticoid reserve the lupus nephritis

Some patients who checked in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital with lupus nephritis told us they usually treat lupus nephritis by glucocorticoid.
Can glucocorticoid reserve the lupus nephritis? The experts’ opinions are as follows:
There are some serious side effects if you use some medicines like GCS, immunosuppressive.Lupus Nephritis: Improve GFR with Creatinine 2.8 Naturally
1. Disorder of material metabolism or salt and water metabolic
When you used glucocorticoid for long time, a disorder of material metabolism or salt and water metabolic will occur in our body. Some other symptoms may also occur such as swelling, hypokalemia, hypertension, glycosuria, moon face, buffalo bump, obesity and so on. What is more, in children it can be because inhibition of growth hormone secretion and cause negative nitrogen balance, which will effect the growth of the children.How to Lower Creatinine 1.6 Naturally with Lupus Nephritis
2. Cause or worsen the infection Stage 3 Lupus Nephritis: How to Improve Kidney Function to Avoid Dialysis
Corticosteroids can suppress the immune function so that it will increase the risks of infections. Especially for patients who has a lower immune ability.
3. The digestive immune complications Pain in Left Abdomen and Right Shoulder in Patients with Lupus Nephritis
Gucocorticoid can stimulate the stomach acid and reduce gastric mucous membrane immunity, So that it will appear sudden bleeding and perforation of serious complications.
4. The cardiovascular immune complications
Long-term use of corticosteroids can lead to sodium and water retention and elevated blood fat level, which can cause high blood pressure and sclerosis of arterial congee appearance.

5. Osteoporosis and vertebrae a stress fracture and Neural mental disorders and by cataracts and glaucoma and other symptoms and disease in lupus patients.

High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol and IgA Nephropathy

The treatment for IgA Nephropathy usually focus on curing the symptoms and the complications, it neglects the root cause of the disease and the repair to damaged kidneys. That is the reason why more and more IgA Nephropathy patients develop into Renal Failure.How to Control High Blood Pressure in IgA Nephropathy Patients
High blood pressure is a common complication of IgA Nephropathy. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) are usually used in clinical. These medications not only lower blood pressure also play a certain role in reducing proteinuria. They are good medicines, but long-term use can cause certain side effects. Pregnant women should not take ARBs or ACE inhibitors because they can damage the unborn baby. High cholesterol is another complication of IgA Nephropathy. If patients pay more attention to their diet and with the help of medicines, the cholesterol level can be lowered.
Prednisone may help treat IgA Nephropathy, but long-term use can cause harmful side effects, such as moon face, poor growth and development, osteoporosis and even infertility and so on. As to the treatment for IgA Nephropathy or its complications, all the medicines have side effects. Moreover, not all the patients respond to steroid drugs well, for this group of patients, they can only wait for the worsening of the disease.High Blood Pressure and Creatinine 2.1 in IgA Nephropathy What Should IgA Nephropathy Patients Do with High Blood Pressure

Shijiazhuang kidney Disease Hospital tells all the patients with IgA Nephropathy that only medicine is not enough. That is because these medicines can only restrain the immune inflammation reaction and stop the further damage to kidneys. Besides this, we still should clean their blood, eliminate the immune complexes depositing in kidneys and repair the damaged kidneys. That is to say, we should not only deal with all the factors that can cause kidney damage also solve the problems which have been created, and they are the damaged kidneys and abnormal immune system. Here is the treatment for IgA Nephropathy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, and your any question is welcomed.


Lupus Nephritis - how do I deal with it?

As kidney has the function of filtering the toxic in the body, lupus nephritis patients’ kidneys function have been damaged by lupus disease. As a result, there is more toxic depositing in our kidneys which can’t be clean out from body.
P: Hi!I was diagnosed a year ago with Lupus Nephritis, did three months chemo but the doctors proved to be really unprofessional and obviously hadn't deal with a similar case before (outside UK). So I quit and since then I'm only on 200mg of Plaquenil a day.
I will be moving to the UK in September to see a proper doctor. I feel really bad and I'm wondering whether I should continue using Plaquenil. Has anyone with this diagnosis been without treatment for so long? Are steroids the only option (because I'm not going there again, ever)?
Thank you!Lupus Nephritis: How to Lower Creatinine 5.1 without Dialysis
D: Patients with lupus nephritis concerned the effective treatments so much. There are more and more patients died from renal failure caused by lupus nephritis. Generally speaking, in western countries, the common treatments for lupus nephritis are immunosuppressive and glucocorticoids. Although these medicines can help lupus nephritis patients cure the symptoms temporarily, the side effects of it are also serious. If lupus patients use the medicine for long time, they can cause disorder of salt and water metabolism, worsen the infections and some complications in digestive disease and cardiovascular disease and nerve Immunotherapy. In worse case, these medicines will cause some disease in eyes like cataracts and glaucoma.
In Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, there are four effective treatments for your lupus nephritis as follow:
1. Plasma exchange How to Lower Creatinine 1.6 Naturally with Lupus Nephritis
As kidney has the function of filtering the toxic in the body, lupus nephritis patients' kidneys function have been damaged by lupus disease. As a result, there is more toxic depositing in our kidneys which can't be clean out from body. Plasma exchange can help lupus patients clean out the toxic in patients'body through some modern technology and equipments.
2. Purify the blood sugar Blood Pollution Therapy: How to Remedy Stage 3 Lupus Nephritis
This treatment aims at cleaning out the low density lipoprotein from lupus patients'body so that the hyperlipemia can be reserved. This treatment can greatly decrease the risks of cardiovascular disease.
3. Stem cell therapy
As the powerful function of Stem cell, it can differentiate into different Stem cell therapy which are needed in our body. For lupus nephritis patients, there are many damaged cells in their kidneys, Stem cell therapy can help patients repair the damaged cells in kidneys. Stage 3 Lupus Nephritis: How to Improve Kidney Function to Avoid Dialysis
4. Immune adsorption or perfusion
As lupus nephritis is a disease caused by disorder of immune . This technology can help lupus patients clean out the Immune complexes in the body. Clinical data showed that this technology can reserve lupus nephritis greatly.

More info about how to deal with lupus nephritis, please get from the experts on line for free.

The Best Treatment to Cure Proteinuria of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)

Proteinuria is a very common symptom of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS)How to Treat Protein in Urine And GFR Level 60 with FSGS
. When it happens, Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients will find there is lots of bubbles in their urine and these bubbles can last for a relatively long time. However, not all the bubbles in the urine means proteinuria. And we believe that Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients are eager to know the best treatment to cure proteinuria.
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) is such a kind of disease that the glomeruli has been damaged. And before Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) coming on, patients usually have diarrhea or respiratory tract infections. In clinical, Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients are usually prescribed with the steroid drugs to control proteinuria(Proteinuria (Protein in Urine) - CKD Center). While it seems that only the steroid drugs can not stop the steps of worsening.FSGS Symptoms
For some Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients, proteinuria can be controlled temporarily. They will find that the proteinuria will come again when they reduce the medicine dose or stop taking the medicine or when they feel fatigue or get infections, even a cold. There also has a group of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients don’t respond to the steroid drugs well, lots of protein will still be lost even though the medicine is used, in that case, this group of patients may develop into kidney failure with 5-7 years. However, different people have different situations.How to Stop Progression for Stage 3 FSGS Patients
Steroid drugs helps Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) patients control the proteinuria through restraining the immune inflammation reactions and stop the further damage to kidneys. However, a new immune inflammation reaction and kidney damage may appear at any time, for the immune complexes depositing in the kidneys still exist. That is the reason why proteinuria always relapses. So we have to say that the use of steroid drugs is necessary, but not enough.FSGS Patients with Creatinine 6.8: Causes and Treatment New Treatment for Fatigue for FSGS Patients

In our hospital, we adopt Stem Cell Therapy to treat Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) from the root, this treatment aims to repair the damaged kidneys and recover the kidney function. It knows that as long as the kidney function is recovered, patients will avoid or get rid of dialysis treatment and the proteinuria will disappear naturally. As a matter of fact, the use of western medicine is one step of Stem Cell Therapy. Besides it, we still need to clean patients blood through the advanced blood purification techniques, eliminate the immune complexes depositing in kidneys and repair the damaged kidneys and recover the kidney function through Chinese herbal medicine. As to the specific information about treatment for proteinuria of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) , patients can gain the relevant information through asking the online experts directly or leaving us a message.

Stem Cell Therapy in Treating End Stage Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis ( FSGS)

When the illness condition develops into end stage Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis ( FSGS), too much kidney function has been lost. And in general, patients will have the high creatinine level, which need to be lowered through the dialysis treatment. Have you already begun the dialysis treatment? Have you ever heard of Stem Cell Therapy?
If you have not begun the dialysis treatment yet What Is an Alternative Treatment for FSGS Kidney Diseases
In general, when the creatinine level reaches about 5.1 mg/dl, the doctors will recommend the dialysis treatment. But it does not mean that dialysis must be used when patients have high creatinine level. Different people have different situations. However, patients with end stage Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis ( FSGS) are advised to undergo dialysis treatment, if the high creatinine level causes nausea, vomiting, fatigue and other symptoms. While dialysis treatment is not what patients with end stage Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis ( FSGS) want, please don’t say that you have no other choice but undergo dialysis treatment. Stem Cell Therapy can help patients avoid dialysis successfully.Natural Treatment for FSGS Patients in ESRD
If you have already started the dialysis treatment Natural Treatments for Creatinne 5.8 and Urea 62 Stem Cell Therapy for FSGS Patients
Dialysis can help patients with end stage Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis ( FSGS) remove the waste products and excessive fluids out of body, so it can lower the high creatinine level obviously. However, in recent years, more and more dialysis patients have decided to stop the dialysis treatment. Why? Some dialysis patients have to bear the side effects caused by dialysis, such as blood pressure changes, headache, dehydration, nausea, vomiting and so on. The most important reason is that they realize that dialysis treatment can not treat the kidney diseases. Dialysis can only replace the function of eliminating the toxins, as to other functions of kidneys, dialysis treatment is unable to do. So it can not replace our own kidneys. At this time, Stem Cell Therapy brings hope for patients with end stage Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis ( FSGS) , it can help them get rid of dialysis treatment, as long as patients still have more than 15% kidney function.

Stem Cell Therapy -the Most Efficient Treatment for Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis ( FSGS) in 2012, now give yourself a chance to solve your own kidneys, dialysis or kidney transplant is not your final result. The online experts will provide the free help for you or you can leave us a message, if you have any questions about Stem Cell Therapy.

Kidney failure and diabetes with hypertension dialysis 3 time

Every day, many diabetes patients checked in our hospital. When they describe the medical conditions of themselves, they always complain like this: dialysis is provided three days a week and is approximately four hours.
As we all known that diabetes and hypertension are the leading causes of kidney failure. Nowadays, more and more patients are troubled by diabetes. Overtime, diabetes patients always suffer from kidney damage or kidney failure, with the complication of hypertension, as a result, they have to face the situation that dialysis 2 or 3 times a week.What to Expect to Happen If Kidney Failure Patients Stop Dialysis
How to get rid of this vicious circle is concerned by many patients with diabetes for many years, les us listen to the suggestions of renal experts following.
With the development of medical science, you have known the latest treatment can help you cure your diabetes thoroughly, such as Stem cell Therapy, which brings new hope for patients with diabetes.Traditional Chinese Medicine for Kidney Disease Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Stem cell Therapy is a break through in treating diabetes in 2012. It is very different from other common western treatment or Chinese treatment, as Stem cell Therapy have remarkable potentials of differentiation and regeneration. They can not only regenerate themselves through cell division but also differentiate into tissues or organs or specific cells in our body, especially in improving the insulin secretion and active the ability of using insulin.

Some patients may worry about the side effects of Stem cell Therapy, they think Stem cell Therapy isn’t mature still, and the safety is also a problem. In Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, you needn’t worry about these problems, What is more, Stem cell Therapy needs no surgery or cause sufferings or blood matching at all, which help the patients save valuable time. It does not have side effects at all. You do not need to worry about the safety of Stem cell Therapy. Before you have Stem cell Therapy, you have to accept strictly tests. We will be responsibility for you safety.