
Can I Be Pregnant with Kidney Disease

Women having children is born with vocation of it, every woman has a mother's dream. You can nurture a baby is happy thing, however, for people suffering from the disease, it can only be a dream. So, if the patient had kidney disease can be pregnant? Pregnant female patients with kidney disease baby will impact it?

Primary acute nephritis has healed women, the best pregnancy safer in acute nephritis clinical manifestations disappeared three years later. Patients with chronic glomerulonephritis with hypertension or mild azotemia, if the pregnancy, the pregnancy should be terminated. Women suffering from nephrotic syndrome If there is no high blood pressure, kidney function can be normal pregnancy, during pregnancy if the blood albumin decreased, it may cause fetal underweight or premature. In addition, pregnancy prone to blood clots, resulting in other parts of the lesion.

Lupus nephritis patients to complete remission in the disease, with normal renal function, a variety of negative serology more than a year, cytotoxic drugs to disable the following six months, with the consent nephrologists agree to pregnancy. Throughout pregnancy and the postpartum months should be closely monitored to prevent lupus lesions. Kidney damage caused by systemic diseases, in pregnancy usually does not cause deterioration of kidney disease, but prone to high blood pressure and pregnancy-induced hypertension, can easily lead to fetal death.

Such as blood pressure or kidney patients with moderate renal impairment and severe damage, absolutely not pregnant.

Women suffering from kidney disease and want to become pregnant, can contribute to the professional kidney doctor whether pregnancy. Pregnancy should be checked regularly, after 32 weeks of pregnancy, to the hospital once a week, mainly to check urine, blood pressure, kidney function and fetal condition, if high blood pressure should stay in bed, if kidney function decline, will have to terminate the pregnancy.

Now in the treatment of kidney disease in most Western countries will use western medicine, but we also understand that the majority of the treatment of kidney disease medicine containing hormone ingredients, so the fetus would have a certain impact. Every parent wants a healthy baby, it is recommended that the use of traditional Chinese medicine. Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy traditional Chinese medicine therapy without side effects, the efficacy of the use of Chinese hot ideas will directly penetrate into the kidneys to repair the damaged kidney tissue.

If you are interested in our treatment, you can consult our online doctor or leave us a message, our doctors will provide free medical advice for you.

How to Do for Diabetics with High Creatinine Level

How to Do for Diabetics with High Creatinine Level? Once elevated serum creatinine index, in addition to knowledge of the relevant creatinine, but more important is the standard treatment to targeted and reasonable diet. Below details for you how to do high creatinine diabetes mellitus.

Once patients with diabetic nephropathy serum creatinine increased, suggesting that the kidney will have a serious injury. Diabetic nephropathy elevated serum creatinine is common clinical symptoms of late stage diabetic nephropathy, diabetic nephropathy is also gradually increase the patient's condition pathological symptom expression.

Serum creatinine is a product of human muscle metabolism. In muscle creatine primarily through irreversible non-enzymatic dehydration reaction slowly generate creatinine, and then released into the blood with the urine excretion. Thus the total amount of body muscle is closely related to serum creatinine, substantially unaffected by diet, high catabolism and other extra-renal factors, exogenous creatinine intake stable, the amount of in vivo constant (daily 20mg / kg) in the case, serum creatinine concentration depends on the glomerular filtration rate. However, serum creatinine and creatinine clearance rate is not completely consistent, serum creatinine and creatinine clearance rate than the more sensitive. In early renal dysfunction (compensated), creatinine clearance rate and serum creatinine was normal.

When diabetes damage the kidneys glomerular filtration rate dropped to 50% above normal, serum creatinine began to rise rapidly, so that when diabetes is clearly higher than normal serum creatinine, renal function often indicates severe harm. Because creatinine clearance is affected by renal concentrating function, in the case of impaired renal concentration, serum creatinine is the most reliable indicator reflects the glomerular function, and it is an indicator of renal function after diabetes. Normal male serum creatinine of 53 ~ 106gmol / L, women 44.2 ~ 97.2gmol / L.

In the treatment of diabetes, most doctors will advise patients to use insulin therapy, but people know that there are a lot of insulin dependent diabetics do not want to I want and insulin forever. I recommend to patients with diabetic nephropathy, a natural therapy without side effects - Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, This is the characterized therapy of Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, the therapy can be of natural medicine to penetrate into the kidneys damaged tissue, repair damaged kidney tissue . And our hospital Stem Cell Therapy in the treatment of diabetes and the effect of nephropathy is very significant.

If you are interested in our treatments doctors can contact us online or send us an e-mail, my email adress is:renal-disease@hotmail.com in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy is recommended that you active treatment and to strictly control the diet .


What Can You Do with Hypertensive Nephropathy

What Can You Do with Hypertensive Nephropathy ? The problem is an issue the majority of hypertensive patients with kidney disease are more concerned, because many patients with high blood pressure kidney disease is not understood is very comprehensive, so after getting high blood pressure and some kidney patients know will have great fear, faced negative treatment of disease treatment.

Whether hypertensive nephropathy can not cure, patients should try to maintain a positive, optimistic attitude, adhere to the scientific and effective treatment, in order to achieve the best possible therapeutic effect.

How to make hypertensive renal disease patients to maintain a good attitude to actively cooperate with treatment, to generate the confidence to overcome the disease does a lot of hypertensive renal disease patients do not understand why they would have to hypertensive nephropathy;? Why after long-term treatment but the disease is repeated attack and permanently? Many hypertensive renal disease fear of disease, negative, pessimistic attitude stems from and ignorant of the disease is not clear, "the enemy" and how to defeat the enemy yet.

For hypertensive renal disease patients in terms of confidence and trust that now the power of medical science is to overcome the disease, to choose their own method of treatment of the disease, for the best timing of treatment, then, you can still achieve the desired therapeutic effect. Thus, optimistic, positive attitude to overcome hypertensive nephropathy is an indispensable link.

Current treatment methods are different, the face of these treatments and we are prone to wondering, what kind of treatment is effective without side effects it? I recommend Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital --Seven refers to seven kinds of Chinese medicines treatments, the therapy is based on traditional Chinese medicine to create a set of therapies, effective and has no side effects, many foreign patients here get healthy.

Through the introduction of expert, I believe we have to learn more about high blood pressure kidney disease, hospital experts say, regardless of the face of any disease, patients must be positive in the face of treatment, the only way to cure the disease better, I hope the majority of patients can be positive in the face of disease, treatment.


What Are Risks of Type 2 Diabetes' Complications

What Are Risks of Type 2 Diabetes' Complications? Type 2 diabetes is a high incidence of the disease, to patients with damage is great, and therefore we must draw attention to the hospital as soon as possible after the onset of treatment, then pick down and gave endanger type 2 diabetes complications which.

Hazard Type 2 diabetes complications are there?

International Diabetes past academic consensus on the inside there is a certain type II diabetes, high complication phenomenon, this study gives a more definitive conclusion, as much as 75% of the subjects of cardiovascular disease, up to 84% of subjects There are other complications associated with diabetes, patients are often due to the initial treatment is delayed, resulting in poor blood sugar control, which led to the occurrence of diabetes and disease and development. "

Type II diabetes hazards include acute complications, diabetes infection: incidence, the two reinforce each other, to be rid of. Common infections, including respiratory infections and tuberculosis, urinary tract infections and skin infections. Harm in that diabetic hyperosmolar syndrome: to occur in middle-aged, half no history of diabetes, clinical manifestations include severe dehydration, sometimes because of paralysis, coma and other clinical manifestations have been misdiagnosed as cerebral vascular accident, the mortality rate as high as 50%.

Type 2 diabetic nerve harm diabetic neuropathy is one of the most common chronic complications of diabetes, the diabetes death and leading causes of disability. Diabetic neuropathy with peripheral neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy the most common manifestation of peripheral limb numbness, burning or tingling cold, severe tossing through the night; autonomic neuropathy showed abnormal perspiration (anhidrosis, sweat or less sweating), bloating, constipation or diarrhea, standing hypotension, tachycardia or bradycardia, urinary endless or urinary incontinence.

Moreover, diabetes also may lead to renal damage. In all causes of ESRD in diabetes accounted for first. In juvenile patients, renal failure is the main cause of death, diabetes, kidney disease leading to kidney failure more than 17 times. Therefore, patients in the event of sickness must pay serious attention.

Insulin diabetes treatment has always been a common treatment method of treatment, but it should be clear insulin diabetics are dependent, and if control is not good, but also increase the dose, which is going to affect our health . Here to tell you about our Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital characteristics therapy - Four refers to "Four 'One'" Treatments, which use the concept of traditional Chinese medicine and modern technology want to combine, Chinese medicine-based supplement to help diabetics get rid of insulin entanglement. If you are interested in our treatment method can learn more specific treatment by online doctor.


Why Do Uremia Patients Suffer from Muscle Cramps

Many patients with uremia muscle twitching phenomenon will occur, and this is a lot of people are supposed to be of concern. Sometimes, we want to be effective in curing uremia, knowledge of these details is that we must be mastered. Here we give say why uremic patients occur muscle twitching.

Muscle twitching is a common symptom in patients with. Abnormal blood calcium causes convulsions more complex, but a common cause is when uremia. Calcium is a closely related neuromuscular excitability in vivo electrolyte. When calcium ions decrease neuromuscular excitability, can cause muscle twitching. And hypocalcemia in uremic patients is very common, and often accompanied by hyperphosphatemia. The kidney is the main organ of synthesis of active vitamin D, the role of vitamin D is to regulate the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus, calcium and phosphorus product to maintain the body in a certain range.

Uremic patients because the kidneys produce less active vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus balance of the body is broken, intestinal calcium absorption decreased renal excretion of phosphorus reduction, lower serum calcium, phosphorus increased. Some diuretic furosemide (furosemide) will increase calcium excretion. Occasionally there are patients with intravenous bicarbonate to correct acidosis, hypocalcemia can induce convulsions, which

Because in a relatively acidic environment, free calcium concentration will increase, once acidosis was corrected, free calcium concentration is reduced, causing muscle twitching.

In addition to calcium abnormalities, uremic patients because of uremic toxin, uremic peripheral neuropathy can also occur, but also can cause muscle twitching. In addition, uremic patients because of metabolic disorders, can be complicated by restless legs syndrome, manifested as limb involuntary twitching and activities need to keep moving in order to feel comfortable, and this is the cause of muscle spasms in some patients.

These, are the main reason for muscle spasms uremic patients occurred. As long as we find out that, subsequent treatment can be achieved relatively good results, and ultimately be able to get effective treatment. Dialysis is a common method of treatment of uremia, dialysis is not complete but if it will lead to many complications, such as: dizziness, vomiting, tired. We Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital in Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy , the use of traditional Chinese medicine penetration efficacy of therapy will directly penetrate into the kidney lesions, but we can also treat dialysis therapy side effects, does not affect our normal working life.

If you are interested in our therapy, you can contact us by e-mail or online doctors, our doctors can provide free treatment and dietary advice for you.


What Are Symptoms for Elderly Diabetics

Now that the old problems of the elderly, physique naturally there will be some decline, then there is usually lack of exercise, resulting in their diabetes had diabetic complications, for this situation, Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital diabetes specialist diabetes for the elderly in now situation made a detailed introduction, let's look at how the experts introduced, perhaps give you some help.

People with diabetes die of cardiovascular disease than those who age-sex matched non-DM crowd of more than 3 times. The survey found 500 cases of diabetes morbidity heart, brain and kidney of diabetic eye complications and gangrene occur more than 75% in the elderly population, which shows the status of older diabetes prevention in the general population in the prevention and treatment of diabetes, how important. The clinical manifestations of diabetes in a large difference between the different types of diabetes. Type I diabetes is often much to drink, eat, polyuria, weight loss typical of "a little" symptoms, some even ketoacidosis coma due to the first diagnosis. Type II diabetes more insidious onset, there is no more than a few symptoms of 50% to 70% of the cases the first treatment, some because of complications such as vision loss, hypertension, hyperlipoproteinemia.

For elderly diabetic age concept is not reunification, the Chinese use of diabetics over age 60 in 1980 the United Nations called the elderly diabetic; and some countries, now 65 years old dividing line. Elderly onset diabetes can be divided according to their old age, the onset of diabetes and the onset and young adults who continue to old age. The former almost all type II diabetes; the latter mostly type 2 diabetes, but also includes a very small number of Type 1 diabetes. Especially elderly people to produce physiological and psychological degradation, while easily co-exist in many patients, resulting in the elderly compared to young adults with diabetes diabetic condition is more complicated, but also more difficult to treat. It is necessary to understand many features of elderly diabetic to obtain reasonable for control.


How to Prevent Heart Failure for Kidney Failure Patients on Dialysis

Heart failure is a serious complication of chronic renal failure, hemodialysis patients with heart failure, the main reason for the liquid overload, in addition to anemia, arteriovenous fistula, infection can worsen heart failure. Hemodialysis patients with cardiovascular risk factors: smoking, hypertension, diabetes, hypercoagulable state, obesity, lack of physical activity, left ventricular hypertrophy, cholesterol, hyperlipoproteinemia, anemia, hyperparathyroidism.

First, clinical manifestations of heart failure

1. palpitations, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, not supine, cough, cough sputum pink foam.

2. irritability, high blood pressure, heart rate significantly increased.

3. weight gain between hemodialysis significantly, with the heartbeat, gas hemodialysis patients with cardiovascular risk factors: smoking, hypertension, diabetes, hypercoagulable state, obesity, lack of physical activity, left ventricular hypertrophy, cholesterol, hyperlipoproteinemia , anemia, hyperparathyroidism. Pro.

4. facial and limb edema obviously, no urine, oliguria, with breathing difficulties.

5. chest tightness, suffocation, forced to take orthopnea or semi-lying position.

Such as these symptoms should be promptly reported to the doctors and nurses, outpatient hospital immediately returned.

Second, how to prevent heart failure

1. strictly limit salt and water intake. Daily water intake is equal to the previous day plus 500 milliliters of urine, the urine of patients with no intake of salt hemodialysis 2 grams (about two black toothpaste cap) daily urine output in 500 ml or more, salt The intake of 3-4 grams per day.

2. weight control. Weight between two hemodialysis should not exceed 5% of the dry weight by your doctor dialysis, hemodialysis time can not be altered.

3. To protect the heart. To avoid the emotional and heavy manual labor, moderate exercise, fistula is too large expansion in time (should lead to a high cardiac output, the heart rate, increasing the burden on the heart).

4. timely correction of anemia and high blood pressure, infection control.

5. a healthy lifestyle and proper diet compliance, regular review.

The diet plan can only support the medical treatment plan, but it can't alleviate this symptom, so a systemic treatment is a must if patients want to manage this condition from the root. If dialysis can't work adequately, it will induce a series of complications that will make illness condition worsened. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital can not only replace dialysis to treat kidney failure but also have fewer side effects. Besides, we also have many other unique therapies such as Stem Cell Therapy, Immunotherapy and Interventional Therapy, and so on. If you are interested about these therapies, you can contact us directly.


Why do Kidney Disease Patients Have Anemia

Renal anemia is due to various causes kidney damage, resulting in renal insufficiency, renal function decline, reduce the excretion of metabolites, increased retention. In addition to kidney patients in clinical edema, hypertension and kidney disease symptoms, the anemia is a common symptom of kidney disease.

Why would anemia in kidney patients? Renal anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease occurs is what causes? The following is answer given by nephrologists from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. Hopefully, this is helpful for you.

(1) erythropoietin decreased. Because kidney disease caused by renal dysfunction, renal erythropoietin factor and erythropoietin decreased, affecting the aspects of bone marrow to produce red blood cells and mature occurred. This is the renal anemia the most important reason.

(2) malnutrition. Kidney disease due to need long-term control of protein intake, combined with increasing the amount of protein in urine, to reduce the plasma protein concentration, reducing blood as a protein raw material caused renal anemia.

(3) bleeding. Chronic kidney disease, especially in patients with advanced chronic renal failure often bleeding tendency, if epistaxis, gingival bleeding, gastrointestinal malabsorption of iron to the body iron deficiency anemia caused by kidney.

(4) Chronic renal failure late uremia, a large accumulation of harmful substances in vivo suppression of bone marrow function, accelerate the destruction of red blood cells, anemia caused erythrocyte lifespan. When renal anemia patients often pale complexion, lips a pale minimalist, pale conjunctiva, blood red kidney protein loss and other symptoms, and history, and then assisted serum creatinine, blood urea nitrogen basically can be confirmed.

On the one hand these poisons inhibit erythropoietin production, on the other hand they suppress the activity of erythropoietin, causing damage to the red cell membrane to shortened life expectancy. At the same time due to renal dysfunction and long-term loss of appetite, diarrhea, resulting in iron, folic acid, vitamin B12 lack, eventually leading to renal anemia. Therefore, kidney hospital experts remind us to raise awareness of anemia, kidney disease should know the common symptoms of anemia is kidney disease, suspected patients, even in normal circumstances urine, also do urine tests.


Can Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Eat Meat

Can Nephrotic Syndrome Patients Eat Meat
Patients with nephrotic syndrome, the daily loss of a large number of proteins from the urine, the course would inevitably lead to a lack of protein in vivo, then if you do not add protein, will become increasingly scarce.

Experts say, nephrotic syndrome patients to eat more protein, especially high-quality protein rich foods, such as milk, eggs, lean meat, chicken, fish. Of course, not to eat unlimited protein ingestion, long-term excessive ingestion of protein, not only useless, and will increase the burden on the kidneys, resulting in increased renal damage.

So much nephrotic syndrome patients to eat protein every day as well?

This is to the two cases. Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital experts remind everyone that a patient with normal renal function nephrotic syndrome, protein intake per day per kilogram of body weight one gram, plus the amount lost in the urine can be. The other one is a patient azotemia (BUN tests, creatinine higher than normal) nephrotic syndrome, should be appropriate to limit the intake of protein daily ingestion of protein about 40 grams is appropriate. Should choose high-quality protein, eggs and dairy food of choice, an egg about 6 grams of protein, a bowl of milk (about 200 ml) contains about 6 grams of protein, 50 grams of lean meat contains about 8 grams of protein, including protein than lean chicken a little more meat, and fish is slightly less. Thus, one can calculate the amount of protein daily intake of patients with nephrotic syndrome.

Experts also remind the majority of patients with renal syndrome, the body needs daily certain energy to survive, azotemia patients with nephrotic syndrome, eating less protein, you must eat some carbohydrates (such as sucrose, glucose) to supplement In addition should eat vitamin-rich fresh vegetables and fruits.