
Can drinking much water cause pediatric chronic kidney failure

Can drinking much water cause pediatric chronic kidney failure
Everyday life, people need to drink plenty of water to excrete body wastes, parents also push their children to drink more water, but everyone knows, the kids drink too much can cause the occurrence of the disease, that is, children with chronic renal failure. So, children with chronic renal failure because of the child to drink too much really caused it? See description below nephropathy medical experts now!

One of the symptoms of children with chronic renal failure is a child too much water, but that is not entirely representative of children with chronic renal failure, because like diabetes and allergic purpura and other diseases can also cause a child drinking too much of the phenomenon. But if that child is not the same with the usual drinking, abnormal excessive drinking, should be promptly went to the hospital for a urine test and B ultrasonic examination to see exactly what causes. Once the children suffering from chronic renal failure in children, so much water would increase the burden on the kidneys, thereby increasing the disease.

Another early diagnosis is important for children with chronic renal failure, early detection through urine of some occult kidney disease. Also, parents need to pay attention to the details of the child's daily life, pay attention to some of the children may be suffering from kidney disease signals, such as kidney disease is characterized by swollen eyelids or facial edema, multi afternoon faded, tired after the increase, after the break to reduce; urine abnormalities in urine if inspection found that proteinuria, red blood cells, white blood cells, urine, etc., should be further examination; too much or too little urine under normal circumstances, infant urine output of 400 to 600 ml, 600-800 ml of preschool children, school-age children is 800-1400 ml, urine output increase, decrease could be "dangerous" signals emitted by kidney disease.

Children with chronic renal failure due to excessive drinking caused it? Summary, when a child has a life of excessive drinking occurs, and the body accompanied by swelling, weakness and other symptoms. Parents must be the first time the kids go to a regular hospital checks to see whether there is chronic renal failure, and timely treatment.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment. Good luck!

What is Alport syndrome

What is Alport syndrome
Hereditary nephritis (ie Alport's syndrome, AS) is one of the main manifestations of hematuria and renal function loss, sensorineural deafness and eye abnormalities inherited glomerular basement membrane disease, is due to encoding the glomerular the main collagen IV basement membrane collagen gene Mutations produce disease. Gene Mutations in occar Approximately 1/10000 to 1/5000.

Alport syndrome is Essentially a hereditary kidney disease-based clinical syndrome, and THEREFORE their performance in clinical practice is Necessary to pay attention to the Characteristics of kidney abnormalities, but Also pay attention to "renal" performance, but Also through family history try to infer the genetic type, because the clinical performance of Characteristics of different genetic type of Alport syndrome, and the prognosis varies.

Kidney performance

Hematuria most common, most of glomerular hematuria, the data from our Patients with Previously Reported 68% of Alport syndrome glomerular hematuria. Performance in Patients with X-linked dominant hereditary male persistent microscopic hematuria, hematuria or even within a few days after birth; outside microscopic hematuria was 100%. About 67% of the male Alport syndrome Patients episodes of gross hematuria, mostly in the 10 to 15 years ago, gross hematuria may, after upper respiratory tract infection or exertion. There are authors believe that the dominant X-linked Alport syndrome pedigrees hereditary aspect to 10 years of age have not yet found if hematuria, the boy most likely not Involved. Female Patients with autosomal dominant X-linked Alport syndrome type more than 90% had microscopic hematuria, a small number of female Patients with gross hematuria. Almost all autosomal genotype negative Hasta (both men and women) showed hematuria; autosomal recessive type and heterozygous relatives, hematuria incidence of 50 to 60 percent, not to exceed 80%.

Patients with X-linked Alport syndrome type will be the dominant male will appea proteinuria, hematuria and proteinuria showed age or sustained, even nephrotic range proteinuria, nephrotic syndrome incidence of 30 to 40 percent. First Hospital of Peking University, China Reported level of proteinuria of nephrotic syndrome accounted for 31.8%, and prompt poor prognosis. Similarly, the incidence and severity of hypertension increases with age, and mostly Occurs in Patients male.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment. Good luck!


Women What are the symptoms of lupus nephritis

Women What are the symptoms of lupus nephritis
Women working under increasing pressure, many diseases plaguing women friends, women accounted for the majority of patients with lupus nephritis, so for young women, to improve their prevention, to prevent the occurrence of lupus nephritis, so female friends want to lupus nephritis have a better understanding. Women What are the symptoms of lupus nephritis Here we follow along as we explain next nephrologist symptoms on female lupus nephritis?:

Lupus nephritis is a common disease, can occur at any age and gender, is common in young women, the most common is 20 to 30 years old. Its extra-renal manifestations:

(A) General symptoms: Most patients showed malaise, weight loss, 90% of the patients had fever, heat and uncertain, 40 percent of more than 39 ℃.

(2) joint and muscle is lupus nephritis performance: 90% of patients with joint pain, common in the small joints of the limbs, about 10% of the patients may have mild joint deformity, but generally no signs of bone erosion. Long-term, a large number of irregular use of hormones, can cause some patients developed aseptic necrosis of the femoral head. Third of patients have muscle pain, muscle weakness or even obvious symptoms or muscle atrophy.

(3) skin and mucous membranes: 50% of patients can appear facial butterfly erythema, lesions confined to the two cheeks and bridge of the nose, was mild edema, erythema, telangiectasia and may have scales, can have severe exudative inflammation when blisters and crusts, erythema subsided after generally do not leave scars and pigmentation. Hair loss seen in 50% of patients, is a sensitive indicator lupus activity. Livedo reticularis common, is typical of vasculitis. Many have neurological symptoms. In addition, visible urticaria, discoid erythema, A Week erythema, purpura, crack haemorrhage, oral and nasal ulcers.

(4) Cardiovascular: active lupus patients developed pericarditis up to two-thirds of cases, usually transient, mild clinical manifestations. 10% of patients may have myocarditis performance. Also involving the mitral and aortic valve, usually at the apex and the bottom of the smell and systolic heart murmur, which also may be associated with anemia, tachycardia or fever related to diastolic murmur rare. In addition, Raynaud's phenomenon can also occur (about 25%), pulmonary hypertension and recurrent thrombophlebitis, which may be the first symptom of lupus.

(5) the lung and pleura: 40% to 46% of patients with pleurisy can occur, it is credible indicators of lupus involving the kidneys soon. Acute lupus pneumonitis and rare, manifested as difficulty breathing, chest pain and coughing can be no serious massive hemoptysis can occur, some patients showed recurrent pulmonary atelectasis, a few may develop diffuse interstitial pulmonary fibrosis.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment. Good luck!

Early symptoms of diabetes in children which

Early symptoms of diabetes in children which
More acute onset, about one-third have children before the onset of fever and upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract or skin infection history. This is a symptom of diabetes is more common for children, parents must be timely detected.

Unsatisfactory long-term glycemic control in children, cataracts may occur 1 to 2 years. Late in children due to microvascular disease leading to retinopathy and renal dysfunction.

Symptoms of diabetes in children how polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagia easy to hunger, but weight loss, weight loss significantly, fatigue, weakness, listlessness. This is easy to ignore a lot of parents think that children learn stress, overwork caused.

Susceptible to various infections, especially respiratory and skin infections, fungal vulvitis baby can be combined with perineal inflammation and obvious symptoms of diabetes in children.

More food is not inevitable symptoms of the patient, and some children with normal or reduced appetite. Quick weight loss or weight loss, fatigue, weakness, listlessness also common. If more polydipsia, polyuria and vomiting, nausea, anorexia, or abdominal pain, diarrhea and leg pain and other symptoms should consider concurrent diabetic ketoacidosis.

I am a physician assistant, if you have any questions about diabetes or kidney disease, or if you are interested in our treatment, you can give me a message or contact me online, I will give you the relevant information about diet and medication.Good luck to you!


What can cause purpura nephritis

What can cause purpura nephritis
Faced with nephritis occurs, the patient is indeed still very worried, because when a very serious disease that can cause great harm to the health of patients, so patients want to effective treatment and timely return to health. However, the specific cause of nephritis, what does? Many patients really are not clear, this really is not conducive to the health of patients. Here, we come to know about it, to help the rehabilitation of patients.

One, experts say, occurs if individuals do not pay attention to food hygiene, it will lead to purpura nephritis in everyday life. More common foods: fish, shrimp, crab and so on. This is because these foods contain a lot of bacteria, microbes and so on. If you eat properly, it will damage their own health, eventually leading to the occurrence of the disease.

2, the long-term by cold stimulation, is one of the reasons the incidence of purpura nephritis. Experts said that there are some people on the phenomenon of pollen, mosquitoes, eggs or animal feathers, paint and other substances plants produce irritation, allergic phenomena often occur. Long-term effect, it will damage their health, it will cause severe purpura nephritis occurred.

3, improper use of drugs, is one of the reasons the incidence of purpura nephritis. Life, if at the time of taking antibiotics, isoniazid, captopril and other drugs, if not taken according to the instructions or do not follow the doctor's advice, not only would not achieve the purpose of treating the disease, but also damage healthy kidneys. Induce nephritis.

4, damage infected, clinically, nearly a third of nephritis patients before the onset of the week to four weeks of memory in the history of upper respiratory tract infection, because it is not timely cured, will lead to diseases. More common pathogens are: mycoplasma, roundworms, varicella-zoster virus, hepatitis B virus.

For etiologies purpura nephritis which specific detailed knowledge, we will introduce over, the patient should know about good, so for the rehabilitation of patients is very beneficial and timely help patients recover. Experts remind everyone in their daily lives must conduct a detailed understanding of these causes, in order to better prevent the occurrence of this disease.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment. Good luck!

Four children allergic purpura nephritis care measures

Four children allergic purpura nephritis care measures
Children allergic purpura nephritis is a very large for child injury disease, parents of children who do not understand understand allergic purpura nephritis care of it, if you are interested, please bring your questions with our experts take a look bar.

Children allergic purpura nephritis care are the following:

1, for children allergic purpura nephritis psychological care: Because children allergic purpura nephritis prolonged course of treatment is relatively long, so easy to produce children and parents fear, pessimism and anxiety psychology. At this point the parents should first ensure their own confidence in the treatment of children, and children talk much to encourage the attitude to get the trust of children, through language, facial expressions, to influence the behavior of children and improve mood. Cite examples of patients, eliminating the fear of children, enhance the confidence to overcome the disease.

2, for children allergic purpura diet care: general need special dietary restrictions, to nutritious, digestible, high carbohydrate and low-fat diet high in vitamins; depending on renal protein intake may be (specialist doctor will infestation children develop a reasonable diet), a large number of not too much during the proteinuria to high quality animal protein is appropriate; accompanied by edema and hypertension should limit water and sodium intake; gastrointestinal bleeding, giving no residue liquid food, the amount of bleeding and more should be fasting, not hot; try to avoid fish, shrimp, crab, milk, eggs and other foods may trigger allergic to avoid recurrence.

3, for children allergic purpura nephritis daily life care: protecting fresh air wards regularly timed with ultraviolet light disinfection; daily with 84 liquid wipe interior items; let children weatherization, prevent colds; not to the public stage of disease activity ; severe acute phase should stay in bed, often change position, to prevent the formation of blood clots and other complications; not overwork to avoid relapse worse.

4, for children allergic purpura nephritis clinical care: Keep bed flat, clean and free of wrinkles, severe edema often change position, to prevent skin pressure sores. Keep the skin clean and dry, and timely change of underwear; purpura itching avoid hard scratching, with warm water without soap and other alkaline substances cleaning; observe whether the abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and blood in the stool, severe abdominal pain who promptly consult Zhuzhidafu conduct specification process.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment. Good luck!

What iga nephropathy note

What iga nephropathy note
Primary IgA nephropathy (inflammation) is the name of the immune pathological diagnosis, it repeated episodes of gross hematuria or microscopic hematuria, proteinuria may be associated with varying degrees of renal tissue to the main immunoglobulin IgA deposition characteristics.

1, IGA nephropathy patients pay attention to rest. Rabbit avoid strenuous exercise, excessive exertion. Mild person. Be gradual, appropriate exercise.

2, light diet, do not eat spicy. Greasy, hot goods. Eat fried. The fried food. Xin dry to prevent flare up, forcing the blood Wang Xing. Quit alcohol, festival intercourse.

3, for recurrent disease, duration of suffering a lingering, to give spiritual comfort, life help. Encourage tree confidence, and guide patients with active treatment. Avoid Tubing styled, in order to avoid loss of government mistreatment, but worse. Education should be a long-term treatment of patients with chronic diseases to overcome impatience, fear emotions.

4, pay attention to observe the condition IGA nephropathy, the emergence of new syndromes should be timely treatment, advise patients to take medication. If necessary, make appropriate records shall be such as blood pressure, urine output.

I’m a kidney disease doctor’s assistant. If you happen to a Chronic Kidney Disease patient, or you have such friends, you can tell them that there is a one largest kidney disease specialist hospital in Hebei province, China--Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. Here, we make full use of traditional Chinese medicine to treat kidney disease. Especially the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, it is an external application which can make the ingredients of medicine can permeate into kidney lesion, thus repairing the damaged kidneys tissues.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment. Good luck!

Focal glomerulosclerosis stage which is divided into several types

Focal glomerulosclerosis stage which is divided into several types
Focal glomerulosclerosis (focal glomeruloscerosis) refers to the glomerular capillary loops focal segmental sclerosis or hyaline degeneration, no significant proliferation of a type of glomerular capillaries. As mesangial proliferation, mesangial IgM deposition and focal glomerulosclerosis, but minimal change nephropathy steroid-resistant, recurrent and chronic consequences of progress. Hormone also ineffective early biopsy is the primary nephrotic syndrome with focal glomerulosclerosis. Therefore, whether the disease as an independent glomerular disease is still controversial. However, other kidney disease represents a different clinical pathology, but also as an independent disease, more common, and there is a growing trend.

FSGS may be idiopathic, but also for many different end-stage disease common morphological features the so-called "different way Tonggui."

Depending on the different pathogenesis and disease progression, from a morphological analysis can be divided into four types:

① peripheral type: glomerular surrounding sclerosis, hardened area often associated with parietal epithelial cell adhesion, common in children with idiopathic FSGS this type;

② Mixed: glomerular sclerosis umbilical very transparent with vascular degeneration, vascular lesions began pole, adult idiopathic FSGS common of this type;

③ collapse types: open loop glomerular bad, shrinkage, capillary loops widespread collapse, this type of multi associated with viral infection;

④ nodular type: mesangial matrix increase, the formation of nodules, often accompanied by afferent artery hyaline degeneration, diabetic nephropathy typical morphological changes.

The disease can occur at any age, youth-oriented. More common in men. Showed persistent non-selective proteinuria. Typical cases mostly onset nephrotic syndrome, accounting for about 50 percent, accounting for primary nephrotic syndrome 5% to 20%. 50% to 60% of patients with hematuria. Hypertension and renal damage reports varies from 10% to 50%, and clinical manifestations of urinary protein level, especially with prognosis.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment.

What are the common symptoms of diabetes

What are the common symptoms of diabetes
As in life, people with diabetes need to pay attention to diet, diet for diabetes patients is very important. Diabetic patients need to pay attention to proper positive patient's diet, people should pay attention to some of the symptoms, then what are the common symptoms of diabetes? Here for our experts explain.

Paresthesia: Diabetes symptoms of itching skin, numbness of limbs, often burning sensation, formication, riding pad when there is a sense of walking. Some people hand, foot and limb pain, wear underwear, covered by dissecting heavy pain.

Foot gangrene: Patients foot pain, temperature sensation disappeared, dry and easy to crack, ulcers, festering wounds, necrosis, healing difficulties and even perforation foot disease.

Skin Herpes: resembles burns blisters, thin wall, containing transparent slurry, blister weeks without flush, occurs in the fingers, toes, back or bottom edge of the sibling. Single or multiple occurs within weeks to heal, but can be repeated.

Itching: itching skin symptoms of diabetes also showed part of the body can occur in people with diabetes or local skin dry desquamation, severe itching. Women more common in patients with genital itching.

The above is a common symptom of diabetes on what to do detailed analysis, I hope to bring you help. For diabetes must be early detection and early treatment, and select the correct treatment, so as not to aggravate the condition worsen the disease, the consequences will be very serious.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment.


What are the symptoms of early chronic renal failure

What are the symptoms of early chronic renal failure
Chronic kidney disease is known as the "silent killer", which often do not have obvious symptoms in the early stage, but will quietly develop, once you have obvious symptoms will be ferocious, most have been developed to advanced renal failure, even uremia . So how early detection of kidney ailments is very important. Although the silence of early kidney disease, but not without trace.

1、 without cause drowsiness, fatigue, which is an earlier performance, but the most easily overlooked because the cause drowsiness and fatigue is indeed too much, especially those in business "full fight", most people put the blame work stress and fatigue.

2、 edema healthy people may also occur after getting a mild swelling of the eyelids, but soon will gradually subside. The person suffering from renal disease will always swollen eyelids, and some people even showed systemic edema, sudden weight gain, use your fingers to press the lower limbs appear sunken, and swelling subside easily.

3、 high blood pressure, nearly 60% of kidney disease patients exhibit elevated blood pressure, but most patients have never been associated check the kidneys, they often tried many methods antihypertensive effect was less than ideal, because they do not in fact, in the kidney known pathogens. Asymptomatic alone to determine whether the blood pressure is not desirable and often necessary to measure blood pressure.

4、 urine normal urine output change from 1000 to 2000 ml / day, with an average of about 1500 ml / day. Whether increased or decreased urine output, are likely to be manifestations of kidney disease, especially nocturnal polyuria is often a signal of chronic kidney disease.

5、 an increase in urinary protein foam is often the phenomenon, in general, the more bubbles in urine, urinary protein more.

6、 urine color changes in urine color suddenly becomes deep, red should be vigilant, especially after the respiratory or intestinal infection if the urine color red may be the performance of nephropathy.

7、 bone pain in patients with chronic renal failure in the blood calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D metabolism occur, thereby stimulating hyperparathyroidism, causing bone pain, osteoporosis and other renal osteodystrophy, if there is unexplained fractures or often feel back pain, bone pain, osteoporosis, the orthopedic examination found no abnormalities, etc., must go look up the kidneys.

8、 back pain kidney area pain discomfort, aching or persistent dull.

9、 loss of appetite is renal failure patients earlier and the most common symptoms, and toxin retention related. At first most people disagree, until progression of the disease, will appear Fullness abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, or have even increased stool frequency pulpy mass, this time, the disease has been severe, which often is a major cause of patients had medical treatment.

10、 looking yellowed due to anemia caused due to the occurrence and development of this performance is very slow, so in quite a long time without causing the patient attention.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment.

What are the symptoms of hypertensive nephropathy

What are the symptoms of hypertensive nephropathy
Benign arteriolar nephrosclerosis Department of essential hypertension hypertensive nephropathy caused (also known as hypertension, renal arteriosclerosis) and malignant renal arteries harden, and accompanied by appropriate clinical manifestations of the disease. Hypertension makes intravascular blood pressure increased, can make protein leakage, protein once the leak will cause damage to the kidneys filter system, resulting in a vicious cycle. According to the etiology, history, clinical manifestations and laboratory diagnosis of the inspection.

Kidneys to filter toxins from the body itself, while preventing proteins, blood cells and other substances leaking blood vessels. Hypertension makes intravascular blood pressure increased, can make protein leakage, protein once the leak will cause damage to the kidneys filter system, resulting in a vicious cycle. Damage caused irreversible long time, the kidneys will be compensatory increases until early failure.

Over the age of 40 to 50 years of age, history of hypertension over five to 10 years. Early only nocturia, followed proteinuria, individual cases may be due to broken capillaries transient hematuria occurred, but not with significant low back pain. Often associated with arteriosclerotic retinopathy, left ventricular hypertrophy, coronary heart disease, heart failure, cerebral arteriosclerosis and (or) history of cerebrovascular accident. Slow progression, gradually developed into a small part of renal failure, most perennial mild renal impairment and abnormal urine. Malignant hypertension diastolic take more than 16Kpa (120mmHg), accompanied by significant and rapid development of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications, proteinuria, often accompanied by hematuria, renal function decline.

1 severe edema

Edema often the first symptom, was generalized edema, shiatsu have depression. Patients may have severe and pleural effusion, ascites, Dangxiong water, can cause breathing difficulties, umbilical or inguinal hernia when ascites more. Often accompanied by a high degree of edema oliguria, hypertension, mild azotemia.

2 proteinuria

Proteinuria is the most important manifestations of nephrotic syndrome, urine protein, mostly 2 + to 4 +, adult daily urinary protein excretion ≥3.5g / d, mostly selective proteinuria.

3 Hypoproteinemia

Decreased plasma protein, serum albumin <30g / L, severe shortage 10g / L.

4 hyperlipidemia

Blood cholesterol, triglycerides etc. significantly higher.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment.


Polycystic kidney disease in patients with alcohol equal to suicide

Polycystic kidney disease in patients with alcohol equal to suicide
A lot of information, a lot of alcohol on the kidneys to stimulate, it can stimulate the activity of polycystin, resulting cyst fluid secretion too fast, causing the growth rate accelerated cyst.

Polycystic kidney patients drink is equivalent to suicide, so patients must be drinking with friends. And for a long time drinking causes platelet function disorder, but also anemia, but also lead to gastrointestinal absorption of bad influence within the body will lack the body of vitamin B1, B2 and folic acid to reduce the utilization of vitamin B6 discharge increases; will lead to hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis and so on. These are the dangers of alcohol on the body, for the rehabilitation of polycystic kidney disease are negative.

The rehabilitation of patients with polycystic kidney requires good body "four weeks," environment. And often drinking can make high blood pressure, drinking too much water causes the cells combined with loss of muscle creatine metabolism in hyperthyroidism, so elevated serum creatinine; decomposition can produce acidic substances occur when alcohol metabolic acidosis, the performance of nausea, loss of appetite, depression, headaches and other symptoms. There is also damage to the kidneys drinking, alcohol affects the body's nitrogen balance, increase protein breakdown, increased blood urea nitrogen, which will inevitably increase the burden on the kidneys, if the problem is not normal is great, but drinking the equivalent of suicide in patients with polycystic kidney disease .

These are patients with polycystic kidney Xiaobian to introduce the millions of reasons not to drink, our work is to a good life, if the life in order to socialize the work are playing into, what significance does it work, so patients must friends to care of their body, do not drink.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment.

Eating non-chlorinated Strawberry can induce Nephrotic Syndrome easily

 Eating non-chlorinated Strawberry can induce Nephrotic Syndrome easily
I believe a lot of friends strawberry like fruits, its good taste and sour taste by many friends of all ages. However, if the long-term consumption of non-natural strawberry, it is likely to cause nephrotic syndrome. Modern methods of cultivation of fruit variety, and spawned a variety of chemical principles strawberries became the main reason for induced nephrotic syndrome. 

Some strawberry looks big, beautiful color, but it can buy back a food uninteresting, these tall abnormalities, and some grotesque deformities strawberries on the market is due to the spraying of the leavening agent resulting in the planting process. Leavening agent is a class of plant growth regulators, through the promotion of fruit cell division and achieve the purpose of increasing production volume increases. It is usually grown in a specific period of strawberries use, in addition to promoting increased strawberry fruit, but also better ensure the quality of strawberries. Strawberries are grown in the leavening agent can be used, but it must be in accordance with the regulations, the use of normal doses, and the use of regular manufacturers. Qualified leavening agent after toxicology tests proved no toxic effects on the human body, eating a strawberry using this leavening agent, there is no harm to the human body.

However, some growers of strawberries in advance to enable the market, achieve higher economic returns, in violation of technical rules, abuse leavening agent in the planting process, it will cause great harm to human health, the more harm is likely to cause significant kidney disease syndrome. Such a large amount of residual swelling agent strawberry, deformity percentage than normal use of leavening agent strawberries higher, most notably, eat up no taste.

Studies have shown that long-term consumption of such fruit, there is likely to cause potential harm to human kidneys. Especially in patients with nephrotic syndrome, should avoid excessive consumption. For people with heavy or light or kidney disease should pay attention to this issue, not because of little strawberries to increase the burden on the kidneys, so nephrotic syndrome worse.

These are the effects of non-green strawberries for nephrotic syndrome, people should have to pay more attention to all aspects of daily life, avoid life-induced nephrotic syndrome adverse factors affecting health.

Renal insufficiency do eat seafood

Renal insufficiency do eat seafood
Renal insufficiency great harm, treat kidney patients should pay attention to diet. Renal insufficiency eat seafood it? Seafood are a lot of people prefer to eat, but kidney patients have moderate physical problems after the firm can not eat do not eat, to prevent worsening kidney disease.

Renal insufficiency is not edible seafood, because patients with renal insufficiency due to the ability to excrete urea nitrogen, creatinine and other metabolic wastes damaged, therefore, to limit the intake of protein. However, the seafood contains large amounts of protein, mainly collagen-based, relatively low nutritional value of collagen, human utilization is poor, it will produce more and other metabolites.

Patients with renal insufficiency should reduce the intake of protein daily intake due to change 30-40g, but to ensure the quality of the protein in patients with renal insufficiency should be drinking 250mL of milk a day, an egg, 50g or so of meat rich in quality protein foods. The same time to reduce the intake of food, mainly in Cheng flour, arrowroot flour, wheat starch metabolism part or all of the food. So, nephritis patients with renal insufficiency not eat seafood Almighty doubts are understandable.

Patients with renal insufficiency should pay attention to some food taboos, do not blindly nutritional supplements. Food and drink is unreasonable, will not keep up with the nutrition. This renal dysfunction treatment is very negative, but will affect the patient's physical and mental health, delay treatment time. Cause greater harm. Therefore, patients with renal insufficiency or in prevention.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment.

Patients with chronic renal insufficiency diet

Patients with chronic renal insufficiency diet
Chronic renal insufficiency diet principles: Basic maintain metabolic balance of protein, serum urea nitrogen and maintained at a low level, so that pH, water and electrolyte disturbance improved; protect residual renal unit, delaying the progress of renal failure.

A low-protein: protein intake adjusted according to the degree of renal dysfunction and doctor. Limiting protein intake and increase the proportion of high-quality protein. Animal protein-containing essential amino acids that is 50% to 70%. Multi-purpose steam cooking soup diet containing protein, less suffering.

Recommended foods: eggs, fish, lean meat, chicken, milk and other high-quality protein.

Taboo foods: beans and their products, hard fruit (peanuts, walnuts, seeds, almonds) and other plant foods with high protein.

Second, high in vitamins: patients should pay attention to the dietary supplement of vitamins, especially B vitamins and vitamin C, folic acid and other food.

Recommended food: tomatoes, rape, leeks, citrus, hawthorn and other fresh vegetables and fruits.

Third, high carbohydrate intake: should try to choose low-protein-containing starchy foods, such as lotus root starch, water chestnuts, pumpkin, water chestnut powder.

Fourth, the water intake: no edema and high blood pressure, may be more water to make up to 2500 ml of urine above; accompanied by edema, should reduce the amount of drinking water, measure out the door.

Five, low phosphorus diet: food taboos: phosphorus-rich foods such as egg yolks, organ meats, brain, bone marrow; generally lean meat, fish, soup can be boiled and then go eat.

Six, limiting sodium, potassium: with edema and hypertension, the need to salt (table salt 3 g daily) or no salt; decreased urine output (<1000 ml / day), elevated serum potassium, low potassium diet should adhere to.

Taboo food: bananas, peaches, apricots, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, potatoes, yams, taro, cauliflower, bamboo shoots, mustard, preserved vegetables, dried radish, mushrooms, fungus, white fungus and other high potassium foods.

Seven, eat spicy diet:

Taboo food: chili, pepper, fennel, garlic and other spicy foods; mussels, shrimp, crab and other seafood, and five spices, aniseed, coriander and other developed properties.

Eight, Shensi high purine foods:

Taboo foods: animal offal, beer, mushrooms, bean tip (including Phaseolus vulgaris), spinach, celery, seafood and so on.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment.

Kidney dialysis What side effects

Kidney dialysis What side effects
Dialysis is a method of treatment of uremia, dialysis can help patients to the body of toxins and waste from the body, play a role in the artificial kidney. But the long-term dialysis, it is easy to be some dialysis complications, and long-term dialysis, kidney will slowly atrophy, renal function will slowly disappear. What are the side effects of dialysis have to listen to Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital kidney specialist is how to say it.
What are the side effects of dialysis six is it?
(1) dialysis disequilibrium syndrome: effects of hemodialysis mainly nausea, vomiting, irritability, severe cases may have convulsions, coma and even death. Light without treatment; severe treatment is mainly given immediately hypertonic solution, such as mannitol, glucose or 3% 50% 10 ml of sodium chloride, but also lose albumin, if necessary, sedatives and other symptomatic treatment; more serious termination of dialysis.
(2) the use of dialysis syndrome: the main application of the new dialyzer and pipeline caused. Treatment is symptomatic treatment.
(3) hypotension: One of the most common side effects of hemodialysis, the incidence rate of 20% -40%. Hypotension occur for many reasons, most of which occurred in the late hypotension after dialysis began. Le blood dialysis late fall much due to excessive ultrafiltration or acetate dialysate suited due. Treatment: Trendelenburg, stop ultrafiltration, slowing the pump flow rate, oxygen, if necessary, quick to add 100-200 ml of saline or 50% glucose, 20 ml, albumin infusion, combined with the cause, due to treatment.
(4) pyrogenic reactions: often without medication, when the heat can reduce dialysis temperature, anti-amine drugs, hormones and antipyretics such as discretionary use.
(5) heart failure; hemodialysis is the most dangerous, one of the serious side effects, symptomatic treatment on treatment, should be used to strengthen the order of dialysis or ultrafiltration.
(6) arrhythmia: incidence of about 50%, with ventricular premature beat is more common. Hemodialysis causes side effects have coronary heart disease, failure, pericarditis, severe anemia, electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders, hypoxemia, hypotension, and drugs. Treatment: due and symptomatic treatment, but should pay attention to the drug in the dialysis patient's body retention and toxicity.
These are the experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital Kidney dialysis summarize some of the side effects, hoping to help the patient. Experts said that dialysis patients can temporarily relieve the burden on the kidneys, but the side effects of dialysis more, so patients in their daily lives to pay special attention to their care, attention to rest, away from the source of infection.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment. Good luck!


Chronic nephritis patients should pay attention to it daily?

Chronic nephritis patients should pay attention to it daily?
Chronic nephritis is a longer course, easily repeated illness, the treatment of patients in the long years, in addition to regular medication, the daily nursed back to health is very important. First, to feel comfortable, to accept the fact that sick, everything optimism, which is a treatment for the disease itself, the data shows, cheerful and optimistic patients, whose immune system has improved to varying degrees, in favor of the body rehabilitation.

Second, is to have more long-term medication of mental preparation. Taking traditional Chinese medicine bitter tough, if there is no firm confidence and patience is very easy to give up, refractory disease. We Shijiazhuang kidney disease patients treated in hospital, although there are three months cured, but there are many other hospitals in the treatment of patients with eating drugs for many years there is no cure.

Third, we should seriously allocation of food. Chronic renal failure patients need to limit the intake of protein, which can reduce the quality of nitrogen retention in the blood, reducing the burden on the kidneys, is conducive to the rehabilitation of the disease. In general, weight 50 kg of renal failure patients, the daily intake of quality protein should be 30-40 grams, and meals should be divided equally in the diet. Quality protein should choose animal protein, such as eggs, milk and meat, etc., because of their higher body must contain the amino acid, and less nitrogenous substances in the human body produced by decomposition, high nutritional value, so called quality protein. Vegetable protein such as rice, flour, corn, beans and other non-essential amino acids containing fewer low bioavailability, so called "inferior protein", shall, as appropriate limits.

It is worth noting that some patients hearsay own, and that absolutely everything taboos restrict protein intake will wholesome, resulting in human plasma proteins is low, malnutrition, decreased immunity, various infections, complications have emerged, edema repeatedly Nanxiao . Also affect the treatment of the disease.

Limited also pay attention about the salt. If patients did not edema or hypertension and renal failure can be generally associated with ordinary people do not have to strictly limit the intake of salt, but not eating salty, spicy, with light as well, because salt is a condiment, without limit of If the blind patients will affect the patient's ban salt appetite, resulting in malnutrition. However, edema and hypertension sufferers if limited salt will increase the body's sodium and water retention, the impact of diuretic effect, so that edema Nanxiao; Shuinazhuliu also cause blood volume expansion caused by high blood pressure, salt restriction can reduce blood volume, blood pressure drop.

I’m a kidney disease doctor’s assistant. If you happen to a Chronic Kidney Disease patient, or you have such friends, you can tell them that there is a one largest kidney disease specialist hospital in Hebei province, China--Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. Here, we make full use of traditional Chinese medicine to treat kidney disease. Especially the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, it is an external application which can make the ingredients of medicine can permeate into kidney lesion, thus repairing the damaged kidneys tissues.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment. Good luck!


Eight black kidney eat bad food

Eight black kidney eat bad food
In China there are a lot of foods can help the kidneys bad friends, these foods can strengthen their kidneys, they can be a substitute for drugs, you want to know what foods to your kidneys helpful? Here is Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital doctors to introduce the benefits of kidney food.

Black beans:

Aka Wudou, low back pain due to kidney deficiency, tinnitus desirable black beans 50 grams, 500 grams of dog meat, boiled together, after adding various spices to eat. It should be noted that there unfit for human consumption, including chronic kidney beans and soy beans, including renal failure.

Black rice:

For kidney deficiency caused by premature ejaculation, spermatorrhea patients with eating. When cooked black rice, black rice should be first soaked overnight, then cooked usual method, is more conducive to digestion and absorption. Black sesame seeds due to lack of suitable kidney caused hair loss, premature graying, dry skin, constipation middle-aged friends edible, directly after eating or join pastry can fry.


Famous physician Sun Ssu Tang Dynasty was known as the "kidneys of the fruit." Warm and sweet, with the stomach and spleen, kidney gluten, blood, cough and phlegm. Chestnuts contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamin B1, calcium, carotene, vitamin B2, niacin and other nutrients. Particularly suitable for high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases and osteoporosis are edible. In addition, the high sugar content of chestnuts, diabetic patients should not eat.

Black sesame seeds:

Black sesame and sweet, flat, with nourishing liver and kidney, nourishing and moistening effect. Black sesame seeds are very rich in vitamin E, can delay aging. Has run five internal organs, strong bones, Qi Li and so on. Strong body, longevity, nourishing the liver and kidney, run support Insufficiency, lung deficiency cough, constipation, dry skin and gastrointestinal deficiency caused.

Black fungus:

Black fungus sweet flat, with qi kidney, cooling bleeding and other effects. Commonly used in clinical treatment of collapse in leave out, bleeding hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, weakness, constipation and other symptoms. Modern medical experiments show that it has a role in reducing blood clots, thus the brain, which is quite beneficial to cardiovascular disease.

Black rice:

In relations with the five elements of internal organs, black corresponds to the kidneys, and black rice natured, sweet, with a yin and kidney, Qi and blood, warm liver eyesight, is a good kidney ingredients.


Mulberry also known as Mulberry, Mulberry dates, sweet and juicy, is one of the fruits that people eat, known as "folk holy fruit." Chinese medicine believes mulberry sweet and sour, slightly cold, into the heart, liver, kidney, blood and yin, Health and body fluid, and liver and kidney effects. In addition, mulberry also contains a variety of vitamins, amino acids and carotenoids and other ingredients, for ladies, the effect is particularly prominent, often taking to beauty, anti-aging.


According to the research found, dates emphasis blood, but Prune focus kidney, Chinese records, dates, sweet and astringent, cold, contains protein, fat, carbohydrates and vitamins, which contain vitamin C and calcium, the most iron, there replenishing spleen, Yang Shen Yin effect. MM wants to Yang Shen can eat a little black date.

Suffering from kidney disease, especially renal insufficiency, protein intake should be minimized in order to minimize the burden on the kidneys. It is estimated that the daily intake of chronic renal failure patients suitable amount of protein per kilogram of body weight 0.5-0.6 g, and to try to choose milk, eggs, lean meat, fish and other high-quality protein. Patients with chronic kidney disease often occur edema or hypertension, therefore, low-salt diet is particularly important, the best daily salt intake of less than 5 grams. Chronic renal failure patients are prone to elevated serum potassium, the heart function is affected, therefore, should be Shensi bananas, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, potatoes, mustard, kelp, seaweed, dried persimmons, scallops, shrimp and other high potassium foods.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment. Good luck!


Why renal failure frequently find on the elderly

According to tune the police, the proportion of patients with renal failure in the elderly is much higher than young people, so why do older people suffering from kidney disease so easily, what causes it? Today, we just take a look at old Dr Lee human renal causes.

One, accompanied by an increase in disease

Such as the elderly high incidence of atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease in elderly patients suffering from renal artery stenosis rate of 16% ~ 42%, ischemic kidney disease is caused or aggravated elderly acute and important cause of chronic renal failure. Type 2 diabetes is one of the most important factors in elderly renal dysfunction. Post-renal acute renal failure accounted for elderly patients with acute renal failure in 8% a 38%, higher than the 3.5% to 8% of the general population, which is mainly due to an enlarged prostate, urinary stones and bladder disease in the elderly population in higher rates. Other elderly patients with chronic kidney damage leading to common factors include hypertension, hyperuricemia and heart failure and so on.

Second, the increase in risk factors

Glomerular filtration rate and older. Renal tubular sodium retention capacity decreased, the threshold increased thirst, water, salt missing compensatory ability is poor, causing inadequate intake, vomiting, diarrhea, gastrointestinal bleeding, infections (including sepsis), heart failure and shock increased fluid lost opportunity. Gradually due to low glomerular filtration rate, renal excretion of the drug or its metabolites decreased capacity, and greatly increased opportunities for the elderly long-term medication, inappropriate medication prone to cause kidney damage. An increase in the elderly surgical or interventional therapy is a common cause of ARF elderly.

Third, the glomerular issue

With age, physiological glomerular sclerosis, tubular atrophy and interstitial expansion gradually increased. Kidney physiological function gradually diminishes, the glomerular filtration rate in a year 0.75ml / min rate of decline, a small tube concentration function is also reduced to varying degrees.

These three issues are a direct cause of renal failure leading to the proportion of older people increases, we know the reason for the occurrence of the future must try to avoid, health care for the elderly, there is an old house, a treasure, only their health, and we can happier.

I am in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital as a doctor assistant.If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment. Good luck!


What causes polycystic kidney disease is

What causes polycystic kidney disease is
Of causes polycystic kidney disease has been a mysterious topic, we are concerned about the general treatment of all diseases, but ignored the polycystic kidney disease-induced reasons, experts in China's Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital told us, on disease a little more understanding of the reasons for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease and prevention is helpful.

Details of the cause of polycystic kidney disease is more, we look at Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital following kidney specialists is how to say it:

A congenital dysplasia: This factor should be said that force majeure due to congenital brought some. By congenital dysplasia can produce a variety of diseases, about cystic kidney disease, the main cause dysplasia can polycystic kidney disease, congenital abnormalities or genetic mutations and there is a difference.

2, infection: This is a common cause of polycystic kidney disease, kidney disease and most of the other as a cause of infection is caused by polycystic kidney disease. Infection may occur abnormal changes in the internal environment, which is conducive to produce cysts genes changing environmental conditions in which the activity of cyst enhanced internal factors, thereby enhancing the probability of the occurrence of the cyst.

3, toxins: toxin in the human body, can cause a variety of cell tissue and organ damage, and thus the disease occurs, and also produce gene mutations, one of the major congenital abnormalities and other phenomena. Experts point out that having renal toxicity, if used improperly it could easily lead to kidney damage.

4, gene mutation: the embryo formation process, due to various factors, so that the gene mutated form the polycystic kidney disease, although such cases are rare, but it can still happen.

Polycystic kidney disease in a more serious one, if early treatment lead to disastrous consequences. Therefore, there must be a law of life, and only a healthy living environment in order to stay away from diseases.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment.


Diabetes patients can eat figs it?

Diabetes patients can eat figs it?
Diabetic diet is a luxurious, the most basic principles of the patient's diet is to be based on the patient's activity level, weight, and blood sugar, to estimate the total calories, scientific and rational development of the required day every day diet plan, so people with diabetes you can eat the figs it?

Fig. Hypoglycemic key points: acids, enzymes

Although the sweet figs, but it belongs to a high-fiber fruits, rich in acids and enzymes, it is beneficial for diabetic patients, to reduce fatigue, improve human immunity, restores energy has a significant effect.

Hypoglycemic eat

Figs and melon can, kelp soup together. This soup has a dampness swelling, kidney hypoglycemic effect, applicable to patients with early diabetic nephropathy secondary therapeutic.

Benefits for complications

Figs can help digestion, promote appetite. It contains a variety of lipids, help relieve diabetic patients with constipation.

Figs contain lipase, an enzyme that breaks down fat hydrolysis components, thereby reducing fatty deposits in blood vessels, blood pressure, prevention of coronary heart disease.

I’m a kidney disease doctor’s assistant. If you happen to a Chronic Kidney Disease patient, or you have such friends, you can tell them that there is a one largest kidney disease specialist hospital in Hebei province, China--Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. Here, we make full use of traditional Chinese medicine to treat kidney disease. Especially the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, it is an external application which can make the ingredients of medicine can permeate into kidney lesion, thus repairing the damaged kidneys tissues.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment. Good luck!


Judging from the color of urine is that type of kidney disease

Judging from the color of urine is that type of kidney disease
Normal urine color is yellow or dark yellow, the color pigment mainly from urine, urine choline or choline original material in combination with a polypeptide made​​, its color in addition to the urine-related, but also by weather and the impact of diet, usually when the cold weather and more clear, hot day, mostly yellow; such as dietary intake of acidic urine color is dark; if slightly alkaline diet, their urine is more light. Although the majority of patients with kidney disease urine color has changed, different diseases is different, generally are the following:

1, almost colorless urine

If the urine is very pale or almost colorless, except for excessive drinking, the routine found in diabetes insipidus, diabetic nephropathy; such as less heat, water or a lot of vomiting, diarrhea resulting in dehydration of the body appear yellow urine, compared with nephrotic syndrome, chronic symptoms of nephritis, allergic purpura nephritis, renal anemia and other nephropathy.

2, brown, brown-black

If colorless urine make you feel worried, then when you see brown or brown-black urine, you will certainly be more fear. According generation process and the substances contained in the urine, renal medicine related experts believe that this situation is common in acidic urine tract bleeding, kidney stones, kidney failure, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, lupus nephritis, uremia nephropathy symptoms.

3, Red

We will certainly be mentioned red urine hematuria think, yes, except for some drugs can red urine, the urine mostly pathological reactions, kidney disease can cause hematuria have acute chronic renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, uremia, rapidly progressive kidney disease, lupus kidney disease.

4, brown, yellow-green, brown and green

Clinically, will occasionally see this rare urine, caused by factors external to remove urine rhubarb, senna, etc., considered as urine and urinary bile pigment bilirubin increased due to common in occult nephritis, chronic renal failure, hydronephrosis, renal tuberculosis, pyelonephritis due to illness.

In addition to observation of urine and urine can identify kidney disease, but there is a growing common clinical urine foam, indicating an increase in urine solute components (such as kidney disease common clinical proteinuria); urine ammonia odor is common in urinary tract infections; fruit aroma found in diabetic ketoacidosis.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment. Good luck!

Chronic nephritis eat pomegranate

Chronic nephritis eat pomegranate
Pomegranate indicates perfect meaning, and Garnet a delicious food, but there is always someone around us sick and what had chronic nephritis Mid-eat, can not eat anything, these are chronic nephritis patients are most concerned about the! Chronic nephritis whether the patient can eat pomegranate it? Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital to see a doctor to give us advice.

Guava nutritious, is typical of tropical fruits. Potassium content is not high, you should not worry about the impact on nephritis. Generally used for the treatment of diabetes, detoxification and so on. Said to have been used for weight loss. It is recommended to eat a small amount, and then set to see the effect. Theoretically, it should be beneficial to patients. You can eat some other fruits, see:

Chronic nephritis is not an independent disease, is any primary or secondary glomerulonephritis, end-stage renal failure did not enter the stage of progress. The main clinical manifestations of chronic nephritis edema, hypertension, urinary abnormalities, the three can coexist, or can be single phase and appear. Experts in patients with chronic kidney disease do recommend:

1 control weight ideal weight (kg) = height (cm) -105, the actual weight of the ideal body weight + 10% of normal, more than 20 percent were obese. Weight control can reduce the incidence of hypertension in 28% - 48%. The main strategy is to control overweight reduce calorie intake and increasing physical activity intensity.

2 increased physical activity fat, fatty acids, protein ratio of reasonable adjustments. Avoid alcohol, should quit smoking, drink less coffee, drink green tea. Crude fiber supplement. Reducing salt intake and reduce stress. Adjusting the physical and mental state, rest, life, work order, grasp and cultivate self-control could improve and stabilize blood pressure effect.

3 increased potassium intake of high salt, low potassium diet is one of the main features of the structure of the people, it is not only associated with hypertension, and closely related to the occurrence of stroke should be sufficient attention. Fresh leafy green vegetables, beans and root class potassium more fruits such as bananas, oranges, apricot, plum rich in potassium, poultry, fish, lean meat is not high potassium content, our normal daily nutrition Association recommends eat vegetables 400g and a certain amount of fruit.

4 increase in calcium-rich calcium intake of milk, milk provides 100mg per 100g or more of calcium, beans, hard fruit, sesame shrimp, cabbage Levin, broccoli has more calcium.

Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital doctors to remind everyone, chronic nephritis food taboos sure to follow the doctor's told to do, in order to complete the rehabilitation, kidney disease if you have other questions, you can give me a message or contact us online doctor, they will provide you free diet recommendations based on your condition.


Female patients with chronic nephritis grapes in summer can do

Female patients with chronic nephritis grapes in summer can do
Fruits are indispensable in our lives nutrients, hot summer has come, this is a season of fruits and vegetables rich. In this season, one of the most prominent grape is a fruit, but also by the many friends of the pro-gaze, but also has the effect of antioxidant grape, for a female friend who is a beauty products saint, but for patients with chronic nephritis, we you need to pay more attention in the diet, because a lot of food will affect the development of the disease. Face and share with you women can not eat grapes chronic nephritis summer.

Shijiazhuang kidney hospital experts say, nephritis patients should eat carbohydrate foods and starchy foods such as rice grains, lotus root starch, sugar cane, yams, honey, sugar, fruit juice drinks, fresh fruit. According to medical studies have reported that chronic nephritis can eat grapes, and while lung cancer and resistance. We can say that grape juice is the best food in chronic nephritis patients, can reduce the body's kidneys albumin and sodium chloride. Meanwhile, grape juice also contains a lot of easy to digest and absorb sugar, carbohydrate content of up to 16%, most of which is glucose. At the same time, promote digestion of glucose also contains organic acids.

Grape sugar content as high as 10% -30%, mainly glucose, grapes helps digest large amounts of acid, appropriate to eat grapes, spleen and stomach. Grapes contain minerals calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins B1, B2, B6, C and P, also contains many essential amino acids, eat grapes on neurasthenia, fatigue boost. After the grapes into raisins, sugar and iron content will be relatively high, is tonic for women, children and the infirm who anemia.

The above content is Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital kidney specialist and on whether women with chronic nephritis patients grapes in summer can answer this question you about, the above description believe nephritis patients already know, but certainly not too much to remember, a reasonable diet is there are conducive to disease stabilization and rehabilitation.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment. Good luck!


Antibiotics for diabetic nephropathy child development affect it

Antibiotics for diabetic nephropathy child development affect it
I believe patients with diabetic nephropathy know antibiotics for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy role, but we truly understand its role in it? What are the side effects of antibiotics? Use of antibiotics for diabetic nephropathy child development influential?
First: vitamin synthesis is reduced
Children of diabetic nephropathy long-term use of antibiotics, synthetic vitamin for children will be reduced. In addition, children of diabetic nephropathy in patients with long-term use of antibiotics can cause bacteria in the intestinal tract caused by these bacteria to reduce the synthesis of vitamins (B family) caused by a lack of malnourished children, resulting in the child's physical transient decreased immune function, disease resistance weaker.
Second: resistance
Antibiotics can inhibit or kill a certain kind of pathogenic microorganisms, at the same time may cause other non-sensitive microflora produce mutations develop into resistant, these bacteria will fight antibiotic after a long time drug will fail. Therefore, when treating children with diabetic nephropathy to avoid long-term use of antibiotics in order to avoid drug resistance.
Third: the proliferation of other bacteria
Treatment of children with diabetic nephropathy using certain antibiotics kill bacteria sensitive to these antibiotics, but the children of diabetic kidney disease can occur in vivo but is not sensitive to such antibiotics, other types of bacteria, and therefore lead to bacterial proliferation; child diabetic nephropathy patients using antibiotics will replace bacterial fungal proliferation, generate new germs. Currently very few effective drugs against fungi, so once very difficult to treat fungal infections, easy to disease progression and the development of uremia more difficult to treat kidney disease.
Fourth: damage to the original antibody
Kidney disease or diabetes in children if the use of antibiotics Antibiotics long, it will make the damage caused by the body's immune system antibodies decrease children, which may produce gene mutations is difficult to control the disease or cause some unforeseen health of children not change.
I’m a kidney disease doctor’s assistant. If you happen to a Chronic Kidney Disease patient, or you have such friends, you can tell them that there is a one largest kidney disease specialist hospital in Hebei province, China--Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. Here, we make full use of traditional Chinese medicine to treat kidney disease. Especially the Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, it is an external application which can make the ingredients of medicine can permeate into kidney lesion, thus repairing the damaged kidneys tissues.

If you have any problems about kidney disease, or you are interested in our treatment, you can leave a message to me or contact me online and I will give you related info about diet and medical treatment. Good luck!

Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital share what common symptoms of kidney failure

Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital share what common symptoms of kidney failure
Renal failure is a manifestation of impaired renal function after a gradual decline, if not timely control and treatment, kidney failure soon developed into uremia, this time losing kidney function, become a burden on the body.

The human body has two kidneys, one kidney is usually sufficient to maintain the normal operation of the human body, so in the early stages of kidney failure, usually no symptoms to warn the patient's kidneys can not work properly. When complete loss of kidney function has been close, the physical changes and symptoms of the patient's illness will be very obvious. Renal failure patient's symptoms will vary.

Symptoms of kidney failure include the following:

Physical discomfort: Because toxins and waste continues to accumulate in the body, the patient may feel malaise. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, sleep well at night, loss of appetite, itching, and fatigue.

Edema: Some patients will appear edema. Decreased urine output, frequent urination (especially at night). Hand ankle edema. Other symptoms are shortness of breath, swelling around the eyes.

Anemia: Due to suffer damage kidney function, the body does not produce enough hormones needed for the manufacture of red blood cells, resulting in anemia. Anemia often feel cold and tired.

Other symptoms: hematuria (blood was brown or red), high blood pressure, urine bubbles appear, diarrhea, extreme thirst, restless sleep, or drowsiness, decreased libido.

These are the common symptoms of kidney failure, kidney specialists Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital remind everyone, no matter what kind of early detection and treatment of kidney disease should avoid serious illness to irreversible situation. Any development of kidney disease is an air stagnation into stasis, stasis of the poison, the vicious cycle of poison gas stagnation plug, so the treatment of kidney disease to line gas, in addition to blood stasis, detoxification therapy integrated application, in order to have effect.

If you have any kidney disease aspects want advice, you can give us a message or contact us online physician communication, we will give you a free answer recommendations.


6 large clinical symptoms of lupus nephritis

Lupus nephritis is a kidney caused by systemic lupus erythematosus involving an immune complex glomerulonephritis, systemic lupus erythematosus is a major cause of death and major complications. Systemic lupus erythematosus is one of the clinical manifestations of the symptoms of multiple system damage, chronic systemic autoimmune diseases, serum anti-nuclear antibody mainly having a number of different autoantibodies. The course of the disease in remission and is characterized by alternating episodes of acute, visceral (kidney, central nervous system) damage poor prognosis. The prevalence of the disease in our country 1000, higher than in Western countries reported 1/2000 common in women, especially women of childbearing age 20-40 years of age.

Systemic lupus erythematosus manifested as fatigue, weight loss, fever, rash, photosensitivity, vascular skin and other symptoms, lupus nephritis, usually subacute or chronic nephritis, damaged glomerular capillary plexus, the clinical manifestations nephrotic syndrome, hematuria, proteinuria, hypertension.

Lupus occurs when kidney damage known as lupus nephritis (LN). About 70% of SLE clinical manifestations of kidney damage. Lupus nephritis (LN) insidious onset may also be abrupt, the symptoms can be mild to severe. Symptoms of lupus nephritis involving nearly include glomerular and tubulointerstitial renal vascular damage series of symptoms, edema is common, 1/6 of patients with varying degrees of renal function decline at the time of diagnosis. Can be divided according to their clinical symptoms following types: (1) light: that asymptomatic hematuria and (or) proteinuria, this type accounted for 30% to 50%, more common clinical. Clinical manifestations of mild to moderate proteinuria and (or) hematuria, edema, hypertension, proteinuria and no less than 1g / d, with normal renal function. Pathology mostly mesangial proliferative or focal segmental lupus nephritis, the prognosis is good.

Acute nephritic syndrome type: rare, clinical manifestations such as acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, acute onset there is a certain degree of hematuria, proteinuria, urinary tube. May have edema, hypertension, acute renal failure can occur even.

Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis syndrome type: rare, clinically resembles rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis rapid onset, rapid development, oliguria or no urine, often hematuria, proteinuria, urinary tube, may have edema, often without only mild hypertension or high blood pressure, anemia and hypoalbuminemia. Rapid deterioration of renal function in the short term, a few weeks or months to the development of uremia. Pathological changes often severe diffuse proliferative, crescentic glomerulonephritis, or those with severe vasculitis.

Nephrotic syndrome: The most common accounting for about 60% of patients showed onset nephrotic syndrome. That massive proteinuria (> 3.5g / d), hypoalbuminemia, may have significant edema, but do not necessarily have elevated blood cholesterol. Lupus nephritis with nephrotic syndrome often have two cases, there is a simple expression of nephrotic syndrome, hematuria, no less, no or only mild hypertension, high blood pressure, slow the development of this type of disease, renal function in the long remained stable, mostly membrane pathology of lupus nephritis another addition to the symptoms of nephrotic syndrome, but with hematuria, hypertension and renal damage if not treated promptly, the majority can be developed to uremia in 2 to 3 years, pathology often diffuse proliferative lupus nephritis.

Chronic nephritic syndrome type: the performance of persistent proteinuria, hematuria, urinary tube and varying degrees of edema, hypertension, anemia and renal insufficiency. Longer duration, delayed healing of development to uremia. Pathology often diffuse proliferative lupus nephritis.

Tubules syndrome type: rare, manifested as chronic interstitial, tubular damage, there may be an increase in nocturia, lower specific gravity, hypertension, urinary enzymes increased, electrolyte acid-base balance disorders. More common in the distal renal tubular damage, there may be complete or incomplete renal tubular acidosis. This type is often associated with other types of combination.

To sum up our symptoms for lupus nephritis introduction, I am sure the symptoms of lupus nephritis have been understood that the life of lupus nephritis is more difficult to cure a disease, must be treated as soon as possible, we need to understand the etiology based on actively cooperate with medical treatment, maintain an optimistic attitude, and I believe that we will have some help cure the disease.


Do you know why the treatment of PKD must first control blood pressure

Do you know why the treatment of PKD must first control blood pressure
Polycystic kidney disease is a hereditary disease, polycystic kidney disease patients if not treated in time or due to improper treatment can cause the occurrence of uremia. The primary method of treatment in the clinical uremia is timely to control blood pressure.

ADPKD addition to involving the kidneys, but also affect multiple organs and tissues. About one-third of patients have liver cysts, the number of cysts increased with age, clinical manifestations of liver pain, discomfort and early sense of fullness and so on. Cysts can also occur in the pancreas, spleen, esophagus, thyroid, endometrial, seminal vesicles, and epididymis, these isolated cysts do not cause clinical symptoms. Heart valve abnormalities, cardiac hypertrophy and congenital heart disease, is another common ADPKD kidney manifestations. 83% of patients with end-stage ADPKD confirmed by barium enema colon diverticulum. Aneurysms can occur in the brain arteries, abdominal aorta, thoracic aorta, atrial septal and coronary etc., cystic or spindle.

Polycystic kidney disease blood pressure control is very important

Hypertension is one of the common clinical manifestations of polycystic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease is the earliest clinical manifestations. Foreign reports increase in blood pressure in patients with polycystic kidney disease than the general population as early as ten years, 60% of patients with renal abnormalities occur before there is increased blood pressure. If you enter ESRD stage, almost all patients with hypertension. Polycystic kidney disease is similar to other types of kidney disease, high blood pressure is an important factor affecting the progress of renal function, and it is a major risk factor for cardiovascular complications.

In recent years, in the treatment of polycystic kidney disease, a series of clinical studies, but the most viable clinical interventions or for blood pressure control in patients with polycystic kidney disease. Although early and effective antihypertensive therapy is thought to be slow disease progression, an important measure to reduce cardiovascular complications, but the application in the treatment of polycystic kidney disease in patients with hypertension gluttonous matter what the buck has not completely unified.

Some scholars have confirmed that in patients with polycystic kidney disease in, RAAS system is in continuous active, and can be observed early in the disease's high glomerular filtration phenomenon, indicating activation of the RAAS in hypertensive patients with polycystic kidney disease plays an important role in the occurrence, so RAAS system in patients with hypertension, polycystic kidney disease may be the best therapeutic targets. Meanwhile, some scholars study found that in patients with polycystic kidney disease in the sympathetic nervous system is also activated.

In short, strict control of blood pressure is essential for the protection of the heart and kidney function in patients with polycystic kidney disease. Early antihypertensive treatment should be carried out, the vast majority get good treatment effect.

Therefore, in the event of polycystic kidney disease when blood pressure should be controlled in a timely manner, after which the patient's condition and the roots of the regular symptoms due to symptomatic treatment. Avoid improper treatment caused some serious consequences.

If you have kidney disease troubled, you can give us Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital doctors message or communicate with our online doctor, our doctors will respond promptly to your question.

Cherry is invisible killer chronic kidney disease

Cherry is invisible killer chronic kidney disease
Although the soft fleshy cherries, sweet and sour taste, but cherry high potassium content per 100 grams of about 258 milligrams of potassium, can not eat. According to a Chinese saying, cherries are warm fruit, eat too easy to get angry. Especially wang, dry stools, bad breath, nosebleeds, and suffering from fever unfit for human consumption.

Nutrition experts we Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital, said the rich nutritional value of cherries, and contains a lot of vitamins. Vitamin C (specific content and breeds), small amounts of organic acids and sugars together to form a sweet and sour cherry flavors. Vitamin C and organic acids can promote iron absorption and improve the intestinal absorption of iron.

Why is chronic kidney disease is very dangerous to eat cherries?

Notes harm eating cherries

1, Cherry is good, but also the right amount of food, excessive consumption will increase the additional burden of gastrointestinal.

2, Cherry for warm food, eat lots of easy to get angry, so body heat, ulcers, diabetes is best not to eat cherries.

3, should choose cherry note with a stem end of selection, color pride, skin plump those without depression.

4, Cherry is not conducive to saving, it is best to use fresh food. If you can not eat that day, it must be stored in the refrigerator, but time is not too long. Cherries for 1 degree Celsius stored in refrigerated conditions. Prunus berries, easily damaged, so be sure to gently.

5, kidney patients careful to eat. Cherry high potassium content, potassium 258 mg per 100 g, for kidney disease patients is not a small number. If the kidneys regulate kidney patients water and electrolyte loss of function, the patient will occur oliguria and edema. Oliguria, since potassium can reduce potassium retention, patients with eating too many cherries if the patient appears hyperkalemia. When serum potassium> 6.5 mmol / l, can lead to the patient's heart stopped beating for a few seconds to a few minutes. Therefore, hyperkalemia can be said of chronic kidney disease "invisible killer."

If you are a chronic kidney disease, please pay attention and control your diet, of course, more important is the timely treatment because of chronic kidney disease threatening our health. I am a physician assistant, if you have a problem with nephrotic aspects want advice, I am willing to help you, you can give me a message and I will get back to you within 24 hours.